What are you're hopes and fears for Breath of the Wild 2, Yea Forums?
What are you're hopes and fears for Breath of the Wild 2, Yea Forums?
It comes to PC.
fag lol
reposted thread
That characters from the first BotW make an appearance and show characterization is marching on.
No acknowledgement of BotW past events
It got the both of you to bumb the thread at a least.
i hope a 6 foot muscular and fat tittied gerudo bitch sits on my fucking mouth
two player co-op throughout the entire game, i want to race someone down a mountain on my shield
needs futa cock
this all the way
>hopes it gets canceled and they actually make a good zelda
>fears they waste 5 years on another shitty zelda game
It hope it comes out soon. When the last one hit the Nintendo kiddies all ran off to their containment threads and it was nice for a time
why are there so many gamers on this fucking board
wish she had hairy armpits desu
The true problem of this fetish
because we need to RISE UP
you gotta stick to girls for M for this shit otherwise its very hit or miss.
this. The Gerudo should be featured very heavily given Ganondorf is returning and the "new" Champions should have a pretty prominent role. I also expect a fair few cutscenes
BotW2 needs a thicc Zelda.
Why do thicc artists always love NTR so much
Why the correlation
Thicc is for breeding
Breeding is for real men
They want to draw thick women fucked by thick men but can't self-insert as a built man because they are skinnyfat artists
Because nothing in life is allowed to be perfect, there must always be something to sour it.
Fuck off, chubby chaser!
They are mentally ill sub humans and love sub human levels of thick, just like blacks.
why not post coomer, at least that's funny
>ban evading
so the people who spam this shit really are subhuman third worlders, huh. figures
Don't waste cutscenes for shit that already happened (memories, DLC). I want to believe they won't pull that off again, but the editing on BotW's trailers made it seem like everything happened after you woke up.
i cant even express how angry this makes me
Human/Gerudo Ganondorf that talks
Themed dungeons (forest, water, fire, etc)
Altered movement and combat mechanics
More divine beasts
Paya should definitely make an appearance in the sequel. I'll be very disappointed if Paya does not make an appearance. Very, very disappointed.
Extremely good taste.