Hmm, maybe I will buy the Switch version of Dragon Que-

>hmm, maybe I will buy the Switch version of Dragon Que-
oh, I see, no thanks

Attached: 1563941655820.jpg (1280x1440, 1.47M)

Other urls found in this thread:

bottom unironically has more soul.

hmm, maybe I will buy the PS4 version of Dragon Que-


oh, I see, no thanks

I don't see much difference besides less grass.

no i won't buy Dragon Quest because it was never good to being with

PS4 is so weak that it can't render party members in the fields

ps4 is so weak it can't render 2D sprites or play an orchestral soundtrack

>The switch is a piece of shit

In other news, water is wet

>that repeating texture on the left side of the Switch version

what retard thinks they're suppose to be the exact same?
these silly comparisons just shows the fact that they look close enough is impressive

This is going to be next game Snoyfags lose their shit about. How can they even keep up?

The definitive version of this game is exclusive to Switch. Feels good.

Yeah except the Switch is superior.

I'm upset the new content isn't DLC on the PC. I bought your fucking game SE, don't screw me over.

switch actually looks better, harkens back to the beauty of the ps2 era

the ps4 version is too technical, makes it look like it is marketted to dudebros who care about muh graphics. The soul meme is stupid but you can tell its a cash grab

>"definitive edition"

Attached: 1544699080958.gif (318x318, 105K)

Hows the 2d mode look? The 3d models in 11 looks pretty terrible to me, taking cartoony designs and then over polishing to make them "realistic" is horrible.

It's not about farts even. The song composition is awful. Even orchestral versions are trash.

Attached: 1535115026029.png (3840x2160, 1.28M)

Bottom looks way worse than DQVIII running on PCSX2. It feels like I'm stuck in a loop.

yeah, they must be pretty mad that Shitch got another inferior port.

just shows utterly pathetic this gens consoles are, barely better than a $300 tablet


It really worries me that people might actually think this way.

DE will come to PS5 watch square re-release this and FF7R for the PS5 launch.

ps4 is a 2013 console, the ps4 pro is the current gen

you mean Nintendo consoles.

Thanks for beta-testing. Such a great time to be a Switch owner right now. I'm.buying this and Ori next week.

>beta testing
it's the same game though

It's a shame really. I don't have a switch yet, but I'd definitely replay this game once I got one. I really like the retro-2d feature the switch version has, but if the default game looks like that, I'll have to pass


Attached: 1554911727065.png (541x728, 379K)

Cope harder fag. Switch versionis the best and you can't handle it. Cry for me.

Attached: 1567416581701.png (500x500, 224K)

DQXI is the worst game in the series in every way. Literally nobody has anything nice to say about it.

Only beta version is the one Shitch have m8

>Such a great time to be a Switch owner right now

Talking about DQ.

i wish we could have all the extra content of ths switch version without the tradeoff of slightly reduced graphical quality

Attached: 4324232.png (464x452, 187K)

Why does the wheat shine as if it had its own source of lumination in the PS4 version? Looks weird as fuck.

Top: soulless
Bottom: SOUL

It looks good.
That's about it.

Attached: 1552667190107.jpg (1920x1080, 1.13M)

>Switch version is superior

Attached: 1459882655009.jpg (517x524, 52K)

that's right user


nice trips, that being said the only bad song in the game is the overworld music which can easily be replaced with the DQ8 overworld theme with the free DLC also, the second overworld theme is pretty great

There's no new content worth talking about in the shitch version lol. Theres a reason everyone hates it

Have fun paying for videogames i guess.

>playing a turn based RPG on a TV
THAT is a lol from me mate

>shitter graphics = more souls
I guess android has the best games with most soul


Come on. The battle theme is awful too.

How hard would it be to make a fan patch that adds all the Switch content to PC?
Is DQ11 popular enough to get such dedicated autistic effort?



>tfw you fell for Shitch meme

Attached: 1448066799754.jpg (404x403, 43K)

Yall are in for a rude awakening once hour 3 of Dragon Quest combat sets in

Why the 2d version?

>Fully orchestrated soundtrack
>new content
>extra stories for each character
>OoL improvements to the gameplay
>amazing 2D boomer mode

Yeah, I'm looking forward to watching you seethe over yet another fantastic Switch exclusive. I'm so glad I didn't waste the experience playing a shitter version on PS4 or PC.

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If you can't play it on the toilet what's the point?

Yeah, it is. The battle theme in DQ11 is torture in audio form.


Attached: 1563834880091.png (179x283, 67K)

That was the case till ninshitchcels got their hands on it and suddenly it was great.

The second map theme is stolen from DQ3

>couple of cutscenes is excuse for PS2 graphics you have to deal the whole game
seems fitting in both cease you are having shit

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yeah i'm sorry but the top one has too much going on
bottom has more soul and the rendering distance of the grass is just stylized as it was with the old tales of games
ps4 may have "better" graphics, but the switch captures the magic

Literally cannot cope.

I thought you might sperg out over LA a bit longer but I guess there's no time to spare with so many amazing games hitting Switch at the moment.

Imagine not owning a Switch in 2019.

Attached: Man.png (1080x1080, 146K)

>Fully orchestrated awful soundtrack
Have fun with bleeding ears.

I'm sorry but you will need to buy a Switch to play this version.

Thanks for beta-testing cuck.

yeah, just like shitty ports you are shilling now.

can you imagine having internet fights with people you don't know on the internet about your favorite company that only wants your money and couldn't give a shit about you?
lel me neither, but if there were people like that i'd probably call them faggots

Attached: 1551649062420.png (540x540, 393K)

The PS4 version isn't even that impressive, it runs at 810p and the PS4 sounds like a fucking jet while playing it.

>Its unironic, because its ironic, and i dont want it to seem ironic.

>trying to pretend the orchestrated soundtrack is shit because he can't have it.


Attached: 1549675084856.png (446x435, 89K)

>paying money to play shitty mobile beta tier version
only ninten-cuck can be this retarded. I can play it for free on PC with better graphics and mods.

Attached: NINTENDOOOONOOOO2 copy.jpg (2496x1440, 1.81M)

I dunno, I don't consider being a sarcastic anime poster to be much better.

>bottom has more soul and the rendering distance of the grass is just stylized as it was with the old tales of games
>ps4 may have "better" graphics, but the switch captures the magic
I don't know if this is serious or people are this mentally challenged here.

>Yea Forumstards prefer visuals over gameplay and content
Yep, retards will be retards.

Sorry, the best version is on Switch. I feel bad that you cannot cope.


1. PS4 has patches that solved problems
2. It dosen't cost 60$ currently and it's cheaper than Shitch version
3. Soundtrack is still awful on Shitch
4. Shitch version looks horrible.


insult ame all you want, kiddo
the truth is with the hero and not the villain

>Muh Music
Are you a FFXIV player?

no it's the most shitty version. It looks like garbage, you are paying more for inferior product as expected from nincel.


you don't know?


