Console gaming

>console gaming
>spend $400-$500 on it once, and it's good for the entire generation. Never have to worry about upgrading until the next gen
>is able to run every game that comes out for it

>spent $1000 on a gaming PC a couple years ago
>it struggles to run AAA 2019 games

>mfw my PC which costs twice as much as my PS4 is the inferior one

Why do people say PC gaming is better exactly?

Attached: 1392820191019.png (207x244, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I need find a way to make more money so spending $1000 won't hurt so bad.

>spend $400-$500 on it once
And $60 a year for 7 years

This doesn't happen because consoleshits downgrade everything. I bought a $1k rig in 2015 and it's still going strong. Even then, you can freely replace individual parts in case they start to become bottlenecks, unlike consoleshits, where you have to buy a new console IF it's even out yet.

>Never have to worry about upgrading until the next gen
Not the case anymore with these mid gen refreshes. The base consoles struggle to hit even 30FPS in many games.

why would anyone still decide to be a PC fag in literally 2019? Arent they tired at some point playing the same early access, indie, moba, br, csgo garbage?

This isn't even good bait

I have around $3000 of disposable income per month. Spending thousands of dollars on my hobby every few years is nothing.

>Spent 1600€ on gaming rig 7 years ago
>It still runs all games smoothly except for AC: Origins
Seems like you made a bad buy user.

>>spent $1000 on a gaming PC a couple years ago
>>it struggles to run AAA 2019 games
LMAO post speccy or gtfo

>Why do people say PC gaming is better exactly?
because they are redditors who treat PCs like a console. They probably run Windows 10 on a computer with lots of RGB lighting, a transparent case, and a keyboard and mouse aimed at gamers with rgb lighting too. They don't understand why PC gaming is on a pedestal, they think it's all about the graphics, which makes them retarded redditors.

PC gaming's purpose used to be that you were totally free of whatever constraints were placed upon you by the devs. It was all just community servers, with custom maps, custom plugins, etc, which made the experience different every time. Not only this, but eventually you'd find a server you'd like, and you'd go back to it over and over again, and over time you'll make friends with the people there.

Today, PC is indeed just another console. You can't play outside of the constraints of what devs have imposed upon you or you get banned. You can't even fuck around and do silly strats or you will get banned because you're being taaxic. You're always at the mercy of reddit, because all video game communities have been supplanted by reddit boards.
Community servers are rarely ever an option. If you're lucky, it's small non-persistent lobbies. Most of the time, it's just a "Find match" button that puts you with randoms you'll never see again. It's a totally solitary and isolated experience and you'll never play with anyone you know -- other than people you met during the aforementioned era on community servers.
Game devs have done their best to make the game experience uniform for everyone. That's why custom maps are no longer a thing. That's why modding the game is usually unsupported. That's why trying to do things that the devs didn't expect you to do will result in a ban.

There is no more reason to be a PC master race cunt. Slightly better LODs, higher texture resolutions, and better FPS is all that PC has. Other than that, the experience is no different from console games.

Do you expect anyone to read this? I hope it's just a pasta you found and you didn't type all of that

>his reddit zoom zoom brain is so fried by rgb lights he can't read two paragraphs anymore

a PC costs as much or as little as you want. It's also an open platform where you have full control. It can also do much more than just video games, whereas a console gamer still needs to buy an additional PC for everything else anyway.

And then there's the nickel-and-diming on consoles with shit like online subscription fees and higher prices for games.

>AAA 2019 games
Why in the FUCK are you trying to poison yourself with feminism and nigger-infected AAA garbage? Perhaps you should go back to consoles, where you belong.

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I probably should have mentioned it's a laptop

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I bought a pre built gaming PC for 700$ two years ago and I can't run shit unless it's on low
Absolutely ridiculous

There's your problem retard. Gaming on a laptop is a meme.

Give specs.

A good PC setup will also last you 5-10 years. And if you want to upgrade, you can, as opposed to being stuck with laptop hardware for 7 years. And you don't have to run games at silky smooth 20FPS, 1080p. Also you can use mods, or make your own, and use the computer for actual computing.
Hell, you'd need to be functionally retarded to spend a cent on consoles nowadays. It doesn't surprise me that an underage newfag cocksucker using wojak pics even tried this stupid argument.

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I built my PC in 2012 and I'm only feeling the need to upgrade now. OP is full of shit.

>I bought a gaming PC!
>It's a laptop
Smelly dumb console scum.

LMAO shut the fuck up console nigger don't ever talk to me ever again.

I really don't get why every college-aged faggot falls for the gaymen laptop meme. It's like if you paid for a handheld and then got mad that it doesn't perform as well as a home console. And year after year, everyone else always warns and scolds these retards not to fall for the laptop meme, and yet over and over again they do anyway. They never learn, and they'll continue spending 1000+ for shit-tier laptops capable of playing games at 30fps on medium settings while running hot and loud as fuck that either breaks or needs to be replaced anyway in a couple years.

>console gaming
>spend $400-$500 on console
>each game costs $70
>sales are fucking garbage

>get a PC
>games are free
>the ones that aren't, go on sale fairly often and can be found in third party sources for very cheap
>can choose peripherals
>wider range of genres available

get it, some people actually move from one place to another.

I fell for the gaming laptop meme when I was like sixteen, and then got a proper computer when I was eighteen. They're just brainlets who don't understand how hardware works, not even after touching the stove that is a gaming laptop's bottom half.

>>console gaming
Locked down system.
>spend $400-$500 on it once, and it's good for the entire generation. Never have to worry about upgrading until the next gen
You mean you can't upgrade because you can';t even switch the parts you just have to buy a new console wholesale. You're also Ignoring online subscription, Playstation Pro and XBOneX and XBOneS. You HAVE to get those, because they exist, of course.
>spent $1000 on a gaming PC a couple years ago.
Lol prebuilt plebian, give Dell more of your money, sucker, they made Alienware for console marks.
>it struggles to run AAA 2019 games.
You're a console gamer.

And you're not playing your vidya games on the go, retard. Holy shit, just pack the PC like any other piece of luggage when you move. It's not hard.


>>console gaming
>>spend $400-$500 on it once
>and $60 and over annually for almost a decade
>and overpay for games
>and no backwards compatibility unless you get out some more dosh
>and no modding with you stuck not being able to play such specimens as Skyrim for over a year while PC fags had it running within 24 hours via community fixes
>and you have no good cooling
>and you are running mobile GPU and mobile CPU LMAO
>and you have no choice of OS
>and you have no choice on anything
>and you can't even develop anything on it

PCfags can use their PC to pay back for itself through a free choice of myriads of jobs made available through owning it.
Consolefags are eternal neets, parasites on their parents. LMAO

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>never have to worry about upgrading

Pro model revisions say “hi”.

Can consolefags even use the "muh expensive upgrades" argument anymore when now consoles are even more like PCs and you have shit like the PS4 Pro and Xbone X?

>pack it like a piece of luggage
>Graphics card rips out PCIe slot

and 500$ more to buy the pro version (which is the version tuned for all games taht don't even run on the old version)

it's not practical when you have to move every nine months

Literally does not happen, retard. I transport my PC all the time. You're just coping with your terrible purchasing decisions.

>tfw still running everything on high on my 970 x i74790k from like 2013

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To paraphrase Stallman, consoles will never be worth it because you can't do whatever you want with them.

Wow, every 9 months you need to put a box in a car. OH THE HUMANITY

>mfw my PC which costs twice as much as my PS4 is the inferior one

you can play all console ports with better graphics or at the same low graphics but with 60fps

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I have both tbqh.

Real talk, how much do I actually need to spend if I don't care about running things on high settings and just want to run multiplats for the next generation at 1080p60?
I literally couldn't give a fuck about good graphics I just want a clear picture so I can see what's going on.

>just pack the PC like any other piece of luggage
That's a good way to destroy any hard drives you have. Not that they're necessary in the current year, but they are still common

It's a fucking box made of metal with a computer inside it. It is no different from moving any other box from one spot to another.

what if you don't have a car?

Why would money be an issue on a PC when I have a free choice of thousands of different ways to make money with it?
Are consoletards really such NEET faggots that this fact doesn't even land on their minds before they spout such self-incriminating brainletism?

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This is why my first criteria for even considering buying a console is that it's been hacked.


They all pirate.

what if you weren't an aids-riddled faggot?

wrong you can build a PC thats stronger than a current gen console for like 500 dollars just use a budget card like a 1650 or AMD components you can play all modern games maxed out at 1080p 60-144FPS.

And on top of that its also a PC which you use for all your other shit.

you sure don't take getting blown out well

If you wanted to really cheap out you can build the computer itself for like $400 and a $80 basic monitor. I'd suggest spending a bit more as it will last you longer too.


