Play a JRPG right now
Play a JRPG right now
That is quite puffy
That is quite puffy
Nah, I'll just fap instead
That is quite puffy
Nah, I'll just fap instead
Nah, I'll just fap instead
Not unless you shot me her feet
Footfag here. Recommend me some JRPG.
Playing TWEWY right now. On an unrelated note, today’s my 21st birthday! Any JRPGs for these feel or just to recommend in general?
I am.
I guess I could.
What do you recommend?
Something with cute girls ideally.
Have you played Etrian Odyssey?
Why is she so fat?
Stays at home and plays video games all day.
Does FF14 count? It is sort of like a jrpg.
Yes and I didn't like it very much. It feels a bit too, I dunno I guess just boring? Like there's nothing special going on, the plots are always so slow and nothing and the gameplay is so straightforward.
I much preferred Mary Skelter because it had some unusual mechanics, interesting characters and an edgy plot. I'm very much looking forward to the sequel.
Is it out?
I've played DQ1 and 2 on the SNES. What version of DQ3 should I play?
going to make some more progress in this later today
Wasn't this censored?
From my understanding 2 CGs.
One early on in the story (you can tell) and the other is in an optional scene
I will next week when DQ11 S comes out.
That's a hard pass from me then.
why? I mean it's not like the entire game is ruined because of some edited CGs
I'm playing Berseria and I fucking hate it.
muh ideology!
No, I'm sure it isn't, but I don't abide senseless censorship regardless.
It's a principle thing.
Especially when IF promised they wouldn't censor again after MonPiece fiasco.
There's hundreds of uncensored JRPGs I could be playing instead.
Same, the SNES version is the best one.
oh god you guys
i'm ______________
name five (5) good ones
a faggot
Was Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines any good?
I can't.
Dragon Quest
Dragon Quest II
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest V
Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy Tactics
wtf??? she has a dick??
>Especially when IF promised they wouldn't censor again after MonPiece fiasco.
Sony forced it
are you posting cunny threads on Yea Forums too?
I'm wrapping up Crystar, which is more on the action side but still kind of a JRPG. Next is FFVIII.
IV was boring to me. Only the twins saved it.
I understand, and that's why I forgive them, but I'm still upset it happened. I'll probably pick up the game if they port it to PC without the censorship but not before then.
Based and Twinpilled.
Never even heard of this. What is it?
How is it?
Yea Forums doesn't allow them.
How is it and should I wait for a price drop?
Accoroing to a vampire on youtube it's shit
who the fuck cares?
his vids don't even break 5000 views.
it's pretty much the same as Yea Forums in terms of them not being allowed, they get posted regardless
Jesus fuck, you suck a making videos.
it's still using a Youtube video to parrot an opinion
It's decent but not worth full price IMO. It's an action RPG where you spend most of the time running through dungeons fighting enemy mobs. Each dungeon usually has three missions, and each mission is usually three floors. They're all pretty samey though. Each enemy type has its own quirks (some try to flank you, some shoot projectiles that cause status effects, some aren't affected by hit stun, etc) but it never gets very challenging, especially if you fight everything you come across. Certain enemies glow red and are stronger; killing them drops their dying thoughts/regrets which the main character absorbs. In between missions she has to cry them out and they become you equipment of sorts. There are four playable characters overall.
It has great art and good music, BUT seeing the ending means repeating the last third of the game three times. Without spoiling too much it starts to loop with some story changes each time. The game is already pretty repetitive and this didn't help. But the story payoff was worth it I think. It's definitely not a big budget game but it's solid for what it is.
t. 70% jizz instead of water
Thanks, I'll probably wait until it's $30-20 then.
these are the most unoriginal/boring type of off topic threads, atleast post gore like the user from last night
Oh I forgot to say, the story setup is that the main character and her sister get pulled into purgatory by mistake. Stuff happens and the protag has to reach her sister before she reaches the bottom of purgatory, where there are large gears that grind up and reincarnate souls. It deals with a lot of depressing/serious topics (everyone has their own depressing backstory) but it never went overboard IMO. The protag makes a deal with two demons and there's some magical girl vibes going on.
what’s your point?