>all this snoy cope

why are sonyfags complete faggots and cry when they ultimately get the inferior version?
Switch Version:
>Shittier Graphics
>But Extra Content and fixes all issues from the Original Release
PC Version:
>Doesn't have the Extra Content
>But does have mods to fix shitty flaws and more
>Best Graphics of all consoles
>Graphics aren't as good as PC
>No Mods to fix the shitty flaws
>No extra content added
If people were smart, they buy either the Switch or the PC versions of the game, anyone who bought for the PS4 version deserves losing their money.

I should lower all my PC games to lower settings or play PS3 ports. This way I will get most "soul".

Nintendo faggots are mentally challenged I swear.

only retards can buy Switch version. It looks horrible and unacceptable even compared to regular ps4 version.

Yeah, I mean, look at this crisp picture of the MC marrying Jade in the PS4 version. OH, WAIT!


>extra content
Is there a single person who played through all of DQXI and thought "man this game could really do with some more content"?

user, don't make me post the image
you know which one
hint: best game ever made
go fuck yourself

I will get unplayable cutscene? Amazing, for some reason dealing with garbage visuals for whole game is not a problem now.

i am not one those people of course..hahaha
t.sweating man

>only retards can buy the PS4 version. It sounds horrible and unacceptable doesn't any of the extra content or modes or gameplay improvements compared to the Switch version.

holy shit the fucking cope
my fucking sides

Attached: p03dtkqg.jpg (624x351, 32K)

Gameplay is basically the same, soundtrack is still awful. Game looks like shit though.
>shouting with capslock and stuttering
I know you are coping because Switch port turned out to be garbage but calm down a little.

>no u
so this is the power of sony

>actually complaining about free extra stuff
Is there a single person who doesn't want free extra content?

If you don't want to play them that's your choice. But to actually be against getting extra stuff? Is there nothing Yea Forums doesn't complain about?

I like the visuals

game of the year for the past few years
this is embedded in your brain
that is why you people felt the need to make that image you just posted
i am here still enjoying the "one whose name can't be mentioned without causing massive amounts of butthurt" while you're still posting in this pathetic thread
go play your bloodborne mature experience for the billionth time this year

>Sonyfags still seething over the Switch and PC versions of XI
Ninten/PC Chads win again

Attached: cursedimage.jpg (227x250, 6K)

What kind of retard would take a slight bump in graphics over more content, qol improvements and better music?

PS4 version is invalidated, might as well give everyone who bought that piece of shot a refund

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another sonytard coping thread?
dont mind if I do

Attached: DistortedLaughter.jpg (506x507, 63K)

what are you talking about? DQ is game of the year or shitty switch port? I don't understand.

Hmm pcbro, i'm sorry but your version is almost as shitty... Please don't lump us together.




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>slight bump
Are you joking? Switch version looks pathetic. Not only shitty resolution, but lack of certain objects, inferior textures, lighting etc.

how much time do you spend shitting?

>slight bump

Attached: 1454873022495.png (800x800, 763K)

holy shit
this samefag is literally trying to move away from the snoy BTFO

Attached: Holy+bowsers+backround+is+peach+_c73d3e6a498b8c857edfcddfdb422276.jpg (800x800, 137K)


Said literally NOBODY.

You know what everyone DID say? They said the Switch version is the definitive version.

Cope harder ahahahahahahaha!


I play Switch ports all day.

it's funny because water isn't wet

>much lower level of detail
>tiny ass draw distance
>crappy textures
>no aa
>that resolution
>shitty shadows
are you ok?

more content > graphics

>i'd take graphics over more content

t. stupid cocksucker

>PS2 graphics
You fuckers really need to play a PS2 game to refresh your shit memory of what a PS2 game actually looks like.

Yes, a slight bump.
If you want anything more tangible, you would play on pc anyway.

The ps4 version is exclusively for cucks at this point,who are willing to defend the objectively worst version and suck Nigger dick

Why everyone has to say something obvious when you can see it on OP's picture?
How pathetic you have to be suck cock of nameless corporation?

>orchestral music
shitty* orchestral music

>smug anime girl is wrong

every time, it's like a curse

I already played the PC version. I'm getting the switch one for delicious 2D mode

>Yes, a slight bump.
Actually PC version is slight bump. Switch looks horrible compared to both. No amount of cutscenes will change that.

lmao cope snoy boy

>more content
>better soundtrack

yup... switchbros can't stop winning

why nincels shout with capslock so much? They want attention so much?

>muh graphx
PC has best graphics
Switch has more features
What does PS4 have?

That still makes the PS4 version the worst. Doesnt have the advantages of either the switch nor the PC.

Already beat the game on PS4 and I'm getting the Switch version. It works way better on a handheld system.

>PC only a slight bump!
>but Muh snoystation isn't!
Why are sonyfags so bad at COPING?
get over it, you got the objectively worst version with no redeeming features.

Just wait for the PS4 version that SE accidentally leaked.

Attached: dragon-quest-xi-s-ps4-disc-jun192019-1038x576.jpg (1038x576, 83K)


Kek you are mentally ill. You will continue your sad lonely life being obsessed with Nintendo until you eventually kill yourself.

What a pathetic fucking loser lmao.

>more expensive
>worse resolution
>lack of vegetation
>horrible textures
>no AA
>worse draw distance
>still awful soundtrack

nincels are getting shitter beta version like every port.

why do we have to fight each other on what platform we play games on
fuck the console wars just play the games you want on the system you want and leave the console war shit back in middle school where it belongs

yeah bro im sure they're going to put a 3DS game on teh PS4

PS4 is much better than Switch, and better than many PC versions since game has bad optimization. Good PC > PS4 > aged PC > Shitch

damn... snoys simply cannot stop seething...

wow... is this the true power of being a switchbro?

Because OP is mentally ill and obsesses over Nintendo all day long every day his life.

Reminder Sony Cucks pretended this wasn't an issue the whole of last gen when the PS3 had the same problems. Thank fuck for the Xbox 360. Imagine having a shit console like the PS3 to play multiplats on when it can't even handle fucking grass.

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>still seething over the fact that the switch version has more content

it's you who are obsessed with nintendo though and they defend every shit they spawn to death. You must have really sad life.


Attached: 1568280104706.jpg (451x432, 24K)

>slightly better graphics > more content and better soundtrack

oh wait...

>wojaks, pepes and pointless console baiting 24/7
It's all so pointless

>worst gameplay
>worst music
>least content
PS4 is objectively the worst, there is nothing redeeming about it

>graphics don't matter anyway!

>no argument
typical cope from nincel
so graphics suddenly matter? I knew it. PS4 shits on shitch.

