That game everyone loves and gushes over

>that game everyone loves and gushes over
>you just don't see what's so special
what'r her name, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck he's cute. source now please

first party nintendo titles

It's more difficult to name games where this doesn't apply for Yea Forums's tastes at least

When it comes to games that get a lot of praise on Yea Forums, I'm not crazy about TWEWY and Devil Survivor. Also this for the most part. I don't think any of these games are bad, I just don't think they're anything special.

that's how i felt like when astral chain was being shilled here

I really tried getting into it, but I just felt stupid playing it

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elder scrolls, dragon quest, mount and blade

People like platinum games
People like stands
Don't know what's so hard to understand

Probably MGR. Not a bad game, but I was unimpressed.

>witcher 3
to me it just plays like literally every other western AAA shit

stands are a jojo thing right? i don't give a shit about jojo
and i'm not too crazy about platinum games
so i just didn't understand why people had such a hard on for this game, it doesn't look like anything special

well it IS one of the worst fallouts
>shit, pointless story
>green fucking filter god damn
>butchering of previous designs (ie power armor)
>small as fuck map
>has the worst DLC (the pitt was fun and anchorage too but zeta was ass)

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most people consider fallout 3 hot garbage

Bumping in support of this post

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The genre has been heavily jerked off to since it began, and anime demon policenauts is a fresh take on it, but not too weirdly different like Wonderful 101 and also on a console that people actually own

breath of the wild
just not my thing

Wrong, normies whose first fallout game was 3 still mostly like it, which is the majority of people who played it.

>tfw when you never experienced teen love

the big fotm shonen
even normalfags that don't watch anime are aware of it, come on

>Dragon's Dogma
It's not bad, but the combat, story, and setting all seem to be fairly mediocre. It's just not interesting or impressive
Sure, it looks cool in a webm, but it's not particularly fun to play

God of War (PS4)

every Neokiketrashitpisstendo game after the Gamecube. Except for Splatoon - that is a 10/10

Metal Gear Rising.


>but the combat
>fairly mediocre
confirmed for having played the tutorial for 5 minutes and then never again
found it bros

Witcher 3

I was told it got good after the escort quest. I played until after that, and it was still the same shit.
>inb4 no it totally gets good 10 hours in! why didnt you play 15 hours, it's great then! come on man, you cant criticize unless you've played 35 hours!

Imagine having a foursome with your bro and your fucking each others sister, but you can't take your eyes off your own sister haha.

Dark Souls. Its boring and clunky.

The Legend of Zelda series
I've tried Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess and Even Breath of the Wild
Sorry fans, it just dosen't do anything for me
The games function and work just fine, but I really can't get into them

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>Sure, it looks cool in a webm, but it's not particularly fun to play
Says you
Climbing up a dragon's tail to fuck the shit out of its heart while it hovers in the air is metal as fuck

Borderlands 3 right now. All my coworkers who game are raving about it.

>friends who are virgins desperately want to have sex
>gif in OP was me after losing my virginity and the few times afterwards
I'd rather just jack off to anime girls and play video games to be desu, incels that worry about their virginity are the worst.

Try a top down Zelda if you still want to give it a chance. I don't like 3d Zelda's but I love the 2d top down ones.

what is that la creatura esqueleto ontop of him????

archie is his name. dont bother all his porn is like that, you are better off watching someone slap two dead fish together

reality rarely holds up to fantasy

Dark Souls series.

He's cute though. I don't need the girls just him.

most things nintendo maybe it just isn't the same when you don't grow up with it

Deus Ex
The actual mechanics of the game are just so fucking bad.

Bioshock before infinite came out. It was just meh.

All the third person cinematic experiences sony shits out.

Dark souls
Any mario game
FF7,8, and 9

dark souls

Every Elder Scrolls game. I've tried to give them a chance but it never seems to click with me.

Shadow of the Colossus

maybe it would impress me in the PS2 era

As opposed to after?