I think he's saying just post anyway
i recognize the same filenames being posted on Yea Forums, so i just wondered if you were the same cunnyposter
only if you sit on my face first
How homosexual do you have to be to only be thinking about how much other dudes cum?
It gets fun when you unlock the intense difficulty setting.
I will come this Friday with Dragon Quest 11 S.
Right now I'm playing some shorter games like Dawn of Sorrow.
No, it's not the same. Yea Forums is allegedly self-moderated, which would mean that users shit on anything they don't like and slam dat report button, and only then do the jannies fulfill the will of the people. On Yea Forums on the other hand, the jannies act in spite of what the people want. As shit as Yea Forums is for practically anything, that kind of thread usually reveals the most cunning connoisseurs and provokes the most detailed discussion.
So you just have to play through and beat the entire game, then it starts maybe getting a bit interesting. Sounds great!
Just because someone else said it, doesn't make it wrong.
poommfff...oh yes my dear....poommmmmmmmmmmffff....quite puffy that....dare I say....ppppppponnfff...puffy legs?......pomf pomf....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....pomf....quite puffy legs yes very much so .....ppppppoooooooooooommffffffffffffffffffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....puffy butts.....quite pomfy my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Replaying the Trails series in preparation for Geofront finally being near finished. In the middle of SC right now.
see you in 3-6 days cunny-chan
Too puffy. That's a boy.
You need to play on hard and it will unlock after a set number of battles.
Trails in the Sky vs Cold Steel?
Cold Steel is Studio A1 tier garbage.
These types of games are rare enough that I'd say the cost is justified. I know some people will just call this generic or something like that, but in reality they didn't just make the games in house and instead put in quite a bit of work hiring artists for everything.
They hired two illustrators, one of them did part of the 3d modeling. Hired a proper writer that has some fame. Outsourced development to Gemdrops, got Sakuzyo for BGM etc. It's a very well put together project and even the gameplay part is quite well made build wise.
Too bad they didn't have enough budget to put in more variety.
It's sort like what CH did for Mary Skelter and Death end re;Quest, instead of their Dragon star.
I recently finished CS2 after replaying the whole series, with the leaked fan translations. Pretty eager for CS3 now.
Both are part of the same story. You can't separate them. Both are required.
>Dragon Quest II
This is a very bad game.
No, I only play RPGmaker h-games.
happy birthday user
ok,I ive never finished FF7 and I want to before the remake comes out
cold steel is pretty bad. ruined the series
I'm playing Lloyds game.
Tralis because it only needed two games to actually tell it's story (3rd is more of its own thing)
Cold Steel takes too long to really pay off and it while it's not bad. You might not even like the plot or characters by the time you get to 2.
The fun thing about FF7 is that even though everyone knows about Aeris, that meme overshadows the actual twist and I feel like less people have heard of it.
If you don't know what the twist is I suggest you leave right now and play FF7 until completion, and enjoy it.
I'm playing a fan-translated Zero, what's this Geofront thing?
Some1 post the new bomberman succubi i need to cooom.
>On Yea Forums on the other hand, the jannies act in spite of what the people want.
Either goot restricted what they can do on Yea Forums after they were discovered as neogay spies, or they're just getting back at Yea Forums for making moot leave.
I'm somewhat aware of some of the twists, I know about crisis core, I just dont know which twist you're referring to.
There's a group polishing the edges on the translation, tidying it up and fixing grammar mistakes and such.
If you're midgame just keep going, the current TL is servicable.
I just cleared chapter 1, as long as the entire game is translated I don't care for some grammar mistakes.
So they are starting Azure after finishing zero?
The big twist,
Cloud is suffering from PTSD and has made up a false past to cope with it. When you escape from Midgar there's a length flashback sequence that is largely falsified by Cloud, but with just enough truth that Tifa backs it up.
If you've been okay with the patch you're using just keep going. It's accurate, which is what matters, it's just rough.
