>Fan conspiracy/creepypasta gets acknowledged by game dev
Fan conspiracy/creepypasta gets acknowledged by game dev
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Wacky faces and references to old episodes and internet culture isn't a substitute for actual humor
SpongeBob zoomers deserves death
>Check if it's real
>It's real
Fucking boomers
Even the old SpongeBob crew hates the new shit they have done, the animation is way too bouncy and the characters yell all the time
I don't get it
the original dates back to ~2011, i'm not surprised they'd decide to reference something nearly a decade old one-off for a joke
Referential humor is lazy writing.
Mr Tibbitt was talking about that Kamp Koral prequel series that was announced after Hillenburg's death
when did this happen? cant find anything on it
yeah nu-spongebob is complete trash
pissing on Hillenburg's grave
There’s a creepypasta called squidwards suicide that came out a number of years ago that showed this image and its about squidward blowing his head off with a shotgun and the actual fucking tv show made a reference to it apparently. This is insane.
thats actually disgusting.
What is he talking about specifically?
Oh god
you are talking nonsense. Theres only this image
It was on the UK airing of Spongebob in Randomland
It's supposed to air in the US sometime today
Hillenberg said that he never wanted spongebob to have any spin offs or prequels and Nickelodeon was like alright then but as soon as he died they announced shortly after they are indeed doing a spin off
lmao based
already looking forward for the outrage videos
What? The image I posted is the one used in the pasta, look at OP’s pic, that’s the one used in the show. They are very similar
Name one good show
Might as well. Not like anyone of any age gives a shit about this show now that Hillenburg is dead.
Why is this shit in a show meant for 3 year olds
Watched this once a long time ago and im never gonna see it again
mofos made it like a slenderman jumpscare
they tried going the gross-out humour route after Stephen died
Because its not meant for 3 year olds
There's something really off about the animation here.
spongebob has had jokes very obviously geared at older and adult audiences since the first season
dude the show has been gross out humor for about 14 years now
The other night, I was browsing Yea Forums as I usually do. The board seemed oddly slow that night, but I didn't pay it any attention. I entered a Simpsons thread, eagerly prepared to post "Sneed". However, when I entered the thread, the background changed to a photograph of random organs and "Television & Film" had changed to "Death & Decay." I presumed this to be a glitch and moved on.
What struck my fancy was that in the thread, everywhere you would usually expect to see "Sneed", you saw "Blood", and everywhere you saw "Chuck", you saw "Shit." This means people were posting things like "Blood's Food and Sood, Formerly Shit's Fits and Shits."
At this point, I wanted to close the thread, but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to forge on. I would come to dearly regret this, as you soon shall see...
When I scrolled down to the bottom of the page, all I saw was a picture of Moe from the Simpsons at the center of the page. However, something was wrong. Instead of the usual happy-go-lucky Moe we all know and love, this Moe felt off somehow. His apron was dirty and unkempt, his arms were crossed, and his face wore a distinct scowl, indicating that Moe truly hated whatever he was looking at... and he was looking at me, and one of his eye sockets was empty and crying blood.
At this point, I tried to close the page, but Google Chrome wouldn't even let me close the tab. Trying to turn off my computer, and even pulling out the power cable didn't do anything. It was then that I noticed that Moe seemed to be growing bigger. Before I could react, Moe popped out of the screen, and gave me a facial of hyperrealistic cum. And now, if you don't reply "I know your soil pH is around 6.66" to this post, Moe will pop out of YOUR screen and give YOU a facial TOO.
>Hillenburg dead
>Zombie spongebob returns
the most egregious thing i notice is that spongebob's position compared to squidward changes before and after he sees the funny meme desu
kill yourself
There's an animation error where Spongebob jumps positions between shots if that's what you mean
>spongebob has had jokes very obviously geared at older and adult audiences since the first season
Keyword "had". Show became more aimed at the younger audience after the movie, SB started acting less like a childish adult and more like a full-on child, the show still has that problem
>that image
how the fuck did i never notice what this gag actually was until now
>This is insane
how? plenty of cartoons reference some dark shit occasionally.
After Hillenberg came back to the show they started going all out on the facial expressions, literally just Ren and Stimpy now
can we take a minute to appreciate the sheer genius of seasons 1-3
>nothing but constant jokes and subtle humor
>gorgeous animation, amazing art style
>voice acting was well done
>every character was well defined within their traits but werent afraid to step out of them
I seriously still find myself cracking up at the jokes and set ups, I dont know if Hillenburg was a big part of that but if he was that dude is a comedy fucking god.
