I fucking love Marina

I fucking love Marina.

Attached: Tired.png (1024x576, 576K)

Other urls found in this thread:

rule34.paheal.net/post/view/3282268#search=Marie Splatoon

I love Nonko.

Attached: nonko (72).jpg (182x173, 32K)


I love Pearl

Attached: 1530022057829.jpg (356x588, 44K)

best squidlet

Attached: 1567372456393.gif (1433x950, 1.82M)

Attached: 1565199151160.png (900x1163, 1.94M)

Imagine if that drool hit your peepee instead.


I love them both, as a couple. Or even just as friends. They have a good dynamic.

is there a joke here?

a good draw thread delivery

Based nonkoanon.

Is there any context for this image?

iirc, some guy asked in the drawthread a thicc marie doll dancing or something like that.

i can't believe they have official art of marina post-fellatio

Keep Rex locked, he's shit and ugly to look at. Keeping him locked prevents you from accidentally clicking on him.

this guy's art is overrated

me too

mah squigga

why are those plushies so fucking funny?

Pearl and Marina were made as actual reddit/tumblr bait. It's really interesting to see how many redditards and tumblards are here on Yea Forums, who accidentally identify themselves by saying they like Pearl or Marina


Attached: 1538629807223.png (587x595, 298K)

Attached: Love.jpg (1628x1654, 321K)

Would you a plushie?

I fucking love you:)

I need context


Imagine if you were the size of an ant and it landed right on top of you.

so, imagine if you were Pearl?

Yes exactly


Attached: 2065944_0.jpg (630x630, 50K)

i wonder what they'd taste like.

Attached: Andes-Mints.jpg (3280x1320, 1.47M)

salt and whatever ink tastes like Remember, they're still fish.

Attached: ea76a1f88a4c5d59cba5f785dfa0d3e5.jpg (521x521, 38K)

Attached: EEgoHnLWwAEG1QG.gif (510x294, 3.97M)

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Attached: splat marie 434432.jpg (1240x1754, 242K)

So mad that that slutty Marie model doesn't have a Callie counterpart

Attached: 738f8679-b8dc-4b24-bb20-d8288022e83b.png (568x643, 262K)

Shame no one has really done anything amazing with it yet.

Attached: 54353435345435435.jpg (1000x1000, 535K)

Attached: 456865161556156.jpg (1447x2047, 578K)

don't lewd the idols

That's their whole purpose though

Attached: EAQefheVAAAcK3I.jpg (1400x1635, 254K)

I want to kiss her forehead so badly.

They're adults it's kay

Pearls body is very delicate

Attached: marina.png (937x1282, 740K)

Attached: pearl.png (958x1188, 632K)

It's not fair for an entire race to be this fuckable

I love fucking Marina

Attached: 960281fca4cb8d4f6156513ca9d4710a8c043744.jpg (428x443, 62K)

Attached: 1563902325666.png (514x534, 454K)

Me in the middle.


if you could bring 3 stages from 1 and 2 to splatoon 3, while the rest are completely new, which would you bring back?

Attached: 1568853271656.jpg (2048x1944, 1.97M)

I just want Flounder heights back.

Attached: sad lil muffin.jpg (645x645, 184K)

anyone else thought the thumbnail was marina bending over and taking a shit and it splashing everywhere

Attached: containment.png (682x384, 312K)

>flounder heights
both a callieposter, and perfect taste in maps. are you me?

Attached: 1568929838728.png (1562x2746, 612K)


Attached: 1557851926257.png (782x1440, 1.02M)

what the hell i want to fuck all of them including the one on right

I'm just sad/mad that Moray gets the ok but flounder didn't
Are you fucking japs really that fixated on chargers

Attached: poor sad muffin.png (914x968, 682K)

>Thought it was Callie riding user's back
>It's actually a very, very tall Callie
Despair but also an erection

Attached: 1561914427955.png (323x712, 171K)

Well we have that too

Attached: piggyback.png (735x903, 162K)


>Just now learn this
God I wish that were me now.

Just imagine smooching her flops

Attached: monster flobbers.jpg (1418x2048, 242K)

Flops kissing is reserved for Marie

Attached: 1556571747935.png (342x463, 119K)

There's a fist time for everything.

Attached: want marie's flops.jpg (800x629, 72K)

Attached: flustered weyyo.png (625x1000, 108K)

jeez, that Ms Yea Forums tournament went down in flames. At least I got the comfy Splatoon thread.

Attached: 70893647-e9b6-4cb2-816d-2ac70ce58e82.png (600x676, 255K)

i feel you, i miss my heights. i hate moray, even if im a bamboozler main i dont like it

Attached: 1568503020620.jpg (900x750, 68K)

what happened? i havent been following the tourney

Attached: 1568515080896.png (1280x720, 647K)

Attached: BOOOOYAAAAAAh.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)


Attached: ANTIFA Snapper Canal 134.jpg (1280x720, 128K)

OP found there was actually evidence of rigging last night. This caused panic and finger pointing. OP asked early this morning if he should just cancel the tournament bu later changed his mind. Many people got really angry at other people and at OP. OP in the end couldn't take the heat he was getting since the beginning of the contest and decided to end it and leave. Shitposting galore afterwards and multiple people trying to end the tournament with little luck.

Attached: b90efc27-b92b-419b-b162-8f8aa3b68531.png (697x431, 62K)

damn, what a shit show

>Evidence of rigging
He should have pulled a Worst Fanboy and expose the people who did the rigging and nullify those specific results only.
Sonyfags still haven't gotten over the fact that they got exposed for cheating.

so it's like cap last year but worse

>like cap
Yes. At least that was near the end. Not the entire thing

Ok that's enough of that. Any ideas for Splatoon 3 or any personal headcanons

Attached: 9199aa5f-363c-4edd-a78d-78fce25e58a7.png (860x990, 404K)

Previous agents should be the new idols/newscasters

Attached: 4bracelet.jpg (651x729, 56K)

Attached: splatoon_2_pearl_as_octoling.png (1200x1200, 780K)

ive stated my idea about a million times, but it cant be stated enough. give us customizable rooms with band, idol, and brand memorabilia, and trophies for splatfests. something else for people to spend their money on.

