I just finished Persona 3 FES
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I just finished Persona 3 FES
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Have you played the Persona games preceding it?
are you ok?
They should remaster this game
for the switch?
Well you got the second worst of the nu-personas out of the way. You should have started with 5 then 3 then 4 so it was all up hill
The only other installment I've played is Persona 5. I ended up liking 3 more because the plot was good and I got addicted to Tartarus grinding
I was thinking of either doing Innocent Sin or 4 next
When will you play the superior sequel, Persona 4?
Did you like it?
You got good taste, do Innocent Sin next
IS then EP then 4
Who's da man?
Is Koromaru a good boy?
for the pc so I can play in 120 fps
That would be Akihiko, because his whole toolkit is bullshit and broken as fuck
Absolutely, sadly he's useless for bosses
Did you cry?
wrong answer
they literally remastered it twice retard
honestly if you're being an ass backwards weeb may was well treat yourself to 4 then Innocent Sin.
Don't be mad at me just cause stupei is only useful when he's in good condition during the endgame
>even zoomers like 3 more than 5
Oh no no no no no
did you cried?
i cry everytim :c
how much do you weight?
didju rike it?
Did you emulate it?
Also I love Fuuka!
Why did you play the worst version of the game?
More Aigis
Is it not better than vanilla 3?
thoughts at this part of the game?
You misspelled "best" and or "definitive."
Thank you, I'll do IS first