Oh no, slightly less grass, whatever shall I do?

>Slightly better graphics is way better than more content
Fuck off nigger

>much better looking game > shitty cutscenes and irrelevant changes
>worst gameplay
Gameplay is the same actually. No it's actually better because you don't have to look at shitty mobile graphics during it.

If more content and QoL additions are important to you buy the switch version
If better visuals and 60fps are more important than get the PC version

I dont know why this has to be a big argument

>what is 2 and 6


no they dont

Damn it feels so good being a Switchad at the moment.

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>Some more grass on the screen is better than more content and a vastly better soundtrack
Sure is fellow snoyboy

Attached: 1468482429465.jpg (394x534, 61K)

Graphics suddenly didn't matter when the Shitstation 3 couldn't even run games at HD resolution and grass across the whole gen but now they suddenly do matter. Sony Cucks everyone. I don't even own a Switch yet but the hypocrisy is hilarious from you Sony Shills.

You can fuck and marry Jade in the Switch version, you can't in the PS4 version
checkmate tranny sandnigger

Uh-oh, you forgot your frog image

sour grapes

If graphics matter, the ps4 is completely and utterly cucked by pc.
The ps4 has no good qualities to it, literally the worst possible version imaginable.

Multiple qol improvements on the switch version make Gameplay better, cuck.

LOL at sonyfags who actually think screaming MUH GRAPHICS will improve their Gameplay.

Let me help you

If you enjoy video games buy the Switch version.


Switch looks superior. Too much grass is distracting.

Been thinking about picking up this game. Is it hard?

sure bro

me spending more time playing game while you're spending more time looking at it is totally sour grapes

>If graphics matter, the ps4 is completely and utterly cucked by pc.
You mean Switch is cucked by PS4 and PC.
what improvements? It's same turn based old system/

Normal mode is baby tier. Turn on stronger monsters and no exp from weaker monsters and the game is a decent challenge

If I want the best graphics ill but the pc version
if I want to play it on the go i'll get the switch version

the ps4 version is literally obsolete

You can make it harder by putting extra restrictions and gameplay traits on at the start of a new game, but easy is pretty bog standard easy jrpg if that's your cup of tea

Haha he is deleting his replies now, fucking snoyfags can't even stand for what they drone on about

>snoyfags necking themselves because the better version of DQXI has less grass

>only grass
I know Nincels are accustomed to garbage visuals, but you should play on better system for a while.

literal cope of course you hate what you will never have

no, you go to shop that sells video games and exchange it for money
or you can order it online

It's easy like a lot of JRPGs but DQ11 does have modes that places restrictions on you and makes trash mobs stronger and the like.

Yeah why have any of the new content and gameplay adjustments when you can have better looking grass? This is your brain on PS4.

Attached: 1569023780464.gif (130x120, 3K)

Played it on PC at 60fps with orchestral mod. Still interested in the switch port for portability and mostly 2D mode, and think the visuals are plenty fine for a handheld

sounds like coping on your part

But the PS4 is bloatware incarnate, the OS is so filled with shit that the whole system and store becomes unusable after 10 minutes of being turned on, atleast on a PC and Switch its fast and effective as fuck.

yeah, less grass also removed resolution, lighting effects, shadows and draw distance

DQ is medicore game that was praised mostly due to graphics, now Shitch version don't even have that.

Attached: 1408110904043.jpg (800x511, 150K)

Because Yea Forums thrives off conflict.
It used to be fun and a coping mechanism. Now it's just a way of life minus logic and stuffed to the brim with emotional tension even though the subjects of each board tend to be anything but that.

it’s basically Dragon Quest 8 for casuals.
by just disabling no exp from trash you’ll prevent accidental overleveling. otherwise it’s a sightseeing walk in the park

Stronger Monsters makes bosses harder too. They get additional turns and new AI scripts.

>same HobbyConsolas screenshot
God, why are 3rd worlders consolewar mongoloids so desperate?

>n-no you
pathetic cope

>for portability
Oh god

>ps4 trying to leech of real graphics
Stop being a cuck, snoyfag.
PC completely rapes ps4 to death, there is no graphics argument to be made for it.

Nope, multiple qol improvements make the Gameplay better as well.

Nah. Orchestral is amazing.

>no u

>user points out that switch has more content and better music and sarcastically says graphics make the PS4 version better
>Snoygger thinks that's actually the case
PC version has better graphics than the PS4 version, PS4 version is obsolete


Easiest DQ, even if you switch all the difficulty modifiers on.
But like most JRPGs you can stay low level as possible and make it hard.

>Is there a single person who would be against George Lucas adding more CGI aliens to Star Wars? Would you actually be against getting extra stuff??

Fuck off and die you braindead piece of shit

>still coping

>PC completely rapes ps4 to death
No, it dosen't beacuse PS4 and PC version look quite similar.
More like PS4 rape Switch to death.

It's really not. Played with the PC mod and the soundtrack is still super weak. It's sad when the best song in the game is a remix from III

>PS4 rune at 30fps
>PC runs at 60fps
PS4 is trash, sorry

>instead of being happy everyone can enjoy a good game it's another braindead console war thread

Attached: 8756.gif (500x375, 494K)

>capslock shouting
Some of the most expensive PC having better graphics than PS4 don't excuse Shitch for having garbage visuals. Stop hiding behind better system to shill your awful port.

Stop it you nigger, PC looks better than PS4, there is literally nothing the PS4 version does the best

>no you


>still coping

>sonyfags actually try to COPE with that
LOL, the difference between pc and ps4 is a million times larger than ps4 and switch.
COPE harder, snoylet.
Maybe you will get a game on day, until then stop trying to pretend to have graphics that don't suck.

Next he's gonna say frame rate doesn't matter in a game like this.

Shitch also run at 30fps, on top of that with shit visuals. Must be trash.
>in turn based game

The PS4 version is 900p. Even a fucking toaster can play this game at 1080p. Your console sucks. Cope.

>pic related still relevant

Attached: sony.png (735x500, 26K)

But PC has 60fps, modding compatability and faster loading
Switch has a newer rendition of the engine, new content and general fixes
PS4 version has none of these, making it the worst version by far, fuck I really regret buying the PS4 version in hindsight.

Attached: +_b9106793759c4bd17216611d4c7932c6.png (326x313, 149K)

giving your loyalty to a faceless company is a high iq thing
you wouldn't understand unless you watched rick and morty

Attached: dk1.png (510x370, 244K)

>get bfto
>start shitposting

looks like the new pokemon game

>Some of the most expensive PC having better graphics than PS4 don't excuse Shitch for having garbage visuals
>Some of the most expensive PC
>most expensive
An actual third worlder who can only afford one console and hates everything else on principal. Nice going Snoygger

Haha gotcha bitch

>the difference between pc and ps4 is a million times larger than ps4 and switch.
really? Show comparison similar to OP then instead pulling things out ouf your ass.
Why are you using capslock so much? Do you have period?

