>Recommended requirements: 16GB RAM
Recommended requirements: 16GB RAM
Other urls found in this thread:
>not having 16gb of ram
>He fell for the 8GB of ram is enough meme
If every shit game relies on 16gb then 16gb won't be enough and you'll have to have 32gb
I have 16gb and no game should eve use more than 6gb of it
>PC meets game requirements
>Game still runs like ass
if the game need 16gb on its fucking own you might as well be running 32gb
can we just cut to the chase and discuss how to wipe attack dogs of the face of the earth
As long as you don't do too much shit on the side, you really won't see a difference in FPS if you go for 8 gigs. The VRAM of your graphics card will handle all of the heavy load anyway
RAM is really more important for work or buisness stuff, in gaming you only have to make sure it's dual channel and more than 4.
my gaymen laptop only came with 8gb. at least its 2x4 so i get benefits of dual channel.
the only trouble ive had is that new Modern Warfare beta. i was getting stuttering and im pretty sure it was RAM related.
The 16GB takes system usage into account, obviously.
Post more dogs.
>game looks good and runs on low end pc
>game looks good and barely runs on high end pc
this is my dog :3
>16gb ram
literally the same setup, what kind of monitor do you use it with user?
all pit bulls deserve death
Nigbull thread
1440p 144hz gayman monitor
Are they playing or fighting?
I would say 16GB is the standard for midrange to high end systems, so a demanding game could run more comfortably with that
>attack dogs
what? every dog is an "attack dog" fucking retard
>Yet another pitbull thread
Because one today wasn't enough
except some of them can't dismember you
>having less than 16gb RAM
Oh so you're an expert on video game programming? Uh huh how about you shut the hell up now kid?
Yes, and...?
>This nazi dogwhistle again
8gb of ram is just fine still, not like anyone actually plays 2019 titles, right?
ram is the answer to everything
video cards are just for mining bitcoins and if you're not doing it then someone else is. (using YOUR videocard to mine bitcoins, that is).
I get stuttering too lad and I have 16gb.
when I had 8gb I did get stuttering on all sorts of games like modded ETS2, watch dogs 2 and far cry 5. Recently installed SSD and went to 16gb, I haven't had stuttering since, but COD's issues are with the game itself and not your RAM
16gb might have been impressive back in ddr3 days...
dog died
Based psychopath
More like a public service
pretty damn based desu
There’s nothing wrong with owning a pit bull. I have two and they wouldn’t hurt a fly.
kill yourself
>not having 32gb of ram
That's because flies aren't children, user.
More people die of lightning strikes than attacks by a dog.
If you had less than 16gbs of ram past 2009 then you didn't plan on playing video games anyway. Sorry your mom bought you a Dell laptop from 2002.
Cant shoot lightning.
I can shoot a pitbull to stop it in the act.
Gurantee this bitch would blame the other pets owner for leaving theirnanimal out unsupervised despite the fact it was doing nothing wrong.
>posting shitbulls
Why? Post actual based dogs. Such as the Border Collie.
You can't control the weather but you can choose to not buy a dog that has a the highest chance of mauling you.
This is a video game thread faggot. Most posts are discussing ram
Based bear cub beating the shit out of that mutt. How can dogs compete?
Cat lived, dogs got put down, owner got sued.
I thought border collies were black and white? These coats are really pretty though
I know one insanely smart Border Collie. It's almost creepy. You look at it and it looks at you completely differently than other dogs, even other BCs. You can see the intelligence in it's eyes, you can see it thinking about things...
This is just for deaths
It's not including incidents where pitbulls hurt humans or other animals
What fucking game requires 16gb? I have 16gb and I consider it a meme I got tricked into buying because most shit needs 8 at most.
You can see she was having hell with them the whole time before she even got to the house
Good riddance
>8 GB is enough!
>DDR4 is a meme!
Man, I'm so glad I never fucking listen to Yea Forums.
32 is the new 16, 24 should be the minimum these days. Get with the times.
still doesn't change the fact that catniggers shouldn't leave their cats outside
stop shitting in my garden and digging up my plants
That was me the entire time. I was just blaming the cat.
So I just got a puppy and want to eventually take it to a dog park to socialize it, but this kind of shit makes me afraid to do it. Im afraid some bitch will bring her nigger dogs out and they will jump on mine
Based the one on the left reminds me of mine.
>Recommended requirements: 100 GB of HD space
Most based person alive
>first attempt to solve this situation is kicking one of the dogs
And you wonder why those dogs act that way.
Some people shouldn't have pets.