Load times and framerates are horrendous if you have a launch model ps4.

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On what, traveling?

the only one getting btfo is the retard falling for the gaming laptop meme. All because apparently picking up a PC case once every NINE MONTHS is too inconvenient, fucking lmao

Same, fuck these seething consolefags. Bloodborne can't come soon enough.

>Buy PC
>Instantly have access to over 30,000 games.
>Upgrade when i feel like it.
>Upgrades actually mater
>No monthly subscriptions for basic MP
>Can play games @over 60fps
>Games are always on sale

>Buy console
>Can only play approved games
>Locks fps
>Pay sub fee just to have MP access
>pay full price for every game
>Upgrade when you're told to
>Upgrade to inferior hardware that's 4+years behind PC.

Attached: feelsgoodman.png (512x512, 66K)

Stadia-chads going to btfo console and PC virgins.

tfw when I can change only one part to be able to handle anything next gen has to offer and beyond.

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You can do that NOW, you couldn't have done it at the start of this generation, you absolute mong

do you know what disposable income means?

Income. Not expenses.

>spend thousands to play old console ports, mmoshit, and gaia online was NOT supposed to end this way bros....

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Wo cares? Shitch' fps struggles with a gameboy game. Somehow that's fine

Stadia is going to be Google Glass 2.0

Yeah you could, because current gen consoles are not at all impressive, and graphics cards were cheaper.

>b-but Nintendo

What shitty console ports are you playing?


I get way more than $1k leftover after all my bills and retirement contribution to spend on whatever
it mostly just sits in my investment account because I can't come up with a reason to spend all my disposable income all the time

Lmao, and still play all current new games, what? Kys.

From who?

PC has every generation

I see so you don't spend it on anything.

eat a dick

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>Nintendo is not a console
Totally agree, it's just worthless shit

lul, Stadia.

Attached: TIMMAY.gif (493x342, 400K)

so that's a no

My 1000 PC is 4 years old now and it runs all Console games at 60 fps 1080p.
Worst case scenario some more demanding games may occasionally chug down to 50 fps but the same usual chug down to 20 fps on Ps4.
Even the Ps4 pro cant do this shit especially the base model.

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That's the definition of disposable income.

>>spent $1000 on a gaming PC a couple years ago
>>it struggles to run AAA 2019 games
Did you run the games at the highest settings? Or at console-equivalent settings? If you're trying to do something consoles can't do, and then comparing frame rate to consoles, just... you know, don't.

>AAA 2019 games
sounds like you got into PC gaming for the wrong reason. This is just my personal opinion, but the most valid use for a PC in the context of gaming is playing virtually PC-exclusive genres (RTS, etc.), playing indie stuff that never got ported to consoles, emulating consoles you don't own, etc. And yeah, go ahead and play some multiplatform games while you're at it, but don't get an expensive PC just to play those. At best, you're paying a premium for better graphics. If you're not a graphics-obsessed zoomer then you'd be better off buying a mid-range PC and playing games at medium settings -- which, for certain genres, is a better experience than playing on consoles anyway. (Mouse and keyboard is the only correct way to play certain games.)

all consoles are worthless shit

Yeah, current new games on consoles didn't magically upgrade their hardware.

what the fuck is that

a geoduck

Except for games on PC are all free. Tell me when you can hack your PS4 to play AAA titles on launch.

>consoleshits downgrade
Just notice how every console exclusive looks miles better than anything on your overpriced pc trash.
No pc port = no shitty downgrade graphics.

Attached: not hindered by pc port.jpg (1920x1072, 134K)

Why? It's not mandatory. I own all 3 consoles and don't have online on any of them

>all those jaggies

looks blurry as shit lmao

Imagine being this autistic

This is supposed to "look good"? Do you not understand that the sky is basically just a jpeg? Dumb consolenigger with a canned brain.

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check out logical increments, they have a fairly good spreadsheet with different levels for gaming from literally broke to extremely overpriced

The only reason to buy an xbox is because you have friends who are too poor for PC
I could see people buying PS4s and not using online, but that's only because it's a scam

This is usually false though, the rare occasions where the graphics are ever worse than console are the brief moments before they subsequently get remedied with the community removing the limiters.

cheers senpai

>Just notice how every console exclusive looks miles better
I've noticed that every multiplat looks better on PC than on consoles, not to mention when graphical improvement mods get released.
I've also noticed that exclusives on consoles are more than ever before just generic copy pastes of games we've already played 5 times before, making the exclusive a meme in this day and age. Shit son, I feel sad for you.

ps4nigger here, I only use it because I'm poor and need a multiplat machine, never once paid for online

Looks like one of the animal ispirations David Lynch got for the baby from Eraserhead.

Nice cope pc sharts. Now get the fuck out and dash to buy yet another 1k GPU JUST to be obliterated with PS5 launch, not to mention said overpriced gpu won't be able to run a single game by the next generation end.
PC is pathetic overpriced, irrelevant heap of garbage.

Attached: not possible on pc.jpg (1920x1080, 1.38M)

>He built a gaming pc

Attached: pcmasterrace.png (1232x1156, 167K)

>bullshots represent the final product
man I can't wait for the comparison images

>that fucking jpg sky

Attached: 1443557821291.gif (190x190, 1.98M)

>spend over $1000 on "gaming" pc
>struggles to run games at the same frame rate and graphics performance as consoles because none of the games are optimized like they are on consoles
>every game worth playing is a bad port from consoles anyways
Just play indie games desu, they're the only pc games worth playing and you don't even need a $1000 rig for that

>30 fps locked
>still having difficulties to stay at stable 30
>Textures and models don't load fast enough at times
ok. Also
>1k GPU
>obliterated with PS5 launch
Yeah, no.
It's not jpegs/cubemaps for skyboxes, they're actual particle fx.

Works on my machine

>directs it right on her face
Are asian women all fucked in the head?

Attached: ps4 standard.webm (954x536, 2.95M)

>It's not jpegs/cubemaps for skyboxes, they're actual particle fx.
Forgot to post

I spent $1000 6 years ago and I'm still running every new release at 60fps, be smarter with your money, don't buy a shitty prebuilt or random ass parts for no discernible reason, use your brain and you will end up with a good PC that will last you until it dies, because it's not going to become useless within 10 years.

I bought a gaming PC, and use it to play Escape from Tarkov, Total War: Warhammer 2, half a dozen realtime strategy games, ARMA 3, and a billion indie games that consoles will never have.

>low-IQ consoletard tries to build a PC
LMAO My 12 year old nephew got his PC to run flawlessly, kill yourself.


>It's not a jpeg!
>It just looks like one!
Congratulations, user. So you've something that runs worse, and looks the same. You really "owned" me.

>120GB SSD
How old is this? There's only one piece of info listed in this screencap and it's already a red flag, odds are this guy is a retard.

nice framerate

>console child can't manage windows
>also buys shit hardware because he doesn't understand due diligence
>shits on pc gaming from his phone
>"that'll show em"

Attached: 1525834072567.png (417x578, 152K)

I'm .

PC is literally only good for Modded Bethesda games and FPS’s. Nothing wrong with that, just know your place

>counter-argument is a discord screencap.
The absolute state of buyer's remorse on this lad.

Nigga there's at least 8 mods for Skyrim that create the same fucking sky you hate there, and that's mods that predate your weeb game by 5 years at least. You can literally youtube them. LMAO

Attached: 1443801102510.gif (200x176, 2.1M)

Because PC is for people with at the very least 100 IQ, console gaming is for everyone below 90.

>all this fucking cope
right on fucking cue.
why can't we have a single thread about this topic without peecucks going into full damage control?

>my £700 pc i built in 2014 runs most games 60fps maxed
>my £300 xbone that's barely hitting 30 on games even from around launch period, never mind modern ones

I don't give a shit who you are. Start tripfagging if you want to say retarded shit, so everyone can filter you and tell you to fuck off back to facebook.

>shit that never happened: the post

>I've never owned a decent PC: the post

>spent $1000 on a gaming PC a couple years ago
>years ago
I spent a grand on a PC this year and can't max out AAA games. It's not a meme it's the 2019 reality. And just forget about 4k or 144hz.
That said, turn off a thing or two and I can still play Control at 100fps so I don't really have any reason to complain, yet. We'll see what happens with console ports like Death Stranding, FFVIIR and whatnot.

lmao at all the seething replies to this post, they only prove you right and they are full of buyer's remorse.

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Still waiting for you to find a job consoleneet. PCfags have plenty of them to choose from on the PC.

>not possible on PC
Console kiddies actually believe this? Do you not understand hardware?