>get bfto
>start shitposting


because it's true. How framerate affects turn based game?
meant more actually.
>hates everything
Wut? I have PC and PS4. Just because someone refuse to play Shitch garbage port dosen't mean he hates everything. Stop sucking nintendo cock so much, nincel.

Thats snoys for you, you don't see Xbros get mad that Ori is getting a near perfect 1080p 60fps port on the Switch, it's literally the Sony fanbase that are the cancer in these conflicts.

Attached: 3674e4b1ec0cf93838f3c33a0fe6bbe0.jpg (475x510, 50K)

>Blurry 900p@30 vs 4k@60 with actual AA and high quality shadows
Are sonyfags actually that retarded or just COPING?
Why try talking graphics when you can't even play with the big boys?

Snoyfags really are cucks, know your place

>stop criticize nintendo baaaaaaw
I know you like kiddie games but grow up

You expect a Ford Focus to beat a Nissan 370Z?

Attached: e7c4c7e8c8402edbbfe4e1af5bfa353e.jpg (441x922, 48K)

>Unironically playing Dragon Quest for graphics.

To be fair, it's kind of fucked up that there's no way to play this game with all of the new content from Switch but on the platform with the best visuals (PC). They kind of did this to themselves.

I just complimented Microsoft and I am somehow a Nintendo cultist?

>>Unironically playing Dragon Quest

So you literally cannot show single comparison similar to PC image like I asked only making laughing stock of yourself.
As expected from shit eating nincel.
Implying third worlder like you with garbage laptop can even brag about this.

>2 and 6
this. 11 is the 4th worst. also i dont like 9 because of that disgusting gal/ganguro fairy, barf.

Did nintendo pay for extra content or did they just want to add some.

sonytards are so obsessed with nintendo
even xbros and pcbros are nintendo for them KEK

Now those are some shitty ass graphics

DQXI strongest con is actually graphics unfortunately, rest is quite average. Without it game losing so much.
If you want better story and gameplay and don't care about graphics play YSVIII for example.

The best DQ games are on fucking 3DS so why do grafics matter?

The Switch has a shitton more content, if you're autistic visuals, get the PC version.


Attached: soyboy105.png (805x851, 89K)

Nah it's pretty obvious Square Enix just wants to force hardcore fans to buy the game again for the new stuff. Why have like $20 by selling it as DLC when they can get another $60? Japanese fans will definitely do this.

More like Nincels are obsessed with Sony. OP just mentioned how bad Switch port is and nincels started screaming about sony like children throwing tauntrum.

The switch store is fairly clunky too user. The PS store is hilariously slow though, and the fact that it reinstalls vue to advertise new garbage anytime their advertisement is updated, even with auto install, auto update, and rest mode disabled is laughable. Then they hide simple shit like Netflix and YouTube in a slow media watching app that re-orders itself as it pleases, sometimes hiding the one channel you have installed off screen or off page to make you scroll through app and show recommendations. And it didn't used to be this way. Its nearly impossible to go back to a ps3 and buy exclusives on the store because they backported so many store updates that it's a 2fps constant crash mess. And it broke compatibility with a lot of old games that use an imbedded store page.
I guess everyone's known about sony's blatant disrespect for their consumers since the other OS debacle, but it's always surprising when they make the same mistakes all over again when they experience any success.
Same for for Nintendo and Xbox though. Defending companies and products like they're your friends on a Sikh fish juggling technique review blog is just sad.

Sonytards in general start beef with every single other community, the only community they have found companionship judging by twitter is the Epic store fanboys.

How come Veronica/Jade isn't canon?


Snoyggers see PC and Xbox as just another face on the Nintendo boogieman. Please be patient with them, they're mentally ill

>snoy baaaw waaaw
Why Nincels are so insecure about Sony? Is it because they kicked out nintendo from core home console gaming to mobile?

Cope lol

You always gotta go with the safest choice first and let the dreamers dare to dream.

so snoyfags are actually claiming 4k@60 doesn't exist.
How pathetic can you actually get?

Isn't this meme outdated since Sony is the company trying to censor titties and shit?

Attached: 1547667045246.png (635x471, 275K)


How's that drought coming along snoygger?

>he posts in a snoy meltdown thread

i'll cope with my extra content and portability
or should I cope with vastly superior graphics

So, anons. You picking original trilogy on 27th?

Why are sonyfags suddenly pretending this wasn't them?
Why else are they so desperate to defend the ps4 version compared to the pc version in here?

I never said it dosen't exist you idiot, I asked how can you brag about it if you can't achieve it on PC. Stop shouting with capslock like retard toddler with period and learn to read.

Where is your PC vs PS4 comparison? Why not posting it?

>Playing video games is onions

Yea Forums, everyone.

I can easily achieve it, cuck.
Not everybody is a third world snoyfag who can't actually tell what good graphics look like.

It's quite hilarious because you don't see any PCbros picking a fight with nintenbros over superior graphics, but snoyggers are having a fully fledged meltdown claiming to be better than both sides itt

Attached: 1568330515318.png (633x940, 568K)

>but snoy
literally obsessed.
What's there to defend? Thread was about nintendo port not Sony. Why did you start talking about Sony? Some inferiority complex?

Wojack as a whole is outdated. They'll never understand.

>superior graphics


Attached: games.jpg (2704x2028, 597K)

You type like a third worlder Pedro, no wonder you're so defensive over the PS4

>I can easily achieve it, cuck.
Post your specs with timestamp so I can laugh.
>snoyfag who can't actually tell what good graphics look like.
Says the retard defending Switch version saying that it dosen't look miles worse compared to PS4. Le irony.

>sonyfags aren't defending it
Need more?

PS4fags don't play DQ, hell, they don't actually play video games.

Damage control.

you might want to re read my post
I'm saying that the pc and switch version are better than the ps4 version

The patrician choice is to wait to see if the content from S comes to PC (and perhaps PS4) properly. If it doesn't, there is going to be a massive shitstorm on SE's hands given lots will never trust them in the future. I can't understand why they'd fuck up that kind of avoidable PR disaster and instead crash right into it.

I suppose even if they did, Yuzu would be able to emulate and play S in time, probably rendering internally at a level way above Switch native resolutions, but it shouldn't come to that. Look for a Definitive Edition patch or whatnot to come to PC.

>smoking weed

>Retards are still surprised the switch isn't a high spec'd console. Are you all fucking dumb or what?

You haven't answered the question. Why did you started baaaawing about Sony when OP complained how bad Swich port is? No one mentioned Sony first, only Nincels.

Do you not?

