Was there a Halo killer, if so what was it?

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your mom

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Call of Duty.

Halo killed itself


so far Cod is the only answer that's not a blatant meme

Cod from mw2 with their yearly entries sucked away a decent chunk of the population, and their popularity caused 343 to emulate them, bringing about the downfall of the franchise

I guess Killzone didn't take off lol, I remember that one being the self purported killer.

damn, first post. that was the first thing i thought when i saw this thread

Is there a way to ban Europoors like you?

you need to get a hobby or something

343, especially the cunt that tought she was the "george lucas of halo"

i think its coming back. halo infinite looks amazing. and the MCC is coming to pc. so i think they learned there lession

You're the one who needs to get a hobby, every day at this time same damn, Xbox, Halo, America hate thread because you're too poor to get one while also wishing you had our lives here, give it a rest you obsessed nigger.

halo 4
>no returning characters
>fucked multiplayer
>retarded ass dumb fucking story that was far too focused on Cortana that also featured new characters... that nobody cared about
>changed EVERYTHING to make it look newer but instead they just made everything look considerably worse (pic related)
>NO return of the iconic music, for no fucking reason
343 was given a massive task of following up to the climax that was halo 3, but they fucked it up so many ways.

forgot pic

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is a powerful thing

i liked the campaign of halo 4


>covies new design
>elites are now bad guys again, fuck brutes
>not a single mention of what happened in the first trilogy
>those shallow new characters
>orange fluids everywhere
>butchered forerunners
>a fucking qte

Lol what a loser you are.
>muh xbox
Fat fuck, go for a walk for once.

Remember when we were supposed to get every MCC game out on the PC by the end of this year?

now it's looking like we won't get a single one.



Bonnie Ross.

Says the poor faggot getting taken over by foreigners.

$10 a game is wonderful, I can't wait to get back into Halo reach, swat, infection, forge
>give it a rest you obsessed nigger
you seriously need to get a life lol
was the story really that bad lol
a fucking quick time event man
you tell 'em, that fatty
still that value, that value is something
finish the fight lol

Halo: Reach.

Call of Duty.

Even by the time of Reach i remember someone at my work thought it was weird that they were still making Halo games.

Halo: ODST

odst didn't kill shit

CoD4 mostly. Halo certainly went downhill, but Call of Duty took its place culturally.

A 60 dollar DLC. Yes it did.

His mandibles are in the wrong place. It looks like he's gping to bite out his own eyes.

that didn't turn people away from the series. Killing the core values of the halo franchise did and halo 4 and 5 did that very well.

was odst any good? that comes in MCC doesn't it?

>you seriously need to get a life lol
Take your own advice, Europoor.

>apparently killed 10's of spartans
>struggles and dies like a bitch against one.

No, it was pretty terrible.

Reach did far more damage.
Still nothing compared to the damage 4 and 5 did tho.


It's pretty up there, they were the kicker so they really can't be ignored since they started all of this.

campaign =/= story
it played like aids on replay

>elites are now bad guys again
this is a good thing.

>halo killed doom
>343 kills halo
>doom comes back and revives halo with nudoom

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Halo thread, go
>Halo infinite has a 30 hour campaign but no MP
Would you?

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>doom 2016 returns to fast paced combat, does well
>doom eternal brings back many of the old popular designs and enemies, one of the most anticipated shooters coming soon
>halo infinite's trailer features the classic music, suit, shows an actual fucking halo ring for once, and doesn't bother with showing off flashy promethean garbage
>everybody likes it
i wish all franchises could do this. Sticking to form is best. This is why halo 4 and 5 are so poorly received. They scrapped the exact things that people loved about the franchise. I'm somewhat hopeful that halo infinite will be good, but 343 cannot be trusted. Even now.

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if the campaign is at least like halo CE's then i'm down. Multiplayer should always take the backseat.


Really we havent seen much from Infinite so assure it wont be like 5.
5 had the halo theme, returning classic armors and weapons and we all know how that game went.
No covenant either, so most likely prometheans are going to be focus again.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2


The really did fuck up the formula.