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Follow a fucking conversation, retard. It does not look the same. Do you even know how particle fx work? You ignore everything in my post and take everything as an attack to you, so whatever.


look at this fucking peasant lmao this fucking slave bitch boy and he's proud of it too!

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>quote a dozen posts
>lol all the replies it gets here frog no argument
You're so dumb it hurts to read.

>admitting to being retarded.
Just end it user

more like end of 2014

this amount of fucking S E E T H E

Attached: index.jpg (243x207, 10K)

>consoleparasite talking about slavery after living with his parents because he can't find a job

That's good, Billy, maybe we'll just buy you a console next time so you don't ruin hundreds of dollars with your stupidity. God, why was I burdened with a retard? Maybe it's all that coke I did during pregnancy.

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literally same year the PS4 came out

how much did your pc cost

Oh no, watch out. Tard boy is whipping out the frogs to hide his tears.

"Able to run" is very different from "able to run at acceptable framerate"
When a system can't run slightly taxing games at 60, it's automatically trash, all the graphical bravado can't make me play a game that's like a fucking cheese grater for your eyes. Consoles are underpowered trash and I'll never touch one again and there doesn't exist a game that'd make me buy one.

>peecucks still desperately trying to justify spending $1000+ to play pixelshit indie games

Attached: NEVEREVER.gif (600x580, 436K)

>consolenigs: I am being retarded and you cannot stop me.
>pcchads: Stop it.

OPs bait thread is a resounding success.

t. seething consolenigger that is literally crying right now because he's too scared to tell mommy that he doesn't like his new toy.

didn't read your word salad cope lmao

>consolelard still trying to justify his tardbox with nogaems
>on the video game board
I lel'd

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>>spent $1000 on a gaming PC a couple years ago
>>it struggles to run AAA 2019 games
lmao I haven't run a single AAA game on my pc and have no desire to, bloated shit designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator that thinks "press F to awesome" is riveting gameplay.
My RX480 can still run pretty much everything at 60fps on max settings except retarded AAA shit and in ten years it will still be able to do this since 1080p has hit the ceiling a long time ago.

It's retarded that video cards like mine are still hundreds of lardbux, and I got mine on release so I didn't get gouged by scalpers and miners.
In truth mid/low-mid cards like the RX480/580 should be 100$ max at this point.

Based. Cryptofaggots ruined PC gaming, could get such a good PC before miners jacked up prices.

I wish I had money for a good PC, I'm stuck with a shitty laptop that can't run anything recent, much less at 1080p

>when youtube comment section is down

>stuck with gamepad
>shit graphics
>paid online
>can't pirate
ok retard

>no games
The only games even worth playing on pc are ports from consoles anyway

You can't hide your tears from us, Nancy.

I'm playing Modern Warfare right now on medium with a PC I bought in 2013.

Attached: have sex.jpg (1080x1080, 56K)

Well yeah, we don't need our parent's permissions to waste our own money unlike consoleneets. That's kind of the point of having a job and a PC that provides it.

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fuck this thread, post moar Kish.

>the only games you can play on a pc are indie games

The problem with PC gaming is that you basically buy hardware for 6 to 8 months before it either
a) overheats or
b) gets outdated

Worst offenders here are graphics processor cards (GPU) and CPUs. You buy a new CPU for $400 and before it even arrives, there's a new benchmark for the NEXT model out, telling you how much faster your games could run if you'd only dosh out the money for the newest hardware.

Rinse and repease, by the time one console generation cycle has passed, you've spend something north of $1,5 to $1.7k on PC hardware.

And to what end? So you could play fucking DoTa? Or Crysis?


If you wanna play games and play em hard, consoles are your friends.

Not to mention exclusives, dont even get me started.

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>2D pixel platformer meme

You seem to have Asperger's

What's this weird cope that peecucks have about being proud of their McDonald's job? This is the only board where I have ever seen someone being proud of being a slave and resorting to really lame "dude you live in ur moms basement!" non-comebacks.

you seem to have faggot syndrome

>Justifying piracy
Look at him and laugh

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why do PC gamers have their heads stuck up so far up their own asses, i just dont fucking get it...

like, we get the same games for years now, get off your high horse

Try harder next post.

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This is what happens when console gamers buy PCs. Their small minds can't handle the idea of not being told exactly when to upgrade so they implode like this.

Never ever, seething consolecucks.

Attached: eft_alpha_woods3.jpg (1920x1079, 359K)

That's not it at all. Gaming is one of the cheapest hobbies out there. If you can't afford a midrange PC then you're admitting you're a child, because you can afford that on any job.

>he can't justify pirating EA games
Well, it seems we now know who the biggest cancer on Yea Forums is.

Attached: 1443791674943.png (1000x1000, 200K)

>stuck with gamepad
You're the same kind of retard who tries to play games with m+k where it makes zero sense to do so and controls like shit without an analog stick.

>And to what end? So you could play fucking DoTa? Or Crysis?
This user is clearly up to date and not out of touch at all.

>more games
>need it for work
>only need to upgrade every 10 years, you can run pretty much anything at 60fps if your not an absolute brainlet
>waaaaaaay cheaper games
>don't have to pay 30$ a month for multiplayer access
>good controls
>literally everything you can think of

Tell me OP, you spent 300$ on your console for this generation, but how much are you spending on your xbox live and games through the generation till the next one?

>can't afford
There it is again, the cope of having paid a premium to play pixelshit indie platformers.

This. Lucky for me I got my new desktop set up in 2015 before miners fucked everything. 200+FPS on everything that’s still even worth playing (tf2, csgo, souls etc etc) modern AAA are just pozzed to shit in every way possible. Good devs left the scene years ago, now we got trannies, sjws, fags and women developing games and they are all absolute trash. Only devs that are safe seem to be eastern devs

>gaming laptop for when I travel
>old gaming desktop pc

Laughing at you poorfags.

>Never have to worry
That's because you're games are guaranteed to run like shit. Nothing to be concerned about.

oh yay another generic FPS, I didn't think peecucks were still jacking off to uninspired shooters but here we are

didn't watch lmao

>been playing comfy SP on my PC and playing MP on console with guys I grew up with and work with
>crossplay with pc and letting kbm be used on console is becoming more popular so the shit probably wont matter all to much in half a decade
Gonna grab a 2070 before this November and I'll be solid for s while.

>console posters obviously all Neets or underage children

Every fucking time.
Still no explanation why I'm meant to give a shit about the cost if I'm an adult and I earn $1000 every 10 days

Attached: 1491658422177.gif (400x400, 1.4M)

the seething in pretending indieshit is the only thing you can play on a pc

Rather be a poorfag than a pozzed fag desu

>look how pretty our dead games are after spending 50 hours on modding them
>yes, it crashes every 2 minutes and barely breaks 15fps, but it wooks vewy pwetty when you stand still and turn off the hud


Kek this

>only games worth playing on pc are ports from consoles
>at least a third of every port to pc is fucking broken

>tfw my PS4 hasn't been turned on in months
Finished RDR2, can't be bothered finishing Spiderman, nor GoW.
When will a good game release?
Already have Greedfall on PC.

Attached: 1566331597231.jpg (612x612, 65K)

Thats what a console cuck has to believe, due to their dwindling number of exclusives. It ain't like back in the 90s

no one gives a shit about the price lmao we're making fun of you for being bad with money, like apple fanboys

cope more lmao

Go back to playing games that actually have replayability. Terraria alone is worth more than 90% of the console library honestly.

The only examples in the whole generation I can think of are Arkham Knight and Nier Automata.

>dwindling number of exclusives
This. Consolecucks will never have access to the billions of fucking BASED exclusives like pic related

Attached: img2.jpg (480x320, 44K)

You're talking to a bunch of zoomers that only play f2p games. They're the people that spend $1500+ on a PC, brag about it but only play MOBAs, battle royale and jerk off on Discord. Gotta upgrade to that 2080ti to play more LoL. They don't give a shit about console ports.

>early access trash
Forgot about those as well. The modern PCfag will happily pay money to betatest unfinished garbage. Not sure how or when you fell this low, but it happened. and now I see Mount and Blade fans waiting 10 years for a game only to get suckered into giving them money for early access. HAPPILY.

>buy prebuilt garbage instead of putting the machine together yourself
>seriously, it's lego tier
>probably both tries to pirate games AND takes no safety precautions since we know that he's a lazy fag since he bought prebuilt shit
Your machine is probably full of bitcoin miners since you're retarded.

