Dude lootboxes are bad lmao

Dude lootboxes are bad lmao

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piss off

who gives a shit stop shilling this faggot kill yourself

They are bad though. The make kids such as yourself addicted to gambling.

>lootbox hate is finally popular and being dealt with with regulations
>now Yea Forums defends it
Predicted this shit 5 years ago

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yeah, and?

i thought he was a nip for the longest time, turns out he's a hangook

Is that Rinese Ris Ran?

The loud minority is upset about in-game cosmetics, most people don't care.

Whatever newfag Yea Forums has always loved surprise mechanics. Maybe go complain on reddit.

Are you attempting deception?

You predicted that people would disagree with you?

Fucking Nostradamus over here

They are tho, fuck off EA, I hope UK fines you into oblivion.


>Yea Forums/nels is filled with contrarian mongs
You say that likes its a revelation

>5 years ago
>right when trump announced his run for presidency
>admitting you are an election wave newfag

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>thinks slot machines are justified in any game, much less F2P.
Retard. not even F2P requires lootboxes.Go shill gambling addiction elsewhere.

They're good money makers but bad for consumers.

He never said thats when he started browsing the website you actual newfag

The customer is always right. Get that through your head, asshole.

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Yeah, okay

First off, he announced his presidential run in 2015, not 2014. Second, this isn't how long I was here, its how long since I predicted this when EA released their financial statement and 70% of their revenue was microtransactions from console and mobile divisions. Third off, I was here when the horse armor dlc was defended back in 2011 because "lol its just cosmetics"

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But which customers?
Do you think you matter to developers when you're sub-whale status?
If you aren't an oil baron you don't matter.

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>The loud minority is upset about in-game cosmetics, most people don't care.
Yeah I mean a lot of the big games doing this shit are mostly played by dumb normalfags who just rollover and accept whatever companies do. That's how CoD, EA games etc get away with it so easily. That doesn't make you any less correct because you are but my point is the majority is fucking retarded.

>buy a lootbox
>get cool items
>I am a happy customer now

When does the bad part come?

>calls people who disagree with him redditors
>unironically uses basedjack
anons stop enabling cancer by not giving it (You)'s, please

Are you saying he's wrong?

>says he is not a redditor
>he knows the stupid name of a reddit cancer meme
You are not better either

i unsubscribed once he wouldnt shut up about lootboxes. we know that they are bad, stop repeating yourself.

>The customer is always right
You realize that you're misusing this phrase, because if you actually believed that you'd be supporting lootboxes, right?

>The customer is always right. Get that through your head, asshole.

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Of course not. He is a brave soul who fights against the most villanious shit in the world: lootboxes. Global warming, ww3, nothing is equal with this horrible thing

Sorry, Thon never said that's when thon started lurking.

Lootboxes and other grindy, microtransaction based systems are created with the intention to bore you into paying extra for shit that's barely worth the price tag.

>get away with it

You're talking like they're committing a crime. No one is forcing these people to spend their money on useless pixels in a game. If you're too weak to avoid "gambling" then maybe you should stay away from it?

I say lootboxes are bad, and I will not have my mind changed. AND I'll lobby the government to ban it.

One time I spent $200 in one sitting rolling for my waifu in a Japanese gacha game. I honestly don't regret it at all, I was lucid when I did it, I'm an adult and I could afford it. I don't feel like I was coerced or forced in any way or out of control of my own actions.
That said I think lootboxes in $60 games is absolute cancer and I avoid that shit.
I don't know if I want regulation because I'd like the games I like to continue to exist but since they're foreign games they wouldn't conform to western regulation anyway so it doesn't really matter to me. I wouldn't mind if they were regulated, one way or the other, I guess.

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And who forces you to do it? Noone

>implying anyone who has been browsing Yea Forums for just a week didn't have the undeniable pleasure of seeing this meme posted at least 600000 times
never mind you're retarded too

Why does this earless man upset you so user?

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>have the power to lobby against many bad things
>lobby against items in video games


They're forcing it into games I like, and ruining my experience. I never indulge it, but the result is me playing through an extremely boring, grindy game.

