Old games that deserve continuation/remake

Alpha Centauri- no game ever captured this feel again, today civs looks like some mobile child game

Lufia 2 - one of the best rpg back then

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none of them deserve to be remade or have sequels

so show everyone how bad your taste really is, name some games that deserve it.

are you a dumb nigger that can read?
I said NONE of the games deserve it.
fucking mutts and your common core education

but remakes always ruin good old games

alpha centauri should lie where it is untouched. sid meier, or SHIT meier, as i like to call him, would fuck it up if they remastered it

that is not the point you retards.

how could i know that you are speaking about old games in general and not the two i mentioned?

4X games are trash of course no one wants to remake this game.

NONE of them deserve to be remade or have sequels, what is so hard to understand?

we must dissent

ok retard.

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its entirely the point faggot, unless you want shitty remakes of your favourite game that rip out all the good stuff that made the game appeal to you in the first place?

as if any decisions here would be made.
we are talking about good old games, that is the point you imbecile.

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it doesnt matter how good the old game is a remake will still fuck it up, how about we get gearbox to remake your favourite game with anthony burch as lead writter?

it is not only about remakes you autist.
god damn it, autists are so annoying to deal with.

ah, so you want randy bitchford to make a sequel to your favourite game?

Dark Messiah, extremely advanced game for its time it turned engine gimmicks into gameplay and created a combat system with a lot of options and great gamefeel. Not a perfect game, definitely has pacing issues and an underwhelming ending, but still excellent and a great foundation for a genre that never came to be.

The only thing that is similar to it is The Elder Scrolls which is a shame because it proved that you don't need systems and good melee combat to make a game that pleases the average gamer so no one bothered trying.

Still, you can see seeds of things it tried to accomplish in other games, you have the great elemental systems of Divinity OS, Magicka and now Breath of the Wild.

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If an old game is good, it doesn't deserve to be ruined by a continuation/remake, what it does deserve is for its source code to get released, so it can get the Doom treatment.

"none of them" could either mean "none of the two you listed" or "no old game in general"
So, yeah, sorry buddy. It's your own damn fault people misunderstood what you wrote.

took you THAT long to think of a reply nigger?
you must really be mad

What was it specifically you liked about the feel of Alpha Centauri? For me it was the UI - the layout is terrible but the "base computer" aethetic was god tier. Also the fact there was a unique story adds cool context that Civ games just don't have.

Play King of Dragon Pass if you haven't. Totally different game but it scratches some of the same itches. I wish there were more games like it.

4x games are fun but I feel like the genre is kinda dominated by the Civ monopoly, and too many indies go into direct copy-paste civ clones which is a shame.

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i wish the shot to the leg broke only the leg.

go play Beyond Earth faggot, that's what would happen if they tried to "remake" it

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Nope, sorry, not the same user as the one you replied to.
How was you day, by the way? You seem really mad. Want to talk about it?

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GOAT combat

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This, but not because they aren't good, but because a sequel in this industry is a punishment.

Lufia 2 is fine but I liked Lufia 1 more.

yeah, we all know you can just change yous for any of your posts to show or not

you are some special kind of retard, your life really must suck.

B & RP

Not really. They remade Arkham and it was great

Sure, I could, but why would I?
How would "winning" an internet argument about something so inconsequential improve my day?
It wouldn't.


My favorite 4X. But as time goes on, the more I dread the idea of an old game being (((remade))). Same for a continuation, as even if some of the original developers were to work on a continuation there's still a considerable possiblity it would be shit and tarnish its memory

Trust your heart, user. The truth was inside you all along.