Gaming youtube channel goes downhill after gaining massive popularity

>gaming youtube channel goes downhill after gaining massive popularity
>old charm is completely gone
>old viewer base is replaced with normies

Why does this happen every time? Pic related

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Went from lower tier normie to upper tier normie.

unironically looked better before,now looks like an absolute soiboi

this isn't youtube, faggot

I'd honestly rather off myself than wear glasses after this soiboi meme. Why won't they just get contact lenses?

same with beards, it's why I started shaving

Why do you stalk him faggots


He looks worse than when he was a filthy kid.

his photos are everywhere now. I think he showed his facebook photo in a video few months ago and people found his profile.

imagine marrying this dumb bitch

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Those glasses make me want to punch him as hard as humanly possible

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>contact lenses
Hard to put in the eye

How much plastic surgery did she get?

Went from average chubby kid to average regular weight person

that's literally 99% girls with 7+/10 face under 30 now

cr1tikal used to be good but ever since his face reveal, his content went downhill and focus less on content and more about playing anything as long he shows his face

oney is the only one who didn't get affected by that

>Youtuber you supposedly like gains massive popularity, ensuring his financial success and future
>user doesn't like it because "muh sekkrit klub!" and wants him to wallow in unpopularity so he can feel special

Not everyone wants to be as miserable as you.

>99% of girls are dyed hair tattooed and pierced sluts
yikes, maybe in America

That's because hes hot so he doesnt have to play vidya, faggots and women will watch his shit no matter what.

It's not the glasses or the beard, retards, but the soi energy they radiate and you can notice. Men can use them to improve their aesthetics, that people tries to hide besides a ugly, big beard.


usually soibois couldn't grow a real men's mustache (or even thick beard) for a reason I never understood

His "pretending to be retarded" vids got stale quite quickly so I'm glad his more willing to experiment now

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>Not everyone wants to be as miserable as you.

I mean I understand them. I would take opportunity to get easy money too, but you can't deny that their videos lose their initial charm once they get bigger audience.

yeah but he was funnier

i really hate those shirts
i get looking clean but when did looking like a faggot become in

Sorry ESL retard, but it's the beard and glasses. Even Captain America looks like a soiboi with beard and glasses.

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I'm pretty sure he wasn't pretending in his videos on his first channel. He was just a kid. He should have stopped when his account was hacked.

pozdro kurahen

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I cant wear contact lenses at work since I work in a skilled trade for a living, söyhands. You get sheetrock dust or hot metal shavings in your eye while you're wearing contact lenses and you can lose that eye for life.

He might turn into an effeminate man and call you out on Twitter?

wear protective work glasses over your lenses then

you must be an idiot to believe that he wasnt pretending

>Why won't they just get contact lenses?
Most optometrists who need eye correction wear glasses instead of contacts or using laser surgery for a reason.
Contacts are a massive hazard. They can very easily damage your eye just from normal every day use, let alone when you're poking your eye to place and take them out.
Laser corrective surgery is the kind of thing you can only do once or twice in your life, if even that depending on certain ocular conditions. Laser surgery does quite significantly degrade your vision over time since it never truly heals from the cut and melted tissue the procedure leaves behind, and that scar causes many complications in the future.

Contacts are a dead-end, and corrective surgery is nowhere near what it needs to be if you're thinking about doing it early in your life. They'll just fuck you up.
Wear glasses. Avoid the thick "problem glasses" frames and just get something sleek. That alone dodges much of the look of onion.

I wear /g/-and-Yea Forums approved thin rectangular wire frame pedoglasses but I still cant find any z87.1 glasses that'll fit over them.

so you use eyeglasses to protect yourself from that instead of proper protective glasses? lol

The glasses and shit beard that probably took them a year to even look like peach fuzz isnt really soiboi. It's the feminine, soft features they tend to have and of course how they act. People have had fucking beards and glasses for hundreds of years.

I'm surprised this thread attracted this many people.

No. I take them off and put on regular z87.1 glasses when I'm drilling into a panel box or cutting a hole in a wall, söyhands.


I don't understand how someone can be so insecure they let others dictate their actions.

>giving a fuck what others think
you can take yourself from the s.oy, but you cant take the s.oy out of you

>and for some reason you can't do that while wearing contacts
you retarded?

>laser surgery bad
sure maybe 2 decades ago but now its the best thing you could do if you dont want to wear glasses.
my uncle used to have shit sight but just 1 surgery later and now he has better vision than me.
eyes have some degree of regeneration and if you are with a good optometrist then you should have no problems.
and yes, you need to be at least 21 before you can have a laser surgery.

the absolute state

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You don't know what you're talking about because you chug söy in front of a computer screen all day.

Protip: only meds and spics and grow real beards. "white" beards make you look like trailer park trash.

you literally get over it in the first couple of days of having them, I hate seeing this excuse.

>old man doesn't look like a soiboi
no shit retard

You're worse than one of those sois

polish youtuber that initially started doing videos and game reviews when he was like 12. People made fun of him for being retarded. He had shit ton of die hard fans who stalked him to find out how he looked like, where he lived etc. Over the years he started pandering to mainstream audience and it started getting obvious that he was just pretending to be dumb. In my opinion it all went to shit once people found his photos and it was revealed that he's some normie programmer soiboi now

>huh? No bro, playing my switch in public is a sign of maturity. It shows I'm alpha as fuck and dont care about other's opinions of me

Contact lenses are more expensive, you can't wear them all day or they damage your eyes and you have to worry about them being 100% sterile or nasty shit happens. Wearing glasses is so much easier

Just my opinion. I'm not insecure, I don't wear lenses or glasses so I don't know which one is more practical

I couldn't be fucked to and glasses are low effort.

