I tried so hard and go so far but in the end it doesn't even matter

>WoW Classic drives a huge jump in subscribers. World of Warcraft subscription revenue grew an estimated 223% in August compared to July. Despite this, total revenue was still lower than the Battle for Azeroth expansion last August.


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Other urls found in this thread:


In the end though, we must accept that it wasn't the streamers that ruined classic. The common gamers with their xcleaver, questie and BiS did that fine by themselves.

So we were the true evil all along...

Wouldn't this be entirely expected? a million $15 subs is still going to turn out less than 500k subs $15 + $60 for the expansion

absolute truth right here.

it doesnt matter if wow classic fails, thats what you shitposters dont get
we're already having the fun we wanted, exactly how we wanted it, from the people we wanted it from
IF, and thats a big if, the game fails, we will be long gone from it when it does, nobody expects the vanilla experience to last for long, its just a nice thing to do before the end of an era

>sell a game for $5 that comes with free 30 days
>complain that it doesn't do as well as full priced BfA

Blizzard just fucked up and missed an oppertunity. They could've bundled BFA with a steep discount to piggyback on WoW Classic launch, but they didn't. They didn't even put BFA on sale until a week after. What were their departments doing?

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now the classic faggot cope started

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Shhhhhhh... they are at home now...

>warned homefags that Classic won't be the same as Vanilla because the playerbase isn't the same anymore
>get called a retailfag blizzard shill

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>minority of the playerbase decides to play a certain way


a game that came out in 2004 has been solved 110%
who would have fucking thought
>now we act surprised

>h-h-h-hahaha look, classic didn't make as much money as an expansion launch! failed haha!!!

Attached: seething retailfag.jpg (601x508, 68K)

>game is "solved" that means it is not fun and nobody can enjoy it anymore


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>you think you do but you don't
How are they always right? Does this mean Diablo mobile will be good?

>that top left one
holy fucking shit dude

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It´s not that people warned you 1000th times about how people's mindset wasn´t the one we had in 2004.

>havent played WoW since Kung Fu Panda Land
>go back for classic
>get kinda board after 20 levels
>check out retail since I have sub time left
>classes now have unique updated spell animations and shit like shamans lightning bolt is an actual bolt and not some ball thing, warlocks shadow bolt looks badass, destro gets green flames now, hunters have badass melee spec and marksman is petless spec now, warlocks can be petless, same with mages, can trans,of your pets to other things now

Why do people hate retail again? Seems really polished and customizable now I wish we had back when I played. Shadow Priest animations where I hover in the air and blast out shadow tentacles seems awesome

so are you or aren't you implying that "bis lists" and various leveling helpers are the reason the game has since lost its sheen?
the game is solved, there is no mystery.
the systems are laid bare and the lore is known.
you know what will happen next patch and how to facilitate your success. it may present fun gameplay but it will never live up to what it was as a whole.

literally like the c00mer but instead of c00ming and porn it's twitch shit

Anyone else really miss Pandaria?
To me it was the best expansion.
I loved the setting, I loved the characters, I loved the story , mechanics were great.
I can’t stand BfA. I would rather play everything in one go even if it won’t take long to finish all the quests than rather wait weeks for Blizzard slowly unlocking next quest chain.

My son (14) watches a lot of video game streamers on Twitch.tv. I personally don't find them entertaining but I can understand why some people (like my son) do. Over the past month he's starting using terms like "pog", "jabaited", and "Kappa" which I guess are terms that are used in the scope of Twitch.

I don't have an issue with my son using these terms but it's gotten to the point where every sentence is Twitchspeak. We were having dinner and my daughter (age 12) was talking about how she got accepted for a summer program with the local animal shelter, and my son said "Pog you, easy clap". I told him that it was getting out of hand and that he would have to communicate normally to his parents and family. To that he said "Weird champ, feels weird man, normies omega LOL." Until he learns to communicate like a normal human being I've blacklisted Twitch from the internet for the time being. He's hysterical now but I told him that I would unblacklist it if he stopped using twitchspeak, but he's refusing to stop so for now it's banned. AITA?