>cpu fan blocks one of the memory slots
>"accidentally" ran over a pitbull a few years ago
>didnt stop
>read the local news the next day
>reporter said the neighbors saw a red sports car flee the scene
>mfw I was driving a white pickup truck
Imagine blaming the animal that was attacked completely unprovoked. Instead of the actual animals that flipped the fuck out. Kill yourselves.
What was she supposed to do? Encourage them? Pat them on the back while they mauled someone's cat to death?
>Minimum requirements: 100 GB of HD space
How do consoles deal with this shit? Discs can't even hold that much.
There is no way to solve that situation but if the first thing you think is "kicking them" it shows how you tick in general.
Would you get in trouble if you came out and shot the animals mauling your pet?
animals are retarded, they fight for no reason other than they can this is not news, its your responsibility as the owner to keep your pet out of trouble
any other dog wouldve also chased the cat difference is the shitbull wont let it go
Disks don't hold the games data most of the time. The "patch" that launches with the game is the actual game.
In the US no.
I'm not blaming the animal for anything. Catniggers and pitniggers both need to be gassed.
Do you own shitbulls? No. Many other breeds WOULDNT just attack it out of the blue. In fact alot of breeds might not even pay it any attention. But at least not try so fervently to fucking kill some other animal.
>Bixxy Noodles
What is it with memelord fags and being literal psychopaths masquerading as heroes?
>Cat lived
That's surprising if true. I've seen a dog grab a cat in its mouth and give it a good hard shake and the cat died almost instantly.
So if it was a dog your opinion would change? That is literal nigger logic. Cat or dog no animal needs to get attacked for simply laying around its home.
8GB is more than enough on XP, if you're on a resource hog like 7, 8 or 10 then even 16GB may not suffice sometimes.
Go to small parks, avoid certain races. Wolf like dogs can be territorial, always ask the owner before approaching.
Stereotypes are often true, not always, i have a maremma sheepdog and her best play buddy is a female pitbull. Yet, every other pitbull i met was "playing" by jumping straight to the neck.
good. cats kill people. i got a cat when i was 12 as a christmas present and it clawed me in the eye. cats need to all be euthanized
XP can't even make use of more than 3GB
again dude they average dog wouldve chased it, this is the norm dogs chase cats but pitbulls are faster so they catch them thats it
its on the cat owner for leaving his shit unattended and its on the lady for walking dogs shes obviously not strong enough to keep in check, i dont blame the dog because its a fucking dumb ass doing doing what it does i blame irresponsible people that treat animals like they arent dumb and impulsive as shit
XP support up to 128GB of RAM.
Everyone has forgotten how to fucking optimize their games so that it doesn't hog up too many resources. Fuck the current gen of gaming.
Looked like a pretty large cat. Plus the dogs might not have gotten a good grip on it since both, in their mindless bloodless, seemed to be getting in each others way
>what is PAE
factually wrong, 32 bit OS can't handle more than 3Gb
What? Are you an ESL?
My point is that catniggers need to stop leaving their cats outside. I'm not sticking up for pitniggers in the slightest.
No its fucking not you dumb nigger. Most people bring their dogs out in public like to parks and shit and the dogs dont go and try to kill every living thing in sight.
Jesus you shitbull owners are delusional as fuck.
>finally upgrade after years of playing on a potato with integrated graphics
>still play games with low settings
There's still the problem of storage.
Even if you have 1TB of space that's still a huge chunk for just 1 game. And iirc, consoles don't even have 1TB by default.
Additional, most of that bloat is audio files for languages you don't even speak. I pray for the day they make all that shit optional.
do you see cats in fucking dog parks often
Im mostly afraid of one getting out from their owners grasp like in the webm, or their dumb owner coming up to me.
Which games?
I can hear the baby snack screaming
>48gb of RAM on XP
for what purpose
Oh so your assumption is because its a cat? Stop watching cartoons. Again most dogs arent just going to mindlessly attack because they saw a cat.
Doesn't happen in dog parks, pittie owners avoid places with many animals because theit puppers are "Shy" and "Easily scared". Which roughly translates to "It's going to fucking snap". Generally speaking, most of the time dogs in dog parks are well behaved, and when they don't you'll notice and leave with no issues
Owners usually tell you if their dogs aren't friendly. The only ones who don't have small breeds whose bites couldn't do real harm
im not defending the breed of dogs, and i am not even speaking about anything other than the webm posted, people dont handle pitbulls like they should, its a strong fucking dog that snaps at shit and its always some manlet or a thot losing control of them or being retardedly trusting with a dog breed that has obviously violent tendencies
my entire point is that animals cant be blamed for being animals its always retarded owners being irresponsible
Yea Forumsirgins prefer talking about retarded things instead of video games but they're too lazy to take it to the boards appropriate for them.