>The only examples in the whole generation I can think of are Arkham Knight and Nier Automata.
Yeah those are the only good non-indie games PC even got in the past generation

>paying ~$300 more to make every game for the next 6 years far better is being bad with money

>'bad with money'
>pays for online the whole gen until you've spent almost as much as for a PC

Attached: 1508149926253.png (377x440, 42K)

They're much better on PC, so it's okay.

This fucking thread again
>consolecucks always seem to be the more mature faggots just baiting
>pc retards actually take the bait and seethe the entire thread

Attached: 1567791091469.png (735x508, 422K)

I spent 300 dollars upgrading my 500 dollar gaming pc from 2012

Kys snoy shill
Let's not forget how snoyny performs shitton of bull-shots using PC claiming they are ps4-pro screenshots, while turning down graphics on PC end release
best of the examples: latest tomb raider games and watch dogs

This is a lie, pc gets sloppy ports that are always broken. Nice cope though

>Why yes of course people like me only play on PC, how did you know?

Attached: GettyImages-997244120.jpg (4585x3052, 2.23M)

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That's because peecucks are underage retards

such as

Last thing i run with my 970 was asscreed odissey with some shit disabled, still 60 smooth. The only wall will be the ps5 but we ruled this gen.

you're calling him dumb, but the sky in RDR2 is absolutely not a jpeg. You can even see that in screenshots.

Attached: weather.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

all of them, dumbfuck

>almost as much as for a PC
Pretty sure it's way more than for a PC.
I'm calculating now and even if i wasted $2000 on a PC, i'd still be better off than owning a console with all its long-term expenditures that add up calculated, and you can't even use a console to pay itself with various jobs that you can do via PC.

Attached: 1443854667790.gif (400x225, 2.64M)

He called you more mature and that's what you choose to post.

Attached: 1568151104516.jpg (640x640, 48K)

BEST Yea Forums thread

He pays for my games.

Attached: Tim.jpg (416x416, 24K)

>pay itself with various jobs that you can do via PC
This is the most retarded argument ever, because it assumes that you can't own a pc to work while simultaneously owning a console.

okay so you can't actually name any
guess I'll just keep playing the definitive version of every first person game

You want me to list every single port to pc? I'm not doing your fucking homework, retard.

>tfw we have a literal multi-billionaire paying for our games

Attached: 1567784354705.png (739x612, 479K)

>people are actually getting paid to shill consoles on the interwebz

Attached: ay jesuh.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

But PC will last you decades with minor upgrades, what the fuck are you even talking about?
PC is an investment for the long term, consoles are impulse buys for poor retards. PC is not just for gaming, but it has myriad other tasks it can handle.

>Why can't i talk about something without someone disagreeing?

Peecucks are the easiest group to bait. I actually believe they are all from reddit and unironically say shit like "pc masturrr rayce" in real-life situations.

Is this a bit?

>Why do people say PC gaming is better exactly?
because modern games are dog shit, and PC 90s to early 00s is the peak of gaming, with a PC and half a brain you have access to all the games ever made and can also emulate old consoles, even some newer ones though that depends on your specs and emulator development.

That backpeddaling i hear there son?
The only reason you would try to argue money when comparing consoles and PC is because you are a dumbfaggot who is console-only.
Idorts would never make such a dumbshit comparison.
You just dug a hole for yourself brainlet.
PCfags always have job opportunity just by owning it, consoleneets don't. Nothing will change this fact.

Attached: 1443845288703.gif (268x198, 75K)

>every game.....
>No real backwards compatibility, only ports at the dev's discretion or subscriptions to a streaming service.
>Thinking you have to purchase a whole new PC every generation as opposed to switching a part out.

>But iphone will last you decades with minor upgrades, what the fuck are you even talking about?
>iphone is an investment for the long term, androids are impulse buys for poor retards. iphone is not just for gaming, but it has myriad other tasks it can handle.

Consolecucks always go into full damagecontrol.
It's absolutely hilarious.

Attached: hiltonnn.jpg (506x453, 27K)

didn't read lmao

>PC is not just for gaming, but it has myriad other tasks it can handle.
Dumb argument, because it assumes that you can't own a computer for work and consoles for games

you're agreeing with me you retard

>phone analogy
wew lad

This is literally impossible unless you bought a really horrible prebuilt for those $1000.

Why is it so easy to make peecucks seethe? In every thread, without fail.

yeah the analogy doesn't really work any more because what you just wrote is stupid and not true irl

>>spend $400-$500 on it once, and it's good for the entire generation. Never have to worry about upgrading until the next gen

>spend $500 on a console
>spend $500 on a console slim
>spend another $500 on a console pro
fucking pcfags needing to upgrade their shit, youknowhatamsayin?

Thought you were talking about buying a new next gen console.

You need to try harder next time. This is just pathetic.

Well peecucks, it was fun. I gotta go, I clearly won this thread, try a little harder next time.

Sent from my iPhone

Why the fuck are consolecucks coping in their OWN thread?
How are they THIS retarded?

>Sent from my iPhone

PC is better because you can do whatever you want on it

>playing Tekken 7
>use cheatengine to play DLC characters without buying them
>use TekkenBot to get live frame data
>use mods to increase my character's boob size
>can use macros to do frame perfect electrics

Can't do that shit on console

>didn't read lalalalala
>did actually read and couldn't help himself to comment on the part that buttblasted him the most
PCfags have a money-making machine.
You have a kiddie toy consoleneet.

Attached: 1444165294113.jpg (267x323, 14K)

I use gamepad for certain games and keyboard+mouse for others because I can, you absolute braindead nigger retard

Reminder that consolewarriors tend to be from shithole countries.


I would guess that at least 90% of the baiting consolecucks in this thread are false-flagging peecucks just trolling each other.
Some of you are alright. The rest of you need to lurk more

Peecucks are so fucking childish. They actually get religious about this shit.

did you know you can have both a gaming pc and a console and it really doesn't cost that much compared to other hobbies

>so butthurt he can't actually leave the thread

hey bud why don't you try considering consoles run games under 30 fps with extreme quality dip and dynamic resolution that fluctuates or has a massive decrease in quality for a decent framerate, while on a pc you can just lower the settings you need to get the framerate you want, espaecially for something thats a thousand bucks

Shit argument, retard
apple products go obsolete in around 2-4 years. I have an 8 year old iPad I got as a present, it can't be updated to iOS 10, every new/up to date app needs latest iOS to function, the only thing that functions is internet browser and spotify, also 1/5th of the screen has stopped working so I can't slide the sides of the screen
And it's not just apple products, PHONES altogether don't last long. The hardware might be functional for calls and messaging, but the batteries are first ones to die and replacements cost more than a new fucking phone. They're built to be shit so they can pump out new ones and retards can keep buying more and more.

>missing the point of this thread

Attached: 3654985128.jpg (1280x720, 48K)

>have pc
>pirate all games

>have console
>buy all games

PC wins again

everytime when i see console fags trying to bring their useless fight to pc is when i remember how i can MOD my games, pirate anything i want while browsing Yea Forums and see them seething because their games cant run 25 fps properly without having 37 minutes of loading screens and burning their shit after, keep it up guys console master race

I agree, but all the kids on here don't know any better so we continue with the nonsense. Personally I still play older online games on my PC but I have 10 different consoles and a nice collection of games I can play whenever I want a single player game. Games for PlayStation and Xbox consoles that are not "retro" and not brand new are dirt cheap at pawn shops or eBay.

PC maggots are brain-dead.

Attached: a console game.png (410x253, 107K)

I bought a PC 5 years ago and it runs AAA games fine even now. In that time console kiddies have had a million upgraded console versions and shit.

Why are peecucks so obsessed with putting LED/RGB gay pride lights on everything?

>playing Terraria on consoles
>unironically playing the inferior version with inferior controls
>calling others brain-dead

There's no such thing as gens if your on PC and your terrible at optimizing if you had to upgrade after just 2 years of building a PC.

youre so tired from effortposting on reddit so you can get as many upvotes as possible and keep your account history spotless so you don't get democratically silenced that you can't even read a 2 paragraph post
your redditard brain has been pumped full of social pressure and anxiety that it would be best if you stopped using the internet altogether

Attached: 86765165448.jpg (640x480, 53K)

90% of the gameplay comes from mods
are you one of those retards who prefer vanilla skyrim over modded one?

PC is worth it for emulation alone. You can play virtually every pre-current gen console game for FREE through emulation, often with QoL patches, higher resolution, higher framerate, higher aspect ratio, any controller you want, and edit in-game memory to use cheats or whatever. It's fucking awesome.

Attached: 1538681028983.jpg (5939x4088, 3.7M)

absolutely brainless
consoles already run just about everything on low at a lower resolution

Fucking BTFO lmao console shitter is seething right now.

Do peecucks really run Windows on their home computers? Truly the most cucked race.