Are streamer donators any more pathetic than the million odd dweebs who threw $17 into Blizzard's lap for a quick cumdump of nostalgia into their mouths? Some suit at Activision is upgrading his yacht because of you twerps.

Huh? Classic isn't ruined. It's actually better than people expected.

>minority of the playerbase decides to use wallhacks and aimbot
(Reddit space)

Thread theme : youtu.be/eVTXPUF4Oz4

I tried so hard
In spite of the way you were mocking me
Acting like I was part of your property
Remembering all the times you fought with me
I'm surprised

It got so far
Things aren't the way they were before
You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
Not that you knew me back then
But it all comes back to me in the end

You kept everything inside
And even though I tried, it all fell apart
What it meant to me will eventually be
A memory of a time when

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn't even matter

I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know

I've put my trust in you
Pushed as far as I can go
And for all this
There's only one thing you should know

I tried so hard and got so far
But in the end it doesn't even matter
I had to fall to lose it all
But in the end it doesn'mmat doe

Its a fucking mess, legit worst pserver I ever played on
>modern addons
>blizzdrone community

Well yes because they are paying for a service, and getting exactly what they wanted. Donating money that you earned wageslaving, for no reason other than to be noticed by a hollow simulacrum of friendship, to someone who makes way more money than you sitting on their ass playing video games all day, is pathetic as shit. No two ways about it

None of that makes a difference to the gameplay, except bugs which vanilla had plenty of.

How having 5x resourses doesnt make difference in gameplay?
Do you even play this game?

What does this post have to do with the previous post you made?

>paying a few bucks to play a remastered old game
>paying so [random streamer] notices you for 1 second
I don't know m8

So, Classic saw a massive jump in sub numbers but revenues were lower than BfA launch because the game is $15 opposed to $75? Wouldn't this show that Classic is highly successful since those new subs DID NOT also buy BfA?

Beat him.

Do you? Or do you just parrot alarmist and false information from Yea Forums bait threads?

Coz its breaks entire game on a fundamental level?


It's funny I pay 0 dollars to a streamer yet they notice my messages if I chatted with him. I never sub to people except getting hit by random sub roullettes. I only use the free sub on events like EVO cause their emoticons are forever to keep.

What alarmist informattion? I have 60 character with 1k devilsaur leather. Do you even know that it was possible to layer inside dungeons and farm multiple bosses without running dungeons like emperor and barron? That it was possible to layer in raids doing the same? Just fuck off back to BfA, retard.

What does? You listed a bunch of things in one post that have zero effect on gameplay, and a couple that have marginal effect. Then in a post right after you say something else happens that doesn't have to do with any of the other stuff you mentioned. Are you just copy and pasting from discord what people are saying without context?

No shit. Current WoW is driven by microtransactions and expansion sales. Classic gives subscription revenue and nothing else.

>wahh other people are doing thing, this impacts my gameplay experience because raisins!

cope and seethe

>retailfag makes an entirely apples-and-oranges comparison
>reddit lives rent free in his head


Agreed. People are just mad because they now know that others are better than they are.

Screenshot or you're a faggot

>game costing money up front made more money up front than game that only requires a subscription did

#wow #whoa

>cry for vanilla
>use hand holding addons

The state of classicfags

I mean, ultimately it's still paying up because some big, wealthy entity heard your pleas and threw you a bone. And with a game as unfulfilling as WoW it's comparable to the short-lived dopamine rush some twitch kid with daddy's wallet gets from his pretend friend reading a dono.

>retailfags S T I L L seething over classic's success to the point of making threads about it all day on Yea Forums

Your tears are delicious.

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Fuck off to BfA as I said, you are completely clueless casual trash

Do you even know what layering is?

I saw it coming because I played Runescape Classic and noticed the differences.
You're playing with knowledgeable and experienced 20 year olds and no longer playing with inexperienced, clueless 10 year olds.

But at least Runescape Classic adds new content that compliments the original game and has Youtube creators making interesting and varied video content. So although gone are the days where you see a Runescape Pker make a let the bodies hit the floor PK video, you can watch a Rargh/Link pvp challenge or Torvesta Pk video.