That's what I do. But then it follows me into games I do enjoy, and it ruins them too. Your ideal future is one where every single game employs these mechanics, and I won't let that happen. I'd rather let the government destroy vidya then let you have your way.

Developers design their games to encourage you to pay MTX. If there's a bonus exp MTX or some kind of level skip, they make levelling up tedious to encourage sales. If rare weapons are sold via MTX the regular drop rates will be slashed.
If you mean "Who forces you to buy the game?", I guess that's an argument, but your pool of games you can buy shrinks year over year.

Strawman me all you want EA. Your time is coming.

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>We shouldn't attempt to manage our economy because children are starving in Africa - isn't that a little more important?!

What games was it forced into that you like?


Well, this is a corporate friendly site. It makes sense.

While I think that lootboxes are cancer, I think the way that Yong and other brainlets try to frame gambling addiction as the sole responsibility of the company and not the user or parents of children is retarded and ultimately pointless. People like him keep excusing bad parenting and saying shit like "hurr durr how are parents supposed to know". Maybe it isn't obvious, but a lot of parenting isn't obvious. This is like saying that parents aren't responsible for taking their kids to a hospital because how are they supposed to know symtoms or some shit. The buck has to stop somewhere and in the end, its not EA's responsibility to curb your gambling habits nor is it the government's job to do your parenting for you because you're a lazy cunt who gives a child a tablet and thinks its ok not to regulate what they do. Who are these millennial parents anyway that never looked up porn as children and don't know how easy it is to get hooked on internet shit?

gambling is regulated for a reason, drugs are banned for a reason, kids can't buy alcohol for a reason. You have to go full retarded libertarian to defend lootboxes.

Not him but Diablo 3 opened my eyes wide to the travesty of MTX


TF2 for starters.

>w-well it kept it alive
Yeah, by bloating the netcode and making the game as stable as Skyrim. I honestly don't even mind if it broke the artstyle, but at this point it just feels like Valve is gonna eventually bloat the game to a point where it'll permanently break something that can't be patched.

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Not him but I'm for regulating lootboxes in general, but as I said in , at some point you have to acknowledge the responsibility of the end user and call out that parents are being lazy. They are part of the problem too. The kind of parent that gives their child the ability to use their credit card is negligent and probably retarded. The kind of parent that doesn't regulate their child's internet access despite having grown up in the internet era and has had plenty of exposure to how the internet works, is a lazy cunt.

And for autist whales that spend 60k in Run Escape, well, they are adults and its their responsibility to get their gambling addiction in check. Only children should be regulated by the government, adults can fuck themselves all they want.

I like how this anecdote is perfectly crafted to make you look as pathetic and hypocritical as possible. THIS is what a good troll looks like.

That's because gambling addiction is the only legitimate argument for government intervention. Every other complaint comes down to personal responsibility and making educated decisions on what you and people in your care purchase, which is hard to sell because people generally want less responsibility, not more.

It's also doubly stupid on Yea Forums because this is also the board where the loudest voices think that having ultra baby diaper easy mode for people with mental/physical disabilities is heinous and stupid but always harp on muh children and gambling addicts to demonize loot boxes. It's hilariously selective.

You're going too far and asking for more than you need, you don't need to leave the gaming industry to find an example, watch:

Games are regulated for a reason, the ESRB provides important information regarding the content of a game to parents and divides games into recommended age ratings based on that content. We don't need to immediately ban loot boxes but it would be prudent to inform parents of their existence in a game and to restrict them by age if deemed necessary.

>THIS is what a good troll looks like.
Y-yeah I was just trolling...

The ESRB isn't a government agency, and any decisions that are made based on achieving a certain rating or the result of a given rating is up to publishers, developers, and retailers. It's all self-regulated. But now people want to drag the government into it.

Speaking of TF2, god Yong is such a fucking sensationalist brainlet that he comes out with a 20 min video calling TF2 lootboxes gambling without understanding how the economy actually works. And he refuses to aknowledge fault despite being BTFO in his own comments telling him that everything he said was wrong or misinformed. For someone that builds his reputation on calling out misinformation and lies from others, he's suprisingly hesitant to just amend his video and appologize for his low IQ take. Same shit with the DMC5 microtransaction nontroversy.