>posting console terraria
>can't even use madlad mods for it that literally quadruple the lifespan of the game
You just went full retard console kiddie.

>job oportunities
have we really reached this stage of cope?


Attached: 1569088473098.png (2290x1288, 3.37M)

Last i remember, consolekiddies couldn't even play Skyrim for at least a year or two while PCfags were on it 24 hours after release with community mods and fixes.

>consoleneet dumps money on a machine that can't make him any back
>talks about cope
LMAO Get a job kiddie.

Attached: 1444208931613.jpg (183x262, 18K)

being able to play all the previous generation's games with performance improvements is amazing
basically the only console which does this is the xbone x

Well, I was going to install Linux to play games on, but then I remembered I have a triple digit IQ and a life, so I decided against it

How do consolefags defend paying for online?

Attached: 1557931977252.png (371x353, 124K)

Nobody gives a fuck that you run pixel-shit shovel ware at 120 fps.
Just kys pathetic lardass.

Attached: hits pipe.jpg (3840x2160, 946K)

I spent $600-ish on my current build after tax, runs more or less whatever I throw at it.

$160 RX 570 (bought last year, can get a RX 580 at this price now)
$120 Ryzen 2600 after Zen 2 released
$84 B450m motherboard
$45 for 2x4GB 3200mhz RAM
$40 case
$30 240gb ssd
$24 450w psu on sale at the time
$20 cpu cooler
$0 Windows 10 activation migrated from oldass Windows 7 laptop OEM key

Just learn to spend your money better and don't buy components when they're high, ram was double its current price this time last year.

cope more lmao

Imagine you platform is such a joke that the only redeemable thing about it is emulation of old console game.
What a fucking mistake PC 'gaming' is.

Even worse, they pay for P2P. The worst part of modern multiplayer is that server browsers are dead and matchmaking rules everything.

>$40 case
>$30 240gb ssd
>$24 450w psu on sale at the time
btw I'll probably get a new rig at the end of the year, what should I buy if I don't care about 4K shit. Back when I bought my first rig, AMD was subpar compared to intel/Nvidia but now it seems even their CPUs are good.

Eh. I don't need an expensive computers. Most of the stuff I play is niche shit like Touhou or PS1/PS2 shit on emulators.
I don't even have to use Windows, fuck Windows desu.
PC really is the best, but not for any of the reasons "pc master race" downies say. I don't give a shit about your frame rates or textures if all your games are boring trash.

>spent the last three months saving up for a new pc
>too afraid to actually order something because "LOL our new cpu that's cheaper and better just came out! you just bought that one? whooops! XD"
>wait a bit more
>nothing new is coming out
>order my shit
>month later this happens

Attached: 1551025051431.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

I spent 900 bux on my PC 5 years ago and it run every single AAA games better than your PS4 OP. Stop shitposting.

Yet console owners are the ones crying about no backwards compatibility as they buy and subscribe to extra services just to play older games handpicked by companies.
5/10 made me reply

Posting build that will be obsolete by the time ps5 launch. Why would you do that?

Attached: driveclub.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)


>console vs PC thread
>normal people discussing why owning a PC makes more sense
>console retards shit flinging and posting brainlet wojaks

Why do any of you even bother, you know full well that the average IQ of this site is sub 60, why engage people like this.

free online and free multiplats

Attached: 1566982061298.gif (720x500, 1.42M)

Nobody is crying about backward compatibility. Why would anyone buy new hardware if you want to play old gen games? That fucking dumbest idea ever.

Nice jpg sky. Is that an indie game?

Meeh I dont even fucking argue I do what I want with my money, free society retards!
Im waiting for those sweet 4k 120hz-144 OLED monitor and the RTX 3000 series
>2020 come fast please!!!

Attached: 1321610.gif (320x240, 1.44M)

This game alone slaughter pc.
It just one of many titles that take pc industry as a whole and fuck it in the ass.

Attached: ps4 title.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>Nice jpg sky
I'm not even a consolefag but you need to learn at least the basics of how games are made.

Fucking kiddos stop jerking off so much , get off the internet little fag

You're lying or retarded

I dont get it either, i only paid around $400 for my pc 4 years ago and it still plays all modern games i want to play.
$1k today would likely last you the next 10 years with how cheap intels new line of cpus is
>Buh muh amd
Yeah that shits inexpensive too, shutup

Stop seething. I'm just stating it looks so bad it may as well be a JPG.


Attached: Untitled.png (1013x616, 96K)

Well, it's a webm. What do you expect? That said, I absolutely hate the contrast in that. What were they fucking thinking?

Damn, that sucks, user, pc gets online for free lol

free online
free multiplats
cheats to make the games more comfy

Attached: 904850438098.gif (499x280, 72K)

aren't you tiered of watching movies?

free onlinemind

you only need a cpu that doesnt bottleneck everything else
a decent one will do well for 10 years while you only replace the gpu every 3-6 years

>I totally could afford a $1000 PC guys I did once and it sucked no I can't give you the specs but I totally did dude trust me
The fact that this thread got as many replies as it did is a testament to how underaged Yea Forums is.

I'll just play it on PC through any of the PS4 emulators like Spine or Orbital.


Attached: _20190921_201332.jpg (4896x2867, 1.55M)

So your saying you own every old console and game of every none current gen you want to play? Yet you called PC gaming dumb for being able to play all of those games for free though emulation. The fuck are you on about?


>botw is an movie
cope pctranny you'll never play such a beautiful game

>I'll just play it on PC
Just like pkek are playing RDR2 on their 'rigs' aka youtube console walkthrough dedicated hardware

>all this shitty grammar
So Snoys are just third worlder ESLs who couldn't afford a PC?

Lol no user, you are paying for your internet, so you get to use the internet you pay for
>Unless your stealing ypur neighbors
Console faggots pay for internet, then pay another company to use their internet that they already paid for

BotW can be played on CEMU emulator at 4k 60fps

you pay for 60fps and higher refresh rates i'm glad to pay for higher standards if you are fine with 30fps then buy console

>>spent $1000 on a gaming PC a couple years ago
>>it struggles to run AAA 2019 games
Imagine being too stupid to make a proper build.

>grammar argument
PC keks lost argument over which platform is better so they resort to 'grammar'.
How many languages can you speak you miserable dunce.

Because they only emulate old games. Might as well just collect the old consoles and play them on proper hardware.

The point is the whole sky looks pretty bad, even on the image posted before it. Imagine if it had been on PC as well, it'd been potentially possible to actually look good.

I got more from my pc than ps4 really, Ps4 I use to play youtube before bed, If I wasn't lazy to emulate a controller for a mouse cursor, it would beat it in that regard.

60$ every year, plus you're new ps4 pro:tm:!!!

Have you tried this? --

Pretty much. Never have to deal with crashes or missing drivers or any of the litany of problems that PC games have. Let along the fact that devs make games for consoles then outsource the PC ports to third parties that often fuck it up completely and ensure it is literally unplayable. Plug and play, no fuss, and less expensive.

PC definitely comes out on top when talking about graphics and there is something to be said about being able to play many generations of games all on one platform. But considering the fact that consoles have great graphics today for all except the most autistic of consumers it isn't much to worry about. And busting out an old console now and again to replay some old favourites (not to mention the fact that many old favourites are available as digital downloads on current platforms and do not require endless mods or fixes to make them playable) really isn't much of an issue.

The cheaper, simpler, more comfortable and convenient option gets my vote. I'll have to live without the endless shovelware that the Steam store offers though. Damn.

Wrong, nintendo shut down your piracy website so you can't steal shit, faggot.

>spent $200 on a shit PC
>get a free geforce NOW account
>buy games on keysites, pissing both lerddit and buyfags in the process
>pirate everything before buying, and wait for bundles, or cheap keysite prices
>the games work on every subsequent PC you adquire, because the license is not tied to some flavor of the gen console

>console gaming
>spend 400-500 on it once and it's good for the entire generation to play at 30 fps medium graphical quality
>won't have to worry about upgrading until the next gen
>unless it overheats, or one of the components fails due to user error, which in that case I will have to buy a completely new system
>have to pay for the privilege of using the game servers
>backwards compatibility only effects certain games, will have to buy the new games if I want to play something
>can't replay any of the classics unless they are backwards compatible, god forbid it's an obscure game or something that didn't get really popular
>can only use it for playing video games and watching shit on subscription based streaming services
>will probably have a computer anyway

>PC gaming
>spend $1000 on parts to build my custom PC that will be able to run practically anything that comes out in the next two years on at least high quality 60fps
>upgrade parts at my leisure
>will never have to buy a completely new computer; just swap the components out if one fails
>don't have to pay for the privilege to use my own internet to connect to game servers
>can use it for a variety of different tasks
>if a game was released on PC at any time in the past, chances are you can find it and play it today
>only need to own a computer

consoles are only relevant to kids without disposable income, because it's easier to convince your parents to buy you an xbox for christmas than convincing them to buy you all the shit you need to build a computer. Consoles are toys.