PC version : Best performance, 60fps and mods
Switch version : New exclusive content and a new iteration of the engine
3DS version : Almost a different game entirely, too bad it never got released in the west
PS4 version : .....Nothing

Attached: +_6da774cddf5ce526eee6330b551abb1a.jpg (185x326, 20K)

Why are you defending the ps4 version so desperately?
How cucked can you be?

You are so desperately trying to attack me, you are missing the fact it makes you look like a weak snoyfag.

But that is typical snoyfag behavior, keep COPING

Yeah this makes me pretty fucking MAD. I want to play the complete version of the game but not with it looking like shit the way it does on the Switch. I'm probably never gonna play it the way things are unless the content makes it to PC.

>i dont like 9 because of that disgusting gal/ganguro fairy, barf
Gain test

They want to make money. They aren't just gonna give the extra stuff to PC and PS4 out of the kindness of their hearts.

because this game isn't on the xbox one you fucking retard

>no u
Pathetic. Typical nintendo queer.
PS4 isn't too, but cheap old system, yet graphics dosen't look like pukefest.

It's almost like people can see through a snoy's autistic bullshit

So you are literally saying IT DOESN'T COUNT!
LOL, sonyfags really are quite pathetic.

Attached: 1568932029182.jpg (838x489, 93K)

it's also on PC. What bad Switch port has to do with Sony autist? Your pussy got insecure or what?

i'm not a degenerate

PS4 isn't portable ;)

Everyone can see when some autistic third worlder is starting a snoy wank thread

At least it's not as bad as Pokemon

Attached: plastic hill.jpg (622x416, 92K)

so you admitted? You are obsessed and insecure about Sony and have to deflect each time someone criticize nintendo. Horrible autistic fanbase.

>can't have nice graphics AND extra content
This is why consoles and 'exclusives' are fucking garbage.

guess what i don't give a shit

Are you fucking retarded, the ps4 specs are waay higher and it cost more than the switch

na i'm fine with my extra content that you can't get

Well they aren't making any money off of me and I hate Sony enough to never buy their games or consoles again


Lol what does that even mean? Don't tell me you take your life lessons off of pol you stupid faggot lmao

Get a job, son.

Remind us, how many copies of Dragon Quest XI did it sell in the west, on PC and PS4 combined.

>you are autistic and third world because you dare to mention horrible graphics on Nintendo

Attached: down9.jpg (884x800, 68K)

>no u
sonyfags are pretty retarded huh

isn't the hardware for the ps4 from 2013?
no way it costs much to build a ps4

>the ps4 specs are waay higher
of course they are. Switch hardware is joke.
>it cost more than switch
no, it dosen't

It depends who's driving.

Attached: Initial_D_Fifth_Stage_-_01_-_Large_01.jpg (310x174, 12K)

It's almost like it's your first day here

And the switch is a hybird portable console with low specs because it is and I can not stress this enough a fucking portable console. Stop being retarded

>OP just mentioned how bad Switch port
I'm guessing OP - aka you - never played the demo that was put on eShop last month.

>talk about nintendo in nintendo related thread
Well yes? Don't know why you mentioned Sony and screaming with capslock like some underage sperg with ADHD though.

the switch is using more modern hardware that is built for mobility
it's more expensive

>hmm, the mods sure are good at doing their jobs today, deleting flagrant fanboy threads such a thi--
Oh, I see.

>OP Posts the Switch is shit
>Nintendo fags post that the extra content makes it better
>Sonyfags went apeshit and starting to throw shit
>nintendo fags defended

Attached: f57.jpg (650x650, 53K)

I would just like to point out every time a new post defending snoy with bad grammar is posted the posters count doesn't go up. Please seek help snoygger, you're not well

>Muh Ster wers
Opinion discarded

>modern hardware

Attached: comment_CsidOqt192ZOnXRj0tB7piuEb1T8VoRl.jpg (400x298, 33K)

look fag, just admit defeat, its not longer cute anymore. everyone here knows your literally same fagging every anti-nintendo response in this thread
nintendo fags and PC fags have already defended each other when it comes to their versions of the games considering PC doesn't have extra content but still comes with mods and best graphics of all the versions while Nintendo has lower graphics but extra content and QoL features

more like Nintendo starting screaming about Sony out of nowhere and justified horrible downgrade.

What's the problem with every Nincel screaming with capslock? They have period?

>Using doge memes in 2019
Go away third worlder and starve somewhere else

The best part is always the snoyfagd crying "IT WASN'T US!" when they get their shit kicked in by comparisons to pc.

It's too fucking funny seeing them immediately pretend to be the victims

>using tech that was created in the last 2 years
pretty sure that's modern

but both PC and PS4 versions are better than Switch. Even some nincels in this thread said not only PS4 but also PC version is worse. You guys are pathetic.

Why should you not talk about Sony in a thread about Sony?
Is it in the OP or not?

Attached: Moving-the-goalposts-300x2402.jpg (300x240, 32K)

Go play more FIFA on your turdstation 4 you spaniard cunt

Nintendofags seem pretty content with the way DQ11 is looking. Almost like they knew what they were getting when they bought a hybrid console or something.
It's the Soiny fags that are bitching about not getting exclusive content

Back up your claims

>playing on shitty tablet in 2019
>calling anyone third worlder
Enjoy your sub 720p and 20fps.

this right here already destroys your entire argument, just admit defeat

Its more sonyfags COPING and screaming how 4k doesn't exist to protect their cucked version

Why get the ps4 version when you can get the pc version?
The ps4 version has nothing new to offer like the switch version. It also has inferior graphics compared to the pc version.

The ps4 version is just obsolete

>Nintendofags seem pretty content with the way DQ11 is looking
Nothing surprising, they will defend any shit that comes from Nintendo to death. I play on PC and PS4 so I know how bad it looks.

Actually, the game runs in 30 fps. Just like PS4 Pro version.

>If I whine enough, graphcis DOES matter more than gameplay

please stop saying shitch like its clever

It's you who play shitter version and defend it, not me.
Not everyone has good PC and PS4 is cheaper and better than Switch version which looks simply horrible.

>no response
Holy shit user!

Then why the fuck do you defend the PS4 version? It has literally nothing to offer if you play it on PC

How were they able to put this game on 3ds

no one said that both graphics and gameplay are very important

While I'm not a bitch about graphics, I am mad that its okay to have a version of the game that is so clearly making the one I bought obsolete. Thankfully I guess I bought it for cheap off Steam. Just not a fan of none of the changes moving back up. It pisses me off with this and it pisses me off with P5 Royale.

? I'm only saying it's better than Switch version. The fuck?

why did you buy a ps4 when you could make a better pc for less
the ps4 version is obsolete

>literally no argument
I accept your defeat user, dont worry

>more cutscenes and shitty graphics improve gameplay on my fisher price tablet

Attached: 1427154908736.jpg (255x352, 16K)

Stop having working brain cells in this thread user, this isn't a place for your kind.

