ITT: we try to fix this character design
ITT: we try to fix this character design
jawfag here, I tried LOOMISing it up a bit while staying close to the original design
how's that?
>he actually got this many people mad
which one?
Round out the face's shape, especially on the cheeks
Move the ears down a bit
Thin out the lips, don't have them go so far to the sides
Shorten the neck
>muh line confidence
FPBP it’s actually fixed
Are you sure you aren't saying this just out of LOOMIS fetishism?
It does make more sense on the right-hand pic. The weird facial structure is coherent with his backstory of destructive hormone treatments.
I can't believe floof girl sells her body in exchange for handholding
She needs the surgery for her fucked-up face.
poor girl
also hey the eyes make sense
she cute
What's going on here?
oh no
she fapping
What game is this design from?
Jesus, comparing the before and after and it looks like you just discovered the cute four autism.
Is this the latest Reddit meme?
>pink diamond in the op
omg I love steven universe!
so how do we fix WRPGs?
That's actually really good