Women over 50 are playing more videogames than men
This is why I tell them to suck my cock. Imagine all the bimbo milfs licking their fat cocksucking lips while I'm sexting them in game chat.
aletta was cute before she dun fucked herself up with dem botox
we need more games aimed at men to balance things out
a lot women over 50 are unemployable homemakers so that would make sense
She was more than cute. Now she’s all plastic
and how do know that these "video games" are sudoku and those colour fill in apps on the phone?
>*Candy Crush, Words with Friends, and Farmville
Do these polls literally every tell if it's mobile or not?
I wouldn't be surprised if 75% of all women are "gamers".
My mom plays blackjack on her iPhone. So I guess she's a gamer too.
having a bimbofication fetish is the worst thing possible it also slowly gave me AGP.
And? why should i give a fuck? go fuck yourself.
Recommend me a new hobby, Yea Forums. I don't want people to think I'ma a weirdo for play with girls toys.
Why do women inject shit in their lips to make it look like they are having a hemorrhoid on the wrong end?
How can real videogames and not real be separated?
Still more video games than shitposting on a Kyrgyz fish tank making board
I think bimbofags are worse than even footfags
if it's on a phone or web browser it's not a real game.
no, your gacha about moe anthropomorphized teapots is not a real game.
>>more old used up whores are playing shitty phone games
Wow, really!? I had no idea that stupid cuntrags like shallow garbage only enjoyed by stupid cuntrags.
>Women over 50 are dicking around on their phones/ipads more than men.
Women over 50 are playing more mobile phone videogames than men.
Fixed it for you. Also I'm not surprised.
>You now remember vintage Aletta
Where the milfs at?
plastic surgery ban when?
There are so many useless goddamn studies. "More girls are gamers than boys", "Girls are better at games than boys", "Old women play more video games than everyone" why the fuck waste any time at all on this useless fucking bullshit.
Heli Attack 3 is a real game, fuck you.
Straight men like it
>thinks phone games are video games
teenage girls and gay men in the fashion industry like it
What else are you going to do every afternoon after posting Boomer shit on Facebook while your husband works all day?
more like she was a generic eastern yuro and after plastic she a top tier bimbo
But 50 year olds are already leaving MILFness and moving into the cougar transitional phase.
plastic bimbos are my fetish
Yeah, my mom was playing Dark Souls III the other day. She got bored of day time tv.
>top tier bimbo
that's an oxymoron
For clicks
>Newzoo study shows female gamers are most likely to be 'time fillers', mostly playing on mobile
This. Housewives are essentially NEETs, except they sometimes cook and clean the house
Bimbos are the new lolis. Get your boomer-ass out of here.
>Aletta Ocean
>a tranny
I have looked at her pussy for 10 years now, don't act stupid
Don't forget that they suck their husbands cock
Bimbos disgust me, it's like they threw away all their feminine appeal and they reshaped all their body parts simply to be sex toys for men.
she looks 100 times better now
Has anyone here used Adult Friend Finder before with a gold membership?
Living the dream since the dawn of time.
>This. Housewives are essentially NEETs, except they sometimes cook and clean the house
House Wife = Disciplined NEET.
The only good big lips are natural ones
>bimbofags, footfags and people who say cunny instead of loli exist
say what you will fags,but bimbo lips are god tier dick insertion
>"-wahh she ruined with all the plastic!"
that's much fucking better
>late game cosmetics shop lets you adjust your body sliders beyond what you could do in the character creation at the start of the game
blowjobs are unsightly in the first place
>video games
Would perfectly fuck both desu. She already had nice tits before the boobjob.
I'm going to puke.
she's already been mutilated in the first photo, the second is just worse.
It's just numales. Bimbos were always attractive to patrician succesful rich old men and will remain so. Nothing as beautiful as seeing innocence ruined and bimbofied in hope to get some money as a gold digger or old wenches grasping at their youth and trying to get it back by bimbofying themselves. ABSOLUTELY PATRICIANCORE.
Why do women do that to themselves? Why do they like to be viewed as sex objects.
What goes into their heads bros?
>What goes into their heads bros?
