"I am the most Soulless and corporate focus tested video game ever made"

>"I am the most Soulless and corporate focus tested video game ever made"
Prove this statement wrong Yea Forums
You can't

Attached: ps4-game-god-of-war-for-playstation-4-english.jpg (1000x1000, 95K)

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Sony first party exclusives feel as soulless and plain as Marvel movies

Rent free

muh ape escape

There are plenty of games more soulless and corporate focused than it, like most of EA's output for example. This just feels like a game where a main writer/director/whatever had a kid for the first time and had an urge to make a story about being a dad, happens in other mediums a lot too.

Seething Nintendiaperbaby/Xbrainlet

That's not Uncharted.

Also, "soulless" is a completely meaningless term.

This theorry makes a lot of sense. youtu.be/ra_R-K_IoUc

Horizon Zero Dawn felt much more demographic-designed. God of War was like, a lot of genuine effort put into terrible ideas.

Nah it was great
Being SP and story focused in this day and era is enough to call it soul. Everything MP/BR is already soulless by default, and remakes are also bound to this, with a few exceptions

Did the game even explain how Kratos met his wife and all?
Most reboots usually restart the character's background, so he doesn't have to be the same character in previous games.

>CoD exists

It can still be picked up since the story is not over and the girl actually knew everything that would happen

CoD is honest soulless.
GoW and TLOU are the kind that exist because the shame of liking video games isn't gone, even when they're popular.
People don't want to feel alienate by whatever standards video games may have for art, so it must follow movie startands but worse and lower ones.
There's Michael Bay flicks, then there's Michael Bay flicks hiding behind the word "art" for the sake of approval.

Why are games so boring this gen? I own every console and havent really liked anything I played really.

>What is EA

>Game about parenting and having to care for your son
>He's mostly invencible and not that much of a focus in gameplay
Resident Evil 4 was ahead of The Last of Us, God of War 2018 and Bioshock Infinite before those were even just ideas on paper.

i've seen worse

I would still argue that something like GoW4 is still on a higher tier of game than TLOU because TLOU was basically just "move along a corridor, watch a cutscene, spawn in another corridor". GoW4, while being an open world in the age of overdone open worlds, at least had stuff like exploration and optional content and didn't rely on its Oscar-bait story to keep the gameplay moving.

Because everyone hated Ashley in RE4 so game devs decided that what they needed to do was remove the escort mission feel but keep the "caring for a stupid twat" storyline when in actually Ashley's voice and character was a far bigger problem than having to defend her constantly.

Play less AAA crap and more good games.

>Prove this statement wrong Yea Forums
The game has actual difficulty on normal. That's anti-normie and shows signs of not being focus tested enough.

bioshock infinite.

Horizon Zero Dawn is worse but GoW is close

Still butthurt over god of war eh
It's been a year user let it go

Video games can't talk retard

You're wrong

Wheres my medal

I'll try literally any game. Tell me what to play

>waaah the evil essjaydubya Ken made me kill the white supremacist killing the black people! I'm oppressed!

>make numbers big lol

You are correct, I have yet to see any developer making game where you have to escort AI companion and making gameplay fun on top of not removing said companion from the game. By that I mean they shouldn't be unkillable and should be bound to the game on the same rules as the player. Man can only dream about the game like that.

He didn't kill black people, he killed Indians. And I think he's referring to the fact that the game went through what Ken Levine described as four whole games developmentwise before settling on a mediocre product

>peope hate bioshick infinite because of sjw
everyone started hating this game, retard
it's the perfect example of something being overhyped and praised until everyone collectivally started shitting on it and forgetting it

That can't be it when Ubisoft exists.