>Trying to sully true backwards compatibilityof the PC.
>Too stupid to figure out why people don't play new multiplats on an emulator.
>playing older games on inferior hardware with no online. Not even once.

Are there even any AAA 2019 games worth playing? Everything has looked like boring shit for years.

>expecting free internet
What are you a commie or something?

Well, putting aside that a ~$1000 dollar PC will blow a PS4 or an XBone out of the water even if you just buy a computer off the rack and don't build it yourself, it's not you just don't fucking own a computer, right?

Just keep reusing the 14 day trial. Easy.

>console gayming
>waste $500 and another $500 on its revision

>PC Master Race gaming
>spend $1000
>buy back those $1000 within 2 months of translating random shit for overseas Chinks with interest, or 1 month by adding some CSS work on top of it
>can keep generating profits on it until it funds the next dozen or so PC upgrades
>never have to care about money

Must suck being a console only tard.

Attached: 1538589841004.jpg (480x360, 15K)

>You have to deal with downed servers and frimware updates all the time actually.
Can't even troubleshoot that or much of anything else.
Every multiplat looks and runs better on PC, and PC has more input options.
Plug and play? No, plug and install.

same shit over and over, this thread has gotten repetitive. Not funny anymore.

Attached: 1985645915994784667.jpg (372x334, 71K)

Just checking my video game private tracker there's 50,000 torrents. That's 50,000 games that you get for free when you play PC. PC is cheaper always because of piracy.

You're paying console devs to access the internet you are already paying for. Oh I see, its actually your parents doing that, which is why you don't understand.

s-stop.... you're not supposed to mention these things....

>you have to deal with things everyone on every platform needs to deal with

Almost as though that's video games.

>Every multiplat looks and runs better on PC

I'm quite sure you believe this, even in the face of the last few years of absolute PC port trainwrecks. Ports because (surprise!) games are made for consoles and PC is an afterthought.

>No, plug and install

Shit, I forgot that nothing gets installed on PC. You just cast the appropriate spell and play. My bad.

fucking pc steam drones!
a curse upon your gabe newell


Attached: 1449455446347.png (1228x1502, 554K)

Why do consolefags have such a massive inferiority complex towards PCfags?

Attached: 121312312123.jpg (294x223, 11K)

if you aren't actually baiting this poor man into replying I actually feel sorry for your mental deficiencies and your poor understanding

They can't afford PCs, so they lash out.

Games run at 20-30FPS with forced VSync on console as the developer intended, running at 60-240FPS on PC means they're broken. The stutter and bad gameplay with input lag are intentional.

>i have absolutely no argument whatsoever


Except 90% of people saying a port is bad is the game having issues with 60fps or something. When on consoles it doesn't reach that anyway, but framerate dips are just considered normal rather than the game being broken.

Console lacks an array of options and has to deal with what the console dev wants them to.
I don't have to "believe" anything, I play on PC, you don't appear to, and thus you believe every misconception about games on PC, like a born sucker. Games get unfucked over here on the PC side, at least to a state superior to the consoles. Console gamers are stuck with what the devs give them until they ever decide to improve something, if they can get it thru the cert process, and if they are even able to improve at all on that inferior, locked down hardware.
You were talking about console games being plug and play btw, when they are not, you don't seem to grasp the context. Its not the 90s anymore.

>real talk

>have white Destiny bundle PS4
Spiderman takes a while... i enjoyed it though. But i also got a PC later, SSD and ryzen makes it all super fast. I can throw up pretty much any game with mods and its cozy and fast.

But chilling on the couch playing the hd god of war remasters with a ps4 controller is comfy too. I dont regret getting one. Easier for the gf to play too desu

you get what you pay for

Attached: 1532835162076.webm (854x480, 2.98M)

>here are my totally made up stats

lol okay. Arkham Knight was just framerate issues.

Oh yes, you don't get what devs give you. PC master race gets whatever it wants. It's scraps, but they can be modded so there.

Consoles aren't plug and play you're right. Things need to be installed. Not the case on PC, no sir.

>this guy calling anyone a born sucker
Now that's cute. Please keep embarrassing yourself

Is this actually real? No way consoles are that fucking slow.

Consoles had an edge in multiplayer games. Dunno about now with all this cross-platform mp shit going on. PC is the ultimate cancer to online gaming in general.
I would greatly prefer if hypothetical Dragon's Dogma 2 is a console exclusive (for a couple of years, I don't care) so I would be spared from cheating cancer.

Arkham knight was shit

>and it's good for the entire generation
>20 fps

Attached: 1556977388659.jpg (800x331, 52K)

console fags are used to eating shit

not the guy that posted that, but 100% real. Playing it on console on release was okay, but now that I've played it on PC, I can never go back.

Loading a quest, or loading the actual area, it all took like a literal minute (loading times were faster on the Pro, but I have a regular PS4). On SSD, it's 10 seconds or less. Usually 2-3.

>buy a new console every 4 years
>500 plus games
>spend 800 on a computer
>lasts 8 years, plays games better for 6, piracy becomes an option

Jesus fuck, that's actually horrendous then.

damn, case isn't that great but are SSDs really that cheap now?

>bad with money
>pays for his own internet twice
When you grow up you'll learn about money and then you'll know how retarded you were.

Be console cuck: Pay for new games
Be PC chad: Pirate everything and more

Chad Mobile gaming >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> virgin console >>>>>>>>>>>incel pc

Attached: 7c9065fe8652374b3f61fdc5b1e8c0a5.jpg (400x400, 17K)

They have fallen a lot, so it's very possible now to have all-SSD storage on a gaming PC


Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 30K)

Stock ps4 is about as powerful as a $150 GPU with 0 computing power.

>Console is so much better
>actually owns both a 500$ console and a pc to shitpost on Yea Forums
>but also has to pay internet and ps+ 60$
>and pay all his games
lol, in the end it costs more to be a consolecuck

name 3 good mobile games

>pay premium for comfort
Sounds good to me.

>Arkham Knight was just framerate issues

Arkham Knight got a sudden uproar and shitloads of news articles for being an actually bad port. Notice how all the other games aren't getting that?
Nice self own pointing out that's the only real case in years.

Bought a 500€ pc back in 2013, still runs games fine with console quality. You got ripped of big time even by my country shitty standard.

If you try to play current games at console settings you will likely be fine.

Or you could pump that money you would have spent on a console and multiplayer subscription on a better PC and more games

>pc is more expensive!
>actually pc is cheaper

>that framerate
it fucking hurts my eyes

Attached: 1552864583675.gif (800x430, 564K)

Game of war fire age, Fate Stay Night, Fortnite Mobile, Call of Duty mobile, PUBG mobile
All free but I respectively spent more than 10000 dollars on microtransactions in each game because I can.

Attached: w6mnpjbhh4x11.jpg (1080x1331, 81K)

that are the pc masterrace faggots that need 20 hours to get the PC running to save 20$ by not selecting the prebuild option by ordering lmao

You're a genuine retard. Everyone with a high end gaming PC can afford consoles and most of us do own them as well for exclusives. Consoles are just plain worse and when you're used to >60fps gaming it genuinely tarnishes the experience to go back to consoletrash.



>1 year later
>no RDR2


>Post's It's Discord Feed and blurs it's name
>Projects that everyone has as much trouble as it did.

Kill yourself, you dumb tranny brainlet.

Attached: 1568499609180.jpg (234x403, 26K)

Have you tried to tune the graphics to the console standards?

PC Gaming
>access to every game that has been and will be
Console Gaming
>access to it's exclusives and ports
With that being said I don't game on PC because of the price but it's silly to think it's inferior.

I'm just going to keep buying my underpowered gaming machine, it's the price to pay when all games are optimized for consoles anyway.

I much prefer consoles over PC. Over the years and to this very day (got a gaming PC) I have issues with crashes, missing drivers, fixes needed, etc. on PC. You just don't have to deal with that on console. The graphics aren't as good and your options more limited, but if you're not huge on graphics and you just like to sit and play for a little at the end of the day it doesn't change much for you. It's also cheaper which is a nice bonus.

And I'm not shitting on PC here. I have one, it's cool and fun, but I prefer my couch and my console. If I could only afford one, I'd go with console. Definitely can see why those who are really into the hobby would choose PC as they are more willing to devote additional time and money to it, which is fine.