Into? Jewish propaganda
As much as I love bimbos, she overdid it. And it takes a lot for me to say that. Much better a few years ago when she was still mostly plastic but not horrid.
>it's patrician because of my very specific fanfic
>Jews are trying to make women ugly
>Jews are influencing women to turn them into sex objects
Pick a lane.
I'm in love
That's just how the female brain works, user. They love being objectified by chad and put up on a pedestal.
>68 replies
>44 IPs
all the bimboshitters are the same guy
Is it still fucking bejeweled and other mobile shit?
Because that shit's essentially not gaming.
They're real games, but these stats are used to push narratives that aren't relevant to the core games that people actually buy.
They make these stats, and then they say that the new Duke Nukem needs to be more inclusive because more women play games, see here look at the stats. When in fact women are just dicking around on facebook and are never going to buy Duke Nukem 7: Balls of Titanium edition:
yeah I wish
Bimbofication is a fetish. Why do people like feet or to be shat upon?
God, she looks absolutely ridiculous now. She used to be so hot ;_;
Just look at this shit. I mean what is that? Why would you put implants into your ass when you already have a pretty decent one.
she looks perfect to me
>imagine ever watching live action porn
Let me guess
>"Over 50" and also in this specific region of the world
>"Over 50" but excluding any group of woman with X set of hobbies, Y set of careers, and in Z income bracket
>"Videogames" refers to one specific type of genre, on their smartphone, that they play for a total of 4 minutes in a 1 month timeframe, completely forgetting about within 60 days
>"Over 50" includes women currently over the age of 50-years-old BUT ALSO INCLUDES them if they AREN'T CURRENTLY PLAYING videogames, just if that if they've EVER PLAYED videogames in their entire lives
>The "men" they're being compared to applies to the ONE SPECIFIC woman make-up genre who-knows-what gacha fluffy kitten game and does not include other genres, consoles, men of all ages, or beyond some tiny local town-of-20-thousand scale that the "research" took place in
Am I right?
lmao that ass
>House Wife = Whore
Fixed. .
She looks like a fucking alien/mutant thing for fuck's sake. The purpose of the bimbofication is to make you more slutty, not more ugly. Otherwise what's the point.
And keking at:
>Aesthetic Doctor
>le loaded questions
Straight men like it. What's so hard to understand?
>Living the dream since the dawn of time.
More like destroying the dream since dawn of time.
looks good to me
is she eating that burger one layer at a time? her lips will explode if she trys biting that
That's literally the opposite though
if you find plastic surgery attractive in any form you aren't a man
>Straight women like it. What's so hard to understand?
Not surprising, the biggest MMO addicts I ever met were always middle aged house wives with nothing else going on in their lives
Said the skinnyfat loser sitting in his underwear, browsing a "woman" thread on Yea Forums midday on Saturday.
Of course, but I don't like house wives at all.
>Why do they like to be viewed as sex objects.
If you've never been lust after you would know user.
Check your mental problems mate
>the biggest MMO addicts I ever met were always middle aged house wives deadbeats and single moms with nothing else going on in their lives
Why not, user?
I love stupid looking plastic bimbos
what can I say?
I think you're gay, user.
Yes, but what will they get from this narrative exactly?
Glorified welfare whores.
big natural tits > big fake tits > medium > small tits
Dumb bimbos are so hot.
>looks completely fucking ridiculous
>"An actual goddess!"
Vaginas are gross
based fellow bimbobros
Suuuure Abraham, keep telling yourself that
This is peak
she looks fine
that's why I enhanced mine when I was 18
Literally a poop hole
A real man loves a woman whether she's a painted up bimbo or a cute beanie-wearing, jean-jacket having girl who walked out of 2005. What matters is that she's not a cunt.
basado y rojopastillado
I'll finish the job and give her some Latino children.
My mom wants to play Death Stranding. Last time she played a game was tetris in the 80's
Because men use their body to improve their resources to find a mate while women use their resources to improve their body.
Recently though both sexes have dropped down in quality since no one wants to realize both sides have to respect the roles of the other to keep civilization going.
>include toy cars in stats
>Now most car owners are 5 years old.
Because it’s their fetish to be objectified, pretty much.