>Can't provide a screenshot of his dubious claims
Yeah, you're a faggot. I'll keep enjoying classic while you seethe, cuck.

Do you?

its still funding retail dumb frogposter

I can't play classic because I'm not a 14 year old idiot anymore who got lost in the majesty of "holy shit it's Warcraft! I'm playing in the Warcraft world!" The quest design is extremely poor with occurrences like "run back and forth to kill the same harpies for three different quests" being more commonplace than not, the core gameplay loop for most classes is kill one or two things > eat/drink > do it again, making it a slog if you're not at least duo'ing things with a friend.

Aside from each class having it's own individual flavor again, the saving grace is the dungeons, but even those are somewhat barebones in mechanics and the difficulty comes from the number of enemies and making sure your druid/mage/priest isn't asleep at the wheel and can hit Hibernate/Polymorph/Shackle Undead.

It's just not the game people remember because quest design has become more fluid across the industry, the overall level of engagement in combat has gone up in MMOs (an average engagement's difficulty comes from the things they do vs how hard they hit) and the community has experienced a huge paradigm shift.

Attached: he's already dead.gif (480x360, 3.1M)


>asmon says he needs x
>hour later mailbox flooded with x

>quest design has become more fluid across the industry, the overall level of engagement in combat has gone up in MMOs
No it hasn't. MMOs are still shit. WoW was just the one that made everyone realize MMOs are shit, after over a decade.


reminder that in novemeber there is the 15th wow aniversery so when you log in on retail you will get a
>lil deathwnig pet
and after you do a lfr raid you gonna get A DEATH WING MOUNT
yeah thats right

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ya thats not wats being said, im not playing that garbage

Quest design has become more fluid across the industry, though. They'll now give you most of the quests that correspond to an enemy camp rather than have you come back after every individual one. Combat engagement has gone up, however small, even if the classes have become homogenized. I'm not saying MMOs are good, I'm saying that even the small step back to older design feels genuinely awful.

>even if the classes have become homogenized
This makes the games much, much, MUCH worse to play and any minor increase in combat engagement does not offset it.

It really doesn't for WoW, especially not WoW Classic. Sure, you can do cool things in the open world but your entire rotation is literally two buttons if you're a Frost Mage and one if you're a Fire Mage. And you're not playing fire in MC, and probably not BWL either.

Blizzard has always been shit

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Just when I think the steamer cancer can't possibly be as bad as the memes say, this screenshot pops up

>have to hit 6 buttons instead of 2
>you still end up doing the exact same thing in combat
>strategy, planning, execution, and difficulty are all sacrificed

Waste of fucking effort. I rather have tons of complexity but basic combat than no complexity and a DDR combat system.

You're wrong. You're flat out wrong. I mythic raided until Eternal Palace and at no point did I feel as though the game was fun to play.

>strategy, planning, execution, and difficulty are all sacrificed
None of this existed in Classic.

retailchads dabbing on classicucks AGAIN
will it EVER end?

I know you're lying because I'm playing Classic right now. Retail it's just faceroll through instances and open world content. Classic you have to be much more careful or else you'll die.

It's all the baggage that has come with that

Actually at this point the baggage is the real ride and the fun gameplay stuff is the baggage.

WoW has been turned into a soulless husk cash shop/casino. It makes money off the kinds of vulnerable people that can't help gambling on everything. What I see in classic is an actual videogame, from back when game devs and publishers made videogames.

Modern retail wow is no longer a videogame except as a pretense. It's a crack den and gambling house for addicts.

Post your current mythic progress, buddy.

Vanilla wasn't some masterpiece of gameplay that was difficult, it was just a time consuming game in an age where instant gratification didn't exist and there was no information or datamining avaiable. Now that everybody had their nostalgia goggles ripped off after grinding SM to get server first 60 they started to realize the game hasn't changed, playerbase did. You were a completely different person when you were 15 playing Vanilla, you weren't so cynical and jaded, you could talk to people and get immersed in the game but now all people want is immediate rewards.