To be fair spongebob has always taken that sort of bizarre gross out quality from shows like Ren and Stimpy or Rocko's Modern Life, but this new shit they're doing is just atrocious.
Oh for sure, early Spongebob all the way up to and including the first movie is an absolute masterpiece of animation. For something knocked as a Ren & Stimpy clone when it first released it ended up incorporating all the best bits from its predecessors while still remaining very much its own thing.
Squidward's Suicide was actually a decent pasta for its time. The "lost episode" thing has just been done to death.
pretty good
He's just some dead guy who has no real control over anything SpongeBob because he's literally dead. Sorry but Nickelodeon owns SpongeBob and are free to do what they want in the same vein as Disney owns let's say Marvel and Star Wars. It's just a fact of life.
>B-b-but muh nostalgia and childhood memorieees!!
You'll forget about it in your 70s when you get diagnosed with Dementia happens to everyone pal.
Also stop claiming that "HE WOUDLVE HATED WHAT THEY'RE DOING TO SPONGE BOB". Because that's pretty ignorant in an objective standpoint. Like did you actually get to know him and how he was aside from biographies? Was he your best and closest friend? Where you his family member???
MLP does the same thing. Past S3, the show is just crammed with exaggerated meme faces and a million internet meme references, even directly referencing completely fandom-based memes
I wonder if psychicpebbles had any involvement as he's a storyboard artist currently.
SpongeBob wasn't that good desu, it was just a diet Ren & Stimpy clone, even using the same music
>t. Nick L. Odean
I know they had him do one of his shrill screeches for an old lady in a newer episode.
>Spongebob doesn't have hair... Or DOES he?
>A literal panty raid on Mr. Krabs' grandma
>Patrick ripping off his female disguise and showing his naked body Mr. Krabs and Squidward after they spent all episode basically trying to fuck him
It's par for the course really.
spongebob has always been shit, accept it
That groan of frustration really hits the comedy here some of these jokes are kino I must admit
Shut the fuck up are you serious?
>Years after the creepypasta was relevant
Out of touch doesn't even describe nick at this point
The irony is that the military is full of people who enjoy video games.
shut the fuck up John you talentless overated creep
Cartoons were never good
>diet Ren & Stimpy clone
Why do people keep saying this? Show was more like an underwater Rocko's Modern Life more than anything, had the same crew working behind it too
It's like the time Simpsons referenced the Scary Maze game in 2018
>wtf why wont the goy go die for israel
I know your soil pH is around 6.66
Why is everyone sperging out over a dumb reference that most zoomers probably won't even get? It's funny they added this in and outrage faggots on twitter are seething
Name one good cartoon
someone who has never served his country must have made this. My grandfather was extremely adamant that his grandchildren should never be involved in the military
Seems he was doing it freelance before. Not sure if he's still working with them.
Have some sauce mobile.twitter.com
>decide to look up some spongebob clips
>see official Spongebob YouTube channel
>click on it and see all these shit videos
seen as lazy writing, even though it's not really any different than cartoons from spongebob's original late 90s/early 2000s era referencing things that happened in the early 90s or late 80s
For the longest time, I thought that was shaped like Earthworm Jim's head.
Have you SEEN some of the shit they put in Spongebob? Need I remind you of pic related?
What is the fucking joke?
Look at what his head scrunched into you retard.
>Hillenburg is dead
>since last November
>I only find out now
Ren and Stimpy was complete shit, Spongebob was at least enjoyable.
there was shit all over Yea Forums when he died
>Rocko's Modern Life and Zim get decent comeback films
>Spongebob gets a shitty unnecessary prequel
It's literally nothing
something something "soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window"
this is great
that moment when they referenced some tryhard creepypasta yet the video games haven’t even been acknowledged in anyway shape or form
The Zim movie was better than I expected it'd be, but the Rocko one was trash.
Because life isn't fair.
So this is what autism is like
>He says while posting weebshit
Kill yourself
It's a leg, you blind retard.
I'm fucking stoked for bfbb rehydrated but they really need to take robosponge off the cover
>click the “1 second from every episode” video out of morbid curiosity
>can recognize every episode from just a split second
>barely a minute later and I don’t recognize any of the clips
I’m actually amazed at how much they repeated episodes back then, and even more impressed at how long this show has been going on “zombie mode.” Nobody seems to ever reference the new shit, and apparently for good reason.
Wait I remember now. Fuck I'm even stupider for having forgotten something less than a year old.