Parenting had nothing to do with protecting him in GoW. It was about teaching him to survive and to not become a twat when the time came for him to realize he was a god
Ashley was a pain in the ass and literally belonged in a dumpster whenever there was one available

That's not BoTW

The RPG shit in this game also doesn't make fucking sense and there's animations that can last for two long, you can get yourself in shitty situations from it

>From Software's entire output
>Falcom's entire output
>all the slightly wonky AA games this year like Remnant, Sinking City, A Plague Tale, Greedfall

I literally can't prove you wrong
>Superfluous RPG elements
>Tacked on Open-World elements
>Downgraded and simplified combat mechanics
>Story > Gameplay instead of constructing the story around the gameplay


"I don't like this so its soulless and corporate" -user desperate for attention.

the one camera focus gimmick also exists to disguise loading screens
sounds good on paper until you port this game to a more advanced platform like ps5 and that gets ruined because the devs forgot they were making a game

>still seething over gow

Attached: 72776765_p1.png (1000x1180, 321K)

Cope posts

Attached: game of the year 2018.jpg (693x877, 219K)

I would say nuraider 2/3 but the ryona/guro aspect still doesn't really click with everything else

nintendogaf will never stop seeting over ps4 exclusives..just wait till death stranding and TLOU2 come out..Yea Forums is gunna implode

>Fromsoft games

>stop criticizing product, the corporation will kidnap you and replace you with an ai behind the screen

Honestly, as someone who has zero interest in Uncharted, TLOU, etc, I thoroughly enjoyed God Of War. Maybe it's because of a deep investment in GoW 1-3 and Kratos in general, but it really felt like the only genuinely decent sony exclusive apart from BB and Spodermin

>he isn't already an AI
meatbags lmao

yeah I'm thinking kill yourself snoydrone

>atreus becomes a dick when he discovers he was a god, which caused him sickness when he didn't knew about it, which somehow probably didn't apply to kratos or anyone else before

i don't own ps4 so i cannot tell you op

what are some games you like

>God of War was like, a lot of genuine effort put into terrible ideas

I really have to agree. I've played every game of this series and it's been amazing but this one was a massive undertaking to do things that were not only stupid but run contrary to the series' core.

>long and complete game
>no dlc
>no season pass
>bad thing

spiderman was good, yes

Good games.

>as someone who has zero interest in Uncharted, TLOU, etc,
There's your problem. I felt the same way about Horizon Zero Dawn. It felt absolutely amazing to me and frankly the combat still does. But if you look at more of these blockbuster games you realize how samey they are. It's always the same shitty collectables, the same shitty run around picking up crafting materials, the same repetitive fetch or kill or go to place and interact with thing quests.
The first feels revolutionary, the second feels decent, every one past that feels like copy-pasted guff.

No, It was not.

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>yeah I'm thinking kill yourself snoydrone

It's a decent game
As in decent
As in acceptable, I didnt find it to be bad
Like I don't even own a playstation anymore you drooling mongoloid

>61 seconds
Notice how it's only one guy on a crusade here?

You can criticize a product all you want but criticizing because you're mad because of it's success is one of the most pathetic things you can do

The Paid Gearbox Shill Checklist:
>BL3 has x amount of pre orders
>Game of the year
>angry Steam user (steamie, steamdrone, etc)
>So what if Randy is a pedo
>So what if hired thugs knocked your door
>go back to /pol/
>I can't wait to play Borderlands
>I just want a looter shooter
>the humor is supposed to be bad
>"stop liking what I don't like"
>no you
>Reddit spacing
>posts pictures of new characters
If you think you're arguing with a paid Gearbox shill, simply resort to this checklist, call him a shill, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

people will always criticize something for what it is and not just popularity or age
pointing out people doing terrible criticism isn't the same as giving actual criticism

It's not decent
It's trash
capeshit trash
barely a game more like a movie

based op and fpbp

It was my most anticipated game of 2018. All that faggot Cory was talking about is how they researched Norse mythology for years, developed this engrossing father son story etc.

Game releases and you're in an ugly, bland world filled with collectibles and glowing chests. The father son relationship has 0 impact on gameplay and you can only see it in cutscenes, or in dialogue. No consequences for ANY actions.

It was an 8.5/10 when it released. Now it's barely a 7/10 for me. Game will age like trash and NOBODY will talk about it come next gen. Not a single mention. Ever.