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That ps3 game called killzone


At least the 343 steam page manager is having fun

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Killzone is an odd series. I thought the second and third games were ok, but as a whole the franchise really should not have made it past 2

>5 had the halo theme, returning classic armors and weapons
fucking barely, what are you on about? Master Chiefs (and all the other spartan armors) suit still looked retarded and then his suit even got cracked by that dumb locke nigger nobody cares about

I think you need to.
>Faggot tried to ban me for calling out a Sony cuck who is also a Eurocuck as well
You Sonyfags really do have no shame and you mods are jus as bad and should go back to your full-time as resetera tranny mods.

what im on about that just becaue infinite throws you some bones doesnt mean theyre thinking about you.
Its going to be catered to the COD fanboys again like 4 and 5.

Halo can genuinely never come back to its glory years. Even if it’s the best game in the series most of the mass crowd moved on

Call of Duty eviscerated Halo and shat on its corpse. The world is much worse for it.

literally fortnite and BR games

the epitome of that quote from Billy Madison
everytime you open your mouth people lose brain cells, may god have mercy on you clueless Yea Forumsasstard

what did you think of Resistance ?

Resistance 1 was fun. The PSP game was surprisingly good, 2 was tolerable at best and 3 was lame.

Legit Call of Duty. That and a bit of 343.

>fast paced combat

nudoom wasn't as fast as the older ones but if you think it's as slow as any halo game you're certifiably retarded

Cod MW2 put up serious competition, I remember a lot of my friends started playing that and I was still stubbornly sticking with Halo 3. We had a lot of debates about which game was better, and in all fairness, they did admit that the fact that MW2's biggest competitor was 2 years older than it was a testament to the quality of Halo
Ultimately it was 343 that killed Halo for me.

no it isn't you dumb zoomer, stop larping

its slow as shit you children

Nothing really did. I'd say the biggest thing was 343 and time. Cod garbage was always there. But 343 changed halo too radically.

It was definitely faster than Halo, but it's an illusion of fast. Fucking press x for instakill bullshit.

Take your own advice.

people are going to say halo 4, but it was really halo reach that killed halo's reign as top dog. after it released halo fell off hard in population due to the massive shift in gameplay that bungie injected on their way out. halo 4 was just a continuation of the cancer bungie injected into the franchise with reach so they wouldn't have to compete with it when they were independent.


what is, doom16 or halo?

i remember someone was mad at me in a reach social slayer game, and instead of sending me a 1v1 for reach
they sent one for mw2
I also remember all of of my freinds stop playing halo around reach for cod and even gears

people keep saying time and thats semi true but halo stopped being number 1 around reach.
I honestly think if you took 3s combat and just increased speed by 5-10%, raised the fov, and lower jump height
halo would play 10x better

both, but d44m is slower and has less enemies on screen


Sangheili thread?

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Halo Reach

>d44m is slower

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Halo 4. The franchise basically killed itself. Microsoft really needs to get some big new IPs people are just tired of Gears and Halo. Forza is the only one of their major IPs that still relevant.

>le rip and tear XD kiddies coming out of the wood works to defend their painkiller clone
>spouting buzzwords because they have nothing to say

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>d44m is slower than halo ce
nigger you've already proven your retardation

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>wojak poster defends nudoom

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Halo killed itself

>Its going to be catered to the COD fanboys again like 4 and 5.
and like Reach.

Another halo 3 would never have been more popular than reach, ODST proves that.
Normalfags wanted more realistic military shooters at that time since H3 was been branded as "gay" by then, reach was the best it could have been.

>and like Reach.
What did reach steal from COD?
grittiness? Dont be retarded.

Not him while true, Reach was still shit and fuck 3babies for abandoning the series, they were never fans.

Not him but stop sucking dick, Reach started the Halo taking things from modern games and fucking everything up, Reach sucked.