At least they get something, Fairly OddParents ended without nothing, not even a grand finale.
user, you're on Yea Forums. Anime is a part of the site. Stop being new.
This is on par with referencing Slenderman.
It's dark, but dark in a stupid internet way.
Leg wrapped in condom?
Cope weebshitter
good because that series was always shit
>You'll forget about it in your 70s when you get diagnosed with Dementia happens to everyone pal.
You know not everyone gets dementia as they grow old, right? It's usually a combination of hereditary traits and lifestyle choices (drug/alcohol abuse, or even constant caffeine abuse is more likely to cause it later in life)
A finale to that would’ve fucking sucked at this point anyways, the show went to shit a long time ago.
You're a fucking nostalgia goggle idiot. The first season had multiple kid centric episodes, to the point of basically being edutainment. They had fucking Ween play a song about tying shoelaces for crying out loud. Other stupid song and dance numbers like Ripped Pants plagued thr first season and make it damn near unwatchable.
What do you mean, the whole season was a grand finale
>This dumb slut got to appear more than Chester and AJ
Fuck modern FOP.
Kill yourself zoomerfaggot, FOP was the second long running Nick show of all time, it absolutely should have had a finale.
The jokes are decent but for me it's the voice actors that sell it. 99% of VAs couldn't read Patrick's lines with the intonation that makes them that much funnier
Not just any anime, that was fucking Azumanga Daioh. One of the core material of Yea Forums. It's sad seeing newfags these days
Gees I wonder who was behind that drawing?
didn't they switch to flash animation for its last season
You don't know what panty hose is?
this shit suffered seasonal rot more than Simpsons family guy and spongebob combined.
Yes, they also didn't give a shit about any of Da Rules
Child cartoons should have adult references since parents and caretakers are going to be forced to watch it with kids.
It has to be subtle enough to go over their heads though.
Channel Chasers was the grand finale
Ren and Stimpy
You'd think even people that never watched/read Azumanga Daioh would be able to recognize it considering how often it gets referenced.
the early seasons were good because they were storyboarded by C. H. Greenblatt. once he left the show went to shit.
It's like the Simpsons. First couple seasons are decent (if a bit safe) seasons 3-5 are phenomenal and the ones everyone remembers, 6 and 7 teeter over a bit, 8 is meh, 9-11 are blehh and everything after 11 is a shit slurry that makes no impression on its viewers and no mark in public consciousness at all, to the point where The Simpsons has spent twice as much time being a bad show instead of a good one.
Is there any good creepypasta stuff now? obviously it seems people have mostly grown out of it but the stuff that exists now all just seems to be 'My dog was lost for 3 days, he hasn't been acting the same since'
not really, shits 20+ years old and the anime is almost 18 years old, this is much older than the average user of current Yea Forums
It's extremely lazy writing and despite popular belief, zoomers do know what the internet is and are aware of many of these memes.
American Dad is the only cartoon where the later seasons are better than the early seasons.
>Is the best post-movie episode in your path
Yeah, then he went on to make Chowder, which I argue is an underrated masterpiece of comedy.
>hating the ripped pants song
Fucking faggot
Fuck of retarded zommy
Know the full context of what you post.
Fun fact: absolutely nobody under 55 is involved in the military today
FoP hasn't been good since like 2004, and it's a show from 2002.
The one where they turn the Krusty Krab into a hotel is my personal favorite after the movie.
>its an actual jump scare
what the fuck why
Spongebob was always shit and the art style sucks user.
why do boomers always neglect to mention the men forced into war
>song about tying shoelaces
It's barely a minute long, hardly agregious.
>1999 Caledon local 21
I remember seeing that one a while ago, it's pretty good and really fucks with the idea of weird stuff you saw as a kid
Spongebob is putting on a condom
He is putting it on his head and it has the same color as real ones.
It's from 1998 stupid
Holy FUCK. Imagine being this fucking ASSBLASTED
Somebody fucking call the suicide line, user might be on their watch list god fucking DAMN.
What's the episode called?
>11 is a shit slurry that makes no impression on its viewers and no mark in public consciousness at all
Sure about that user? EithEr you have never watcheD season eleven, or there's one episode you're forgetting.
I've seen this attitude amongst older war veterans. I wonder if this could be considered almost universally true. I haven't met enough to say for sure.
The hardest of questions to answer
if you think the art style sucks you know 0 about animation.
SpongeBob in Yea ForumsLand
So can I get a quick run-down on the "Squidward suicide" creepypasta?