We shouldn't fight about this, bros. We should be together as friends, enjoy and talking about games. All the while knowing that what unites us is our love of the hobby and knowledge that Nintendo is gay.

I don't know why people fell for "you must build your PC yourself". If you're not an enthusiast who makes a living off it just pay the nerds at the place you ordered the parts to do it.

>every game
Tell yourself that lie every day until you believe it.

support Yang, he's not going to make it though,
I think he just wants to be an e-celeb now

meanwhile pc trannies are proud about running garbage games like CSGO or minecraft with 144Hz lmao. Its not hard to run games with that framerate if they are graphical 2 generations behind. Thats why PC gaming is dead. If it wasnt, PC exclusives (that arent held back by consoles) wouldnt even be possible to run in 144Hz since they would actually push graphics forward.

that's another problem I have

If I want to run a AAA 2019 game, I have to make it look worse than a PS3 game

>it's good for the entire generation. Never have to worry about upgrading until the next gen

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Dilate PC tranny.

>still btfo of consoles with my 9 year old 2500k overclocked to 5ghz

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A lot of games on PC require you to pay for a server to play private matches, but sure, stay baited

You need a top-tier nvidia card to run this shit on pc to be honest

>Implying a game tailor fit to consoles would run well on PC

On PC you actually have the option to turn things down and run fine of a wide range of hardware.
On consoles you're stuck with doodoo framerate.

>two graphical generations behind
>when it's getting ray tracing
yeah sure thing buddy

>Consoles aren't plug and play you're right. Things need to be installed. Not the case on PC, no sir.

Acting arrogant doesn't mean you have a point, stupid.

One can make a point arrogantly.

Looks like you've chosen no point or argument at all.

One example of many, but it was a large one as it was highly anticipated and the PC version (as is the case for most games) was a meaningless afterthought. The port not even worked on by the devs who made the game.

>self own point

Oh man how am I going to deal with all these facts and logic?

>Its not hard to run games with that framerate if they are graphical 2 generations behind.
Right, imagine how much consoles must fucking suck when they can't do it anyway.

Without emulation, PC is pretty overpriced, but emulation for a zoomer like me is pretty great. I'm sure no one is going to argue that I would be better off playing whatever AAA is pushing out nowadays over Mega Man X or SMT.

Because it is.
Fucking kek, a $1000 is a nigger grade PC, how dare you come to us with a piece of shit like that and cry about how it struggles to run AAA games. 1. Those AAA games are most likely bad console ports and need a disproportionately powerful PC to run, 2. Bad ports only exist because shitty consoles exist. Run your shit at medium and stick to 1080p and stfu or upgrade.

you can't even play this game on PC unless you want to install chinese spyware. I'll take the low fps.

I unironically use a RTX 2080 to run games on 1080p.

I built my pc over 5 years ago and I can still play modern AAA titles on high to very high, much better than my xbox can do. If your pc has a life of less than 10 years with minor upgrades you're a retard who bought a prebuilt.

>i5 4690k overclocked
>MSI gtx 980 overclocked
>16 GB ram
>2 TB hard disk 500 GB ssd

>console gaming
>spend $500 on new console every few years
>spend $60 plus tip on the more HD version of the old games

>PC gaming
>spend $400 every few years on a new GPU
>all old games automatically look and run better for free

It really doesn't matter how powerful the machine is if it's running on shit settings resulting in shit performance.
Consoles would be twice as useful overnight if they just had half the customisation available on PC. Graphics settings and choice of controller for starters.

Keep in mind the PS4 pro released with 4 year old technology, it can't run Crysis 2 above 40 fps. That's an 8 year old game

Me too user, but OP has clearly built a truly shit PC and probably runs above 1080p + ultra settings if he's saying it struggles to even run 2019 games.

This bait garbage thread almost hitting post limit again. Congrats Yea Forums.

AH, forgot the $60 a year to play the $60 HD version of the old games online as well, and the mid-generation $500 pro console to make the $60 HD versions run even better and in more HD!

I dont really like gayming on 4k gives me nausea because I only gamed on 1080p for my entire life. I will continue to game on 1080p for the rest of my life.

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Here's another advantage PC has over this gen of consoles: you can still pirate games.

Because you can sit on discord and uwu with big energy trans girls while watching your favorite streamers ;^) PC gaming ftw


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>tfw you're only upgrading after 7 years because you're in the yellow zone for cascading hardware failure
I could do it for maybe two thousand. Nothing I Play demands powerful hardware and with cyberpunk/doom/VtM circling the shitter it's no longer certain if paying for more performance is worthwhile

You're implying that every PC port is like Arkham Knight but the rest of the time you mysteriously dont hear about it rather than getting loads of articles.
The fact is that the PC version of 99% of multiplats run better. People on consoles just don't complain about 30 fps with dips, and a bunch of other shit that would be considered totally busted on PC

Lets just forget about monsterhunter world being nearly unplayable for anybody without an i7 for months after release

Remember console fags will play something like RDR2, walk into a city where the fps turns into postcard tier and still think they BTFO PC

>shitty generic FPS made in unreal

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One properly, same as you if this conversation is anything to go by.

Seething dirty poor third world nigger can't even recognize the point being made
Hint: he's not saying you're wrong because you're bad at english, he's saying that since you're bad at English that you're a poor third worlder, and as a result just coping with how poor you are.

This has fucking triggered the pc elitists .

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>using elitist as an insult
Sucks to be on the bottom rung of any community you try to join, I'd bet, but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the elites of those groups.
Cope harder, poorfag.

>Its another console vs. pc thread
Maybe... just maybe if you fags worked hard like I did, you could afford a PC, multiple consoles, shit-loads of video games, and still be capable of affording luxuries like a car and a nice. Me and my fiance have been together for 5 years and I haven't had financial worries in about 3 years.

But no, you fucking incels spent your life on this board, crying over other people's opinions, constantly trying to justify your own purchase, and being just absolute low-lives and now look where you are? You work at McDonalds, you have been a virgin your entire life and the only girl you socialize with is your mother who has depression because she remembers when you weren't a failure. She remembers when you were innocent and you had time to get your shit together... but now? Nope. Nada. Nothing. She sees nothing in you

Gotta go now, I gotta get back to playing Arkham City on my PS4 while my fiance makes love to me

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Maybe in 2021

here's another one

Attached: Monster Hunter World - Loading time comparison between PC and PS4.webm (800x450, 2.87M)

what you just said is impossible. my computer will still run the same games 4 years from now as your console sits gathering dust you paid 600 bucks for brand new. better off to start with.
one thin i dont have to buy "GAMES"

back to your fortnite.

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based mobilechad

Because they had to spend thousands of dollars every year to get to play a couple of exclusives and a bunch of console games instead of just fucking buying a console. So, a mix of elitism and stupidity.

I never understood the consolefag argument. They claim consoles are good because they're cheap and simple to use while PC is very expensive, but don't they realize that if somebody can afford a much more expensive PC, as they claim, that they'd easily be able to buy a cheap console if they wanted one? Who can afford a $1000, $2000 or even more expensive PC but somehow cannot buy a console which goes for $200-300 (new, even less used) when they want one?

If it wasnt for the fact that im used to play with K/M (i think its just better in general, except for racing games) and games are more expensive on consoles, i would have switched years ago. I believe the pc gaming community got fucked pretty hard over the years.

That's almost surreal to watch. It's hard to believe the difference can be that large. I remember upgrading from HDD to SSD and games like BF4 (or maybe it was 3) loading in maybe 20s instead of literally over a minute, but that was maybe 3-4x faster, here the console is like 20x slower or some shit.

But why should I get a PC instead of a switch for my birthday next

I just wanna fucking mod it and play some psp games on there


Ah yes Nintendo shut down one site. It's not like most of us already have it on pc. Enjoy that 4k 60fps. Nice way to cope niggertendo

Back to your pixel shovel ware pc blob.

I am from Switzerland you 'no health care' mutt with 'mexican' as a second language. I speak 4 languages. Go shoot up a school you filthy savage.

wow 10 years later and the joke is STILL FUNNY great job guys

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>>spent $1000 on a gaming PC a couple years ago
>>it struggles to run AAA 2019 games
happened to no one

this larp is embarrassing

>"console fps bad"
>yeah but pc is too
>"b-because of consoles"
cope harder


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>console fps sub 20
>pc fps 58
>lol get wrect

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My computer isn't just for games.

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Devs have to waste valuable manhours insuring the game is playable across a wide array of specs.

Is PC gaming holding back console games?

You really didn't help disprove that assumption by posting an anime for spics.

>I speak 4 languages
I hope you're not counting English as one of those, because that is just blatantly false.
Also calm down.