I don't know what Geofront plans on doing next, you can just roll right into Ao anyway though because it has a TL patch too which is pretty much the same quality as Zero.
Basically Guren did all the hard work already.
I have three I'm already playing though!
Ao no Kiseki - 56 hours
Fire Emblem: Three Houses -1 hour
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - 61 hours
I beat Dragon Quest 1 last night. Starting on 2 now.
On second thought I wont look at your spoiler just in case.
Alright, I'll probably go right into Ao. I always wanted to play them, but they never got an official western release. Would have liked to actually buy the games.
I want to buy Fire Emblem but I still can't get over the fact that this is the real box art.
I thought it was a joke when I first saw it.
I know this is a stupid thing to get hung up on, but goddamn.
I'm playing those too, except not Ao, playing Zero.
I should really finish XB2, I'm pretty sure i'm near the end.
It's possible that they might come out now that NISA has the licence. Not super likely, but possible, they have a bigger budget than Xseed did and they use it to release games rather than make the biggest dub ever.
I literally dont see a problem with the box art.
Where lies the issue?
Should i get Ryza's game?
dragon lolis are the best
I would love to have some physical release with at least the sky series and ao and zero bundled together.
It's lazy, it's reused character portraits, the one dude is flipped upside down because that's the only way to include his weapon in the clash without redrawing him and the color scheme is bananas.
It legitimately looks like one of the developers had their child create it as a school project rather than a work of a competent graphic designer.
Ryze just got me into anal sex... Now I can only fap to it... what happened to me.
The game itself is fine though. You literally aren't looking at the box art when you're playing the game.
I'm sure they'd sell each separate, but having all five together on a single Switch cart is a nice dream.
I just started up SMT1 for the first time.
I hate it, it's really boring and a total slog with annoying maps that aren't difficult, but are just a pain to traverse because the walls all look fucking identical.
I said I knew it was a stupid thing to get hung up on but it's so bad I cannot get beyond it.
I can't think of a box art this bad in decades.
How did it happen?
It makes me question the game's entire development.
That's exactly what i'm thinking, I'd love to own a physical copy for the switch. Hell I'd take a ps4 one, I gotta buy one anyways to play CS3. Or wait for the PC port if it ever happens.
JRPG means
You're just being autistic about it.
Ys VIII was timed exclusive to PS4/Vita and got ported to PC and Switch later on.
I honestly don't know how I'm gonna play this game without stopping to fap every half hour.
I don't disagree but knowing that doesn't help me get over it.
Highly recommended. There's something to be said about playing both side by side too, which will let you appreciate the exact difference.
I like upside-down Claude. The archers in-game actually do dumbass flips n shit for their crit animations.
The bottom half with Byleths and the castle looks kinda sloppy, though.
I'm playing FF7 and Iceborne right now. Do those count?
Oh yeah it's definitely a solid game overall. The art direction is gorgeous and it runs surprisingly well. I just wish they had done without the loop I mentioned earlier. The story twists during that time could have been retooled to work without making you repeat dungeons. It just felt like unnecessary padding. I'm still glad I got it though. Hopefully it was successful enough to warrant more games like it.
>Both are part of the same story
Cold Steel's story ruins the overarching story of all Kiseki games with erebonian curse bullshit.
>Judging a piece when he's only seen the intro and the middle
this, unopposed cunny my dude, is the best you should post some like that other user. Mods wont ban you I promise
What did he mean by this?
If you're trying to get a ban just post gore atleast you'll get some of the underagers that cant control their hormones to leave in the process.
wojacks were never funny
Gore is try hard though.
See, makes faggots squeamish they can't handle it.
What the fuck
Looks like it has a port coming October 8th and will be uncensored. That said, we won't know until it releases. I definitely won't pick it up if it is still censored.
Why does Yea Forums hate JRPGs that aren't Final Fantasy and Persona?
Because Yea Forums is full of casuals
Yes but I haven't been able to finish the ones that I have.
Holy shit my eyes bled reading that
Because jrpgs are garbage in general, except dark souls.