So if you played all that time and never felt it was fun, it doesn't matter to you. There's still bad quest design and a litany of other mid-2000's era problems.

Yeah, the strategy of who got picked to be a bomb on Geddon was real fucking hard. If you're talking about open world, it's literally just "oh, yeah, can't pull more than one or two mobs at a time, but I can maybe fear juggle a third." Retail instances are a joke until you get into doing mythic+s, and then there's...strategy, planning, execution and difficulty since it's about clearing as hard as you can, as fast as you can for the best loot. Let's get this straight though, I don't care about retail or classic, I don't have a horse in this race.

All that does is lower prices of some high end goods

It's a problem, but you sound like the kind of person who doesn't understand anything going on around them. Your world must be a dizzying incomprehensible nightmare.

Just look at the enormous success of hots.

it literally doesn't you just take 4 mages and a priest and faceroll aoe

There is no mythic in classic.

Classic isn't ruined though. It's very easy to avoid playing with those people.

>I know you're lying because I'm playing Classic right now.
So am I retard. I'm a fucking Warrior.
No you don't.

You just can't pull the entire room by yourself or you die, unless you're a Hunter or Warlock or Mage.

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There is also no mythic in retail.

No one cares

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All this fucking waiting killed the game for me. I leveled to 60 and now there is nothing to do but shitty dungeons and 2 weekly raids.
Fucking release the pvp system already and don't fucking try to say I rushed to cap faggots the game is one month old.


Maybe you shouldn't have rushed to 60.

False equivalence. Addons are not cheating and during vanilla we had thottbot and other websites to look up where questing objectives wanted us to go or tell us what to do.

>play rogue
>get fucking depressed as I'm literally the most unwanted class
I don't even want to log in anymore.

go back to retail zoomer.

>hey brotherman! I left a big $100 bomb earlier and you missed it D: am I gonna have to drop another quick 20?
Sad, we live in a society moment right here.
E-celebs as surrogate friends will hopefully be a subject of study in the future, this is a symptom of bigger disease

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It did matter to me and was the primary reason I quit retail and switched to classic. The sense of achievement gained from mythic kills was no longer worth playing an otherwise boring game devoid of any sense of meaningful progression or fun. I don't really give a shit about the issues with Classic because at least what I do in the game feels meaningful and every class feels unique. While Retail does have better quest design I don't really care because everything outside of Mythic raiding in retail is braindead content meant to subsidize mythic raiding.

This is something a lot of people don't understand about Retail. Everything outside of Mythic Raiding and high end M+ is designed to keep you grinding (therefore subbed) in order to offset the costs of catering to 2% of the retail playerbase. If you aren't doing cutting edge content in Retail, you are being taken advantage of because that content is compeltely meaningless. You're going to run Heroic Palace for what? So that you can get gear to do Mythic. Everything before Mythic is designed to funnel you into Mythic or keep you stuck and playing for no fucking reason. Then even at the Mythic level you're only playing for the challenge and intrinsic achievment because the loot only means faster mythic kills. At least in Classic I feel like all of the content I do matters for my character and isn't just another chore so that I can maybe get a new boss kill achievment this week.

I'm in this position too man. The only enjoyment I get out of the game now is camping SM and killing as many alliance I can see while they reset instances while people compliment my t1 and t2helm. They need to rush out phase 2 asap

I dps dungeons as a shadow priest and get by just fine. stop acting like a whiny baby.

1 thing wrong with questie?

This is exactly what I have been saying for months, but I only got dismissive replies, or "hurr durr I enjoy it on private servers so you're wrong".
I don't want to be the guy saying "I told you so"... but I told you so.

It's more immersive to wander around looking for quests to start and do rather than have a pinpoint marker on your map for them.

I found this to be a problem in witcher 3 and turned off the quest tracker because of it. With it, you end up just playing the game to run from one quest marker to the next quest marker, you don't even read anything, you don't explore, you just beeline between markers.