No you are insecure. You're worried about being associated with the soibois to the point you think getting contacts is necessary. That's insecurity.

I got those silicone contacts and I never got used to putting them on

Fuck beards, become a mustache chad
I’ve been sporting a 70’s porn stache for about a year now. You can’t be ugly or fat tho

Funny how you exclude 'gay' there, Freddy Mercury

Mustaches are always ugly though. Up there with guys who paint their nails. Two of the biggest turnoffs.

>not wanting to look like a meme is insecurity
It's self awareness

>he can’t grow a chad mustache

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Are you washing them properly every day? If you already are maybe you've got dry eye

What do painted nails have to do with mustaches?

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There’s plenty of girls that like this look, but he looks like a pussy

Does your husband tell you he likes when your moustache tickles his dick?

You fucking retard, it's a generic look that has existed for far longer than the shitty soi meme. Do you also avoid dark colors and hoodies so you don't look like The Virgin?

contact lenses with the strength I need don't exist

I can give it a 6.5 tops

if you're afraid of looking like a soiboi with glasses or beard or both that's because you're too young, since older men don't look like soiboi because of their age, which explains the insecurity, as young persons often are

Those contacts are disposable, you throw them away after a day

Holy fuck what a bad image. I also went through bullying but ended up being fit as fuck and also not fazed enough to care about the little things to post my face like that.

Holy fuck man.

If a certain look becomes a huge meme it doesn't matter how long it existed before you mongoloid. You probably look exactly like a soiboi while telling yourself that retarded excuse lol.

My eyesight is good, so I've never had to wear glasses, but I was always put off by the idea of sticking something to my eyeballs. I'd pick glasses in a heartbeat, if I had to choose.

Didn't wear glasses until I was like 16
I always liked glasses all my life and had a fetish for them, always found people with glasses more attractive
They actually gave me a little confidence boost, both because I could finally fucking see properly and because I think they fit me
Next one's I wanna grab should be way different from what I'm used to

Any suggestions on what to avoid?

20/20 vision and stay shaved, try again sweaty

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Based Minshew. Dude probably fucks 10 girls a week.

And the fact that the meme is all that you care about shows your an insecure little shit. Caring about internet crap in the real world is for immature little faggots.

They're both super faggy.

>says while vehemently defending the soiboi look AND animeposting

>it's not the glasses

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Oh look it's the bing bing wahoo argument. Too mature to care what people think huh? A true intellectual.

>a real men's mustache (or even thick beard)
beardboi detected. you're not fooling anyone, everyone who sees you knows you're hiding a weak little baby face behind your pube beard. you're not as special as you think you are

Except all these guys would still look like absolute spergs without the glasses.

Your opinion should be the only one that ever matters. That's what being an adult means. You'll understand when you get out of middle school.

>like old style thick rimmed glasses
>now can't wear without being associated with hipsters/basedlets/blue ticks
why did they have to ruin flannel and glasses

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looks like a "male ally"
i.e. a rapist

Obviously I hold the opinion that soibois look bad if I don't want to look like one you retard

is he going to shoot up the school now

>that agitating grumpy pseudointellectual sperg kid with buzzcut and constantly angry looking expression even when neutral
why is this look so consistent? even i knew someone like this at every stage of grade school

he already did and got away with it

>nana dies
>stops streaming
A nice lad with a nice fanbase.

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Those are incels, not soi bois

What a patheric cuck.

what aesthetic is this?

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Very specific, something only he could get away with

>mfw this nigga is actually fucking 6'8

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It's just the look of a white kid who doesn't care what he looks like so he gets a bare minimum haircut and spends a lot of time on the computer so he gets glasses, the cheapest most readily available kind

>earns money,
>likes money,
>wants more money,
>becomes mass appeal,

>gaming youtube channel
Found your problem.

The half top of his head is handsome, the lower part, not so much.


Co tam na kara?
Nie widziałem od polroku,

You know there's like a million different frames that AREN'T the one frame from the edamame mouth meme, right?

Minshew only has eyes for his pure sister

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hahaha wouldnt it be so dumb and funny if he decided to fuck your little twink ass and cheat on his wife again without you being able to do anything vs him aha that would be so stupid ahaha

This user appears to be impersonating Yea Forums staff! aha how dumb hahaha

Why would anyone care about the opinion of someone who says "soiboi"?

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How long is your beard

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The thing they formerly did for fun starts turning into profit, the greed for money takes over and taints their soul forever.

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My eyesight is fine but if I had to use something, I'd wear glasses. Contact lenses scare me, I don't like the thought of putting things on my eyes. They sound tedious as fuck to deal with anyways

He looks like he gets fucked by Black Guys.

What fucking strength do you need,

>I'm gonna post gay shit, that's so hilarious! Ahahaha
kys moron. I think you should head over to /lgbt/

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Its amazing how pathetic you are and somehow related to my gender.

mad soiboi

big if true

>giving a single fuck what random strangers think
Truth is, you were soi from the start

>bing bing, wahoo!

t. wears cum stained sweatpants everywhere