Not that guy but how is Doom 4 slower than Halo? You move a lot faster, you know.
Are you okay user?

Besides the visual style and loadouts, what did it take?
Sprint had been planned since Halo 2.


Try again

>Sprint had been planned since Halo 2.
Fuck, so like Jetpacks in Halo CE huh?

the mark of totally being that guy

Are you okay user?

he's not me and he's completely correct
d44m is far faster than all the the halos in nearly every way

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Kys samefag

343 killed it good. COD kicked Halo in the shin a few times, but 343 dragged Halo out into the street and shot it.

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we can all use inspect element kid, you aint foolin no one

this and halo 5

Modern Warfare 1 and 2
Reach showed Bungies fatigue though the game wasn’t explicitly bad, just lukewarm
Trapped in the Xbox brand which cratered with the One; sorta “went down with the ship”
343 know absolute dick squat about how to push the series forward

There’s enough

It killed halo so bad it's still trying to recover.

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ODST already showed that, Reach just showed how much they no longer gave a shit.

stay mad that you're incorrect

also killed timesplitters and battlefront 3

>Implying Reach didn't crush the game's momentum.
>Implying Halo 4 wasn't a Cowadooty wanna be that took Halo backwards.
>Implying Halo 5 wasn't an improvement but by then, the series was sunk.

Bungie went on to create Destiny. Despite how good the shooting mechanics are, those are some severely flawed games.

Bungie isn't a trail blazer anymore.

why dont they just remake marathon?

Because Bungie doesn't like to backpedel. They also want to make Destiny 3 their forever game.

NuBungie barely has even half of the original team in it. Most of the big shots left.

It was Bungie who started Halo's slow death.

>60 dollar DLC
What were they thinking?

Halo 4

They said Destiny 2 is going to be around for at least another year or two.

Year 3 of Destiny 2 launches now in October. They've started to talk a little about Destiny 3 though because that's the game where they'll be completely from a publisher.

It will be totally their vision. I suppose I can't blame them for being excited about that prospect but I also don't think they are as strong as a developer as they used to be.

That was M$' decision. Bungie were bound by contract to keep shitting out Halo games. After 3 it was obvious they really wanted to move on.

It didn't really need one. Halo faded away without making an impact on the industry. Well, without making a positive impact, anyway. It certainly popularized regenerating defenses and consolized shooters.

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Clearly, ODST and Reach sucked but Bungie had no business locking Halo 3's final maps in ODST.

>Sprint had been planned since Halo 2.
Then why wasn't it included in Halo 3?


Because they realized it ruined game flow, by Reach they thought it was balanced by having it as optional

Halo 5 is more like a step forward and back. Its certainly more fun than 4 was, but it really went through dev hell of some kind and its clear that the multimedia universe was a bad idea.

It is kind of exciting to see what Bungie does with Destiny now, especially since they're trying out things and making it clear that Shadowkeep is going to be RoI-tier to properly set expectations. But they seem known to reboot projects in development, and knowing Destiny it'll probably need a Forsaken/Taken King expansion to become truly great.

Call of Duty.

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I enjoyed 4's base gameplay for a time. It's like CoD and Halo had a failed abortion that tried its best to please you but simply wasn't good enough.

halo never evolved in a meaningful way, people got tired of it. It still sells due to it being the top microsoft franchise not named minecraft getting a fuckton of advertising, but it sells a pittance compared to nintendo's/sony's top franchises

> Was there a Halo killer, if so what was it?
I remember in high school, the moment MW2 came out, the entire halo fanbase save for the diehards moved on overnight

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how could i put a fingerless glove meter into my game? what would fill the meter and what would it do once full?

Probably my favorite campaign besides 3. Great cast of characters and mixes the power dynamic. Plus the M7S is my favorite primary weapon in the Bungie campaigns. Firefight sucks but the campaign is as solid as the rest of Bungie's.

Halo 3 stayed at the top of the XBL most-played charts for years

>Halo 5 is more like a step forward and back. Its certainly more fun than 4 was.
I agree.