What I've learned with classic so far is that I would've actually enjoyed WoW when it had originally released, but as it presently is, it's an okay tourist attraction for me, but nothing I would stick with long term. I'm more into shitty 2d spacemans than WoW.

>Allegedly farming MC and Onyxia
>Bitching about not being able to PvP because the reward system that gives shittier-than-MC loot isn't implemented yet

Is not about rewards retard the pvp system is fun.

If they ever do dump retail and go all in on classic, I cant wait for the cash shop and all the other little mtx to be put into it.

If this is even true, the fault is completely yours. By not showing interest in your own son's hobbies and interests, you have let internet and streamers teach him. You should have a good ol' heart to heart with him. When you talk and treat him as a fellow human being, not your son, he will understand.
There is a fine balance with how much you should be in your own children's life, but it is manageable. It would be easy if you asked and talked with him about what he likes. Do not pretend to be "cool dad", nobody likes that. Be honest and be ready to learn stuff.
But seriously, just have a good ol' talk with the boy. Don't make it uncomfortable, nor a stressful situation. Teach him that talking like adults is the way to go.
I am 98% sure though that you are just writing a fanfic and shit

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>Bitching that he isn't going to PvP until the reward system is in place
>"Is not about rewards retard the pvp system is fun."
How about you go PvP then you fucking inbred?

What kind of idiot plays video games for in-game rewards instead of for fun? If it's not fun without rewards, it's not a good game and you are a retard for playing it.

The bgs are not out retard and le soulful epic world pvp is shit, just a bunch of faggots ganking a lowbie and then they all go away. You fucking blizzdrones are brainless.

Consumers normally change a business direction, not the other way around. In a very competitive environment as the gaming industry, this is even more prevalent.
WoW players changed the game to fit their play styles, and Blizzard basically follow true as every good company should.
If you share the minority's taste, sucks to be you. Free market is democracy, and democracy is the will of the majority. If the majority is stupid, society becomes stupid. Simple as that.

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Found the twitch retard.

>If they ever do dump retail and go all in on classic
Never going to happen bro.

>WoW Classic drives a huge jump in subscribers. World of Warcraft subscription revenue grew an estimated 223% in August compared to July. Despite this, total revenue was still lower than the Battle for Azeroth expansion last August.
This is why they released classic if you don't like retail you still give them your money playing classic.

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The top left exchange makes me so depressed everytime I see it
>P-please say m-my name
Do streamers not feel bad that they're taking advantage of people with incredibly sad lives? That's gotta be uncomfortable right?

What drives people to do this? Holy shit.

>it's not the influencers that are wrong, it's the normal players.

fucking christ

What the fuck is Dungeon Fighter?

>Played Hunter for the nostalgia
>Realise I won't be able to casually farm rare mats due to everyone and their mother doing that
>Can't do dungeons because everyone wants to minmax like spergs

Best I can look forward to is PvP and even then it will be impossible to progress due to script kiddies and streamers who can play 24/7.

For me it's that I didn't want to play what I already played, I wanted them to iterate on it and make it better like they used to at the time, not like how they do it now.

>it's a majority of F2P titles

I guess people are desperate for some attention and think the 15 seconds of an eceleb acknowledging their existence is worth dozens of hours of their own life's work and effort.

There has to be an evolutionary basis for this actually working. Otherwise it should've been crushed by nature by now.

Streaming is a pretty narcissistic thing to do so i doubt many of them experience feelings like guilt or pity

>Fantasy Westward Journey Online
What are these?

Crossfire is some CS ripoff for poorfags poorer than csfags I think.

they will not, they cant sell old expansions for 60 dollar

Yeah, its like ants cucking themselves for the queen. They’re literal bugmen.

Because they are casinos.

You don't put a ticket price to entry on your casino. You want as many people going into your casino as possible.

They're literally less socially inept than Yea Forums is.

>implying BFA launch sales+4 store mounts in half a expansion didnt fund classic's development

>using an addon for info ruins the game
>googling the info doesn't

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how new are you that you can't spot copypasta and also your opinion is wrong, since you're contradicting yourself. you say that you shouldn't be a cool dad, but at the same time you are suggesting to interest yourself into the topics of your kids, which is the de facto "cool dad". the proper response is to beat or disavow your child.

