ITT: we try to fix this character design

ITT: we try to fix this character design

Attached: design.png (750x796, 163K)

jawfag here, I tried LOOMISing it up a bit while staying close to the original design

how's that?

Attached: fixed 2.jpg (768x796, 158K)

>he actually got this many people mad

Attached: 1562310142142.jpg (419x280, 75K)

which one?

Round out the face's shape, especially on the cheeks
Move the ears down a bit
Thin out the lips, don't have them go so far to the sides
Shorten the neck

>muh line confidence

FPBP it’s actually fixed

Are you sure you aren't saying this just out of LOOMIS fetishism?

Attached: fixd.png (1200x630, 114K)

It does make more sense on the right-hand pic. The weird facial structure is coherent with his backstory of destructive hormone treatments.

I can't believe floof girl sells her body in exchange for handholding

Attached: 1569081290239.png (750x796, 130K)

She needs the surgery for her fucked-up face.
poor girl

also hey the eyes make sense

she cute

What's going on here?

oh no

Attached: 1569079760712.png (1200x796, 298K)

she fapping

What game is this design from?


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Attached: 1270898110157.jpg (1263x530, 881K)

Jesus, comparing the before and after and it looks like you just discovered the cute four autism.

Attached: 1551271297284.gif (200x235, 647K)

Is this the latest Reddit meme?

>pink diamond in the op
omg I love steven universe!

so how do we fix WRPGs?

That's actually really good