>he didn't like bioshock infinite
He didn't like bioshock infinite
Other urls found in this thread:
not enough cute little sisters
Columbia didnt have the same charm Rapture did.
>Useless dick of yours
Combat was good, rest was shit
Bioshock 2 was better
Well, Ryan is infinitely more interesting than Comstock because of his genuine belief in his city and the model by which it was governed. And the atmosphere of being trapped beneath an ocean surrounded by muttering crazies is far more oppressive than a floating city overlooking the clouds
the entire game is just
>dude fuck white people and fuck capitalism lmao
and a shit ton of arena based trash combat
>Fun combat
>Shit story
>Good acting
>Shit characters
I give it 7/10 IGN's
I agree, but I wasnt considering the story or characters in my post. I was mostly referring to how dead the city felt in Infinite. The game also pushes you from area to area without letting you fully take everything in before you move on.
Yeah. Infinite was far more linear than the first game. Felt pretty boring once the charm wore off.
Story sucked.
Shooting sucked.
Liz is a shit waifu.
Get fucked OP.
Who wanted to lick her period blood?
Too new wave for my taste but when he said a slave obeys I think Bioshock 1 really committed to its own.
All that parallel universe shit ruined it for me
The entire point of the environment was meant to be some sort of meta commentary on the fact Booker never really had a choice in his destiny. The game always presented two paths that had identical outcomes and ended at the same place. They even went as far as to have Booker make 99% of the same comments regardless of which path you choose.
In theory it was a clever idea, in practice it lead to a series of shooting corridors with nothing interesting really going on.
I see a waifu, I click. It's that simple.
Bioshock is a shit series. Most singleplayer games are dogshit. Post more of that waifu.
Oh, I liked the game. I just don't pretend that it was anything but a mediocre game that got undeserved praise.
Objectively incorrect.
I am gonna play it today, recommend me a good place to get reshade presets.
Fuck off. waifufags begone!
elizabeth got her breasts censored between the trailer and release, and i dont play censored games. sorry
Chalk it up to preference then.
I just find underwater cities more interesting than floating cities.
I enjoyed the game and my waifu Elizabeth but even my dumb ass knew the ending didn't make any sense within the rules of the story. Fucking retard Ken whatever.
>dude fuck white people and fuck capitalism lmao
How sensitive do you need to be to believe this. Good bait though
I enjoy to plough your waifu Elizabeth with the boys and some doggos
never played it because the setting/artstyle sounded shit, porn is good tho
>Most singleplayer games are dogshit
bet he plays fortnite. oof.
Absolutely based. Best Bioshock game