I'd rather go on a tinder and look for 15 year okd
Does this count as a JRPG? It was developed in the west but its gameplay is based on JRPGs.
Shit taste user, I guess you lean more towards the Vita low quality dungeon crawlers.
haha but we only l-like anime children here! stop ruining this for us you faggot I already see a van in my drivewa
How does she explore or fight with those giant funbags?
>It's lazy, it's reused character portraits
Are you blind?
Hurling bombs like every other atelier alchemist
Only on the Snoystation.
>It was developed in the west
>except dark souls.
Wow... such fun.
It looks like utter shit, so I suppose it counts.
looks like someone took the character models and just photoshopped them together
It's legal here nibba, and 15 year olds look like adults these days
play zanki zero for comfy dungeon crawling with slightly retarded combat but entertaining plot and interesting ideas
Not him and I think that guy’s an idiot but that’s pretty much most games in general if you want to boil it down.
>pretty much most games in general.
Not really.
>Zanki Zero
Oops you stepped on a trap
Oops 3 guys are now dead and all their loot and equipment is all over the trap room
Oops last save was 5 minutes ago before you somehow killed three of those annoying as fuck boar enemies
Maybe I shouldnt have played on the hardest difficulty but still
does this count?
>tfw played through BB 1 and 2 but I'm getting filtered on BB3 because I can't read moonrunes
feels bad man
There I said it.
Well Darx doesn't have contraception spell so that's a no brainer.
Post more thigh girl
Disgaea 5 or 1? They are both on sale
Why is 1 more expensive than 5?
Are you?
How is this anything but lazy?
>daughter becomes a yandere papacon
Maybe it would have been better if he did have that spell
Too busy cumming to Ryza.
That cumslut has a name, asshole
Based as fuck
What the fuck does this even prove
That the box art simply consists of basic assets slapped randomly onto it with very little thought or care.
And it sold more than any other Fire Emblem before
Stay seething
Hire me Nintendo
No thanks.
>Here's the solution for (x)
>Okay, and what's the solution for (x)?
>It's (x)
>stop baiting
I was in a good mood earlier but then some user had to go and be dumb and now I'm mad that people are dumb.
Truly ebin
Where's the rock music?
make me
>your daughter will now get you drunk to seduce you
She's a hag
It took me quite some time to max their level.
It really feels like a Dept. Heaven game, considering that the mastermind of the whole plot is an Angel, and shes obsessed with Claude too.
You'll get used to the mediocre art and shit graphics. The writing and gameplay is genuinely really solid.
>the mediocre art
It's such a difference from Hidari's art in echoes. One extreme to the other.
How did it happen?
Maybe good artists just weren't available, they have to make a billion assets for a game after all, every enemy generic and class design has to be done by the same artist.
Or maybe they specifically wanted an otome artist and he/she was the only one they could get
Well which artist do you think would have been a better fit?
They should have done everything possible to retain Hidari.
my tolerance for basic bitch gameplay of (the vast majority of) JRPGs have has sharply decreased recently. Last I played is pic and it's much more bearable than the recent shit.
>maybe they specifically wanted an otome artist
Hey, you never know. 3H is full-on faggotbait and Yea Forums seems to love it, so maybe they made the right call.
Do you want to pretend better artists don't exist?
That said this guys fanart is so unbelievably on point it feels like he wants to build a portfolio to work for a FE game one day. Alba's the name I think
>dislikes basic bitch gameplay
>plays Elminage
Is this sarcasm?
I'm burned out.
Also Ippei, his stuff in FeH is so damn good
As much as I like Elminage and Gothic in particular, it's painfully obvious you don't play much.
Whoever did Lene's FEH art should draw the rest of the franchise.
no shit I don't play much recent JRPGs, I hate the shitty level design the most. Dropped the newest Etrian, DQ and Coven because of it.
Japanese styled is not Japanese. It's literally exclusively a matter of region. Dark Souls is a JRPG. And I was trying to think of an inverse example of that for WRPGs but I'm not really coming up with anything right now. But I'm sure it exists.
Why bother, 99% of the audience cant tell the difference
>Dropped the newest Etrian, DQ and Coven because of it.