Every single time someone critiqued the PS4 version you go "But NINTENDOOOOOOOO"

user, have you not noticed that this user is literally same fagging as the sony shill?
He's trying to justify the fact that he paid $60 for the inferior version

they both look shit

So this is a 4000 000 user video game community in 2019.... impressive.

I guess not. Oh well...

>Continues to claim graphics are more important than gameplay and content
>Even though the PS4 doesn't even have the best graphics

Attached: 1568525913787.jpg (1000x559, 52K)

Isn't it the shitty phone version though?

damn I can't believe it took me this long to notice it

you can't have better pc for less, you have to pay much more. I have PC better than PS4 but cost much more. I don't understand how this make Switch version less shitty. Why do you always defend Switch with better hardware? It's kind of pathetic.
>baaaw waaaw you lost
>so mad that can't even spell properly

>cutscenes are gameplay
>PS4 don't have graphics miles better than Shitch which I have to somehow defend with more expensive PC because lost all my arguments

Attached: 1507471380874.jpg (1280x720, 430K)

Yes you can build a pc with better specs than the ps4 for less than $400
Consoles aren't cost effective in the long run

And you can't even make a proper sentence structure as you keep leaving words out and use improper capitalization.

>unironically going full manchild when losing
>going for grammar arguments
holy shit
this can't be real

>are more important
stop putting words into other people's mouths

ps4 cost around 200$ now not 400$. As always you don't know what are you talking about.

Is it a bot or a retard

Tell me when Ori and the Blind Forest performs 1080p and 60fps on PS4

No, content niggerfaggot. Movies are the snoyggers favorite thing anyway, so I'd have thought more cutscenes would have made you happy

If you want graphics and music, you get the PC version. If you want extra content, go with Switch. PS4 is literally the worst version of the game. There's no reason to own a PS4 in 2019.

>content doesn't count!
>graphics don't count!
>Only snoy count!
LOL, look how cucked you are.

Why are people still pretending this isn't a snoyfag thread?

>same location just lower settings
>soul somehow increases
aight my kind nintendies apologist

you can build a better pc for $200

if you notice, the sony shill responding is literally the samefag
he's just 1 sonyshill shitposting

>retard screaming you lost with no argument calling anyone manchild
As expected from person who like kiddie games and can't even see simple technological differences

>2d side scroller

>it's better than Switch version
Except it's not?
I'll take extra content at 720 than your vanilla version at 1080 any day

It's one retard who can't utilise the English language properly. All the snoygger posts have the same terrible sentence structure and grammar

>changing arguments when losing

no, you can't. As always you don't know what are you talking about
>inb4 used parts
but it's you who are shilling game with cutscenes now. Seems you like movie games more than snoyggers.

Good thing the amazing ps4 version doesn't even reach that.
It's actually 900p, which sonyfags claim is indistinguishable from 4k now.

But remember, resolution doesn't matter when it comes the PS4.

argument is the same, you are insecure retard stuck with inferior version both to PC and PS4.

>graphics are more important than gameplay

Attached: 1568052437142.jpg (1462x2046, 213K)

imagine getting sat on by that dragon

ps4 pro does though. And even old busted PS4 looks better than Soitch.

Your kidding!
The PS4 Pro runs DQ11
900p 30FPS
while Switch runs 720p 30FPS

good thing I have exclusive content and the ability to play it anywhere
Do sony fags not understand that people know the switch is weaker? Do they grasp the idea that people bought the switch for the mobility and not graphical performance.

>cutscenes are graphics
>graphics suddenly don't matter because it's muh nintendo

Attached: 1504376333357.jpg (920x900, 588K)

>gets mad that PC and Nintendo are teamed up
>still tries to put them against each other

you got couple of shitty cutscenes when you have to stuck with completely butchered visuals for 80hrs of gameplay.
If you like portability so much, you should play android games. They are more portable than Shitch.

Why do you console war artists have to ruin the only good shit on this board? MH and DQ are both impossible to discuss now with you faggots shitting threads up with the same garbage ad nauseum.

>patricia hernandez

>nintendo and PC teamed up
>I can't defend my shitty Shitch version anymore so I have to bring PCs more expensive than PS4
It's old Nincel tactics for years. I even asked one nincel to show me his specs, and he run away.

I dont think individual story chapters for each party member with new areas, characters, monsters, mounts, quests, features and gear can be classified as a "cutscene"

Na I wanna play an actual game with exclusive content that the sony version will never get.

>coping this hard because he can't handle losing


B-but the graphics are worse

So it doesn't count if the graphics are better than ps4?
Sounds like a major COPE to me

you know how sonyfags love to shitpost about nintendo


plebbit might be more your speed zoomie

You sound more and more like a creationist the more you are speaking

480p rationalisation cope

superior experience is PC rendered at 4k with orchestral mod. best JRPG I played in years.

>REEEEEEE! Stop showing ps4 beigg inferior to every other option!
And people say this isn't a snoyfag thread.

What PC graphics has to do with Switch looking horrible and worse even than regular PS4? I don't get it.

>PC comes with best Graphics and Mods
>Switch comes with More Content and QoL features
>PS4 brings nothing and is literally the worst version


PS4 looks better than Shitch. Also this thread was about Nintendo. I know you have asspain but deflection won't help you.

because you're being a hypocrite for not getting the pc version for graphics

This is a thread about graphics, what doesn't it have to do with it?

The ps4 graphics are in the OP, so you can criticism and compare them to actual graphics.

Sounds like you are COPING and screaming not to make a comparison, even though that is literally what this thread is about.

PS4 bring version better than Shitch which is inferior just like every port.

learn to type in english

I have PC version though. It looks quite similar to PS4 except framerate.
Again, dosen't change the fact that Switch looks horrible to both. You are moving goalposts.

>REEEEEEE! Stop comparing the graphics in the OP if they are on ps4!
And people cry this isn't a snoyfag thread.

This thread is a snoyfag COPE thread, but it is about DQ11 graphics.
So wen can talk about graphics being inferior on ps4 compared to actual graphics on pc.

Crawl back to your hugbox of you have a problem with that.

>ESL brown skinned faggot is a ps4 fanboy
wow im shocked

>samefag sonyshill comes back

>Been BTFO by every other user who've shown the PS4 version is the worst and excels at nothing
>PS4 Version best version
This is your brain on snoy

>4k vs 900p with image blur
Are you retarded?

> you don't see Xbros get mad
user, Xbros died years ago...

How am I moving the goalpost?
I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of PS4 owners bragging about graphics.
>I have PC version though. It looks quite similar to PS4 except framerate.
Still an inferior version

I didn't even know OP picture is PS4 version. My god Shitch looks even worse in comparison than I thought.
>been btfo

>it looks similar to 900p and disgusting aliasing
lmfao I fucking love sony faggots they're hilarious

Here is your "cutscenes", the list isn't even complete.