>Devs have to waste valuable manhours insuring the game is playable across a wide array of specs.
This isn't the 90s faggot PCs are standardised as fuck. You have to account for minor differences between two GPU vendors, other than that everything is fine

Bugger off niggerish mutt!

consoles suck

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Because I get to get all my games free with even working online in a lot of them. While consoletards will get banned if they even try online after modding their console

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>cries in 30 fps

He gave me 6 FREE games this week.

>tfw fell for the pc gaming is cheap meme
>rig i spent 800 dollars on 5 years ago can't even run less optimized modern games like dmc5 without unplayable stutter

>pc gaming
Pick one. Whoever told you that is a retard.

You could have adjusted settings to play it fine unless you really fucked up on your PC.

Because it's not true unless you're autistic about keeping up with tech which you don't have to be. I have an old PC from about 9 years ago that I put a gts 1060 6gb that was under $250 at release years ago for a grand total of about $450 at the time. it still runs games at least as well as an Xbox one x and in most cases even better since I can tweak features off Idgaf about. Bottom line is that you can continue playing games into the future without an imaginary hardware line telling you you need an entirely new system. Combined with cheaper and free games if you want to try them it's been pretty great. Plus it's a PC and is capable of more things. Not even counting adult games if that's your thing. You'll be spending a lot of money to play new triple a games at over 60fps on ultra of course but if you're comparing PCs to consoles directly it's already a false comparison

Of course I fucked with the settings, nothing helped. The whole game seemed kind of fucky though, even the cutscenes would stutter and audio would be several seconds behind during them at random intervals. It felt less sluggish and more absolutely fucked than anything else.

Not hard to understand.
Pay for internet.
Pay for internet and premium subscription.

Hmm, I wonder which one is cheaper?

you've got other problems

Not to mention free games.

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The people who say that don't work at McDonald's and can afford to upgrade their computers whenever they want

Mobile games > PC > Console

Kingston SSD's are dogshit, but yeah storage prices in general have cratered the last few years.

yeah that's pretty common pricing

>>been playing comfy SP on my PC and playing MP on console with guys I grew up with and work with

I do this too,

>PC gaming
>Get the game you've been waiting for cucked and shoved onto Epic Games.
>One mad SJW crys that hes offended so your low rent indie devs completely change their game to capitulate.
>Multiplat games flat out dont work because they are optimized for console gaming. Expect frequent crashes, frame rate chugging on top end rigs
>Fighting game communities dead in a week
>Souls game communities dead in a week.

Why would you play on PC? Are porn mods really that meaningful to you coomers?

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honestly this is all false or incredibly rare except for a couple of cherry picked or expired examples. Thanks though because it's reminding me why I haven't been to this board in quite some time

>This game alone slaughter pc
>Posting a heavily rendered CG cutscene
And just like FF15, it'll release on PC when all the "Episodes" are out, offer 60+ FPS (PS4 will be 30), real 4K textures, and mod support.

"me no use teknologi befor. wat dis boten do?"

If you have no idea what you're doing ask for help or watch tutorials.

Consoles struggle to run AAA games on launch you fucking retard.

Those $1000 pcs are struggling to hit 1440p 144fps on ultra settings you dingus.

>Top tier Nvidia card
>Paid $295 for 2070
>Runs the game maxed out with RTX off at 90+ FPS
Yeah dude, need that TOP TIER

PC still has 60+ fps and mouse aiming. When I can have that on a console it won't matter so much.

>shoved onto Epic Games
No one fucking cares you autistic faggot
>One mad SJW crys
Loooool, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have all started censoring their games, dipshit.
>Multiplat games flat out don't work
??? Name one multiplat game that didtn' work in the past 10 years? If anything, they all run substantially better on PC
>Fighting games
Nigger tier choice, who cares
>Souls games
Even fucking worse choice, souls PVP is some of the faggiest shit out there.

Can your console:
>Mod games
>Fix bugs
>Pirate games
>Play in diffrent servers
>Emulate older games
>Emulate newer games
>Use diffrent controllers without third-party hardware or software
>Alter its OS
>Boost your performance

>shoved onto Epic Games
It matters. A lot. P Cucks have been boycotting them since the very beginning of the EGS.
>Doesn’t know the first one to censor VNs was Steam.
>Name one malfunctioning multiplat game
Batman: Arkham Knight.

>buy 1000$ PC
>only have to pirate ten 60$ games to save 600 dollars
>also doubles as a workstation and even gives me access to free movies I can watch on my TV by plugging in the HDMI

I still have a original Xbox and a PS2 from the glory days of split screen and couch co-op but apparently developers are shit and those features are less common nowadays so there's even less reason to get a console.

>all these poor consolecucks trying to justify their 20 fps 400 dollars shitbox
Smells like sour grape to me. Like someone bought a shitty cpu or gpu trying to cope when they got 30 fps.

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holy fuck whats it like being a brain dead nigger that has no idea about technology

why do console shill says that it lasts an entire generation

halfway through this generation sony and micosoft had to make a upgraded version of the current consoles because they knew their base system were a under powered pile of shit

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Big oof little yikes.

>A lot of games on PC require you to pay for a server to play private matches, but sure, stay baited
Such as?

>>Mod games
Oh yeah, I forgot that peecucks were still modding Skyrim for the billionth time because they have no good exclusives.

Are people still responding to me? Jesus get a grip lmao I almost forgot this thread existed

Built my pc in 2015 and the only upgrades I've made since then were vanity items. Got me a 1070ti (paid $200 for it because I sold my previous card) and I used Amazon credit I got on a Xmas party to upgrade to 24gb of ram. No one should upgrade every 2 yrs. My machine will most likely be strong enough for another generation at LEAST.

>paying 3500+ us shekels to steal one game you don't deserve from a great company
Wow. You got me, you're mum must be proud.

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>>access to every game that has been and will be
I wish this were true for xbox games. I just want to play brute force one more time before sweet death.


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We'll be getting bannerlord.. any day now.

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name one. I cannot think of one game beside crappy MMO that require you to play online.

I've only played in pc for the last 4 years, tell me consoles don't normally have this framerate

cute girl

Had a gaming pc for years and i use it more then the ps4 since i can browse and play. I plan to rebuild a new pc since my old one is beyond fucked and only plan to spend 1200$. is that enough for a very good pc

>Paying 3500+ us shekels

Ight burgerland meme. My isp doesn't care about me getting this game for free. And yes my mom is very proud of me investing money in a house, instead of overpriced stuff from Nintendo.

if you reuse some of your components maybe.


memorys leaking and gone bad, BSOD happens if i use some stuff, games no longer run on it since it needs upgrades and its 7 years old

dont forget to pay for internet service, again---------------------- for 7 years

>build pc for 500-600
>pay nothing for online
>huge catalogue with sales all day erry day
>piracy if you swing that way
>runs everything for a decade to come

cope consolefags.

>any rts ever

>moba genre

>backlog of games for almost all eternity

yeah sure sucks to have no exclusives

>3ghz quad core i7
>8gb ram
>GTX 760
Still runs every game I throw at it on at least medium settings, and does VR stuff fine. You don't need top of the line specs to keep up with consoles, only to get maxed out games at 4k and 140fps.

gamer nigger

I said I wouldn't read this but I came back and I did. You have no idea what you're talking about

>this many replies to cheap bait
what the fuck happened to this site

>not being an idort in 2019

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Console version is stripped so it can run with lower specs.
You can always run the OC version of the game in low settings to achieve the same.

What are your specs and which game didn't run?
Is it a laptop or a PC?

And even more money in games that are never as cheap as PC games.

Just like bitcoin miners eventually switched from PCs to specialized hardware for mining, it makes sense that hardware for gaming lasts longer than a PC at least when it comes to first party software.

>openly admitting to being a sucker

I play survival games like Space Engineers and Rust.
Also enjoy playing Factorio, Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress and classic RPGs like Baldur's Gate.
The first two games won't have a console version until next gen.
My favorite MMO if all time bus Ragnarok Online, it's still played and will prolly never have a console version.
Why should I get a console?

It's not just that. The overall selling point for consoles used to be that they provided lots of different games, were more convenient, and were pick-up-and-play.

But especially with this last generation, all that has gone out the window. You need to install all your games. Games typically ship broken and you need to get patches to get them to run properly. There's no longer any local multiplayer. Online requires an extra account/subscription/etc. Hell, there are even now multiple SKUs with different hardware under the hood, so you don't even necessarily know what performance level you're going to get from your games when that now varies, like with different PC builds. Gone are the days of buying a console, buying a game, and everything just working. Which begs the question of if consoles no longer beat PC when it comes to convenience, then why bother with them?

wet floor

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