JRPGS are 100+ hour games user
That's usually why people say that
The first 20 hours are still early as fuck
They're pretty terrible unless you like games that long
Though it's still stupid to persist in doing something you hate just to argue with a strawman online

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Nier Automata

spec ops the line

>no one has said Undertale yet
yep, definitely fits OP's description the most

honestly if you like new vegas its not that crazy to also like 3. i mean, it depends what you like about the games, but they have enough in common. personally I like roaming the wastelands listening to radio and stuff, i dont care that much about story or characters in bethesda games because even the best ones arent that good. i prefer new vegas slightly but it was my first one so probably biased

>Nier automata even though I loved NieR
>Zelda BOTW
>God of War
>Gears of war
>Gran Turismo
>Hotline Miami

Dark Souls
>slow and boring combat
>no story
>boring setting and areas

this, its fine to not play that long, just dont claim youve given it a fair chance. say its not for you and move along

smash bros

Wind Waker.
I've played all Zeldas (minus CD-i) and can say with absolute confidence this is the worst of them all. All that pointless sailing on a literal ocean of nothingness, barely any dungeons and enemies that don't pose any actual threat. Yet Yea Forums fucking love this piece of trash.

MGS1, 2 and 3

JRPGs often come with this learning curve where you need to put time in and learn things before really getting a good grasp. You shouldn't have to play 20 hours but going in knowing that you'll enjoy it more once you fully understand it's mechanics is usually a good mentalilty.

Breath of the Wild
Metal Gear Solid
Nier Automata
Open World games in general (Fallout, Elder Scrolls, The Witcher, GTA)

Souls games.
I don't like how it feels to play and the castles and magic fantasy setting doesn't win me over either.

>Jojo shit

I've played plenty of games with a weak start, but I've persisted because I thought it was worth it. I just don't think DD has a good start or much promising beyond that. It's fine if you like it, I'm just saying why I didn't like it, and why I don't find the arguments for how good it is convincing.


Good advice. I couldn't stand playing OoT or Wind Waker but LoZ NES is good arcadey fun.

It's a switch exclusive

Every DMC game. That whole series ranges from terrible (DMC2) to mediocre (DMC3). I haven't played played DMC5 yet, so there's a chance I'll like that one, but I've already lost all hope for the series a few hours into DMC3, so I doubt it.

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dude I feel the same. I find jerking off much more satisfying. I like foreplay and shit but actual penetration doesnt feel at all that pleasing to me. Am I weird? Even I dont know wtf is going on.

fuck your shitty hat simulator, it's half the reason valve started sitting on their ass and any semblance of what was good with it at release is long gone

It's stylish and visually appealing.

where are people gushing over it? all i ever see on Yea Forums is "was this a meme game?" and "was it ever actually any good?" threads

Dude wtf you have your own opinions?
Get out this is our hivemind
I hope you have fun playing games you like today user

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Unironically it's because you have desensitized your penis from jacking it so much

Do nofap for a month, then have sex before fapping. You will never think this way again

came here to post this

the gameplay was never amazing, it was more the setting/atmosphere and arguably story. i was pretty enthralled when i first played it but I was like 14 to be fair
honestly I still prefer the original to infinite. infinite was pretty comfy and obviously more polished, but it just felt kinda lifeless, and had odd difficulty spikes. also felt like having enemies with guns didnt work well with the combat. you dont really have any ways to stop getting shot so you just kinda have to suck it up and kill them before they kill you which is a bit unsatisfying (happens in a lot of games but whatever)

It's not that it doesn't feel good, it's just not worth the effort. I don't want to hang out with her before or after I blow my load. Women aren't interesting and I'd rather just cum and forget about it.

Don't be retarded user.

it was massively popular when it came out, it was all anyone talked about. of course years later all youre gonna see is people shitting on it because its old news

agreed, i quite like those kinds of games but i played like an hour and didnt really see the appeal. the "combat" was boring and none of the characters in that first section are anything special

Elder Scrolls
Half Life
Deus Ex
Dragon Quest

Raw sex feels fucking amazing but I couldn't care less about women outside that. If they can ever simulate the sensation of a tight, slimy cunt I'm done bothering. And no, jerk-off toys are nowhere close to the real thing.

sounds tough but ill give it a shot.

depends what you like games for. most people like open world games for the exploration aspect, finding new areas and stuff to do as you progress. if youre more into skill games or whatever then youre obviously not gonna like them.
GTA is a bit different, thats mostly just a fucking about game. personally i got bored halfway through the story but played a hell of a lot of online


Nier: Automata. I got it for 2B's ass but quit midway through route C because the gameplay was just abysmal.