Attached: e8f.jpg (1290x969, 207K)

Still hot as fuck.

Attached: b6ec22e1b8bed29b3bbb03d69cd251b4.jpg (967x2048, 140K)

Marina is such a good role model! Here is a picture of her playing the Nintendo Switchâ„¢ with an inkling boy.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-20 at 12.34.51 AM.png (913x598, 338K)

I fucking love Flow.

Attached: 1568585900753.jpg (700x1105, 148K)

So glad i requested this

heres something for the daughterposters if they havent seen this one yet, its relatively new

Attached: 76896827_p0.jpg (770x1043, 143K)

I love fucking flow

why do you people want to fuck fish

why am i wanting to fuck fish now

I blame Blue Sub 6

Gorgeous veemo
Hey joel

haha I bet you don't know where the source of that crop is from not like you could post it here or anything right


it's a crop of a rough sketch of a commission. finished version soon.


Attached: squeed.png (1500x2000, 1.62M)

Attached: excellent taste.jpg (304x323, 34K)

pretty clever they gave her only one leg because it IS canon that she has on foot

Whoever modeled this squid specializes in fabric and feet. It's the only parts of the picture that have obvious effort placed in them.



I fucking love octodaughter, who is best daughter.

That's good stuff.

Attached: 1563014894751.jpg (2481x3508, 1.04M)

What's the appeal of Pearl if she's always accompanied by someone so exponentially hotter than her that you can't help but feel sorry, if you even somehow notice she's there at all?

Attached: 700e34506ff0f01817f195c19921a70e.jpg (900x958, 94K)


Attached: marie_kicking.webm (1180x470, 1.83M)

more good stuff

Attached: 8d21f008-036f-41e3-83e6-a1e58d4ffa73.png (1134x976, 424K)

Attached: 1560301388948.png (560x500, 143K)

why is her butt eating her clothes?

only the best for you fren

Attached: 1552923803984.png (3000x3690, 3.35M)

Pearl has a lot of attitude, and is lolibait I guess, her overall design doesnt scream "sexy" in any form imo.

Attached: best_daughter_change_my_mind.png (977x879, 1.08M)

sauce me up baby

Marie from Splatoon.

Who's the artist?

I drew it.

She is cute and has attitude

Attached: 1564791435103.png (1015x769, 318K)

>Kissable forehead

Oh nice! How long did it take?

>Sonyfags still haven't gotten over the fact that they got exposed for cheating
this sounds funny, explain further

Attached: Malachi21148-548042-Marinacomm2.png (2500x2500, 1.63M)

The best stuff!

What a nice Callie.

Attached: 1562203961764.jpg (1401x1487, 199K)

to be fair, anything squid or octo related is nice

Attached: 76847837_p0.png (1000x1000, 457K)

You're not even wrong.

Attached: 1561951150657.png (1668x1668, 1.22M)

Man, I really need start posting more non-octo stuff. That's mostly what I have been saving.

Attached: c17ab45c-feb7-4ca0-9644-d1076c93bf4e.png (864x1224, 696K)

That makes two of us, but I just love her so much I can't help but keep everything. It's not that I don't save squid images, octos are just overpowering everything else.

Attached: 1560559469667.png (1200x790, 754K)

i mean it's the same with me but callie. i save other stuff as well, but i mainly save and post callie

Attached: BRB.jpg (858x1200, 783K)


Attached: 1cce32e7-14ef-48f7-b76b-a60ee84b55a6.png (1920x2031, 1.24M)

It's difficult to overcome you heart.

Attached: 1568542023801.jpg (881x1151, 610K)

shes dum

it really is. especially when i find a treasure trove of an artist with more callie art

Attached: 76570453_p10.jpg (650x650, 282K)

Getting the basic stuff down wasn't too long, like three hours. Then it was just touching up on it, adding shading and details until I seemed it complete.

how do you guys recognize each other so well because most of the time, you look like complete randos

how could i have forgotten. please look at this man

the style of posting, filenames, shit like that, once you pick up on it, it's a lot easier.

Attached: nogami dance full .webm (200x355, 2.95M)

It's a wonderful feeling.

I just reply to people, man.

Attached: 1560065209438.jpg (1024x947, 168K)

You notice certain traits like filename, how they talk. Things like that. I feel like I am the most recognizable because of the filenames given on photos

Attached: d14e66fa-c252-4dfb-8880-1d85a35ae95b.png (1020x1790, 650K)

It doesn't hurt that we have these threads at least once a week, sometimes more


murder is not hot.

that too. though there was like a month of nothing until like last week

yeah you definitely are the most recognizable for me, aside from the daughterposters. i dont think theres too much that makes me easily recognizable is there? aside from the obvious callieposting

Attached: 76570453_p20.jpg (1446x1250, 595K)

I don't know about anyone else but your filenames are always a dead giveaway for me.

Attached: 1559436641482.png (900x1200, 558K)

who drew this

>peanut in between marina's octits

It's like they know of the nuts

what the fuck

Attached: ode.jpg (246x235, 13K)

Can I request a drawing from you if it isn't too much ask?
I can't think of anything. I can only tell by consistency of posting and if you recall something that happened in a previous thread

Attached: 888674dc-6a7c-4b67-8ff6-243d1c4291c7.png (2624x2756, 370K)

I want to _hug Pearl

whats the best grizzco weapon and why is it the slosher?
i joined near the end of the thread last time and i cant remember shit. all i can think of myself is that i consistently post dancing nogami for obvious reasons took fucking ages to rip that from a private twitter account and talk about bamboozlers. one of the daughterposters called me crazy once iirc, but thats the best i got. ive been in like every one of these threads for months now
for 3 hours that looks great. looks great in general, in fact.

Attached: 1550728888095.jpg (920x1200, 546K)

Every time I see this I expect her to slide a knife in my kidney

she's just excited to cuddle. wish i could read what shes saying though

Attached: 1551096674935.png (1250x1250, 1.95M)

I am one of the octo daughter posters, and I do remember calling someone an oddball. Never associated the nogami dance posts with you. I thought that was a different person until now.

