Why is she so perfect?

Why is she so perfect?

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Imagine if you were a little man dropped into the back of her panties, sandwhiched between ass cheeks

Think about it

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Made for interracial sex.

This. Literally genetically engineered for big Krogan cock.

>can't become pregnant

Tali is better

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>zoomers don't want to impregnate fat assed bitches with huge titties

Most more bubble butt quarians

>Millenials are the main demographic of BLACKED and similiar cuckhold porn channels.
Uh, millenialbros why are you trying to judge ZOOMERCHADS.

>Takes place in the year 2183
>Test tube babies are a normal thing

>don't like the most dominant and alpha fetish, impregnation
Ok Tanner

Nab her sister as well, aren't they genetically identical? Except the younger CAN have kids. Like identical twins except one is always a decade or so behind.

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She's Australian.

>the perfect woman is black

Good one, rabbi.

>millenial bro obssesed and fetishes impregnation because he's getting old without getting a family or a wife
I guess time really is ticking, huh millenialbro? TICK TOCK TICK TOCK.



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>literally the second instinctual directive of every living thing
>heh you're probably just getting old lmao
Keep jacking it to tranny porn bud

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>Talifags invade a mass effect thread, AGAIN
>Le Tali ass so big xdddd
>Jacks ingame model has a bigger ass than Tali


Tali has better toned because she's active and has a good diet. Unlike Jack who eats crap junkfood and then lounges around high off of street drugs all day while STD's fester in all her holes

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Look it up, there is a side view of ingame models that shows who has the most pronounced rear
Jacks is bigger than Talis

Great ass, only human worth romancing. Therefore only character worth romancing. People racemixing with aliens should be shot out into the vacuum of space

I laughed

>Why is she so perfect?
She bought.

Tali has a different posture due to body shape

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>unlike jack who eats crap junkfood and then lounges around

Tfw hardly any Mass Effect WG fics especially involving jack

Ashley is the best human female when you consider her values. Shit personality though.

Look, I like Tali more but Jack has Zero fat in that body of hers.

What were her values? I can't remember much about her. Aside from the fact that she looked a little mannish

>bald t*ttooed whorish le strong badass womyn

Well okay. That's true.

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Ha ha yeah imagine if Jack had more fat on her body wouldmt that be wierd ha ha

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uhh millenial bro how did you come to that conclusion? Why do millenial gamers like to project so much?
>tick tock tick tock tick tock

She's a traditional woman in terms of her beliefs. She's a conservative. A little butch, thus why she joined the military. However she is religious, monogamous, and comes from a big family. She'd make a good wife for Shepard on a small colony, you and she running a ranch/farm on the outskirts of the space port.

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Jeans are a scam of the modern era
Any fat hambeast can hide their rolls of sausage under tight jeans and look mildly attractive until the kraken is released
All the fucking scars on their lard trunks and shit, it should be illegal for fatties to wear jeans

She looks like she fucks black guys

Thats not jeans those are spandex leggings masquerading as jeans.

Sure but gotta vote for that ass.


>She'd make a good wife for Shepard on a small colony, you and she running a ranch/farm on the outskirts of the space port.
Maybe a little spot on Rannoch...

I loved jeans as a kid but I can't stand to wear them now. Too uncomfortable. 97% cotton with 3% spandex is the most comfy pants in the world

Did you know, quarian space suits are very comfortable? Most comfortable in the galaxy.

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Why would a human live on Rannoch? I doubt the new quarian government is going to let non-quarians settle there. The last thing they'd let you do is grow any alien plants there.

I'm sure they're going to give some leniency to the person who helped them take it back.

Besides, how exactly are they going to stop us?

too much ass

I used to wear jeans everry day to school until I woke up to sweatpants
super comfortable, look good and you can wear them at any occasion, I even wear them while sleeping when nights are cold

what the fuck


They'll erect a statue in your honor. They might let you live there as the Alliance diplomat, but they're not gonna sell you land or risk you fucking up the ecosystem by growing alien plants.

As for how they'd stop you, well that's easy; superior firepower. They had a far bigger fleet than humanity BEFORE the Reapers tore the Alliance fleet into tiny little pieces. Before the Reapers destroyed Arcturus Station and the Fifth Fleet, before they decimated Earth and humanity's colonies. Post Reaper-War it is doubtful that humanity is any kind of strong military power. Really nobody is, but the quarians probably have an advantage because their fleet was so big to begin with and they had no hard assets for the Reapers to destroy. Only losses they took was in the geth war (which they were winning decisively early on) and their losses in the final battle against the Reapers. They're probably in great shape over all.

You're lucky they aren't annexing YOU

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>tfw a year ago an user mentioned in one of these threads he wrote an absurdly large ME3 sequel/fix fanfic
>Thread 404'd before he could link it
>spent all this time looking for it to no avail
I'm getting frustrated. At first I just wanted to use it as shitposting fuel but this has become a passion project. Does anyone else remember what I'm talking about? I need help tracking this shit down.

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This. They started designing pants to be more supportive in certain areas to give the illusion of great curves when it's just holding a fat fuck in some kind of suspended animation until the button goes flying and takes a kid's head off.

>fucked jacob
no thanks

Women that unintentionally murder children with their bodies are hot.


i feel like black yoga pants are the worse offender. The dark color does more to hide imperfect lumps and rolls.

Sorry never heard of it.

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I miss when women wore actual jeans on their hips and not jeggings above their bellybutton.

She can't bear children naturally and I have a pregnancy kink. Definitely imperfect.

Those high as fuck pants are holding back guts and muffin tops all over the world and they're really starting to piss me off. I work with a girl who is pretty but doesn't take care of herself and always wears these things as her fat ass would be exposes without britches.

Is this canon?

Babby's first ass

Ireland gtfo

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Because she was made before SJW took over the games industry.

A man of true taste

Here's this if anyone wants to purge the xenos in ME2

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Hey, I still sometimes like to roleplay as a player who thinks that ME2 is a role playing game. I don't want Tali to die. Chad Shepard does.

Nobody tried hard enough yet is all.

I'll impregnate her butt if I have to.

Fucking this. Every time I'm waiting at the drive through window all the employees are ghetto tubs of lard, but damn in their asses packed into those uniform jeans aren't propped up like a good looking butt.

Those soles are a little lewd, Jack


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