>plays elminage
Now you're just being retarded
your argument? This is a pretty good dungeon design. Can't say the same of the games I mentioned for many reasons. Especially the FOE puzzle shit.
There's more to games than level design, and Elminage's level design dropped in quality as the series progressed, Gothic in particular got rid of most puzzles and gimmick dungeons that were actually pretty common in the previous entries.
It's my favourite dungeon crawler in this decade by far, but I won't turn a blind eye to its problems, dungeon design being one of them, coupled with the unwarranted nerfing of thieves, abundance of worthless EX skills and questionable end game balance.
And you're also being massively dishonest.
I haven't played the other Elminages so I can't comment much, but I don't consider gimmicks and puzzles a positive. I get the most enjoyment when the layout itself makes you pay attention to the dungeoneering rather than just being a checklist sim like so so many RPGs. Though I do enjoy the occasional pseudo-VN like AT.
Ok but not that one. I like Ryza though.
Post the card asshole.
What is her best feature?
Don't drink it user, she spiked your beer.
Everything. She just screams "sex". I want to fuck her. I can't think rationally anymore ARRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Her smile
Omega Labyrinth Life is 20% off right now. How did the game turn out and is it worth the current sale price?
based Ryzabro's
Her even bigger tiddied GF
Name some JRPGs with good real-time action combat that aren't Ys
Don't say Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or FF12 because those are menu-based and not fully realized as realtime
what does her ass tastes like? asking for a friend
Xanadu games?
It's really fucking expensive for a digital only joke ecchi game.
Dark Souls
Dark Souls III
Yakuza Zero
Nier A Tomato
Monster Hunter
Alright. Tell me the best ones you have on PC because I'm not a console shitter.
Don't give me any of those dusty old crap you nostalgiafags
I could eat a strawberry for hours.
finished fairy fencer recently, what similar game should i play ?
>Dark Souls
Combat feels too slow
>Dark Souls III
Will play
Not a console shitter
Will play
>Yakuza Zero
I had no plans to play this one actually, thanks.
>Nier A Tomato
Will play
>Monster Hunter
Combat feels too slow
based nick cage-kun
>>Nier A Tomato
>Will play
Don't, the gameplay is actually bad.
Shiiiiiit, baby
your game doesn't come out until Halloween
Ill be too busy fucking ghouls, ghosts and all types of invisible women then
What spec is required for 1080p 60fps? I have gtx 1650 and i3 4130
Not him but your GPU is good enough for anything 1080p. I'd consider upgrading your CPU at some point when you can. Any recent i5 or ryzen r5 cpu will be a massive improvement.
>mfw going through Vesperia and already have Nier: Automata, Ys 8 and Dot Hack Last Recode waiting
Someone motivate me to finish Vesperia!
I see, thank you
Vesperia is awful
I am Setsuna for $24 or Tokyo Xanadu for $15?
Tokyo Xanadu!
Tokyo Xanadu assuming that's the EX version and not the Vita one.
This meme needs to die. The combat isn't bad at all, in fact it's pretty damn solid. It doesn't hold a candle to Bayonetta or DMC which don't hold a candle to Ninja Gaiden but it's not trying to be a straight-up action game like those are.
>muh robots have feefees
it's shit
Neither. Both suck ass.
>muh interactive button mashing movie
All video games are shit when you break them down like this.
Xanadu is okay
I just finished this game which isn't very good but then the ending came and it was sad as fuck.
What are some comfy jrpgs for Swtich that can be played handheld? Already played Xenoblade. Tried DQXI demo but didn't get far before the simplicity got me
imagine those plump cheeks right on your face
Nah, it's probably the laziest Persona knockoff I've ever seen. They literally just ripped off a bunch of story and setting queues from P3 and P4 and slapped them onto a subpar action RPG. No idea why anyone likes this game. It's the most generic shit I've played in years.
Do gachas count?
>Yea Forums is allegedly self-moderated
Are you insane? Half of Yea Forums is Yea Forums central.