Attached: 6fa49ac9-88fb-45fc-85b9-96545d6470e8.png (1560x2048, 2M)

then name a better splatoon porn artist

Eh, I don't really like taking requests unless I'm already on the same wavelength. I hope you understand.

im not really surprised to be honest, i didnt expect anyone to remember me asking for help in like three different threads on if its even possible to rip a private twitter account's video. had to extract it in 3 second intervals through inspect element and mash it together. then like a week later they stopped being a private account

Attached: 1551104653073.jpg (978x685, 72K)

I love fucking Marina.

Attached: 69a975f61caea62cab4ac8ca9081706d.jpg (546x960, 50K)

Criminally sexy

Attached: __iida_splatoon_and_splatoon_2_drawn_by_satou_shouji__70fbfde5896b2a69e440f6fdd437abbd.jpg (1459x2000, 1.16M)

I understand
I remember giving a link to a website where you can convert videos to the webm format with various options

Attached: 1a1db0b1-ec6e-429e-bbe5-24d97a1c874d.png (815x676, 238K)

yeah that was when the quality was super low after first mashing it.

Attached: 1551070225986.jpg (986x1280, 123K)

Now that the game has been out for a good amount of time and all the specials are out and have been for a while, what are your thoughts on them?

i liked inkstrike more than the missiles, but with the bamboozler i can work with them. never really got into the hammer

Attached: 1551101161724.jpg (1196x1899, 305K)


Attached: Malachi21148-546631-pearl.png (1951x2135, 973K)

in fact, i liked almost all of the splatoon 1 specials more. except for the kraken, it was ripe for the taking for hackers

Attached: 1550549519746.png (1200x1150, 579K)

>doors are opening on their own and I hear footsteps around me despite living alone
What the absolute fuck is going on right now?

Attached: 2c973788-bda6-4e63-a3ba-0b144bf1e71e.png (1360x1000, 375K)

Yes you are.

She has arrived.
It has begun.

it's the local thread autist. he found where you are and came to personally say his special catchphrase

Attached: 1550651042865.jpg (968x1200, 598K)

the only hope now is to welcome your newfound squid friend

Stingray was a mistake
Armor needs an activation radius
Baller needs more knockback
Most specials in general need nerfs

Cute dum squid

Attached: I can count to muffin.jpg (595x842, 105K)

well technically seaslugs are hermaphroditic so she should have a penis

Oh, also, booyah bomb should get its special power up effect axed and replaced with increased range, coupled with reduction of its base range

They only have a penis when they need a penis.

OH NO! But in all seriousness, I am spooked right now.

Attached: 2f419947-e04d-489d-9e0d-42350b6205ae.png (1684x1326, 1004K)

Callie a shit tho

Yeah I'd call the cops maybe.

stay safe user

Attached: 73436692.webm (405x539, 2.91M)

Just go outside or check the weather. I got freaked the fuck our by similar phenomena until I saw there was a thunderstorm coming and wind with it.

Eigaka, their arts good but I'm pretty sure these are the only two Splatoon images like this that they made.

>one of the daughterposters called me crazy once iirc
That's because you're a crazy person for beating Inner Agent 3 with sticks, and I stand by it.

Attached: 1557156798695.png (1000x1414, 711K)

oh cmon user. why havent you tried it yet? it's fun giving yourself a handicap every once in a while when you git gud at the gyro controls. it wasnt THAT hard, i had more trouble beating the MGR bosses while taking no damage monsoon is a bitch for that achievement

Attached: 58236111_p17.jpg (1500x1500, 737K)



Attached: magnetic force.jpg (540x304, 46K)

And just like that, I'm on board.

I checked around for a bit. I didn't see anybody, but I heard voices, and when I checked where it was coming off. There was nobody there. Nada.

Attached: 77a2df3f-f891-44be-880e-3e2e99a9479e.png (549x900, 225K)

well thats not spooky at all. hope things stay ok user

Attached: 58236111_p5.jpg (1000x857, 393K)

Lock your outside doors. Probably not gonna happen, but if something/someone comes up, have something to defend yourself.

this, keep a bat by your side, just in case. or some other weapon to defend yourself

Already done. I am gonna post anything weird that happens if it does happen. For now, have this marie in bucket.

Attached: 122a4037-e725-4bc8-8a87-c094a46621b5.png (1560x2080, 2.17M)

Good firefly

Attached: lovehotaru.jpg (768x1024, 80K)

she should help keep you safe
out of nowhere but holy shit the new bbtag characters

Attached: 1550533814974.jpg (2048x1203, 589K)

Do you remember?

Attached: sqs concert dance.webm (640x360, 2.74M)

Sup niggers

Attached: dualiepearl.png (1274x1028, 1.51M)

hey faggot, hows it goin

Attached: 1550541622905.jpg (325x500, 27K)

Not too bad bitch, I finally caught a squid thread before it was 20 posts away from autosage.

Attached: metalpearl5.png (675x1000, 250K)

i feel you there, had that problem last thread

Attached: 1558312609718.jpg (1618x2212, 1.47M)

Attached: skin made in heaven face sculpted by god.webm (608x1080, 1.96M)

Who drew this? I love marina.

update: heard some tapping on the wall next to me.
Hello, dude.

Attached: d55993c7-bc3c-4ff5-8203-07d73251f75e.png (900x1170, 507K)

Holy Jesus
What is that

Attached: holy jesus.png (827x571, 876K)

it's a girl, incel.
Try to go out sometime

Attached: damn.gif (378x672, 3.12M)

No shit Sherlock
I was asking because that thing sure as hell ain't acting like Marie.

the fuck?

Attached: 1550522066513.jpg (1707x2048, 368K)

Yeah, keep yourself safe. Might be teen pranksters, but even then, don't hesitate to beat some ass. Your property, your life, you have utmost priority.

> that thing sure as hell ain't acting like Marie.
oh no!

Attached: up and down.webm (540x960, 449K)

Well I want her to have a penis!

Attached: 20190922_001022.jpg (1482x2635, 1.55M)

Unless these kids are wearing a clock of invisibility, it has to be a ghost because I have no other explanation at this point because it happened within my home.