>Meet recommended requirements
>Runs like ass on low
Fucking battletech
lol pussy
Little bitch can't even handle a kitten.
What do you class as an attack dog?
>he just got out somehow
>you shot my baby!
>probably weighs 120 pounds soaking wet with boots on
Don't call it a stereotype, call it pattern recognition.
nobody said anything about a 32bit OS
send videos like the ones in this thread to neutral forums/communities e.g: Reddit. Show them videos of pitbulls mauling children, there are hundreds of them.
Minimize your financial connections with people who have killer dogs e.g: If your barber has a pitbull, go to another barber
Vote for politicians who are against zoophiles
Catcucks BTFO!
>Disguising your psychopath tendencies as heroic
I ain't defending shitbulls, but I can recognize a motherfucker when I see him.
You should be encouraging people to neuter their dogs, reduces a lot of aggressive tendencies and reduces the risk of stray births.
70%ish of dog attacks across the board are from unneutered dogs.
BL3 >:)
but that would imply that pitbulls can be made to behave and aren’t just ticking time bombs
Got any numbers of how many dogs are unneutered in the first place? If it's something like 10% then 70% is pretty high, if it's something like 90% then it would actually cause more harm to kill the dog balls
>Neutering dogs makes them less prone to violent behavior and obviously makes them unable to reproduce
>This isn't applied to dangerous criminals for some reason
wasnt there a news article about chemical castration for pedos earlier this year?
pedos in many countries can perform volontary chimical castration.
Which translates to taking pills for the rest of your life making your sexual urges to be numbed.
Well statistically speaking most of them are virtually docile and less than 1/10th of a percent will hurt anyone.
>actually playing AAA modernshit
8GB is plenty if you stick to games that are actually good
the dogs died and the cat was the one that lived bro
For me, it's pitbullcastratesman.webm
>finally upgrade after years of playing on a potato with integrated graphics
>95% of the most recent games are shit so I just go back to what I used to play on my potato
That's XP Professional x64 Edition, and nobody used that because it was a buggy pile of shit. It wasn't until Windows 7 came around that a stable 64-bit Windows was available, and with that most people made the switch.
Holy shit, this. At least now I can multitask while playing old vidya without risking my poor CPU to explode.
but that would imply that the vast majority of them are safe, contrary to what Yea Forums keeps telling me
>pc meets requirements
>game doesnt specify how many fps your gonna get with reccomend specs
it blew my mind when i found out minimum specs just mean the game is playable and not enjoyable
Recommended spec takes the system usage in account.
If windows and all neccesary programs take up as much as 8.1gb, they'll recommend 16gb. I don't think 12gb or other in between configurations are that common hence 16.
If I see a dog mauling my pet, I'm gonna kick it.
Well shit, you did hear it on Yea Forums so it must be true.
>grew up playing games on an shitty laptop
>games ran like 30-45 fps
>was used to it, didnt bother me
>bought a mid range pc
>run games at like 120+ fps
>have an autistic fit when the game dips below 60
ive seen the light and i cant go back
Stable frametimes are arguably more important that average framerate
32bit version cannot but 64bit can up to 128GB
oh, ok, you had me going for a sec
>have 16gb of ram
>game crashes if using more than 2
What the actual fucking fuck.
just download a bit more ram bro
Fucking geek.
I used to play Halo PC at 15-20fps on 300-400 ping servers, and I loved it. Now I spend hours trying to figure out how to make it run at 60 fps.
>retards ITT that don't understand resource overhead because they are 16 years old faggots that don't know shit about computers or technology but pretend they do because their piece of shit worthless parents used an iPad to raise them.
I fucking hate Yea Forums
Go do dog parks that require paid membership. Problem solved.
Fucking BASED cub.
What is your obsession with posting these ugly nigger dogs every goddamn day?
it weeds out the brazilians.
>not having 32gb of ram off rip
>Minimum requirement: i7 6700K or equivalent
>4770 outperforms it
>tfw pitbulls and black cats get a bad rap because the owners of the former don't discipline the properly and the latter doesn't appear too well in selfies
>Have a computer that can play every AAA game on high/ultra
>Keep playing minimalistic shit like Hotline Miami and Hollow Knight
God dangit.
Pitbulls are statistically proven vicious animals my dude. They were bred to take down aggressive bulls, and then spent decades as junk yard dogs. Their entire existence has been formed around attacking.
Just download more ram?