Yeah it's sure immersive having to either open your browser every 10 min or spend 1 hour on a single quest trying to find a fucking stack of grass or some shit

Anyone else think the people who expected everyone to play exactly like they did in 2004 and not metagame it are adorable?

>playing feral druid
>do less damage than rogues
>but have innervate battle res and MotW
>getting tons of invites
dabbing on minmaxing combat rogues feels so good

Attached: smug bethesdaface.png (486x544, 365K)

Don't get me wrong, I see a few of the LF1M MAGE OR LOCK SPELL CLEAVE AOE dungeons but the majority of runs are people learning it for the first time or trying to remember what they played 10 years ago.

Explain to me how twitch zoomies spamming emotes are any more adjusted than your average channer autist

You forgot that anything that is on top right now is automatically hated by Yea Forums

>the state of people complaining about classic

Hahaha got emmm

>rush to 60 in 3 weeks
>reee why there is no content

Attached: f2d.jpg (551x528, 23K)

Nostalrius was way more fun than Classic WoW. No layers, dungeons were overtuned on purpuse and thus way more fun and rewarding and you could NEVER easily cleave through the dungeons on your level range.

Can't even remember when was the last time I saw a Mage poly something in the Dungeon, there is no need for Crowd Control since the content is so easy.

>3 weeks is rushing
ok blizzdrone you can pretend you know shit about the game.

>ragnaros died in less than a week from release
woah... the classic experience...

>There has to be an evolutionary basis for this actually working. Otherwise it should've been crushed by nature by now.

Its giving tribute to the king/chieftain/warlord in order to gain his trust and security to protect your village. Only in the modern world none of this applies and it basically amounts to spending dozens of hours collecting a bunch of pixels so that a streamer can acknowledge your existence in front of a bunch of strangers spread across the world that will have no long-term gains whatsoever to speak of for you. When everyone's basic needs are met survival instincts can manifest in some very bizarre ways.

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>with low levels

You haven't seen the worst of it

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>png of an iFunny gif caption
For what purpose?

Attached: 1569028631982.gif (244x255, 605K)

Well, yes?

That's how it was designed. It was meant to be a time sink, and you were not provided any "go here" markers for an explicit reason.
Have you never played a game without quest markers? It's convenient to have quest markers, but it isn't fun, it's soulless and breaks the game down to purely mechanical optimized actions.

I get the feeling you've never played a game without internet access and a compendium of knowledge to get help on everything. Figuring stuff out on your own, or at most, asking other people in the game to help you, was intended. That is how you were supposed to play the game, that is how everyone who started off playing WoW 15 years ago played it. That sense of mystery, frustration, the time sink, the necessary social interaction, and the eventualy euphoric feeling when you finally got that one fucking quest done; it was all part of the game.

I think this kind of time-sink questing/hiking simulator gameplay is horrendously outdated, but I also think you are a brainlet retard if you can't figure out why people enjoyed it.

Your brain operates on a level of convenience that people didn't always have, and you are unable to appreciate what the "slow" and horrendously inefficient way of doing something was like. Just because it wasn't fast or convenient doesn't mean it wasn't fun. It was, and is, genuinely more fun than just running from one quest marker to the next not even reading anything or paying any attention to anything else going on around you.

??? They did it completely right.

>enough time for even former players to get burnt the fuck out, maybe test out retail, find out it's much, much better QoL
>see new expac exists, includes a 110 boost
>"nah I'll just level the real way"
>a few days later
>after dungeon finder autism and empty zones, BfA goes on sale
>all these autists can't help but imagine being levelcap and finding friends and experiencing endgame content

Explain for someone who doesn't play WoW. Is that some super rare/premium stuff?