Attached: d93fe02e-b0e6-47bb-bfd9-066a5b8ed765.png (1912x1890, 3.17M)

cloak*, fuck. A bit tired

maybe you should do a quick once over, then take a nap user. you might just be tired and hearing things

Attached: 1550641830600.png (190x176, 30K)

I sleep with a bat under my bed at all times. I really need to purchase a gun in all honesty. I prefer things being in my own hands.


Attached: oepearl2.png (1821x2522, 1.94M)

same, my bat is next to my nightstand all the time. i should probably buy a gun myself when i can as well

Attached: 1550630418553.jpg (2048x1685, 763K)

Quick re/k/ommendations for a budget.
Stay safe, anons.

Attached: home defense.jpg (3900x5008, 3.79M)

Doesn't explain some doors opening and closing on their down when there's nothing that should make them do it like the bathroom door. Especially when they're closed all the way

Attached: 56c9ef44-c277-4be2-ba43-7d2592f44e5d.png (1280x720, 470K)


thats definitely concerning

just off of this handguns wise, which is what i'd get, the EAA Witness Pavona and the FNS-9 look nice. im not well versed in the knowledge of guns though, so my choices might be shit just off initial impressions

Attached: 1550638714663.gif (1000x1000, 790K)

Is it physically painful for inklings to change their hairstyles?
Their hair is technically flesh, isn't it? Can they move it like their limbs?

They're shapeshifters so it's probably not as bad as you might think.

Attached: chaospearl3.png (500x750, 181K)

Most local gun shop owners are chill and can lend you lots of good advice. I don't personally abide by online deals just because shit can e sketchy and some people are dickheads who lie through their teeth. I don't think I have any issues with most of the handguns in that graphic except hi-point for its ugliness. I'm a poorfag myself, so all I have is a Springfield M1911 my grandfather willed to me (in a safe in the bank) and this Taurus model 66 (Taurus fucks up just about everything, but it's hard to fuck up a revolver - then again I bought this as a completely blithe nogunz, so I could have easily been scammed). Just call the cops for now and stay safe in a single room until they arrive.

They move and twitch on their own sometimes (ie: callie's flops when you ink her at the cabin) but there's a good chance it's only an automatic nervous system. it can move and do things, but you can't feel it.

Attached: protect the muffin.jpg (800x1131, 148K)

I don't think I've ever seen cosplay (for any inkling) that had pulled off the eye mask

thanks for the advice user, i appreciate it

Attached: 1550533317298.jpg (1862x1750, 356K)

Attached: 65078556_2840794962604480_178723079285703917_n.jpg (640x799, 57K)

Attached: weon uwu.png (800x989, 469K)

Any time

Attached: comfykotatsu.jpg (1110x799, 194K)

Ok, I just called the cops. I am going to sit here and talk with you guys

Attached: 6f309a99-17e7-425f-b4df-73a23a84d8b5.png (2048x1583, 3.04M)

Artist name?

looks like ill stay up a bit longer then to chill with you until things are for sure okay


Attached: 1550640053949.jpg (790x798, 331K)

Oh damn user. Well we'll do our best to keep you company I suppose. We also have a very large pupper at our house who lets it be known any time someone comes to the house so I at the very least never expect to be taken by surprise.

Attached: casualpearl.jpg (1080x1920, 545K)

We're here, breh

Attached: 1548351671739.jpg (1166x1642, 168K)

I'm not a fan of the side tentacle but damn that's an attractive wommer.

Attached: Baffled.jpg (232x186, 10K)

If you feel like you need to sleep or anything. Just do it. It could take the cops quite some time to get here.

Attached: 7e285695-ba68-4203-b56d-8c77c131452f.png (900x1200, 502K)

This went from a splatoon thread to weird events at someone’s house

if the time comes, i will. but for now i'll stick in here for now with ya. Stay safe

i just have 5 cats who wouldnt help for shit. love em to death though

Attached: 1550534653486.jpg (707x1000, 672K)

these threads are fucking weird like that. wouldnt be the first time it's completely gone off topic

We have two cats here as well. Lazy fuckers barely do anything but they're OUR lazy fuckers.

Attached: pearlchoker.png (830x1024, 301K)

We watch out for our other squiggas out there

Attached: first surface snack.png (800x717, 312K)

this. we look out for our own

Attached: 1550529378151.jpg (1000x829, 92K)

I have myself a Bersa Thunder 380, which is deceptively accurate for being such a small gun. I carry it everywhere I go.

Attached: Inkling .png (675x1000, 797K)

I have a small dog who's a little shit sometimes but he's with my parents who are in Italy right now.

Attached: 60afd95d-50c4-49ff-95d0-354df724d9a7.png (800x800, 287K)

>bersa thunder 380
just looked it up, doesnt look bad

i used to have a dog, she was a white wolf mix. loved her dearly

Attached: 1551072774616.png (990x590, 1.67M)

Where did Reisen poster go?

Moved on I presume

Attached: e9d24ed5-791f-4ac6-ae7c-82bb800974e5.png (1426x773, 686K)

Shit, I hear something being thrown around. I am not getting out this room.

Attached: 3ba7d017-57a3-407f-a872-471a14b09686.png (2125x2835, 1.08M)

Grab something hard and/or sharp and get ready to whip some ass.

good, don't leave to be safe, or get ready to beat the shit out of someone

Attached: 1551087289153.png (629x684, 179K)

How long until cops come

Not him but it can take a few minutes to an hour or more depending on what it is

I've said it once and I'll say it again: Eight should be the weapon store shopkeep.

Attached: octo shot.jpg (500x500, 49K)

Mah nigga

Attached: Stickers for 8.jpg (1296x2048, 221K)

They should keep her somewhat broken Inklish from the amiibo if they do this

Attached: IMG_0597.png (600x510, 170K)

maybe make it slightly less broken, to show shes learning?

Attached: 1550534721712.png (2220x3106, 3.03M)

Looks like the noise calmed down. I think they are looking for something

probably trying to rob you user, looking for something of value

why would you think this
why would ANYONE think this

Attached: HUE.gif (250x188, 1.63M)

Well in the off chance this is your last night on Earth, have a cute octo.
Then, in the morning, buy a fucking gun or SOMETHING to defend yourself with.
Also, why aren't you still on the phone with 911?