100% true.
Seasons 4-7 are the absolute peak of AD and even the current stuff is much better than 1-3.
If that were my last name i'd change my first to Free.
Does Sakaki Sakaki?
Spongebob in the golden years was extremely mild compared to Ren and Stimpy or Rocko. Grossout only became prevalent after the movie.
Define Spongebob zoomers. Spongebob was around when most of us under 35 were kids
I'm more surprised at how many people have 0 idea of what Squidward's Suicide is or that it exists. Really hammers it home just how much the site's userbase has changed.
Ocean man, the sequence of a life form braised in the sand
Cupe weeb
>face buttons on the left side of controller
>control stick on the right
>screenshot from a PC MMO, complete with chat log on lower left
They didn’t even try.
It's not.
Imagine only knowing 3 words on your entire vocabulary.
Did someone say... creepypastas?
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is THE core material of Yea Forums now, get the fuck off my website boomer.
The stereotypes write themselves
Are you sure?
Because I think Sakaki really likes to Sakaki.
Alright then
I'm sure them getting Ween to perform for the show was a dream come true for the staff since The Mollusk was an inspiration for its creation. I'm also sure Ween had fun making the song considering some of the past songs they've written.
The best thing they did was flesh out Roger's persona shtick instead of focusing on political subjects with Stan.
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
I feel bad for the longtime fans of that series, having to deal with the recent influx of faggots must be awful.
>ever watching western cartoons or entertainment
kind of cringe desu
yeah, only oldfags have read camheads
What if it's a controller for left handed people?
>did a playthrough of Sad Satan
>got away with it
How the FUCK did he get away it?
Muta is such a comfy channel
>ever consuming any form of media or entertainment
peak cringe
okay but this is about kamp koral
i like nu-bob but kamp koral will be a dumpster fire
except the MLP fandom created nice and interesting personalities for their characters, and their references were out of love for the fans, while there were horsefuckers, AT LEAST there were respect between the actual fans and the crew of the show.
This is just random memes for the sake of random memes, and i cant even fathom how litle children would react to such literal jumpscare.
Yikes, cringe.
Make me
>haha jojo references are really funny mudamudamuda xd
>It's real
Yea Forums and Yea Forums were supposed to be friends...
Ren and Stimpy was never as funny.
I always preferred American Dad over Family Guy because they didn't rely on cutaway gags every 2 minutes.
If Poof and Sparky didn't put the final nail in the coffin of this show, the introduction of Chloe most certainly did. Her inclusion caused at least several characters to go through personality changes to conform to modern society standards
I like consuming both.
It's nice, especially when I see an anime or manga reference other things I like.
Most discussion places of it other than specific youtube channels and meme videos are all full of tranny faggots who fell for the "ITS GAY!!!" meme. It really does suck, but it's easy to ignore.
why do i keep laughing at this shit
Beyond based
Beyond cringe
Sakaki > Osaka > Yukari > Chiyo > Tomo > Kagura > Kaorin > Nyamo > Koyomi
Someone in the production team must have a fetish for drawing this overly detailed, gross shit. There's also one episode where Squidward graphically rips off a toenail. Why the fuck would you show that to kids?
>kids show has a couple subtle adult jokes
You must not browse /f/. Jojo memes has been around since the early days of Yea Forums.
Who are you quoting?
That's not what anyone is saying. It's a show for all ages to enjoy. That's how you make a good family-friendly cartoon
He said after 11, as in 12 onward.
I'm saying that now it's the only core material. Everything else is irrelevant.
"Fun" fact: Azumanga Daioh and Spongebob Squarepants began within a month of each other, in early 1999.
Twenty years ago.
Blame anime-onlies
Introducing a fucking dog to keep things fresh still kills me.
The "Red Mist Squidward" appears in the episode "SpongeBob in RandomLand"
>The scene that features Red Mist Squidward is edited out of the UK version as well as the international digital version of SpongeBob in RandomLand
Bongland are a bunch of cowards for being baited by a tryhard creepypasta
V writes a crappypasta in 2019
This. Couldn't have a better ending for the show.
>thread turned into moeshit vs shounen shit
modern anime is trash just like modern spongebob. no passion just greed.
Just wait till Dragon Ball Ultra
I love that dude
I wish he read some more pastas it’s clear he likes the none gaming related ones more
>It's a 'show fifteen years past its prime tries desperately to stay relevant' episode
Honestly the whole of early Spongebob was Yea Forums as absolute fuck, I remember Squidward's voice-actor saying the Band Geeks episode was completely tailored around getting Sweet Victory into an episode.