>Not having a 3GB toaster
Niggers are statistically proven vicious criminals my dude. They were bred to be aggressive bulls, and then spent decades as ghetto people. Their entire existence has been formed around attacking.
Yes, that is also true. What's your point?
Bros I'm fucking retarded with hardware, how do I tell if RAM is compatiblfe with my PC
I don't go golfing in a thunderstorm
Yeah, and guess what happens when there's thunder and lightning outside?
>Dude it's totally fine to go outside and stand on a hill, what are you racist towards positive charge ions?
Don't try and use being poor as a justification for having shit computer hardware.
>not having a minimum of 32gb in 2016
Sounds like you're too weak-willed to assert your dominance over them and discipline them into not attacking people. You probably own something more docile like a retriever or a pug
>Sounds like you're too weak-willed to assert your dominance over them and discipline them into not attacking people.
You shouldn't have to assert anything over a pet so it doesn't viciously maul people.
Fellas I miss my Corgi
Sure if you plan to buy a pre-trained dog from the kennel or local animal shelter
No, literally any fucking dog, inbred. German Shepherds, dogs bred for war, have significantly fewer rates of attacks on humans than pitbulls.
What was it?
That retard literally immediately went for a nonsensical ad hom, why are you still entertaining it.
1. They have significantly fewer rates of attacking humans because because they weren't trained to attack people.
2. People train dogs like pitbulls and rottweilers specifically for guarding their property and attacking trespassers.
3. All dogs aren't born into this world domesticated by default, if a dog feels the need to attack for it's survival, it will
No game needs that much ram it's a meme
>Yea Forums beta raises dog like cats
>surprised it's shit
This place should never talk about pets
looks like it's hungry for another child/grandmother/neighbor's pet
They do if they aren't optimized properly.
Emulation might, if you own nvidia.
>gosh more people die of heart disease and strokes than anything else so why bother doing anything about anything but those two?
the fact that people like you can vote is why i dont believe in democracy. some people simply don't deserve to have a say in things.
>little old Granny Smith got her face chewed off by her shitbull that she raised from a pup because she trained it for dog fighting and beat the shit out of it every day
People here are literal dorks that get all their information about how to do shit from watching youtube videos, reading research statistics and asking random people on various websites like Yahoo Answers. And rarely do they ever put any of that information into actual practice
I don't doubt that this actually happens. If there are actual grandmas using the nice old lady angle to avoid suspicion of being drug dealers, then it's very much likely some old women do this too.
millenials have no idea what this is
optical drive
>young grug not know what rock is, only speak of bronze
Maybe late millenials. I was born in 89 and I know what a fucking VCR is, let alone a Disc Drive. Hell, I even know what a floppy disk is
That's like saying
>I'm afraid of driving because some idiot could could crash his car into me.
Don't be a pussy and walk your dog with a short leash. I'm assuming your dog is male, in that case just don't get near big dogs on the loose. Even then, I'd advise to socialize him with every possible dog. Yes, even dominant male dogs as long as their owners have them tightly leashed and they wear a muzzle. Don't let your dog become a beta bitch just because you are not socializing him properly.
>get only 8Gb for my budget vidya autism station because you idiots kept saying that was enough
>several newer games stutter like crazy because the RAM usage maxes out in a jiffy if any browser is being used or on the most demanding games even if next to every unnecessary process is closed
I knew I shouldn't have trusted you dipsticks.
post proof
>yfw born in '97 and still grew up with a VCR and knew what a floppy disk is
I hate nigger-tier dogs.
>security breach the pc.
>min 4gb
>you need to buy 8gb
>you need to buy 16gb
IT is called zoomers, you faggot anyone that get into video game development is not a computer scientist, they are barely a code
>50 GB sized game
fucking why? is it because of pirates? just compress that shit.
samefag trying to derail his own thread
kill yourself or fuck off back to your Discord
>Not having AT LEAST 1TB of RAM
That’s a man wearing a white shirt with a black tie looking up and to the right (his left). Prove me wrong.
>Are you sure you want to turn ____ Blur off it's actually really important!
>game immediately runs 20x better and looks objectively better
>game runs like shit for no reason
>its on low settings and im way above the maximum requirements
>He doesn't have 32GB
>CPU fan blocks m.2 slot AND one of the ram slots
Coolermaster is good shit but fuck their fans are 2 huge
> Not having 8 PetaBytes DDR15 3000 THz of memory
Just because you enjoy dog fights and post birth abortion doesn't mean everyone does, white trash-kun.
Pitbulls are like guns
if you are a good a person and know how to handle/raise them it's no problem
if you are a bad person and/or don't know what to do it's shit
>Oh so you're an expert on video game programming?