Attached: veemo adorablest.png (1044x1060, 593K)

He said he already called them,

Meant to reply to But you can have it as well.

I want to ink for marina

I would expect the operator to stay on the line with you until authorities arrive. I'm pretty sure that's how it is in the States, at least, unless you're reporting some distant happening. But a home invasion would definitely warrant a constant connection with 911.

thanks friend, i appreciate it

i'd have thought so too honestly

Attached: 1550631089420.png (1000x1000, 493K)

>tfw science will never engineer chocolate girls with mint green nipples you can suckle on for that fresh Andes taste
bros why do I even go on with living

Attached: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.jpg (514x836, 179K)

I am. I really shoudnt on here right now honestly Police said they are arriving soon

oh fuck user don't die get naked and get ready to fight

well, thats all from me. i gotta get up early for a morning shift tomorrow. see you amazing fucks next time

stay safe user

Attached: 1552679532262.jpg (2048x2048, 688K)

Attached: Sleepy Callie.jpg (1892x2048, 647K)

Attached: envious.png (1500x1481, 1.77M)

I'm envious of that rack too

She looks like she only fucks white guys

Shut up

Cope nigger

You mean she only fucks Inklings

Humans and Pearl

Do you think Callie still does dramas?

Attached: directormuffin.jpg (898x1024, 634K)

She literally does look like one of those nerdy black girls that joins your D&D group to try fuck you.

>Me not wanting to hear your shit suddenly makes me no longer white
Meme elsewhere child.

Responding to raceplay faggots is a exercise in futility. r&i


Attached: sleepy squids.jpg (800x800, 70K)

Who cares it makes my pp hard, if it's done right & doesn't have forced pandering or whatever so be it, i'm not replying to any responses after this in hopes the thread doesn't derail to Twitter screencap bullshit

Just don't reply to faggotrons like that period. When an user talks that much and still says nothing you know they're in it only for (you)s.

Attached: pearlie4.jpg (1334x2048, 279K)

I wanna have sexual intercourse with Marie
Right in her B U T T H O L E

Attached: 1563874928490.jpg (961x1200, 102K)

Attached: curvy cute.png (1190x1670, 2.77M)

but she inks from there!

We post our wants that will likely never come to be for Splatoon 3

A proper training room that is customizable and gives useful information
>You get to use Sheldon's special clothing when in training
>This clothing is fully customizable and you're able to put on whatever chunks and abilities you want. Obviously this clothing is only limited to the training room. But it would help us understand abilities better and help us decide what kind of gear we want to make
>Keep the training room as we currently have, but add rooms
>One room has an Octoling in it that has a weapon of your choice
>You choose their weapon and they'll fire/throw at a spot on the floor. This would let you test out various aspects of gameplay
>One room puts you up against the CPU and you can choose how many you are against
>Have the ability to progress the game frame by frame
>Another room has an obstacle course like thing. This would let you practice your movement and shooting accuracy

me too Marina, me too

Attached: 1512139756640.jpg (1403x1405, 215K)

That's kind of hot.

Not tonight she ain't

Attached: 1563534027586.jpg (565x669, 154K)

A story campaign revolving around saving the city you spend the game's entirety in. Mixing the base gameplay with Mirrors Edge parkour and Sonic physics sensibilities in an open world Mega City.

but what if she inks on you while you're fucking her

You're getting weird user

Attached: 1566688258626.png (1920x3000, 2.06M)

Why does Marina always looks like she's being held at gunpoint?

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Attached: the bitch is gonna get it.jpg (540x720, 39K)

Attached: file.png (774x625, 636K)

Update: Police arrived and did some snooping around. Some broken stuff like the tv, window, and the lock to the back door of the house. They are shit everywhere like books and paper to clothes strewn about.

Attached: 130e3baa-8059-4654-aa9d-ab00e9961a59.png (1280x720, 431K)

Jesus christ

well at least you're okay. do they have any idea what happened or why?

god i love this pic

Robbery and vandalism? They took my deceased grandfather's watch for instance. Thrown the vase across the hallway for another.

Attached: EEx28f1UwAElDau.jpg (1451x2048, 115K)

where the fuck do you live for something like this to happen?

I won't say exactly but it's a pretty quiet area far from any city

Good to see you're unharmed.
Now buy a gun and defend yourself. Especially if you're in bumfuck nowhere, which certainly sounds like it's the case judging the police response time.

Attached: veemo 8.jpg (1700x2200, 440K)


Really stupid of me to talk to you guys while my life was on the line

Attached: 81062e51-5b75-4d0c-9bde-35d6b00853d9.png (1000x794, 401K)

fucking fagots commuting crime at least you're okay

Wow yeah good guess. I commissioned him to draw this.

While I wasn't in the thread, I suspect this is some dollstuffing memes.
If you don't know what that is, don't google it.

Heh, very nice. I've been a patron of his for a long time now, so I can notice his style even in rough sketches.

Ah then you would know me. I'm the guy who commissioned all that Constanze art from hua

Attached: Constanzeshirt finished.png (923x1707, 320K)

Oh yeah, I recognize you. I tend to get certain characters from him too.

Attached: file.png (496x449, 175K)

This is heading for a 404

Attached: 1555636799278.jpg (932x1024, 64K)

are you who did the klott stuff too? i loved those

by the way feel free to dm me on discord if you wanna chat sometime. about anything really. especially lewds. i dont bite. if you're in huas server you should know who i am. the one with the male constanze as my profile picture.


Attached: 1540908107036.jpg (800x725, 110K)

Let's rephrase: I love fucking Marina.

I'm around but this didn't seem like a general waifu thread!

Noice, though you got the wrong leg.

With enough determination they probably can
It probably hurts to change but they kill each other on a daily basis so they are used to being in pain

Attached: CyIHR_BUAAEJ4N7.jpg (1024x646, 149K)

Thank goodness, it's still here. Now for cute daughter and salmon run!

Attached: 1555286090684.jpg (768x768, 111K)

I could be talking out of my ass, but I believe it's canon that Inklings have a freakishly high pain tolerance.

I'll do it Yea Forums

Attached: 0613192231.jpg (4656x2328, 1.27M)

I love Agent 3!