Is the black liquid around his eyes supposed to be Jojo's Bizarre Adventure blood?
>Grand finale
The fuck even happened? There was no final episode that said "THIS IS TEH END"
Anytime they try to make a finale, it fails in the worst ways possible. You know which show I'm talking about.
>20 years ago
Heh, I'm one year younger than one of my favorite manga and one of my favorite cartoons.
Something comforting about that.
dem hips though
ah yes we're all cowards because one person in an office somewhere made a decision
neck yourself
Do you reckon Mutahar browses Yea Forums?
It helps that the family's design as political caricatures + "an alien" is more interesting than Family Guy's "everyfamily" design. Family Guy's aggressively average up until it gets straight bad, the first season or two is like if According to Jim were a cartoon.
>thread turned into moeshit vs shounen shit
but it didn't? Did you read the thread at all or just look at the images and skim?
oh wow, it's nothing
stop crying, faggots
How many shows would that apply to besides 5?
Is the black girl the leader of the group?
he's a squid, squids have ink
>Hartman is a con-artist
>Krisfaluci is a sex offender
>Murray is “muh positive trans” messages
What the fuck is in the water at Nickelodeon?
soakin up the thirst of the land
In one of his videos he browses a thread on /x/
He's said he browses /x/ and /g/
I also think he browsed Yea Forums a little when he was younger.
Why are boomers so obsessed with war? Do they really want to see their children die?
what chemical was used to make her?
Don't forget about ol' Beer Can Dan Schneider
Fuck that one and it's feels
she poochies herself out of the show at the end of the episode
so you want me to read someone calling some baised and kringed 12 times inbetween or the people pretending to be retarded to get more replies cause this clearly isnt about VIDEOGAMES mild horror fanshit getting put into a game
>>Trying to stay relevant
>This thread with 249 replies
I'm thinking it's working
Chemical W
Why was the goat show canceled?
The ones that read the manga were fine, though I don't know how many of those are left now that the anime is so far along. Lot of material animeonlys won't have seen, but they might not care at this point since "I can get through five-eighths of the series, I can wait for the rest to get animated."
That being said I didn't get into the series until Part 2 started getting animated so I'm probably not one to talk and actual oldfags might have found me to be as obnoxious as anyone else.
>Murray is “muh positive trans” messages
I'm sure that's what he intended but honestly with the character's old gimmick as a failure at whatever he tried, even succeeding by attempting to fail, I interpreted it as an unsaid joke he was a failure as a male
never really gelled with viewing audiences even though it had enough backing to get a revival, also furious MTV meddling and bad business decisions
>Jojo and Azumanga Daioh
>Modern anime
Chris Savino is worse
Big Foot/Sasquatches in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare and GTA V
I miss it. The last season had its flaws but the crying episode and Twilight episode were both pretty damn great. BaB was just fucking big brain for retards to understand it. Shit flowed so god damn well in 99% of episodes and even in a god damn movie it was pretty fucking fluid. But no retards just see pot humor and assume it cannot be executed well.
Lead poisoning form when lead was in gasoline. Every boomer is at least mildly aggressive and their first solution to any problem is to attack it. They also wish they were as cool as their dads, going out and killing people. Since no boomer had their dad die in the war, they don't think they or their children will die in wars. This is made worse by the fact that most boomers never fought in a war themselves.
>Nicktoon that has predominantly pedo fanbase online was made by a creep
You don’t say?
The higher-ups at MTV were a bunch of little faggots
This. Everything C.H. Greenblatt has made is gold. Shame on Nickelodeon for what they have done to Harvey Beaks.
why was king of the hill cancelled?
>the crying episode
"I was NOT CRYING" and then bumping Butthead's corpse with his wheelchair and calling him a butthole kills me every time
>anime retards trying to ruin a spongebob thread
Weebs have taken the place of furries as the most obnoxious retards on Yea Forums currently. I don't care how long you think you've been here because everyone else despises you.
Probably because Fox wanted to give its slot to something newer and more marketable. They haven't had a hit cartoon since Bob's Burgers.
>AT LEAST there were respect between the actual fans and the crew of the show.
What creepy pastas do you lads like?
I really liked Russian sleep experiment
And Pychosis
Can confirm.
Because FOX needed space for the Cleveland Show......I wish I was joking.
