What other Amazing Dpads are out there?

What other Amazing Dpads are out there?
Vita cant connect to my PC and the XBO's shape and analogs aint comfortable for me.

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Legitimately shit taste

I mostly use ds3/ds4. good enough for me and can connect those to pc without buying adapters or whatever.
have x360 controller too but that's borderline unusable for dpad games

Swap ps4 and 360/xboxone
Then the list is fine
Have you even tried to play fightan with a 360 dpad?

>Vita cant connect to my PC
I don't have a Vita myself, but from a basic google search I'm seeing that there's a Vita program called VitaStick that allow you to use the Vita as a controller on a PC. No clue if it's any good, but I remember using a similar program called Fusa Gamepad on my PSP which worked great.

Anyone try a Switch Lite yet?
I heard the dpad is as good as the Vita's

>PSP D-pad

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This belongs in just terrible tier

Especially because they had the gall to put the start/pause button on the console rather than the controller

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anyone saying a dualshock's D-pad is good needs to be strung up

You missed the worst one

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why'd whoever make this put a split joycon/joystick?
might as well put a fucking trackball and fight stick while you're at it

objectively correct list, good shit.

I take it that you don't play any fighting games with a tier list like that. This belongs in SS tier.

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Putting anything above ds4 is an uninformed and objectively wrong choice.

That's the Vita, not the PSP. I can vouch for the D-pad on it being pretty fucking good.

same thing

That's Xbone

Pretty sure that's Xbone

360 and xbox one are completely different you stupid fag.

No, they're completely different systems. That's like saying the 3DS and regular DS are basically the same thing.

Ds4 dpad is the input of choice now for fighting game players so it has to be good.

>deletes his post in fucking shame
look at this absolute loser

It's far better than the xbox 360 one.

but they are basically the same thing

>the dualshock 5 will not use the Vita D-Pad
That's going to be such a shame.

360 is in D tier, shithead

XBO's dpad is amazing.

You can delete your post, but never your shame

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This I've no idea why they didn't use the Vita's d-pad as a basis for the DS4's.

>dpad that lets you press two opposing buttons at the same time

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The PSP Dpad is similar to the PS2 except its clear and smooth
The PSVita Dpad is pretty flat but has very tactile feedback when you click on its 8 directions.
It's amazing for fighting and platformers

I'm right, you're wrong

Why aren't the Wii's classic controllers on par with SNES Dpad at least?

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vita doesn't have l2/r2 so it's not that good for some games

thanks for proving me correct

>Imagine being unable to see the bevel and flatness of surfaces simply by looking at the lighting of the scene
Sorry you're such a brainlet, user

How the fuck you gonna make a Dpad list and not have the Saturn on there?

> a third party blowing up all the first party videogame hardware industry

wew lads

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>PS4 D-Pad
Sony has never made a good D-Pad aside from the Vita.

Those new ones look so ugly

Are there quality control issues with the xbone controllers on Amazon? Should I roll the dice and buy one?

i still think the later genesis d-pads were better, they weren't as loose as the saturn's