Attached: 1562249303186.png (1920x1080, 3.85M)

It a great gen pleb, just dont play by the books garbage
Just this year: RE2, DMC5, Sekino, MM2 were all excellent

>Prove this statement wrong Yea Forums

Attached: 220px-The_Legend_of_Zelda_Breath_of_the_Wild.jpg (220x356, 30K)

Pretty true, and I say this as a PS4 owner. I can't fucking imagine paying $60 for most of their overhyped uninspired but somehow still ridiculously lauded exclusives.

Literally the second best game of the generation after Bloodborne.

Would've been more soul if it was father + daughter

That's why I bought the PS4 late. But even at the sub $20 price point, I feel ripped off. Not a single game lived up to the hype. Playstation "gamers" really have abysmal taste.

Hating popular things doesn't make you cool or interesting. In fact it's probably the reason you've never had sex, women hate joyless edgelords

I mean, if you got such pleb taste and low standard I guess

What should I play?

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As ps4 owners you guys should be able to take a photo of your ps4 and god of war

Yeah, RE2 was a 5/10, maybe a 6 if I was being generous. The rest is lower than that. Great year only if you're an incel and love button mashy games that are stuck in the PS2 era

Can't have a heart-warming father daughter story because
1) People would slobber all over it because of incest fetish
2) SJWs would screech about it because the evil male is raising the poor innocent girl to be a victim of the patriarchy
3) Kratos physically cannot hold back from fucking any vagina he sees so the poor girl would spend the whole story walking cross-legged

You guys know the deal we need a photo with timestamp

As a tranny you should be able to take a photo of your dismembered penis

Oh, and
4) The Last of Us did it already

Hate is a strong word. I don't hate Sony exclusives, I just find them to be boring, linear, and the vidya version of Oscar bait that """journalists""" can't stop fellating. But I'm sure I'm just a turbovirgin for not mindlessly jacking off to popular games and whatever Netflix shit everybody loves, right user?
Love to help you out user but I don't own God of War. As I said, sony exclusives don't light my world on fire. I'm sure I'll get around to it at some point.

>4) The Last of Us did it already
then which game has done a mother son story?

I would if it was a truly controversial opinion. You're the contrarian here. Prove to me that PS4 exclusives aren't garbage. Also post a pic with a PC and Switch so we know you're not a poor PS nigger.

As if I would waste this time on (You).

ITT: butthurt haters still trying to cope with how God of War is game of the year

When was the last time you played it?

It doesn't matter if it's on PS2 or PS4, God of War has never had a decent combat system. It unironically is in the same class as those Lego action games. The developer might as well just turn the franchise into a VN because they do not understand how to make compelling combat but are good at creating set pieces and cohesive scenarios; well they were good on the latter until they added open area environments in the PS4 game.
Ashley is far better than any escort / side kick in a videogame from this generation. Both mechanic-wise and scenario-wise.

She is easy to guard since she stays behind Leon and will stay put if needed.
She ducks when you start unloading bullets.
She helps you climb up over person-high walls.
She does neat things on rare occasions like fist bumping when you shoot oncoming projectiles down or finding out she can suplex monks

She is integrally connected to highly memorable fight sequences such as the cabin shootout, an el gigante encounter, regenerator pit, and water hall
She drives the truck
She has to be escorted in darkness of a village to the extraction point
She gets kidnapped allowing Leon to search entire areas for the room she is stuck in
She gets her own playable classic survival horror sequence

The biggest problem with modern Sony is the lack of balance and emphasis on numbers.
Sony has the potentail to brag about ther diversity of games but only a few games feel different from the consumer heavy focused titles which get less promotion while hits are forced to be advertised more, even when they already did enough money and critical acclaim.
There's no equality of outcame thought out by anyone in Sony, when it comes to this.
Nobody asks "what about the underdog/little guy", they just get shoved in a corner, while the big think is not big enough.
Even Activison execs were like this when BO4 did like 4 million sales because it didn't just do "Marvel numbers".