>not Nick L. O'dean
Spongebob and The Simpsons are both still relevant. It's just that only the good parts from the past are relevant. People still earnestly enjoy both shows' golden ages, find new things to like about the old episodes, make shitposts and memes and whatnot from them.
user you could just do the normal thing and ignore posts you don't care for.
This is the newfaggiest post I've seen in weeks.
Why is Sponegebob so fucken bizarre now? I put it on the other day for my little nephews and they kept telling me how weird the show was and if it was actually for kids.
Don't forget. "I wasn't crying then and im not crying now"
>tiny handful of posts in the middle of the thread
Shut up bitch.
and that was old nuspongebob
It's not on Netflix anymore either. Fox ignores its existence.
Speaking of KOTH.
She's their older sister whom the Professor made trying to create the perfect little girl, only to accidentally spill an extra ingredient, Chemical W. There was a throwaway joke that he did the same with the previous 22 letters as well. She literally flies to another planet because it needs her at the end of the episode.
That's it I'm sending in the Chaika
Is this someordinary gamers? Is he still around?
How the FUCK do I stop giving (You)'s to you anti anime posters
I just... feel compelled to reply with anime every time and laugh at you
KotH was starting to get stale by the end and it being cancelled was probably a blessing since it never went full Simpsons.
They're not trying to ruin the thread you retard
It's because Brittany Murphy died you tards
Yeah, his channel's a pretty chill place. Nice to see him go from some high schooler playing Ocarina of Time on a craptop to browsing the deep web and having fun with some viruses.
>Weebs have taken the place of furries as the most obnoxious retards on Yea Forums
lmao I wonder who is behind this post. I bet you're only here for Sandy nudes you fucking furfaggot
>this means that in spongebob, there's canonically an alternate universe where squidward actually kills himself
>check out The Pancake Family
>pretty nasty story
>initially thought the end part was too over the top with Maber saying 'that's all of them'
>tfw realising afterwards it was her final way of fucking with the family
that legit got to me ngl
fuck, why did I find that so funny
I'm surprised he hasn't killed himself in every possible reality
Luanne was a background character that could have been written off
The only creative things to come from The Simpsons and Spongebob in 2019 are produced by the fans. The memes have more thought and care put into them than the episodes.
>there are "people" here who haven't watched meguca
jojofags are cancer
What's the best crossover in video game history?
examples? I assume you mean it's different from the "eww girls can't like comic books" stuff from 2003
(((OI OI)))
i did and it sucked
the movies too
squall's dead got acknowledged and then shot down. based nomura
She died after it cancelled diaper boy.
They said it was drugs or mold then it came out her her husband and mother were all killed. Weird shit
>What the fuck HAVE The Simpsons been up to recently anyways
>look it up
>find this
God this hurts
Bravo Dooby Doo
>get shipped out to wage war for a bunch of old faggots who get to sit pretty a million miles away in their fortresses because they deemed it necessary while you toil your ass off in whothefuckcaresistan digging ditches, getting shot in the ass, watching your friends die, and possibly dying yourself
>even if you come back in one piece the country that you fought for will hold the idea of you up as a symbol of their freedom while not actually giving you the time of day because it wouldn't be convenient to acknowledge the real shit vets have to go through
if you advocate for sending someone into the military while dodging drafts, you deserve execution by firing squad
i did mentioned the idiots, not every fan does that shit and you know it!
Matt Groening is a pedo
Didn't Bart become a feminist?
Who this?
Did they ever shot down the idea that Rinoa is actually evil? Not that she's Ultimecia, just that she is a separate, more cunning sorceress who is a huge evil bitch in the guise of a damsel in distress. Because to me, she is and always will be.
1999 started off well, but then got stupid with "lmao i found another tape"
The Grim adventures of the KND
>heh heh.... your stupid
>heh heh.... cool
literally the most retarded show on the planet
didn't gumball also reference one of their creepypastas
whatever the hell that is
how does it always happen like this lmfao
Were the alien episodes a fever dream I had or did those actually happen, ed edd and eddy had one too
That sounded pretty funny to me.
jesus that's painful. i think early 2000's political parody flashes were more tasteful.
This skit is hilarious for all the wrong reasons.
>Four women gang up on an old man to harass and smear him
>We're supposed to be on their side
AOC and Ilhan Omar are far more corrupt than the President. Trump is just impulsive and incompetent.
Oh right that happened
Spongebob had a good movie and an alright one, though
Wasted trips.
Subspace Emissary
Delightful Reaper's slow growth is a really fantastic scene in a show that mixed when it takes things seriously
Poor, poor Harvey Beaks...