You don't have the fucking balls.

Not a patreon, (or the guy you're talking to) but I remember his art from when I found out about Bunnicula lmao

no u dont

Attached: 1567049358240.jpg (1024x564, 57K)

>$40 bux minimum to replace
Okay so I won't do it.

Age gap yuri when?

Attached: 1566682551220.png (672x787, 979K)

It's called /ll/, you philistine.

no u

Damn right.

Attached: 1551042817175.jpg (750x747, 51K)

Did you want to see her hurt?

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Attached: 1566967809754.png (991x1265, 364K)

You're the new pony fags. Let that sink in.

We have dignity to not spam squids in places they don't belong in.

>replying to bait

Attached: cw come on now.jpg (310x310, 17K)

wtf I haven't even eaten those and I can taste them

Attached: agent 8 doesn't like billiards.png (900x1440, 1.11M)

These random weapons are being really unkind to me. Please stop giving rapid blaster and goo tuber.

Attached: 1543975950287.png (566x724, 427K)

I would absolutely love to play sploon right now but my apartment's AC is broke and it's so hot I'm seeing squiggly bismuth lines in my vision. Been a while since I've played Salmon Run, I really need to relearn but I don't wanna ruin peoples games.

Attached: clam blitz veemo.png (851x1256, 1.09M)

You're not gonna get any better if you don't practice. Jump in there unless it's too hot.

Attached: 1538388356056.jpg (800x2284, 227K)

Holy shit, having goo tuber actually helped me for once. Still only got 60 eggs, but I won!

Attached: 1535416207440.png (826x1147, 603K)

Still too damn hot. Don't wanna do anything that involves moving from the veritable wind tunnel I've set up to try to stay cool.
At least the bismuth squiggle is gone. Disappeared outside the edge of my peripheral vision. But while it was there it made it difficult to read, and it felt like everything inside the Curve was melting together.

Attached: veemo13.jpg (879x971, 83K)

Don't you die on me, man.

Attached: 1566880327159.png (922x1039, 1.13M)

Why are brown vidya girls god tier?

Attached: 1524088432958.png (3000x1891, 1.37M)

I certainly don't plan on it. Besides, we've already used up our sole allotted Thread Crisis on that one guy who had his house broken into in the middle of the night. And I've had these weird visual phenomena before; it's the same pattern each time, and it usually ends with a very mild headache, if that.

Man, thank god you’re ok user, people are assholes

Attached: A7E3878B-8CAB-445C-9DDC-C8D168640A12.jpg (2048x2048, 845K)

Fuck you callie hating shit

Because video games aren't realistic.

Damn, I didn't know so much shit was going on while I was out. At least it worked out, moderately. No one was hurt, which is usually the best you can hope for in these kinds of situations.

Attached: 1565839101408.png (636x868, 351K)

And there he is. Wouldn’t be a splatoon thread without the little autist

Yeah that’s definitely a plus. horrible something like their grandfathers watch was stolen and shit like that really sucks, but his life’s is #1 priority and I’m glad he’s ok

just stop pretending to like callie

Attached: fuck off.png (370x398, 181K)

It's more than a lot of people get away with.

Attached: 1561197466943.jpg (1000x1000, 49K)

Some returning map choices were questionable, but I think chargers really got neutered in Spl2n. No partial charge splats, no Damage Up, and the map design has less safe sniping perches this time, especially on new Splatoon 2 maps.

Attached: damageup.png (96x96, 8K)

They shouldn't have nerfed their undercharged damage, Eliter should top out at 99.9 and not 80 undercharged like before so that partial charges are not completely useless.

Yeah, that’s why I’m glad he’s safe at least, when he mentioned voices and shit moving/banging I got real worried for him

Chargers definitely got the shaft in 2 I feel. Didn’t affect me too much but some definitely noticed it.

Attached: BF83F8B5-6709-41AE-A811-0F82F3CA7F25.jpg (953x953, 568K)

The only thing that probably needed a nerf was E-liter's damage up, though I mostly say this as someone considering others' complaints. I slaughtered them on the regular in 1. It sucks I can't do anything with chargers in 2.

Attached: 1541994952918.jpg (842x1228, 111K)

this dudes art sucks and he hates callie. fuck off

Lads I need Splatoon 3
I need more splatfests
I need more hilarious shit flinging over menial topics with Yea Forums

Attached: smert squib.png (852x480, 357K)

fuck off

I need squibs in-game. I bet they're cute.

Attached: 1531243321984.jpg (827x1169, 123K)

I bet they’re ugly! UGLY!

Why is she squeezing that poor kid against her crotch?

Because she loves agent 3 and needs to show it

Attached: joy.png (1280x720, 593K)

Thought it said show testicle.

Attached: ugly.png (1280x720, 617K)

>clash blaster twice in one run
>octobrush twice in one run
>rapid blaster twice in one run
>goo tuber twice in one run
Someone out there is laughing at me.

Wow, rude.

Why not?

Attached: 1553919461959.jpg (728x1024, 156K)

I knew the nice rotations and luck of the draw would end eventually.

Attached: 23905120-3576-4984-9ED6-F9AE19E2885C.jpg (1000x1000, 119K)

The funny part is I've only lost 2 or 3 times so far. I just keep getting weapons I'd rather not get, but it's working so I guess I can go fuck myself.

Attached: 1555783784169.png (736x1021, 1.13M)

Well then good job user. I admittedly haven’t touched splatoon in weeks. I’ve been either working on MGR achievements to plat it, or work in my backlog. So I’d Ben real rusty once I try getting back into the swing of things

Attached: 364FC0FE-863F-407C-B3D4-60B4E6A5D486.jpg (2048x1638, 588K)

no but I saw naked marina doing some weird vag vore on pearl

You mean unbirthing

By the time you're done, you'll be FUCKING INVINCIBLE.

Attached: 1555742485387.png (1110x520, 665K)

Sometimes I lose my boner while fapping to squids because of the "squid beak-like" teeth and I can't help to picture the lower tooth stabbing right into the corpus spongiosum.

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Attached: 1555547543050.png (700x1024, 572K)

They also have sandpaper-like tongues to grind food down, even if you go past the beak there's nothing pleasant awaiting you.