Attached: 1564240258662.jpg (640x9109, 1.95M)

Are you? Show image comparison like OP.
Why? They have better graphics than Shitch. It's fact.

So if you want more content get the Switch version
I you care about graphics get the PC version

remember guys, the more ugly, the more pixelated blurry shit it is, the more soul it has according to Yea Forums





This place is a joke.

It does though. Look at OP's picture
>complain about graphics while defending Shitch
Nintendo queers are mentally challenged I swear.

You do know only children under 12 care about graphics over art style, content, mechanics and such right?

>Why? They have better graphics than Shitch. It's fact.
No one has said otherwise. People want the switch version for playing on the go and the extra content
it offers more than the ps4 version

Exactly, those are the only real alternatives.

what did you expect

Third worlders who can't afford more than a PS4 also defend graphics when it suits then user, they also ignore the PC having even better graphics, but that's just because they're retarded

>disappearing grass and textures
More like Shitch is butchered out of content.
Only according to Nincels you mean. Most mentally challenged fanbase possible.

Give them time. Most adults grew up on polygons and shit so we don't care as much.

yeah, that blur and shitty textures add nice art style and mechanics.

Attached: 1510306239295.jpg (1199x1199, 128K)

>Actually calls extra grass on screen content
Come again?

Attached: 1565239560561.jpg (930x573, 39K)

Oh no, some of the grass is missing! Now I don't want to get the version that's a handheld with more content.

Attached: 1566019768304.png (460x475, 172K)


You can tell these fags never played DQ because anyone who has played Dragon Quest knows 6 and 7 are the worst games in the series

Thanks for reminding me to preorder.

Switch owner, my friend has been shilling me this game saying its the best DQ game, could you give me the pros and cons?

>extra grass
It's not extra, it's removed from Shitch beta version, along with shadows
Everything is content in game, graphics too.
>some of the grass
I guess shit graphics is not ok, because it's Nintendo.

And you just proved that you are under 12, you have to be over 18 to post here.
Here is some of the content

Attached: +_d0ea5cf80c95f5c46ba30c72650b5c38.jpg (900x900, 88K)

>bitching about the decline of threads that had been consistently comfy before the two newest installments of the series makes me a redditor

Sounds like it is you who should go back.

>complains about graphics while defending ps4

Why do you care so much about some fucking grass


>graphics are content!
>pc graphics don't count!
COPE harder

Are you like that guy who had a fetish for floor tile patterns but with grass instead?

>Actually calls extra grass on screen content
I repeat: Come again?

Attached: 1567551944258.jpg (1146x1154, 216K)

>ui, cutscenes and voice acting
>play on Nintendo and call anyone underage
My fucking sides.

So massive amounts of COPE is why?

I really do hope the content gets ported to PC, I love me some DQ but not enough to pay for the same game twice, especially at a lower visual fidelity.

Shouldn't you be trying to get titties out of video games or something Soistation?

Attached: 1563016030924.png (400x400, 55K)

because nintedo fags have no standards

see and stop saying cutscenes you dumb third world nigger

Read. The. Fucking. List.

Japan doesn't care about the pc market so maybe you guys will get it.

Graphics are content. Of course PC graphics don't count when you talk about Switch because it's goalposts moving.
>graphics is not content of the game
What kind of new mental nincels gymnastics are those?

>Being a graphics fag for Dragon Quest
Anyone that's a fan of the series doesn't give a shit about graphics.

I did. Most of it are some ui and voice changes. What gameplay content you are talking about?

>Graphics are content

>Graphics are content
You sure about that?

Attached: 1560928052790.jpg (873x916, 61K)

>graphics are not content

>Some extra grass on screen is content
>Fucking grass

It's literally a portable gaming system.
Just try to imagine how this game runs on the PSVita.

The music is dogshit except for the reused tracks from the other games
Honestly the main plot isn't all that interesting compared to the other games like DQ5

DQ11 does an excellent job bringing in modern elements to the series, has fantastic character interactions (please god use party chat, i can't believe how many player ignored the best feature in the game then called it shit), and looks like the Switch version is bringing in a ton of interesting side content.
If this is your first DQ game, get ready for a very light atmosphere, it's nothing like an FF game. There's a ton of puns, stupid accents that I love, and some cheesy 80's anime troupes but nothing like Xenoblades 2 level of anime.

tl;dr DQ11 isn't a groundbreaking JRPG but a well polished standard one without any gimmicks

Attached: 68067257_p19.png (600x472, 315K)

Just because Switch is lacking something dosen't mean it not exists.

Explain how graphics prolong a game.

Does anyone in this thread plan on playing this game? Is anyone in this thread even going to think about this game once it's out and is no longer shitpost fuel?

I'll probably get it, I always wanted to try out the DQ games

>vegetation objects are not content and game butchered of it it's not big deal
Since when visuals stopped being important at all? I remember all kind of comparison between consoles and PC nitpicking even smallest object.
Now it's ok because you like to take Nintendo cock in your ass?

I'm not a huge fan of how DQXI handles the party chat, I long for the old days when I could just slap a button on the over world and get some text.

Contents are parts that make game a whole: graphics, gameplay mechanics, music, voice acting etc.

>Since when visuals stopped being important at all
Since forever you zoomer spic nigger.

>changing the definition

>Character chapters
>New Monsters
>New mounts
>New gear and cosmetic looks
>New music
>New characters
>Fully voiced Japanese dub
>The ability to dash
>Photo mode
>New dialogue
>Ability to visit worlds from other DQ games
>2D mode
>Party members are now visible
>forging is improved
> Multiple ??? that indicates new stuff they don't wanna spoil

Attached: _Kb-_VkvkEGmfk3t84C61w8Dw9lHKY08Ct35iUQx-R8.jpg (540x720, 57K)

Visuals are important. But people who bought a switch gave up some visuals for portability
No one gives a fuck if the switch doesn't have the best graphics because that's not why we bought the thing.
If I wanted the top of the line visuals I would build a gaming pc.

>literally admits he's just a SEETHING snoyfag COPING hard

>Doesn't even know what content is
Go learn English before posting on this board again

read again:
>I remember all kind of comparison between consoles and PC nitpicking even smallest object.
Now it's ok because you like to take Nintendo cock in your ass?
Seems like you really like Nintendo cock third worlder. Get a job and get better hardware.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm ok with less grass in my game if I get a ton of new things like this

Attached: m.jpg (260x194, 9K)

Sounds like sonyfags have no standards.
Now they call grass peak content, while crying how better graphics on pc don't count

>Calling others a third worlder
You can't even use English properly Pedro

And now it's okay because you can't stop sticking of snoy?
Because you're the one crying comparing to pc doesn't count

no, it's you who are changing definition.
>content are only things I choose to be
Based third world nigger.