Attached: 1568049832708.png (1600x1152, 1.81M)

list a few

Mother 3 I guess but that game was all about how sad it was that the mother died.
Metroid Other M, too, but that was the game so bad it retroactively ruined an entire franchise.
And the internet would have collectively flipped its shit if GoW had been about gender-swapped Kratos taking care of B O Y.
So I guess there is space for a heart-warming Mother/Son story.

user you shouldn't project yourself onto others it's not healthy
>I would if it was a truly controversial opinion.
So basically you don't actually have a ps4
>You're the contrarian here.
How so i never gave my opinion on any game or console do you even know the meaning of contrarian
>Prove to me that PS4 exclusives aren't garbage.
Never said they weren't garbage delusional user
>Also post a pic with a PC and Switch so we know you're not a poor PS nigger.
I asked you first but i know you can't fulfill that request
You're already wasting your time on me so i guess i win

What a surprise, the shitposter is leading a crusade against a game he hasn't even played

This but unironically. I own a PS4 and really play it a lot, but holy shit is 90% of their exclusives nu-fun narrative "games" that hold your hand the entire way and punish you for going off the beaten path - if they even let you.

This picture would have been perfectly snappy and convincing without the "gigachad versus soi wojack" part. That just undermines it entirely.

Last year? Will probably replay it to make my final assessment this year. It's still a good game (7/10 is pretty damn good if you're not taking the IGN scale), but it's just depressing a game like that wins awards. It did nothing new and even underwhelmed after all that talk. I even listened to all those podcasts and developer interviews and shit. Nowhere did they say it was a looter slasher. Not a single mention of those ugly fucking challenge realms, or that the game will barely have 10 NPCs. It's almost a fucking scam.

But the biggest problem is the people who put the game on a pedestal. They shouldn't be allowed on Yea Forums. You need to have atrociously bad taste to consider that a masterpiece.

Easily outclasses by any remaster ever.
Now that's a souless cashgrab.
>B-but if we buy it maybe they will make an actual sequel
Yeah sure buddy

Read the post I responded to, then get back to me with an apology.
Also, you don't know what a shitpost is.

>They shouldn't be allowed on Yea Forums.
Who should be allowed on Yea Forums?

Agree, however GR2 was terrible. I'm actually glad the franchise was dead after that trainwreck. Hopefully, that atrocity gets removed from the canon in the inevitable reboot a decade from now.

Imagine Planescape setting with gameplay style of GoW 2018

Attached: b02cc29db2d14506a0caf912c54df285.jpg (1920x1080, 311K)

GOTY 2018: GoW
GOTY 2019: Death Stranding
GOTY 2020: FF7R/TLoU part 2

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GOW had some incredibly satisfying and challenging enemy encounters..the entire boat fight was kino and the valkyrie queen was fantastic battle as well..i can guarantee if it was nintendo exclusive, the manchildren on Yea Forums would love it

Seething vitafag detected

You shouldn't be allowed on Yea Forums for being a safespace wanting faggot



Damn, even Sonyfag memes are souless copies.

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I am seething that GR2 was hot trash that ruined the series, both for me and for everyone since it failed financially.

But I'm fine with that. It's you who will NEVER EVER get a new Kat game.

>I am seething
yes you are
go take a 5 minute break from Yea Forums and relax a little, it'll do you some good

>Everyone complains about competitive multiplayer shooters and single player dying off

>great single player games come out on ps3

>no one complains

>great single player games are now on ps4 which is much more popular

>"durr durr I hate movie game"

Not seething in a literal sense. Just disappointed in one of the worst sequels I've ever played (next to Persona 5 and Mirror's Edge Catalyst).

But I'm also happy that there are people who liked it and have to live with the realization that the game was so terrible its series literally got canceled. So, no I don't have to take a break, I'm enjoying myself.

Attached: Fuckmehideo.jpg (175x249, 4K)

>great single player games are now on ps4 which is much more popular
Bloodborne was good, if derivative. I wouldn't say there is a single "good" PS4 exclusive. They're all so amateurishly designed. I can see why normies like them though, they're only slightly more interactive than television.

*meant to say "great" instead of "good". Although now that I think about it, there are so few good PS4 exclusives they don't change the picture much.
