Proof this was nothing more than a cash in, they didn’t even bother updating the dialogue

Proof this was nothing more than a cash in, they didn’t even bother updating the dialogue

Attached: 79581175-672D-4B5F-895C-B6BFD275CDE7.jpg (1242x705, 594K)

But if they changed the dialogue, people would then call it unfaithful.

>$60 for this

>no change
cash grab ugh they didnt even try
no soul wow whyd they change it

>MediEvil remake on ps4
>crash remake of all 3 games
>Spyro remake of all 3 games
>Links Awakening remake

why is nintendo the biggest jew company and how do they keep getting away with it?

It already isn't faithful, they made the game even easier in a lot of places.

Tell me what it says. I cant open Yea Forums images due to my phone internet provider blocking them

If they changed it Yea Forums would call it censorship

Updating it to what? Link's Awakening is the only game in the series where the compass works like that, it's still "new" in the sense that it's a remake of said game.

whats there to update

Updating the dialogue for what? It's still a new feature, because compasses in every other game don't do that.

It's still new in the sense that you're playing the LTTP Link, so it's new to him, dipshit.

This thread if they had updated the original:
>Wow these assholes didn't even stay true to the original!

Quit looking for things to be angry about. The game is just fine.

They produce their own hardware and software, there’s *no other way* to play this game so they have the opportunity to kike their customers

>cuck game
>one hour long
>unstable framerate
>bing bing wahoo soundtrack
I can’t believe you people eat trash like this.

based ISP dabbing on phoneposters

Zelda will always sell at any price

They need the new generation to know old franchises like Medievil before making high prices games

They completely block access to some boards like Yea Forums. Can't even read text from there.

>still visiting neo-Yea Forums

Attached: 1391600696383.gif (500x500, 1.71M)

I don't. I was just saying they black access to certain boards. They block /fit/ as well for some reason.

I thought Yea Forums was neo-Yea Forums

Yea Forums is Yea Forums 2.0

What's wrong with this? Is there no tone indicating when a key is nearby, despite the original text saying there is one?

LULW what carrier?

He's saying it's not a "new" feature anymore, despite the fact that this is the only game with that feature.
Oh no wait I think the Oracle games do it too.