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Attached: 1557647420739.png (2000x2000, 326K)

He’s got my second favorite music in the game, but his no damage was really easy. It’s the revengeance mode all S rank achievement that I dread coming up

But they need to. They see a boss in the distance and must kill it IMMEDIATELY

Attached: 6EBABB17-CEB7-47FD-8DB4-175675301AE4.jpg (925x348, 104K)

>wiped without a single egg
I can't remember this ever happening. What the fuck.

Enjoy yourself.

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Attached: backstage access.png (1600x963, 1.45M)

Reminder that canonically Pearl posting is all Marina’s doing

>2 deadweight assholes infesting my games
>one guy comes out of nowhere and helps to pick up their slack
>both of us end up getting almost 100 eggs while they constantly die
And nothing of value was lost.

Attached: 1557283276823.png (1668x1668, 856K)

You know I love myself a challenge, so I ultimately will

Attached: F48CA376-1901-48C9-B6D1-92F6753658C7.gif (244x270, 466K)

Reminder that flow is probably the only mature female

give me the sauce

Attached: 1565495003228.gif (400x400, 76K)

Went to sleep, back again
Other than the thousands of dollars of property damage, I'm fine

Attached: bf7473a8-24de-4dcb-a945-ff27c320adbe.png (787x545, 226K)

rule34.paheal.net/post/view/3282268#search=Marie Splatoon

Attached: backstage access 2.png (636x505, 348K)

I’m glad to hear it user, happy you’re safe aside from the damages, which sucks

Attached: 7D55286A-086D-4DAB-841B-1ED9244641F6.jpg (768x1024, 123K)

Glad you're alright, although I'm sorry about your stuff.

Attached: 1554840668176.gif (1080x1080, 162K)

Attached: Malachi21148-517702-Marina2.png (1617x1798, 851K)

It's morning so I will spend some time with you guys but head off to complete some repairs. First and foremost though. Get. A. Fucking. Gun.
nice find

Attached: 5918c585-ea60-49ce-9f38-beb09140f8a5.png (769x750, 481K)

Attached: 75614091_p0.jpg (390x396, 203K)

Sweet little octo curls.

Attached: 1553849058599.jpg (750x598, 55K)

I’m definitely gonna, don’t want the same to happen to me. If I can defend myself, I will.

Attached: 5B5DC469-F206-48BD-A007-8FED6623619C.jpg (220x220, 13K)

Attached: 3e63f517-24f0-4311-b29d-01bb7ff122c6.png (1000x863, 795K)

what new modes do you want in splatoon 3 besides regular multiplayer and salmon run?

Attached: 34774642_252754145276289_8920253242470825984_n.jpg (240x240, 14K)

Because Marina is already sexualized by design, while pearl is ripe for exploitation, making her more fun target of focus.
Especially with the attitude that you just want to break down until she's begging for cock.

I want to fuck Erica.

Attached: Erica.jpg (2000x1000, 91K)

thot vs cute and funny. its not rocket science senpai

Attached: 7661be62-534c-49c0-85f8-9d680e7cb9c3.png (1042x771, 952K)

Some kind of splatfest mode outside of private battles when splatfest ends

cute nonko poster!

I never understood, why were they like this and not squibs? Was that explained somewhere?

Attached: 923EE643-F908-418E-9D7E-97CD7C99CE6C.png (725x712, 138K)

If you could hypnotize callie into doing whatever you wanted, would you?

Attached: hypno callie.png (1324x1656, 1.93M)

They have unique eyes compared to other inklings. Maybe some subset squid species that's different from the general population.

Attached: 6f1cb9a8-04a7-4de9-8ab2-6b99142b15e4.png (1920x1080, 827K)

Attached: a0e8413b-415b-4675-8e08-d1482e809014.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

If I did I’d just want her to hug me and tell me it’ll be alright

i would make her verbally belittle and tease me with her feet, butt and her huge floppers

Attached: hypno callie 2.png (888x1026, 1.45M)


>butt and huge floppers
Nice. Excellent taste there


Attached: hypno callie 3.png (845x497, 345K)

16-ceph free-for-all

Yea this guy's art isn't that good

Attached: music festival winners.png (950x494, 473K)

scary & sexy

Attached: hypno callie 4.png (1000x845, 580K)

Yeah... defiantly a not a race to have a blowjob with.

Attached: 1567039273312.png (516x440, 157K)

Mollusk radulas are a force to be reckoned with, especially in cephalopods. Shit puts cat tongues to shame.

Attached: Radula-1.jpg (600x450, 40K)

Attached: 534435453435435.jpg (1190x748, 187K)

God I wish that Inkling boy was me.

Attached: 1562915184917.png (1000x1000, 691K)

Attached: 354435345345345435.jpg (1350x1824, 152K)

why is this brown/green combination so insanely hot

Mint chocolate angel

Attached: 1559712232642.png (1160x976, 737K)

complimentary colors

>complimentary colors
I'm having ragebacks to presentations I held in school where I used Orange and Blue mainly since they are complimentary colors aswell, only for the teacher to tell me the colors look like shit and the design is awful
these shitty ass powerpoint animations where a jpg would 360 into the screen made him moist though
what a fucking faggot, I hope he died

Sorry to hear hat, user

Attached: action or comedy.jpg (2746x2784, 2.17M)

Wait about four or five years.
Splat 3's most likely not coming out until the next console.

I think we might get it near the end of the switch's life cycle.

Attached: posetogether.png (1200x1148, 1.76M)

fucking delicious

Attached: CUMBER.png (724x1000, 129K)

Attached: 1558855438721.jpg (930x1199, 223K)

Big ol’ eyes

We have to at least get some sort of spinoff during the switch’s life cycle

Attached: 1532191662141.jpg (913x1200, 94K)

I'm back, did I miss anything

Attached: 05dcf8e7-dee4-428a-8b86-8dbe5e5289c6.png (1920x1080, 1M)

Not really, things have slowed down a lot

Attached: 2DC47A33-790F-4303-B587-44BDFCE0944D.jpg (1024x692, 87K)

It is Sunday. Bought some things like another tv and cameras to keep a look out.

