Is this JRPG any good?

Is this JRPG any good?

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It's no Golden Sun.

Quite. It proves that you can be somewhat cliche and break no new ground yet make a great game so long as you have polish. It's really good, user.

I found it incredibly boring and predictable. The music is bombastic and grating, the characters are all unlikeable (you also get a screeching faggot character stuck with you for the whole game), and you can see every twist in the story coming hours before it actually happens.

It's really mediocre shit that is intended only for actual hikikomoris right now.

>the characters are all unlikeable
I have no idea how anyone can feel this way unless they're used to Trails/Persona style MC fellatio. The cast has great chemistry and they all have stuff going on under the hood.
>and you can see every twist in the story coming
Maybe I'm dumb, but I didn't see Vero's death, abandoning the ruined timeline, or the reincarnation legacy coming at all.

This game provided a valuable service in giving you an opportunity to show how stunning and brave you are by shitting on it. I think you would be lost in this world without similar titles.

These games haven't evolved since DQ I, it's the same old shit, you can win every battle by only attacking and healing endlessly, it's full of useless spells you never use too, nothing exciting will happen in any battle.

>JRPG any good

That's why you play on stronger enemies.

I couldn't personally get into it when I played the demo. It's certainly not bad but meant to appeal to a certain type of player

>These games haven't evolved since DQ I
How to spot people who never played more than one DQ. I'm grateful for the "comfort food" meme for allowing quick identification of posers.

I'm only 8 hours in and I've been rushing the main quest only so no doubt it gets better, but I don't have the same patience for games as younger me. That's probably why I enjoyed DQ Heroes more

i doubt you even play dq1 you lying fuck

which dq games are good? just 3 8 and 11?

VII is arguably the best one in the series.

DQI and DQXI have essentially the same turn based combat

Depends on what you want.
You might like 1('s remakes) if you want a short, simple adventure. 3-5 are just pretty good games throughout, although I feel 4 is weaker by being caught in the middle of a strong, repayable campaign and a strong, simple narrative. 7's great if you're the kind of person who can play RPGs forever. 8's a weird case where people tend to love or hate it. I'm not hot on it or 9 because the way Level-5 designs games bugs me.

3 and 5 and 8 are absolutely great entry points though, the former two have phenomenal soundtracks.

What version of 3 should I play?

>1v1 game with a small skill pool and level cap vs party based RPG with unit-to-unit turn order, an entire skill tree customization system and balanced around party management/damage optimization and mitigation.

I mean they're the same in the way that Mario still jumps on people I guess.

if you like standard JRPGs you will like it
if you can't appreciate the charm it has or the care and effort they put into it you're a brainless rube

Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI Super-Resolution 2018.09.10 - (2560x1440, 2.44M)

Honestly any physical release is fine.
NES is a bit rough but it was damn good even back then. SNES has upgraded visuals and arrangements if you're into that. GBC has the most bonus content but has a shrunken field of view. It's 100% a matter of preference. It's the single most replayable JRPG ever made, so don't fret, you can just play it again in a few years with a different team if you're curious.

Can I appreciate the NPC girls?

Attached: DQ11 NPC Girls.jpg (5000x2232, 2.83M)

Anything except modern official ports. They've been giving DQ1-3 the FF5/6 treatment. If it's pre-2005, you're good.

you'd be a fool not to

Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI Super-Resolution 2018.09.23 - (2560x1440, 3.63M)

I sure do.
>devs increase breast size across the board because they know Toriyama always draws smaller than he intends.

Well, I'm talking about the core gameplay, not the fancy things.

For example a party based RPG is just an illusion, you can think it as the same 1 vs 1 pool of hp, about the skill tree I just pick any without reading because I don't use them anyways, I probably use them once and when I see attacking normally does more damage then I forget about them, yes I even equipped the mages with melee weapons. I never use the pep powers either, I don't know if they become good, but attacking 5-6 times does the same damage so what gives

You can think as a character dying as just to "not being able to use a selection of spells for while" it's like having a 1v1 fight and suddenly 1/4 of your spells are gone, it's the same effect.

I'm the most souless RPG player, turn based strategy is about depleting the enemy pool first using attack, anything else is a gimmick

the graphics are extremely pleasant to look at

more sukeban than any of the rivercity girls

some pep powers aren't worth it but status effects are a thing and you often can't just keep auto-attacking unless you play on normal baby mode

I suck shit at these kinds of games and I might have seen a game over screen twice in the entire playthrough of DQXI on normal

So are the ones with triangle patterns on their clothes intended to be some sort of Asian proxy race?

DQ1 has no party system, the main character is a jack of all trades, buffing/debuffing doesn't factor and there's no such thing as last resort strategies like Zing and Kamikaze, you can't strike first like in DQXI, there's no tension system, you can't recruit monsters you beat, etc.
You are so deep in your ass right now.

