How can I make myself "big" enough on Twitch to earn, say, $200 a month?
Without being female, without selling out, without acting like a faggot.
How can I make myself "big" enough on Twitch to earn, say, $200 a month?
>Without being female, without selling out, without acting like a faggot.
You can't with that attitude future tranny boy.
>how do I make money on twitch without doing anything that twitch viewers want to see
HRT and breast implants
selling out
acting like a faggot
Being in the top 5% of a game skillwise, and having a personality.
From there you can branch out to being bad at video games. Thats how Destiny did it.
Will acting like a decent human being just not get me anywhere on the platform then?
>how do I get money from retards without having any of the qualities required to get money from retards
Being a decent person will never get you anywhere in life. Period. If you want to move up, you have to cheat.
Decent personality itself won’t but good skills and a decent personality will
>I want to make money but not sell out
Are you retarded?
Honest answer: get really, really, really lucky mate
Have interesting and-or funny things to say and be able to keep it going for a decent time.
I keep streams on the background while doing other stuff on computer 90% of the time.
You need a personality people want to watch or be extremely good at games. If you’re making money on twitch then your job is to entertain, not “play video games”
I never go on Twitch because streams are for faggots
However the way I'd do it would be to invest in some good material first to give your stream a premium feeling
Next be experienced in the streaming software so that you can really shape that shit up as you go and do cool effects
Then you'd have to build some sort of community, from there on out it'd be luck, but I'd try to play either niche games or really popular ones, maybe do some viral marketing somewhere, try to recruit some of those reddit faggots who will follow anyone
be a COMPACT streamer
I actually started to get popular enough on livestream and youtube to start making money, but I was too much of a pussy to make it my career so it never took off, and eventually faded. You have to actually commit to the idea, or else the demand needed for constant income will ruin your will to create.
Become the new boogie.
I stumbled into a Dr.Disrespect stream the other day and what the fuck. Popups literally every other second, he was just rushing through the game like a ADD riddled kid on speed making stupid mistakes because he couldn't stay still for two seconds, he did make some all right jokes but nothing really better than other streamers. How the hell does he manage 50k viewers? I watch streams with 500 viewers with much more effort to be entertaining and much better content.
>being original
>being a great entertainer
>doing something unique
Either be really good at the game you're playing or be funny.
Be either really good at some video game or be really charismatic
Be either really lucky or be friends with some bigger streamer to get yourself off the ground
Don't spend a fortune on equipment because it will make you look like a tryhard. But do get a mic that filters out the sound of your breath
Be ready to spend maybe two years working 60 hours a week for below minimum wage to MAYBE start earning minimum wage
It should be noted that there are people who've streamed for 4-5 years and can't break 500 viewers. Some of them are even friends of big streamers and get free publicity that way, but even then can't make it as a streamer. So why then should you joining this modern goldrush stand any chance?
If you want to stream do it because you enjoy it, not because you're trying to make a career out of it.
Just be yourself, op
Because he's big with an established fanbase. It also helps that he's incredibly marketable for Twitch and other sponsors, hence he gets shilled a lot. The little I've watched of him it's obvious he's starting to burn out and now treats it like a 9-5 job instead of something he used to enjoy.
do a carnival stream
>Will being a boring faggot just not get me anywhere
You're not interesting enough bro, sorry
user you have to understand that we live in a society
Personality will get you fans, but being a decent human being will actually keep them
here op
Audio. Audio is so much more important than visuals, it's not even funny. This is where most people fuck up. Get a somewhat good mic if you're serious.
You can go 3 different paths.
>Le wacky funny guy
>guy who is good at game
>guy who is very interactive with the chatters. There is a 4th, forbidden technique, which is basically ice_poseiden and bathrobe_dwayne. That's when you bait chatters to send racist shit and "accidentally" play it on stream, etc etc, just be a huge autismo
Just be aware that you are streaming for other people as entertainment, not so they can watch you play videogames. Nobody gives a fuck if you play a certain videogame unless you are the best at it, can make it really funny with commentary, or are interacting with chat in such a way where it makes them much more involved. A good stream that is up and coming is some guy named "Ludwig Anders" or something like that, where he interacts with the chat a lot, just as an example.
Honestly, building up a reputation on youtube then moving to twitch is a much more possible route than just getting famous on twitch alone. Things to keep in mind.
>decent human being
you have to find a niche and slowly expand on it
Become a decent comedian, then cone back to steaming and then steamroll the competition
alternatively, just write out funny jokes and material and intersperse them throughout your commentary, that could help