Bungie has a lot of flaws too. It takes them MONTHS to fix broken things instead of days like other devs.They also obsess about their sandbox balance but they continue to take away from the PVP mode, reducing it to just king of the hill or team death match in tiny, very poorly designed maps. Every so often you'll hear people say Bungie should go back to Halo but seeing how Bungie is handling Destiny PVP. No. FUCK NO!

We need to accept that Halo multiplayer is in the past. Nobody, not even Bungie can save it.

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it was really comfy. The characters are a little fun and the game does a great job of giving you a view from the the 'little guys' since you're not playing as THE master chief. The game itself is basically compensation for the lack of earth levels in halo 2.

Lots of games, from Pariah to Killzone, claimed to be "the Halo killer" - but none of them could live up to the claim. In the end, it was Microsoft, 343i, and Halo 4 that proved to be the true Halo killer.

I'm sure that's true, but my post was referring to my high school. There was definitely a shift from halo to CoD starting from that point on however, it was also released around the time ps3 was gaining more support.

>It is kind of exciting to see what Bungie does with Destiny now
They had 2 games to do a good Destiny and they failed 2 times.
>since they're trying out things
Bungo is recycling content from past DLCs and games. Don't believe Smith's lies.

In fairness a lot of the month long changes to implement could be due to Destiny's trash engine. Apparently it takes forever just to change something. Still the PvP is dreadful and I dont know who wants to play that as their main game.

I know they're reusing the moon from D1, which wasnt terribly large, but I'll be optimistic. If its trash I dont see myself buying any future expansion though, especially not the seasons.

Cause of dead:
Suicide due to change of it's environment that lead it to severe depression for almost a decade.

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hold me Halobro

Half of Destiny's "content creators" are PVP focused channels. Someone likes it, even if it's trash.

I like Joker, he's a lorefag but he's also critical of Bungo.

Halo really just came to the end of it's natural cycle, like all things do. Halo had a slower play style that was popular in the late 90s and early 00s but by the time H3 and Reach came out CODs faster TTK and play style were attracting a lot more players because the faster play style was more interesting to watch and play. They should just keep it a story based game with some forge shit and coop shit and make MP secondary of priority. Story based content is pretty hot right now so if they focused in that direction it might get close to it's former glory

For the bitching everyone does about nuhalo's movement, I genuinely think people would be much more on board with it if 343 stopped half assing it and just committed to completely redesigning the gameplay.

Halo itself.

So basically turn it into titanfall or lawbreakers?
Then there would be no game left who plays like halo.

Was gonna say either this, CoD or 343i.

>and the MCC is coming to pc
Not until 2021 at the earliest

343 is the better answer. I believe theres still a market for a classic halo experience, just look at these threads and all the people saying they miss halo. 343 is what ruined the franchise with their bad ideas and "modernizing" of the mechanics.

>I believe theres still a market for a classic halo
yea...there was...like 6 or 7 fucking years ago
that time has completely passed now. most original halo players from 2005-2010 moved on with their lives and dont give a fuck about it anymore

Considering boomer shooters are making a comeback it shows there is still demand for 90s-00s esque games. Only a matter of time before theres either a halo spiritual successor or an official return to form

>ODST proves that
How? ODST was just a short single player mode with a Horde-like game mode and all the Halo 3 DLC included. It wasn't an entirely new multiplayer experience the same way Reach was.

>Considering boomer shooters are making a comeback

Came here to say this.
Thread should have ended here.

this man represents the entirety of Halo fans, only talk this man. he knows everything.

Demand like that doesnt disappear, especially when it's been starved by the one source that is supposed to supply it.
>players moved on
Games arent like a relationship retard, there is no "moving on". Theybe only stopped caring because halo isnt halo anymore. If halo was given to better, more competent hands and made the game everyone wants to play you really think they're gonna say "but I moved on..."? Nothings stopping them from going to the store and buying it.


Dusk, amid evil, ion fury, Doom as a series resurfacing