Fuck I didn't know the game had hard mode, maybe I picked easy or normal and didn't realize

What's so good about 7

almost every DQ game is good

You have to press X ( Y on PC or triangle on PS4) while you're naming your character and there is a list of options including stronger monsters. Can only enable them at the start of the game. You can disable them later but can't re-enable them.

people say hard monsters is like "real" dragon quest, but the draconian modes give you a bunch of ways to make the game sufficiently challenging
the art team for this game really put in work for the small details, it's excellent

Attached: DRAGON QUEST XI Super-Resolution 2018.09.10 - (2560x1440, 2.61M)

All DQ games except 2 and arguably 6 are good, each one might not be your cup of tea though
Short little adventure with only one dungeon. It's definitely what one would define as a "comfort food" type of game given its short length and straightforward objective on repeat playthroughs.
Shit but neat to look at for adding the party system.
3 is essentially 4 but not as good. Story was revolutionary at the time, but there may as well be no characters. It added the class system though, so there's that.
Like 3 but good, don't play the NES version, get DS or mobile, or hope Squenix finally translates the PS1 version and they use that version for the inevitable Switch port
Best game in the series. Also added monster catching and wives.
Worst game in the Zenethia trilogy. Still neat, don't actually buy it at this point, it's becoming rare.
Great game, people don't like the lengthy intro though.
Great game, most popular game in the West.
Precursor to an MMO, very different from past titles
Good luck playing it
Callback game, adds minimal addtions, you either love it or hate it.
This isn't even getting into the great spin-offs like Builders, Rocket Slime and Monsters. Only spin-off I'd avoid are the Heroes games, unless you like musou.


Voice acting is cancer though. Jap vocals much better and also literal faggot in party

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I know fag, I'm saying that for me a 1v1 rpg is the same as 4vs4 rpg because in the end of the day it's just numbers decreasing and increasing in different order, the core gameplay is the same.

is dq 11 worth playing on a 3ds? it's the only platform I could play it on

Dragon quest 11 is a comfy jrpg with fun characters, non who are raging cunts like in modern games, and a lot of fuckable monsters.

Attached: Dragon Quest XI.jpg (3840x2160, 3.67M)

Except I listed reasons why the core gameplay is different. DQ1, you don't really need to think, you can mash your way through.
Try that shit in 5 past the Childhood era, and you'll get your shit kicked in, you need to get crowd control weapons, proper armor, make sure you're levelled enough to get buff/debuff/revive spells, get the caravan to carry around monsters.
It seems more like you just don't like turn based games, in which case, the fuck are you doing in a thread for turn based games. I don't like racing games, doesn't mean I go into a Forza thread and say "Why don't you just get a real car".

Do you know Japanese?
If you don't, you can still hack you 3DS and get DQ1-3 (emulated) and 4-9 (these were released on DS/3DS).
If you emulate 1-3, make sure it's either GBC or SFC w/ fan translation

Me on the right

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It's well received but I found it to be incredibly boring and dropped it after the first dragon ball

Stronger Enemies + No EXP From Weaker enemies make it really enjoyable.

It's nice when status effects are actually useful in JRPGs.

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>good luck playing it
why? what's the issue?

It's a MMORPG exclusive to Japan available on the following systems
>Wii U

Yes but you're not going to see any praise for it any time soon because the game is coming to switch.

>Well, I'm talking about the core gameplay, not the fancy things.
That literally is the core.
>I just pick any without reading because I don't use them anyways, I probably use them once and when I see attacking normally does more damage then I forget about them
So you didn't play DQ11 then. You get free skills early on that do more than attack does. There is no reason to use the attack option for most of the party.
>yes I even equipped the mages with melee weapons.
As opposed to? The harp is pretty much the only non-melee weapon.
>I never use the pep powers either, I don't know if they become good, but attacking 5-6 times does the same damage so what gives
What are you on about? Pep Powers vary wildly and a lot of them don't even deal damage, they do bluffs or debuffs or turn enemies into metal slimes or add a DoT effect.
>You can think as a character dying as just to "not being able to use a selection of spells for while" it's like having a 1v1 fight and suddenly 1/4 of your spells are gone, it's the same effect.
And DQ1 diesn't do that. It's a fundamental system change. You have options with variable strengths and resistances moving at variable speed getting a variable number of turns holding a chunk of your arsenal. This is nothing like a 1v1 fight at all mechanically. You may as well say SF2 and KoF2001 play the same.
>I'm the most souless RPG player, turn based strategy is about depleting the enemy pool first using attack, anything else is a gimmick
I think you just have autism and confuse "I play it the same" with "the system is the same."

This is essentially why I don't play any of the DQ games. I can't stand that music and the plot is always so boring.

I love turn based combat and story driven adventure games, but this series is just too bland.

Which ones did you play? How far did you get? What didn't you like?
Like, I can't see someone saying DQ4's story is worse than that of most JRPGs before or after. It lacks bombast and isn't as direct, sure, but it's rock solid.

There wasn't praise when it launched last year either because SPOODERMAN.
Thanks Sony.

Everyone says "play with Harder Monsters" but some of the part 3 superbosses become a fucking nightmare

That's why they're superbosses.

Actually wrong, older DQ games are round based. Both sides queue up actions and perform them in order of speed, DQXI is more like other turn based games where instead of queuing up actions for your party to perform, the characters act as soon as you select their move.

fair enough but I think some people are going to overestimate their ability and regret picking Harder Monsters at some point

>mistaking shitposts for discussion