Xanadu by far
Do you now realize that JRPGs aren't worth your time? Berseria ia just shitty Berserk with 50 percent more waifus and 100 percent more generic anime tropes thrown in. That's not even mentioning the shitty gameplay and visuals.
Falcom set the bar for the persona model you retard
Falcom's money making model since the 90s has always been "rip off, and resell". They've been ripping shit off for ages.
The legend of heroes series started as an essential rehash of multiple past games. They tried, and retried the formula multiple times and even giving them to multiple companies like hudson soft, and they were adapted by these companies.
Trails in the sky was essentially multiple ideas ripped off from previous games, and White Witch's tale "as best as they could tell it". They still do that a lot. Zero and Ao are also rip offs of other materials, Cold Steel, same shit.
It's a business model, and honestly they're fun up until you find out the source material of their games.
Real falcom fans really only bother with Ys and nothing else because they know everything else is just to keep the company afloat.
>Berseria ia just shitty Berserk with 50 percent more waifus and 100 percent more generic anime tropes thrown in.
Based Len poster. No one can name 5. JRPGs have some of the shittiest game design on the market. There are mobile phone games with better game design than most JRPGs.
>Real falcom fans really only bother with Ys and nothing else because they know everything else is just to keep the company afloat.
What about Zwei, Brandish or Gurumin?
Seethe harder. You know it hits deep
So what's the lewdest jrpg?
Criminal girls 2
Shin Sei Den
Pretty sure Cold Steel series was their best selling so far
>Falcom's money making model since the 90s has always been "rip off, and resell". They've been ripping shit off for ages.
What? Ys and Brandish were pretty unique franchises for their time, and I'd say the Gagharv trilogy was the same, given their weird top-down real-time combat system. Falcom don't make the most original games ever, but Tokyo Xanadu was especially soulless and uninspired. But what can you expect from a nine-month rush job project that only happened because Ys VIII got delayed.
Crypt Worlds
Tokyo Xanadu felt like "let's make a Persona clone using Cold Steel assets!"
How is Ys VIII?
They're using common anime tropes but they're not exclusively persona's. Just happens to be that persona also used those tropes.
MGQ Paradox
Yeah, except worse and even more stereotypical.
I don't think Persona ever stooped to this level of generic schlock. Sure, it's pretty anime, but it has its own style and charm. This game has none of that. It's unabashedly boiler plate in every regard.
I want to poke Ryza's soft tummy and lick her puffy parts
How is Cold Steel 2? Bought and played the first one but its so fucking anime it hurts, also a goddamn Gundam out of nowhere near the end really soured things for me
more anime and there will be more gundams
Can we please talk about the Puni Rangers for a moment? The fuck was up with them? You're telling me I've been juicing entirely rational, thinking creatures? The fuck.
where the hell are the guides for that game?
>Ryza feet right in my face
Legit one of the cringiest JRPGs I've ever played.
Even more cringy than Atelier?
At least Atelier doesn't pretend that there's a serious, world-shaking plot in the background that is so huge not even 9 games can develop it.
Dragon Quest 3
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Grandia 2
Will Ryza ever be held responsible?
Are you implying that Yea Forums would self-moderate away a loli thread? If you think that then you haven't been to Yea Forums in a long time, there are plenty of cunny threads that read bump limit and if they don't it is because some Janny removed it.
for what
Why does this cute girl have a bulge
Killing millions.
The millions she's killed
She's a mass murderer?
Sperm, user. They are talking about semen.
4 more days, baybeeee
Ah, a fellow 1998 baby. Cheers.
I was thinking if trying out twewy for the first time on switch myself.
I feel bad that Ryza's legacy is going to be dudes masturbating themselves inside out over her. I guess if that wasn't what Gust wanted, they wouldn't have went this direction though. Oh well. Hope her game is good since the Famitsu review was worth fuck all.
Great job, you got my bf horny, now I have to suck his cock under the desk while he shitposts on Yea Forums.
Someone post the pasta
>That big toe
I wish this was a banable offense.
I'd date Alma Mater, but all of the four knights are heavenly.
