Metal Gear Solid 5

Has enough years passed by for it to be okay to admit that this is a good game yet, despite it's flaws?

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Good gameplay and occasionally interesting level design but everything else is trash

So everything important in a game is good, then?

No its not you fucking retard

Its not a good game, its aggressively mediocre at best.

It is flaws? Well, it has plenty of flaws, but it did some things right. It was still a major disappointment in general terms.

Well it needed another locale to vary it as well as more interesting world design than an outpost every 300 or so meters.

But what really ruined it was repeating the same missions and how absolutely disjointed the whole thing felt after you get mother base up and running. Every scene suddenly feels like "Oh yeah, so this is now happening" while Venom just sits there an absolute awkward silence as if being unresponsive to everything happening to him

It was never 'bad' but it's worse than its predecessors. With mods you can improve it a ton.

>So everything important in a game is good, then?

the story in MGS5 was hardly there and what we got wasn't great

It is easily worse than every Metal Gear game that came before it.

How? The gameplay in each MGS game before that sucked ass.

A shit ton of gameplay features from MGS3 was cut for MGSV.

Custom maps when

And a shit ton were added

Such as?

It is an unfinished product.
Along with SP Blacklist, it is the best non-scarcity stealth game to date, and the best soft operator simulator in existence.
Konami is just mediocre not taking the Arma route with this game.
I miss Sam Fischer like you wouldn't believe.

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Just the fact that I can call in a helicopter, playing Final Countdown, while it massacres everything in the camp, makes it the game of the decad for me.

MGSV is the first game I truly regretted spending time on, the game just felt like work to me and I will always hate it for that.



Who else cried when Quiet sacrificed herself to save snake-bitten Snake?

Interesting considering Kojima wants to blend work from game

>That Titanic soundtrack

It was good. Everyone complaining about the story as if the story after the first chapter of mgs 1 wasn't complete garbage.
>recessive genes
>being controlled by a dead guy through his arm
> my mission is to defect and have you kill me for some money
>jk i wasn't being possessed, just hypnosis
>hey lets introduce all these people whose names mean peace and revive the Boss in AI form

It's a good game, but it has an undeniably bad endgame that sours the experience.
Everything up until that point is good fun, but holy shit Chapter 2 SUCKKKSSS. It sucks so fucking hard that it straight up ruins the game. I must have put 100 hours into that game and I can for certain say that I would have loved this game if not for that aids endgame

Maybe it's my fault for being hyped by all the Yea Forums threads and the cool trailers. But it felt like we got this bullshit water down game that answers questions no one asked and made the metal gear solid world somehow dumber. There was no edge. No child soldiers. You dont even fight the US government.

Ror parasites I dont have to exprain shit.

Buddies, skulls stuff, vehicles, air strikes, fob invading, weather system, posters on boxes, sliding with boxes, not 100% on this one but leaving boxes behind to fuck with enemies, robot arm

It was always a game with flaws, some of the best games ever have flaws.

All buddies do is automate stuff you would have to do yourself otherwise which literally detracts from gameplay. The Skulls aren't good boss fights compared to Peace Walker. Vehicles are a band aid for the empty map. The rest is true.

D walker, D horse poop, quiet shooting grenades, not the fights but the suit you get, you get multiple different armored vehicles

Put about 800 hours in it. Building my base up, farming s++ people by doing the weekly shit.

Check in every Tuesday to make sure I haven’t been raided.

It's not a good game, just like the other ''missing link'' MG games.
I personally stopped playing at the mission where you have to escort some kids, it was too much for me.

>have infinite heaven mod with random skulls deploying during free roam
>manage to crawl away unnoticed when they show up at the top of the africa mine
>sneak down into the pit and towards that stream that leads to the way out
>they rubberband teleport around me
>the area is too narrow so they spot me when i crawl away
bad AI

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Vocal cord parasites or something.

It feels good to play and it's gorgeous but it's not particularly compelling like most mgs games are, narratively or gameplay-wise.

Still, easily in the top 15nth percentile or so of games of all time, so yes, it's good despite its flaws.

PW was better

Im just sad they made venom snake a mute instead of a dork
All those cut dialogues make venom sound better than big boss