Creators of both shows were BFFs
>We'll never get political comedy like this ever again because everyone willing to spend their time making political comedy is mentally ill and refuses to acknowledge their side's wrongdoings
That was real, it was a pretty cool
So here's the thing, I fucking hate Trump, and this clip is still godawful.
This one's just a cameo from the bogeyman movie.
when is Ed Edd n Eddy coming back? the season where they fuck everything up after the movie.
Mom's gonna freak
Ganging up on people is an outdated meme just like The Simpsons
>Trump is just impulsive and incompetent.
t. 16 year old reddit faggot
They were real, and all pretty cool, but none of them were actually crossovers with other episodes. Just a common theme that ran between different shows
I'm getting too old for this shit, man. This ain't okay.
Can't wait for the day when these fat virgin weebs finally die of a heart attack
Glad Steve died before the truth came out that he actually fucked sponges or something
>psychopath complains about virgins
its say its probably slightly less than 50/50, you ahve to understand some veterans are lifelong bootlickers who never gain any sense of self awareness.
>early 2000's political parody flashes
they were great
Chemical dmX
social media was a mistake
KotH was always more grounded and relatable than any of the other shit on FOX, better that it died an early death than get Simpsons'd
FOP? More like FLOP!
those koth edits are fucking kino
>video games
Still that crossover is pretty kino
Mrs. Turner was made smarter
Mr. Turner is made dumber than he already is
Mr. Crocker has a lot more screen time now and was also made dumber
I'm sure they changed some stuff with Cosmo and Wanda too but I didn't really notice
This was a shit pasta.
Watch the skies, traveler
Radda Radda
Radda Radda....
At the very least we still have a little while longer to discuss the manga before they catch up and start running shit into the ground.
Most pastas are shit that read like a 5th graders first assignment in english class.
>open link
>see thumbnail
>ad plays
>immediately close video
whoa bro we created a hyper capitalist world that only celebrates marketable qualities so now kids are turning to digital worlds that are demonstrably better than working yourself to death for some fat cat hoping to become a fat cat and perpetuate the cycle or dying in a war so some fat cat can get oil lmao
kids these days
>getting ads
Good goy.
Chowder was unironically fantastic, I don't think I've heard anyone in recent years talk shit about it that wasn't just shitposting
Not sure if the Navy Buddies episode was pre or post movie but it always makes me laugh, mostly because my dad was a sailor and had just gotten back from a reunion and was crying with laughter at how everyone in the episode had a disappointing secret
Cute and funny.
KotH is only relatable if you're an American that is
The writers also try to keep Stan from getting irredeemably unlikable. The comedy works because it's driven by characters you like.
Family Guy is gag-driven and all the Griffins are complete shit.
>a little while longer
there's at least 5+ years left, there's no way SBR is happening that fast
This guy also wrote I HATE YOU, by the way.
You can't fucking say that
Based, objectively a better show than Family Guy or Simpsons at this point too
Considering how well VA did and the backlash of how long it took to come out, I think it's safe to say the time it will take for Stone Ocean will come out a bit faster. After that they're probably going to jump straight on SBR because of how well received it is, that or they won't like stone ocean that much and we'll have to wait again.
>enemy drops their weapon
>weapon sounds like it has no reason
>An american made cartoon about americans that airs on an american network in time for americans to watch it is relatable to primarily americans.
Why is this a problem other than it's dumb for a cartoon to have a jumpscare?
Do you enjoy raping little grills, John K?
ed edd n eddy was author's work user everything was under supervision of one single man and it was simply made becasue of a bet, nobody really asked for it
when you think about, it's really impressive simpson's was able to be that good for so long
Most shows get maybe 2-3 good seasons and peter off quickly past that point, but simpsons kept to a pretty good quality for 8.
Shame it's also unique in having over 20 bad ones
What exactly is this? I haven't watched any Spongebob episodes past season 5 or so.