Yong has been shit ever since he started following the lootbox/controversy train. His content was much better when he was just talking about games he actually liked, instead of dredging up info on a games no one plays and no one cares about like FO76 and Anthem week after week.

If you buy lootboxes in the first place you're already a ginormous retarded faggot that will never learn and I'm sure their parents are equally retarded so I don't mind bringing daddy government into this

>But now people want to drag the government into it.
Only because the ESRB refuses to regulate loot boxes. If they did, the government wouldn't have to do anything.
Literally everything would be solved. Disclosure is the only thing needed at this time.

And they say wojack isn't the same shit as rage faces and comics. Reddit really has the run of this place now, no wonder the board fucking blows.

>retarded people are retarded
>that means we need tax payer dollars to keep them in check
Fuck off. I think whales are cancer but whales ruining their lives with digital currency is more than enough punishment for their retardation. And parents need to stop being let off the hook for being bad parents. If you have a child and you give them free reign over your finances in le current year, you deserve to go bankrupt and spend the rest of your life in debter's prison.

Even normies are getting mad at CoD and Star Wars for the microtransactions. You really think EA would use the lack of micros as a selling point for the new Jedi game if normies didn't give a shit? Star Wars fans are the biggest suckers too.

They're ruining MY games, though. Every time I vote to avoid lootboxes, and never spend money on them, but you know what happens? My vote gets discarded by a whale who spends 10,000 dollars on surprise mechanics.

Voting with your wallet doesn't work.

>Only because the ESRB refuses to regulate loot boxes.
You realize that would only affect North America, then?

You say that like your precious tax payer shekels are going to better places

Those pine nut farmers aren't going to drop strike themselves

>play game for free
>complain about devs making money from optional items

PEGI should follow suit too of course.
All they really need to do is add a "lootbox" descriptor to inform buyers and parents. Then people can make informed purchases.
(Also soft prevention to post-relase lootbox patches since it would require re-rating and re-printing and re-calling)
It's a small ask really, nothing like demands for bans, but it would do a great amount of good.
There's also little reasonable argument against it at this point.

If your games are EA/Activision trash and sports games, you don't have my sympathy.

>You're talking like they're committing a crime.
They are.
Gambling has proper regulations for a reason, user. If the game industry wants to get in to gambling, they have to be regulated by the government.

Why do you think EA and them are trying so hard to claim that Lootboxes aren't gambling?

>he plays FIFA and COD
Neck yourself.

>All they really need to do is add a "lootbox" descriptor to inform buyers and parents.
Don't they already label games with in-game purchases?

I literally JUST told you that they're infecting good games and are no longer just restrained to FIFA and COD. Can you not keep up with a conversation?

> at some point you have to acknowledge the responsibility of the end user and call out that parents are being lazy.
That's the first thing people tend to do, especially when they want to defend their hobby.
You're trying to cover the criminal acts of the game industry with it right now. There comes a point where one has to label evil acts as what they are, personal responsibility does not excuse criminal acts.

> buy 10-20 lootbox
> don't get item/s you wanted
> buy many more lootboxes for 0.5% rare items
> be addicted too gambling

What if two customers disagree?

They do which is why asking for a loot box descriptor seems perfectly reasonable to me.
And incase anyone is wondering what is meant by that since people have demanded definitions before. Here's the legal definition as proposed by the US government, which seems reasonable to me.
I think asking for a ban just might be asking for too much, but if we were all asking for disclosure instead we could actually achieve something.

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>implying games that have lootboxes are ever good
Name them so I can laugh at your shit taste even harder.

Yes, and?

The irony of "pro-consumer" movements is that the consumer often doesn't mind the things they rally against. It's just case after case of activists thinking they know better than the average Joe when it comes to spending his money.

Dude reddit hate lootbox so I now love lootbox lmao

Go on and imply that early TF2 wasn't absolute kino. I dare you.