>less grass

Attached: 1491769773706.jpg (500x514, 37K)

>you don't see Xbros
Yeah, nobody does anymore.

>no u

If blades of grass count as content, then all of this is like 10 games of content in of themselves.

You know Playstation is the only console selling in third worlds countries, right?

Nintendo doesn't even bother selling the switch there.
And they don't discount their games to 20 dollars a few months after launch for poorfags like snoy does.

no, it's you who say graphics dosen't count because you are shitch owner only. It's sad.

he said, as he posted in the hybrid of jrpg and console war thread on Yea Forums

>slightly reduced graphical quality

What if all this console war shit is actually just 3rd world shitters bitching because they can't own nintendo products or a decent pc

>Playstation is the only console selling in third worlds countries, right?
Only according to Nincels. You know people who have eternal period against Sony and especially PS4.
If only difference for you are grass, you are obviously mentally challenged. It's only one problem of Switch version.
It's like saying only difference between Witcher 3 on regular Xbox and 1000$ PC is grass too.

PC graphics definitely count, are you COPING ps4 can't compare to actually good graphics?

>calls someone mentally challenged
>can't even type a correct sentence

I bought a Switch because there was no other way to play BotW, I have never played it undocked. Fucking piece of shit console.

Less than ps4 is a downgrade from pc, and you can't stop sucking that one off

PC graphics count but not when someone complain about Switch.
Why are you moving goalposts and deflect to better hardware? Lack of arguments eh?
>ps4 can't compare to actually good graphics?
lmao, compared to Shitch it looks amazing.

Then you're an idiot for buying a console that isn't for

>bloom vs no bloom
switch cant handle bloom

>denying reality
Why are sonyfags COPING so much?
Nintendo games are considered expensive, not something for poor third worlders.

COPE harder

>Less than ps4 is a downgrade from pc
Absolutely false. PS4 don't have such butchered textures, vegetation and shadows.

PS4 version is at 900p
Switch version is at 720p
PC version is at 4K
Yeah, the difference between PC and PS4 is much much bigger than that of PS4 and Switch

Why not?
If we can compare switch, we can compare ps4 and notice how it is a version with no redeeming qualities.

If you play on ps4, you got cucked

>Main sale point of the switch is its portability
>never use it
>this is somehow the switch's fault

Attached: 048.jpg (621x654, 60K)

so you don't have a proof? Nincels can only use lies to defend their shitty system it seems. This thread is best example.

Isn't for what? Don't keep my hanging like your nigger brethren hang from ropes.

For me the extra content, portability and features like party follow won me over it's graphical fidelity. That being said if stuff like pop in and blurriness really bothers you like it certainly did to me at first DO NOT BUY.
The PC version is definitely the best and you can mod it with the orchestral soundtrack and sexy outfits over on nexusmods. If the other versions get these add ons as well I'm definitely going to pick up the PC version.

You got cucked

>If you play on ps4, you got cucked
PS4 version is better than Switch, only cucked version is Shitch.
Not every PC version is 4k. Also resolution is not the only difference between PS4 and Switch. Sorry.

What about CEMU?

>never played it undocked
you bought a hybrid console and never even tries portable mode
this console is not for you

>PS4 900p 30fps
>Switch 720p 30fps
>PC 4k 60fps
The difference is way bigger fool

Look at the best selling consoles on Mexico and Brazil, shitskin

fpbp as usual

>Portability over graphics is somehow bad
>Extra content over graphics is somehow bad
>Better music over graphics is somehow bad

Attached: 1448188793807.png (196x232, 72K)

>play at 720p with shit textures, no AA and horrible draw distance, whole fucking removed objects like trees, shadows and grass leaving empty PS2 textures
>call me cucked
Holy shit

Attached: 1426890604761.png (364x322, 14K)

Switch has more content, pc for graphics.
PS4 if you like getting cucked

>pretending to be blind

>complately ignore what I said and repeat the same shit
I'll take it as "yes, I was wrong and retarded"

Wait,is soundtrack really shit or just a meme?

>defends ps4
Yes, cucked by every margin

ps4 has better graphics and cheaper. Shitch for cucks.

PC has better graphics and cheaper, ps4 is definitely for cucks

have fun with those graphics while I enjoy all this new content


>buying consoles
>shitskin feels like he is part of first world
>don't have argument anymore
>no u

Switch lite just got released and its cheaper than a PS4, literally no reason to buy the PS4 version over the PC or Switch version

You said that the difference of PS4 to switch was "Less than ps4 is a downgrade from pc" was Absolutely false. Which is wrong. So you're retarded

They love Playstation, the poorfags console of choice.

PC is more expensive. PS4 has better graphics and cheaper than Shitch which they have to butcher out of graphics.
Only cucks play on Shitch.

>299 dollars is somehow less than 250 dollars
Of course the ESL can't even count.

>less content than the switch version
>worse graphics than the pc version
I think the PS4 version is the cucked version, why else would they be crying to get their hands on all that extra content

No, it's not. PS4 and PC version looks quite similar, Switch looks like gen behind. Sorry, you got cucked.
Shitch is not cheaper than PS4. Shitch lite is even more shitter version of Shitch. I don't even want to know how awful DQ port will look like.

It really is the worst of both worlds wow

>can't even defend his version anymore and has to resort to using nothing but name calling

The difference is factually bigger between PS4 and PC than PS4 and Switch. I understand you don't have the intelligence required to understand this, but just know you're retarded

It's literally the same hardware minus the video output, you are just shitting your already stained underwear at this point.

>better graphics than Shitch
Shitch is cucked version. It looks so horrible compared to PS4 and PC that not even UI and cutscenes added make up for this. Of course you will eat it because you like to eat shit.

Dragon Quest is shit.

Again with cutscenes


>The difference is factually bigger between PS4 and PC than PS4 and Switch.
Why are you lying user. Look
They look like games from different games.
Totally unacceptable.



so ui and cutscenes. How can you play shitty looking port like this?

Yes user we all know it looks worse compared to the PS4 and the PC veersion. No one really cares, no matter how much you bitch it won't change anything.
Almost like people bought a hybrid console knowing it wouldn't have pc quality graphics.
I understand why this is such a big thing for you, considering your stuck with the obsolete ps4 version.

Attached: 1505364973260.png (1119x1581, 115K)

>They look like games from different games?
Stop replying to yourself and just sleep already

>no one cares
You mean people who have low standards
I have PC version and that dosen't change the fact that Switch version is inferior. Deflecting to PC over and over won't really help you.

Attached: 1510301242558.jpg (1536x2048, 1.4M)

Eric is a nigger