I'm not alone
Hopefully never, it ended perfectly I dont want it to a get a reboot that's guaranteed to be trash
This scared me
>Peter is a douchebag manchild that gets away with his idiocy because "LITERALLY RETARDED" and shitty cutaways that now sometimes break the fourth wall because "HAHAHAHA ACKNOWLEDGING YOU VIEWER"
>Lois is high and mighty yet sees all the shit that the rest of her family gets up to and regularly joins in on some of their more depraved acts
>Chris's character changes from episode to episode depending on what the story needs from him but he's been getting meaner as time passes
>Meg is the butt of a million jokes about how much Meg sucks yet is nearly as much of a jackass as the rest of her family and has the audacity to act superior to people
>Brian goes from "talking family animal with some intelligence" to "hypocritical asshole that nobody likes and got killed off for shock value only to be brought back 3 episodes later"
At the very least Stewie wears his shit on his sleeve but even then he's gone from "world dominating toddler" to "walking gay joke" over the past seasons
Guys I found this on a vhs what does it mean
>well known voice of side character becomes voice of main character in another show
>grape juice
>some "Sugar"
>one 9mm bullet
Trayvona Martina
Based Schnitzel
This one gets me every time
Boomers are a blight.
Jesus Christ I didn't know Raimi wrote an episode of Chowder
that's honestly kinda based
He put on women's legwear? That's it?
Sugah, spice, and everything terrible
>all these babies in the replies
what’s the matter with you idiots?
Kill yourself Splatnigger
As a leaf from Caledon, 1999 is a fun read.
This VA is actually Bill Murray's brother.
>characters yell all the time
So nothing has changed? Spongebob was always shit. Literally every nicktoon prior to it is significantly better.
it was pretty good at a bad time cn, cn real almost killed them.
It was one of the last cartoons to really feel like one of the classic cn cartoons, everything since never really seemed that way to me, good or bad.
this is pretty good
lol. zoomzoomie
>these faggots that completely missed the set up of the joke
I know you're from reddit but come on
Time for bed user! youtube.com
You're such a contrarian bitch lol
I think the life action movies are canon, so there's your finale.
Really feels a lot like nuSimpsons
This will NEVER not be fucking funny to me. This will always get me to laugh.
>devs clearly ran out of ideas for late-game quests
Kill yourselves zoomers
According to Jim at least has an attractive wife.
>Squidward acted like a cunt throughout the entire episode despite Spongebob and Patrick only trying to cheer him up
>The injuries aren't shown in gruesome detail, only comically and for short periods of time, don't focus on the suffering so much as the actual joke
FIRMLY GRASP IT is a million times better than , what are you smoking
>there are kids who watch Spongebob daily who have never heard this because Nick just plays commercials during the credits and has for like a decade
poor zoomer faggot. do we need to implement upvotes for you to comprehend?
Get some taste gramps
>they put white power imagery in nuSpongebob
The absolute mad lads
>reddit memes
Why do I come here again?
>knowing reddit memes
you have to go back niggerfaggot
uh oh did I hit a nerve? poor baby.
I never realized how bad this looks until now
The two biggest nerds I know are in the navy and marines, they play fucking kerbnigger space program and tabletop warhammer 40k all day while they sit in the gulf of oman waiting to strike down Iran.
Well it worked
How does he play wow with a controller
>he can't play wow with a controller
Shitter spotted
never gunna make it
I'd hate to see it come back and be shit. The movie was their happy ending, let it stay that way.
>he doesn't play MMOs with his controller on an exercise bike
Yeah, my grandfather who served in the Pacific Theater and got transferred from a ship that wound up getting sunk by the japs made damn well sure that my dad never served.
wtf i wanna die for israel now too!
Explain why it's awful without saying "because everybody else seems to think so"
>The fucking Vines joke is so dated that by the time it aired Vine was already more or less out the door and shutting down
Hopefully never, it'd look like hot shit because of the "cheaper animation" meme and would be shit objectively because the guy who made it wouldn't be on it
It had a great ending, let it stay that way
I watched the episode's premier this morning to see if it was real. It was, but shit, these recent episodes are ADHD as fuck. Way too reliant on visual gags and hyper exaggerated facial expressions. The episode's between the first and second movie were mostly just boring, but at least I didn't feel like I was being yelled at.
They did some good animation with Ed Edd n Eddy's artstyle in all fairness
>Nyamo this low
Fags. All of you
Boomers are literally the only generation to lose a war for America which makes this shit even funnier.
Well, i kinda still like Russian Sleep Experiment, because of how real it can actually be
Nyamos is cute but pretty boring overall compared to the other characters. Plus she's a dumb gym """teacher"""
kys zoomie
I love you user and hope things go well for your life.
yeah it feels like the newer episodes are too fast paced. kids have shorter attention spans than ever
wow he turned into earthworm jim
how did THIS one get past the censors
>the pancake family
its because that image is a huge meme with zoomers now
>Plank is now a smartphone
Johnny Bravo and Scooby Doo