Siblingcest is the purest form of love.
I am playing Octopath Traveler. It's fun so far.
i'm scared now user
Would've been better if the stories were actually interconnected, instead of standalone.
Well, our Rean the Mean Meme Machine is most likely the quintessential JRPG/VN/LN/anime protagonist, after all:
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but he makes all the men wet too
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a katana and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in trails in the sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romances his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred ayylmaos who appeared at the last second
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>becomes an national hero
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>strongest woman in the world who's centuries old and loved said ancient Emperor wishes Rean was her son
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>can marry any girl of his choosing, will impregnate them with his chad thundercock
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>turns his series into a glorious unsalvagable trainwreck
>gets raped by a girl in a cave
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
>is the writer's favourite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
That's our Rean...
Hakuoro was a better harem protagonist.
Can't argue with that.
Guys what should I play? Preferably for switch or PC.
That is quite puffy
It's not the whole business model. They rip off tons of shit, but they usually keep that at bay from Ys and some smaller games.
It does NOT mean however, said smaller games are free from ripping off. They do it even when you don't notice. They rip off from their older games and other games.
The question is whether you catch them on the act. Do they go wild on rip offs on Cold Steel? You bet. Wherever they can get away with, they do it. Saves them costs and accelerates production and creates new sources of income (e.g. tokyo xanadu), what's stopping them?
So they do it.
Vesperia with a guide
The Last Remnant without a guide.
Octopath traveler is the only thing that make the switch worth buying
Why guide?
any good ones on the switch? I'm waiting till my copy of ryza's game comes on october
Ni No Kuni I+II
I'd like to know this as well. I tried playing the first omega labyrinth on vita and it was honestly very boring and VERY repetitive. It was fun for the first few dungeons but it got old fast due to how much of a copy paste everything feels.
Wizardy IV without a guide
Atelier Rorona.
with or without a guide?
jesus so the plot gets this retarded huh
When does vesperia get good?
a bunch of easily missable stuff
How's #2? I recently got it for $20
Is ni no kuni remastered worth playing? I never gave it a chance when it originally came out
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua and Tita away from Agate
oh no no no no the absolute state of Skyfags
Usually when you get the boat or Ba'ul and doing all the quests and obtaining all titles and trying to get as much stuff as possible.
Colliseum end game at unknown difficulty is god tier, but that's NG+. If you take your time to learn mechanics for comboing as much as you can early on it will be even more fun
Atelier Lulua
By the way his dad literally has 3 wives.
The one from the past, The one from present, and that one cuck. All died by the way.
Story and graphics are nice, it's not as hard as the first could be though (although they did add a Hard mode since). There's like 4 games hidden in there (Exploration and combat like in the first), but it also added City building and RTS elements. If you get a bit bored of one part you can just do something else.
Playing through Berseria because I held off on it for so long and fuck me it reminds me of how much I hate the equipment system since it is directly a copy from Zestiria.
Tales of Arise better not have this shit.
Haven't played his games, but damn, I don't think anyone can name a more chad character in JRPGs than this dude, based on this list alone.
I wish this was popular enough to get a sequel.
ew, she queefed
I really enjoyed that game, despite the MC being a faggot and I completed it despite grinding for hours and making the game harder for me. I had no idea back then that I was punishing myself
>grinding for hours and making the game harder for me. I had no idea back then that I was punishing myself
The fate of people new to SaGa games
anyone have a comparison of the uncensored vs censored for this game?
How is Switch version?
Then pirate it.
which to play
A castrated switch port, like pretty much all games, and it's the remaster, so it's better to avoid it since they dumbed down mechanics for no good reason.
You look like the right guy to ask:
I get my wisdom tooths removed next week and need something to do when I feel like shit for quite some time.
Should I buy Persona 5 ?
Only saw the first hours and it unbearable slow, does it better later ?
I can play all Sakura Sars games on the go through my phone
This has been a dream of mine since 2007 with the PSP!!!
Sakura Wars* oops, obvious phone postすみません
Better off playing SMT
I'm not one to play super old games.
Xillia 2