>if you didn't play at least 3 hours every day for the past 3 weeks you know nothing
Some people have jobs

It's a rare material, it's not exceptionally rare, but it probably took the guy the better part of a week to do it, so the equivalent of time spent in an 8/hr wageslave job would probably be a couple hundred dollars.

you're just a brainlet, i rarely found the need to google something

>time sink=immersion and enjoyment
>I get the feeling you've never played a game without internet access and a compendium of knowledge to get help on everything.
I played Tibia so try again
>you are a brainlet retard if you can't figure out why people enjoyed it.
I know why people enjoy it but unlike you i can afford myself to spend over an hour on a single fucking quest to grab 10 donkey asses
I rather spend that time actually doing stuff with people and progressing in meaningful way

>223% sub increase
>Less rev
Whatever. Here's how Activision will spin it for Q3 earnings:
>WoW experienced a phenomenal leap in subscribers with the launch of Classic, up 223% QoQ
>Provided a x% increase in franchise revenues
>Optimistic about future opportunities for this rev channel
Mission accomplished. Q3 report saved. Nice job, NEETs and retarded zoomers.

I will still laugh when this tanks the Q4 numbers after the mass exodus, resulting in a panicked scramble to add level boosts and cosmetics into classic.

Attached: 1551873777853.png (1280x1029, 412K)

I don't need it too most of the time
But some quest are plain retarded and description points you nowhere


>playing on the same servers as streamers
You have only yourself to blame

that's exactly what i'm saying.

i miss pandaria enhance so much, the huge burst and deleting people with Stormblast was so fun

Cope harder, classicunt. Cope harder.

the game is solved but beyond that the internet community isn't the same as it was then. Gone are the days of the social aspect being actually in the game, now its revolving around streamer discords and faggot cliques. At least back in the day you could join a guild and get into the clique that way, now you drop 100$ or sub to the streamer to be let into his group just so he can auto loot the shit to himself and everyone enjoys lapping up his bowel movement

really fun gook beat em up, but its got microtrans aids and a stamina gauge, its unfortunate for how good it is, its been ruined by this shit. Gooks still love it however.

imagine taking more than a week to get to 60, why do people pretend as if its hard to get to 60? I actually quit FFXI to play back in the vanilla days because it was FAR easier than FFXI. It took me fucking 9 months to get one job to cap in FFXI. It takes literally 1 week maybe 2 for WoW. However people pretend as if its hard.

its not hard its boring

What's the best way to make money as an Alch/Herb Feral Druid?
I need my epic mount

Pick herbs and sell them on the AH. No one is going to buy your shitty pots before max level so if you need cash now just let that skill sit for now.

I've been goofing around fishing, playing the auction house, RPing with the guild and joining random world PvP raids and I'm only level 32. I'm not in the minority, either.

Imagine running between quests like a fucking bot for hours just so you are forced to wait months for new content

Who am I even selling to at that point? People powerleveling profs? I figured some pots would be valuable

You're not going to make much on the AH right now even if it's starting to get better on the sweatiest servers but you're never going to make any money selling mid level pots. Who'd buy that?

I'm taking high level. I'm 52 just starting to collect the good stuff

This is the exact reason why I haven't streamed

You weren't there you fucking zoomer, stop pretending you were.

you delete the game

WoW is unsalvageable. Move on with your lives.

Attached: wowclassic.jpg (873x310, 110K)

>It's an Ass Mongoloid episode

Vanilla had Decursive, an addon that would literally autocleanse people in your raid with the push of a single button. You didn't even need to target people for it to do its job.
I don't understand why morons lkke you think the Vanilla experience was nothing but people with stock UIs floundering about like retards.

which servers where hit by the exploit the hardest, still pondering if i want to join one but dont want to be on one were they play the economy all day and not the game so they can pin down the players later on when the player count drops

>Thinking that post is pro-Classic

Attached: 1310483412100.jpg (413x395, 19K)

They feel superior because they think they're playing THE WAY IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE despite the fact that during vanilla development Blizzard had no fucking idea what they were doing sometimes and changes implemented during TBC reflect that

Any of the meme servers.

More accurately, Kaplan wanted raiding to be the focus of the game and forced the game in that direction.

>be retard
>cannot comprehend the concept of player interaction
Goodbye :)

Attached: go away retard.png (1101x795, 99K)