I am, and he's right. If the game requires 16gb, you need 32gb.
>tfw 4GB of RAM
>One minute apart
The simplest explanation is that people just like pitposting. How do you think the threads blow up to begin with if it were just one person?
>PC doesn't meet requirements
>Run the game anyway
>It runs surprisingly well
>How do you think the threads blow up to begin with if it were just one person?
its simple really
>neutral OP
>negative opinion with a mistake in it
>positive reply calling him out on his mistake
pretty easy to get the thread past bump limit by samefagging, like posting a pitbull, calling it a pit nigger in another post, then reply to your post acting like a pitfag
Think I'm gonna play some sweet games like Minecraft and League on this bad boy
So you’re saying you’d let children play with real, loaded guns?
I'm better than all of you
you know it's kind of ironic but I legit barely use my pc for any New games and mostly play modded minecraft.
I mean if they knew what they were doing, sure. Do you raise kids so fucked up you couldn't leave them alone with a stove?
>get RX 5700 XT with 16 GB 3600mhz ram
>STILL get shit fps with Wolfenstein New Order
Why is that game so unoptimized
this is my dog
no I wouldn't but I wouldn't let my small children alone with pits
that's what I'm saying
You never leave a child alone with a firearm you fucking retard. If you want to teach a young kid to shoot you're always there watching for mistakes.
Isn't that what many American white families let their kids do? 101.6 million people out of the 327.2 million population have some hunting experience
So what would you do with all your guns if you went to work? Dumbass, they're fine in the lockbox.
yes you fucking libcuck
yes. They'd have a lot more fun too
Now do it with black murder rates!
Why do we ironize about DESPITE if its bloody true??
I thought black cats were unpopular because of the superstition about crossing paths with a black cat, or whatever it is.
Isn't that what many America white families do to their kids? 163.6 million people out of the 327.2 million population are missing their foreskins.
you aight fat boy
This is why I've been so reluctant to make a new computer
>Build PC in 2012 with 16 gigs of ram, assume by the time I need to build my next PC the requirement will be up to 64 or 128 gigs
>7 years later, and 16 is still perfectly fine for most games
It's actually a tactic to keep console users from keeping the "competition" installed on their system
nigger I'm born in '96 and we had old pcs that used floppy disks at our school, shit was fucking cash
>team fortress 2
>payday 2
Works on my machine.
tf2's a little misleading because autoconfiguration in source is kind of (read very) shitty.
Also the requirements still are based around playing the game in 800x600 I think.
16 won't last past 2022
Even assuming they bump up the baseline from 1080p 30fps which is still industry standard, 16gb is still plenty for 4k gaming, and that's even with all the retarded bloat they have for dumbass visual effects.
i played 800x600 in 2007 and it was fine, anything else looked like shit
I'm not kidding, that's what the min specs were based on, that at 60fps.
It's actually surprisingly playable at that low res
If I installed a disc drive that plays blu rays does that make me a super boomer?
I thought I was the only one.
Thank you very much for reminding me of the fucking bullshit with the BDA and the fact that I can't watch my Yuyushki Bluray and DVD on my linux installation because the key got invalidated.
Recommended requires (For 30FPS)
>game recommends 16gb ram
>play it with 8gb 1300mhz ddr3 ram
>runs at 144hz
god this shit is annoying
That's embarrassingly low even for console standards.
I was honestly surprised Doom 4 ran at a fairly consistent 60fps on ultra with an old Phenom II.
no it isnt, its completely fine even today you graphicswhore
pitbulls are the niggers of the dogworld, and should be euthanized alongside them
Based neighbours covering your ass, probably wanted the shitbull dead
So there is a facebook group in my area dedicated to pitbulls. Most of these retards have their addresses on their Facebook. I am thinking about starting to go around and put anti freeze into the animals water bowls.
Modded minecraft is unironically really demanding
Mostly because Notch is a terrible developer
What are the whites of the dog world?
>Mods for minecraft having high requirements is notch's fault
Death to Pitbulls and pitmommies
Overkill: the pc. You're just flaunting your wealth.
my sister brought 2 baby pits at home and i dont know what to do
we already have 5 other dogs too
Golden retrievers, the ultimate middle-upper class white family dog
>bought two 4GB sticks
>all my games still run fine
side note, i don't play AAA faggot shit
what games do you play user?
i need some good low spec games
Siberian huskies with their blue eyes.
Fuck you that dog is adorable
>That one guy who ran into a vicious poodle who tells you poodles are worse than pits.