Attached: d3104e48-3e72-46f3-9fd0-e84c07ea3b0f.png (748x750, 634K)

You the break-in guy?


How much was taken?

I am not gonna list everything but I'll list some. They took my laptop, a bunch of games, some electronics, any cash I had hidden, and a watch. Also food apparently. They were definitely rummaging through my fridge

How much GBs of woomies were on your laptop drive, user?

Attached: 1556750462316.png (1280x1428, 2.26M)

I'd have her hypnotize me.

all of them but I always make backups of everything I have saved online

If they had time to think about transporting food, it was probably one of your neighbors.

which is more than 2 gb at this point

That's a lot of woomies

Attached: precious little woomy tummy.jpg (1536x2048, 208K)

oh damn. I didn't put two and two together but everything was fine for a few years where I have been living. I have never gotten the impression my neighbors would do such a thing or maybe have some grudge against me

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Attached: 1547950759607.png (1229x1104, 758K)

Holy shit user, sorry to hear that, that’s a lot

Attached: 8B38A567-1567-4632-A321-25B45DD3378F.png (400x400, 147K)

Well think about it, have you done or said anything that might've pissed them off to that extend?

Attached: BigThunk.png (680x679, 166K)

Attached: Paruko.jpg (1000x1333, 163K)

Attached: 1550577569227.png (1500x863, 1.72M)

Other than crashing into person's car one night. No. But that's two year ago. No one can be mad at that for that long, especially once we talked it over. I usually try to keep to myself.

Attached: 0621e884-cb49-47e8-9af7-1cc76a7e3431.png (1808x1808, 1.12M)

Maybe it's just hoodlums. Stay tuned to see if there's been a string of robberies or if any come up.

It’s not unreasonable for people to hate someone based on who they are like how they look.

yeah but to the point of breaking in their home to rob their woomies, that's some serious hate man.

Attached: 193b8f8f-0b38-41de-a1c1-e2d2381146cf.png (900x636, 443K)

Maybe they saw him as an easy target.

Love this artist

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Attached: 1566239007601.jpg (1200x1123, 159K)

asserting dominance by demonstrating who the boss around there is

>Thrown the vase across the hallway
What pricks, what do they even gain from that?

probably a drifter or something that broke into his house

you wish you were about to be bifurcated by a penis as long as your torso?

thats pretty hot

Attached: 1566429330134.jpg (469x411, 39K)

did marina take a fucking bite out of that guy's tentacles?
that's pretty hot

for fun I am guessing.

Why does she have two fucking pants on

the midriff section isn't a pair of pants user

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Attached: 1566877422126.jpg (718x776, 87K)

They must have big flops to compete with Callie

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Attached: 1564963213471.jpg (1447x1003, 221K)

beeg flobs

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You all up one for one more thread for the night?

Attached: 080f45b8-7921-4a21-8322-774b6d512fa4.png (1300x1070, 803K)

Sweet, it's still up. Was afraid it would die while I was sleeping.

Attached: 1561451859797.jpg (2400x1912, 827K)

maybe, i dunno. just got off work so i have free time now

Attached: 1551133376568.jpg (969x1050, 357K)

Just wondering

Attached: ae86e897-3a86-4808-9a0c-8824e84f236e.png (500x500, 123K)

if someone makes a thread ill join, but im not gonna actively push for one. if you wanna do it, go for it

Attached: 1551093220301.jpg (2839x2141, 306K)

Damn man, that sucks. Fucking burglars.

Attached: 1520684187457.jpg (1094x1000, 90K)

There's no point crying about it at this point. What's done is done. Just need to be more prepared if it happens again. Also I would have likely been killed if I tried doing anything to stop them.

Attached: a523dd3d-56cd-46b8-89c8-89d1d13a0722.png (1448x2048, 868K)

yeah, make sure you have a gun in hand next time. fuck em up real good

Attached: 1551077695648.jpg (1711x1760, 580K)

As long as you're safe, then. Just make sure you're ready to pop a cap in someone's ass if they ever come back.

Attached: 1523919917024.png (839x1000, 764K)

Already in the works. Told my parents, and they freaked out, They were telling me to move out to a different area

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>over 24 hour thread
You guys are insane

Attached: Shocked5.gif (370x300, 233K)

understandable that theyd be really worried

Attached: 1550726631468.jpg (691x773, 408K)

weve had double that before

Attached: 1551073731041.jpg (1928x1561, 343K)

Oh, parents. When won't they freak out?

You ain't seen nothing.

Attached: 1527886159986.gif (400x225, 2.95M)

They initially thought I messed with a gang.
It was two or three days

Attached: 2de4c4d4-78a4-4816-aa00-724424050cd7.png (1300x1000, 939K)

it mightve hit three days, i forget. but yeah if i was a parent and heard something like that i'd be worried, but going straight to gang related stuff seems a bit much

Attached: 1551097761651.jpg (287x426, 17K)

I wish this place was slower. Having it take 12 minutes to reach archives during the day is hella dumb.

Attached: 00d0e43e-0f1d-4f53-8d2a-bad595ae44e2.png (1333x895, 654K)

That's just how Yea Forums rolls, man.

Attached: 1529883452467.jpg (633x600, 47K)

thats just how the most populated(?) board is, i dont like it either but thats how it is. if threads like these cease to be, i'll need to find somewhere else

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at least it is night, so it will take a lot longer

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>at least it is night
not here in burgerland

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I am in burger land. I should have worded it better. Almost night.

oh you're east coast, gotcha

Well it would be evening for east coast.

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When did you fucks start playing splatoon?

In about 15 minutes when salmon run is back up.

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When it came out?

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splatoon 1's global testfire

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When this thread gets low enough, I will make a new on.

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In seriousness, I did actually start with the first testfire. I got hooked.

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>bump limit
Great thread lads. Home invasion user, hope everything turns out okay and they catch the crook. Buy a gun, etc.

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Hold on, making a new thread

Always remember: octo daughter best daughter.

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this. hope things get better for ya after what happened. good thread lads

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I remember talking to friends about it and they were so fucking upset by the game for some reason while I thought the music was catchy. I suck major dick in shootan but turf shenanigans and good gyro made the game a blast to play. Wouldn't have touched it without the global testfire.