yeah i played dmc4 once and honestly thought it was awful. i think it just does a bad job of explaining what kind of game it is to newcomers though, ive seen more discussion of it since and it seems like its all about mastering the combat and getting sick combos, but im just not gonna invest time into something like that

>All my coworkers who game are raving about it.
yes, and they all probably look very similar

get one of those real dolls nigga

>ranges from terrible (DMC2) to mediocre (DMC3)
This is like saying the sistine chapel is okay compared to modern college student art

>I hope you have fun playing games you like today user
Thanks user. What vidya are you playing today? I think my local library might have Ace Combat or DMC, so I'll check that out, and maybe I'll replay REmake2 or Dragon Age again

yeah, it was good before the items and maybe during the first wave, but its a mess now

In that case I feel the same way. I go through a lot of the romantic motions with my GF to keep things happy, but it's more for the companionship & additional financial security than for access to a pussy. that's for her bull, anyways

Any metal gear solid game

Alan's Wake
Max Payne 3
Resident Evil 6 (or any resident evil game, to be honest)

Probably also Dragon's Dogma. Though I kinda can tell how people like the IDEA behind the game...

Witcher 3. I don't hate it, even though some design (mostly combat and toucan sam vision centered questing) is abysmal, but it's no masterpiece either. W1 was better, dunno about 2

Dark souls

I'd sooner kill myself than own a real doll. I just want a little realistic pussy I can jerk off with.

Megaman Battle Network 3. Apparently it's supposed to be the pinnacle of the series, but I played through it and it was just okay, by the end of it I was pretty tired of the game and just wanted to end. Not to mention the Final Boss is fucking bullshit, fuck you Alpha and your bullshit regenerative core defenses.
Battle Network 1 is still the best and most fun if you play the DS remake.

Mass Effect

The Souls games and the entire genre.

>Dragons Dogma
>Lobotomy corporation

Anything nintendo related, I was never a consolenigger and everythinng "bing bing wa hoo" related makes me cringe. Especialy super smash bros which is everywhere. To me it looks like cancerous garbage for manchildren.

I enjoyed the game but the world is so fucking empty it hurts it feels half finished

Lately in the FGC UNIST. Its not a bad game and its most certainly a solid game. But top level play has so many matches where its just kusoge guessing where without getting vorp to try and iframe out people just die to the top 5/Eltnum from guessing wrong during rebeats and extended pressure.

But everyone calls its anime SF and so "neutral heavy" but outside of the biggest offenders in GG/BB I see more matches that go back and forth in neutral. Also because everything is confirmable in most cases in UNIST there are little to no neutral stray hits. I just don't see the big appeal it feels like slower GG where every poke chains into confirms. Enkidu the worst in the game basically feels like a SF character unlike the rest too.

Animal Crossing.

I bought New Leaf seeing how much people talked about it, it´s one of the most boring games I have ever played in my life.

People mostly consider 6 to be the mechanical peak, 3 just had a (comparatively) good story and a great postgame
>Battle Network 1 is still the best and most fun
It was clunky and unpolished as fuck compared to later games, I don't think the DS version changes any of that

Ocarina of grime

Fo3 was my first one, and i liked new vegas more.

I'd rather not get a doll either but instead a sexbot, but until that happens it's the next best thing. If you want to give up on women entirely then why not get something you can fuck and cuddle at night?

I played 3 first but tactics is my favorite

Cube World
I can't fucking understand the autistic hype about this game. I will just assume it's sarcastic.

COD Blackops series. None of them are touch MW2, MW3 and AW in fun factor but people always saying its the best ones. Probably cause of zombiefags fr

Any Rockstar and Todd games

FFVI. Sweet mercy it's shit.

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Breath of the Wild
Dark Souls
Tried getting into all these games and nothing ever clicked.

World of warcraft

It was from a time gone by, when minecraft was still fresh and people wanted something like it but actually focused on combat and adventuring

You sound like me. Sex is overrated.