Lootboxes are fucking dumb, I want to pay for the thing I want not roll a fucking dice for the chance of getting it.

If you think that TF2 loot boxes are at all comparable to to modern EA/Activision shit then you don't actually understand how the TF2 economy works. And if your example of lootboxes infesting other games is a game that had lootboxes before FIFA did, then shit, you're a god damned mongoloid.

How does this faggot have so many subscribers? He just reads news articles in a monotone voice.

I don't have a problem with lootboxes because I don't support games that use them. This problem literally goes away overnight if people learned to vote with their wallets instead of just paying up and complaining later.

>but the whales the whales

Whales are a tiny portion of the consumer base, most of which spend inordinate amounts of money to have an advantage over the majority. When they have no one to compete against aside from the few other whales who have purchased the game and dumped money into lootboxes, they move on as there is virtually no one playing. Furthermore, even if the whales remain publishers know that having a few hundred people play your game instead of tens of thousands is a death sentence to their company. That's how protests work: enough of you take action and make reasonable demands and things change.

But no. Keep buying the games and bitching about lootboxes that are ruining the industry while you prop up those who are ruining the industry.

This. EA and friends have had years to "regulate" themselves and failed to do so. There are certainly times where industry can manage to regulate itself, but those times are exceptions and not the norm.

Only someone truly ignorant of history wants to let the market "regulate" itself as if it were disconnected from society. The market has shown many times in the past that it doesn't care about anything but its continued profits.

Why else did the merchants of the Victorian age not list the ingredients for their makeup products on their packaging? Because it was good cost savings and the law hadn't thought about it yet. This is also why you could buy Arsenic and Table Sugar in similar looking packaging with nothing to differentiate them. It took a chemist accidentally poisoning hundreds of people for the society at large to realize the rules needed changing.

The lack of regulations also led to fun like extremely flammable clothing and poisonous hair treatments that often made women sick and bald.

God forbid anyone has an issue with merchants trying to rip off their customers. It absolutely has to be arrogance. Clearly, it cannot be a struggle against bullshit like losing the right to repair your own purchased product through legalese that is too expensive to fight against that motivates pro-consumer movements.

gee totally not surprising to see EA shills coming out of the woodwork to shit on people who dare criticize their “create problem, sell solution” scheme
and here comes the perfect excuse to run behind, conveniently omitting paid games that also include this shit
>cosmetics that don’t affect gameplay
yeah because it’s totally always like this.

Hey Yong, what will you do when user reception for Death Stranding tanks?

>vote with your wallet
doesn’t work if they hold hostage the defiled corpse of the fanbase’s favorite franchise. people will always inevitably buy it out of desperation to keep their beloved vidya series alive

It still baffles me someone can be this fucking ugly. Like you're at a disadvantage in life as it is just because you're asian with your squinty eyes and small dick but this guy is beyond fucking ugly. If you were to edit out all his facial hair he'd look more like a woman than a man.

That means they aren't voting with their wallets at all. So they're literally not doing the thing that works.

>it doesn't work if we don't do it
Based retard


He can be a decent voice actor but good luck getting into anything other than indieshit games or trying to get anything before Troy Baker and the big name VA mafia.

FIFA lootboxes aren't even that bad. They're separated into a completely segregated mode, Ultimate Team. There's enough other modes to play that it's a non-issue. I just play local matches, pro clubs, and career mode and get my money's worth. The effect of lootboxes is over-sensationalized by uninformed youtubers such as Yong.

>reads news and reddit articles word for word verbatim
>makes 200+, 10 minute videos on the same topic with every video being exactly the same just worded ever so slightly
>takes 4 minutes recapping what he said in the last video and not adding anything new to the current video
>repeats the same buzzwords muh "PREDATORY BUSINESS PRACTICES"
>has never played most of the games he criticizes
>has no original input except for further spewing brain dead gamers rise up nonsense
>is seen as an honest and epic games journalist by idiots who don't know how to form their own opinions
>willingly accepts gifts from the same companies he criticizes instead of rejecting them out of principle
I'll see you next time, YOOOOOOOOONG OUT

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