>DD is in a close friend Steam wishlist
>Ask him what game he wants from the wishlist and I would buy it for him on his birthday
>He wants either DD or some Tales Of game(or was it Ys?)
>Buy him DD, he plays it for 10 hours 2 months after his birthday, says he doesnt like it, leaves it there
I never played the game so I dont know how good or bad it is, and he is completely free to play it or not at his leisure, still feels awkward.

don't give a single fuck my guy, some more concrete sauce please

anime kof would have been a better way to describe it, but still fucking stupid. It's just a slower, more grounded anime fighter.

all i fucking renember about is was being released 7 years ago and people being extremely displeased about the lack of content and updates wich led to the game being forgotten, is it getting a re-released nowadays with more shit or what?

Nah it's nostalgia
It's been 6-8 years man
It's not like everyone has been waiting in hype most forgot about it
Seeing it actually coming out just is pleasing to my younger self who heard about it pre minecraft
I'm more puzzled by the anti cube world haters existing who just have a lot of hate for something the internet mostly forgot

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>I don't think the DS version changes any of that
But it did though. It's the definitive version of the game, and Star Force Mega Man just makes the gameplay that much better. I guess people just forget it lets you change between regular .exe and SF.

Dragon's Dogma.

combat is 99% gear dependent, 1% skill
looks ugly
boring world

ive not played any of the isometric ones, i should do that


Gonna play streets of rogue with friends later today and maybe some Deep Rock Galactic
With some solo Void Bastards or Slay the Spire maybe.
Which dragon age are you gonna replay?

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I feel like that sometimes but I'm 34 and had sex with over 60 different women, thousands of times.

Much like vidya, sex has lost it's allure.

I dreamed I was old.

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It was released in alpha because people wouldn't stop bugging the dev, he updated it like once a year later and then stopped selling it
He then went completely dark outside of the rare batch of screenshots on twitter, and now the game is actually finished and releasing

It's essentially a never ever game turned forever ever

Absolutely based and realized sex is a memepilled.

Does it feel good? Sure.

Do I get more excited fapping to hentai and homemade porn? Definitely.

Deus Ex

Final fantasy tactics. Have started the game like 5 times now, never got past chapter 2. I don't know it just doesn't click to me.

And I actually really like trpgs

Origins. 2 was so awful I couldn't even get past the first act, and I don't plan on ever trying Inquisition. I played through as an archer on nightmare for the first time, and now I think I'm going to play through as a monk with the mod that adds that class. I might also play through the DLC on the archer, but I'd have to change the build if I wanted to keep playing on nightmare

Metroid Prime
Persona 5

Gears of war.

Seems the devs had like a homosexual bear fetish.


Dark Souls. I understand why people enjoy it, and I liked watching speedruns of it. But there's nothing in the game that compels me to play it.

Wait there's a monk class mod for origins?
I never knew people even modded origins
I always get bored and never finish 2 and because of how save data transfer stuff works I'll never play inquisition unless I beat 2

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why is it always some uggos who do gay porn despite being straight and not guys like this, literally unfair

Parasite Eve

DMC peaked at it's inception, but also carried by the remnants of it's Resident Evil roots.

Having sex

tab-targeting mmos
It was always trash, born out of necessity due to networking with that many players, but now it's just done because WoW did it, and retarded suits think they'll print money if they copy it
Don't know why autists still put up with it

You can download someone's save file offline with the choices you want I think. The monk mod is made by a guy named orgolove I think. It was really hard to track down for a while because the maker ran into trouble with the nexus mods. There are some other mods, but nothing like the TES modding scene

Baldur's Gate

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Mother 3, that scene wasn't even sad.

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any borderlands

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I like it myself, have over 200 hours in it. 10 hours is plenty of time to put into a game before deciding if they like it or not, so at least your friend gave it an honest shot.

>30 fps
>bottom the barrel level design with giant blocks as the entire scenery throughout the game.

You are just a fucking moron. I could maybe understand though if it's your first platinum title.

Tekken 7
I wish my fighting game friends would stop enjoying it, its the only fighting game ive ever hated

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Dark souls in its entirety. Like the whole souls thing. The whole thing is its supposed to be rewarding for beating hard enemies, or figuring out patterns, but the games are ultra simplistic and the difficulty comes from bad game design limiting the player rather than enemy design or the areas themselves being good.

tl;dr Maybe its just zoomers and older soys over analyzing but I dont get it. The games ARE NOT HARD, just badly designed.

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>giant blocks as the entire scenery throughout the game
>majority of game takes place in a city

>weeaboo twin of an old friend
this image will never not be weird for me

Every GOTY.