How do I get gud at this game?
How do I get gud at this game?
play long enough to realize its RNG at its core
Don't always take the cards after battles. Sometimes it's good to keep a thin deck, that way you can get to your great cards faster. And what's worked for me, if an enemy is attacking and you can block the attack without consequences, then block it.
>Defense, Defense, Defense
>Avoid getting hit at all costs. Avoid elites like the plague until you know you have a good deck.
>Keep your deck small. Remove strikes, don't get cards that don't help your deck. Don't be afraid to skip every reward after combat.
>Grab a relic that gives you more energy. Try not to get one with a terrible draw back.
That should cover the basics.
You could also pick the one character you like the most, stick with them for awhile, then move on to the others once you're comfortable enough
It's RNG
You can't get good
Found the ascension 1 shitters.
adding strong cards strengthens your deck way more than trimming it UNLESS you use specific cards that rely on having a thinner deck. Always take at least 1 elite in chapter 1, avoid elites in other chapters unless you're really confident in your deck.
You must learn to appreciate the suffering. Each curse a spark of pleasure. Each bandit encounter where you get fucked before you can even move a delight.
Having TCG experience helps quite a lot. You get a feel for synergies and strategies a lot more if you can understand mechanics better.
That's all card games.
ignore people who tell you to ignore elites
any HP you don't use is wasted and elites strengthen your deck the most out of any single node
take as many as you possibly can. if a card helps you beat an elite, take it if you can't already.
Play super risky at act 1, it's better to die there than going further under equipped.
>ignore people who tell you to ignore elites
I wonder who could be behind this post?
me on the ground
So many runs lost to that one guy
Yet so much loot taken
What's the point of some relics that I'm not seeing? There are relics like giving you more 1 more energy per turn at the cost of not being able to see the enemies' next move or sneko's eye that I never pick up. Am I being dumb avoiding some of these?
>Play Ironchad
>Stack defense
>Body Slam
just play you fucking mongoloid
Some decks absolutely need 4 energy to operate. It's these that are forced to take absolute shitters like Runic Dome or Mark of Pain.
Snecko Eye is one of the strongest relics in the game though. +2 card draw per turn is immensely powerful, plus you're able to stuff your deck full of high impact cards while ignoring the energy cost.
>sneko's eye that I never pick up. Am I being dumb avoiding some of these?
Snecko's eye is really fucking good and usable in a lot of runs, especially Ironclad, but you have to remember it exists while you're getting new cards. Putting a few 2-3 cost cards in your deck before A1 boss is a great idea because if you get your hands on snecko eye you pretty much win the run. It's a relic I practically always take on Ironclad
>1 more energy per turn at the cost of not being able to see the enemies' next move
That one is hardly a negative when you have played the game enough since enemies are very predictable
>use strength spam decks for the iron dude
>use power spam decks for the others
There, 10/10 difficulty
This is one of those games I spent nearly 100h but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
RNG for building your deck in a deck building game is a stupid idea.
>Beat act 1
>don't get any energy relic
>First combat of act 2 are 2 bandits
God fucking damnit it's like the fucking devs made the game do this on purpose
Don't install mods for the game that aren't QoL changes.
All mods that "add content" that aren't standalone new characters completely throw the game out of balance most of the time.
>Playing as any character that isn't the Defect
You people make me wanna RETCH
Do you even orbs?
You evoke?
I like the Touhou mods
Post more
I didn't take many screenshots but check the workshop's touhou tag, there's quite a few
That's not how it works lad.
True to a certain extent but planning already makes you way more likely to succeed. The only aspect that is truly RNG that you can't control at all is what card combos you get. Even then its very rare you can't build a deck good enough to win simply because you weren't exposed to the right cards or enough of them.
I like mostly the characters. People comes up with some really neat mechanics like the farmer, the painter or the bard.
But many just go for the clusterfuck of mechanics and systems where the character eventually just becomes a god using every buff and debuff possible.
I barely played Ironclad, any tips on deckbuilding?
>implying body slamming assholes with your big block dick isn't THE Chad playstyle
Post are of The Silent please.
not all
stuff like the collector and time eater are heavily RNG related
That's what makes it fun, playing as the modded snecko and basically enabling every single card for pickup makes shit hilariously broken good or bad
at the start people tend to ignore exhaust, but it's ironclad's most effective means of defending
corruption + feel no pain generates a shitload of block and allows you to spend your energy on offense
That's what I'm saying
Standalone characters are pretty good mods
But then you have mods where they try to add new mechanics to the existing characters that are interesting, but don't keep the integrity of the regular game's mechanics.
So you end up being underpowered when encountering mod enemies without mod content, or overpowered when you fight vanilla with mod content.
There's already a lot of mastery to learn with the vanilla game, so I've already resolved not to do any non QoL stuff until I've hit the highest ascension with at least one character, but that's just my autism.
take shrugs
take pommels
build for strength or build for block, those are usually your wincons
having vuln/weak is important, clothesline and shockwave are very good cards
early aoe is valuable, cleave and whirlwind are both priorities
the latter two are ok cards in very specific decks, but all 3 are common noob traps because theyre 0 costs, dont get baited
anger is like the best act 1 card and pretty good when you have strength later on in the game
yeah but noobs will take a bunch of slow garbage and flood themselves because they dont do headbutt/cycle shit with spot weakness/limit break
and because its a common if you tell them "its good" theyll take 3 of them asap and die to lagavulin or something
its better to avoid when youre learning the game because its a 1 card lose condition if you dont have the scaling to end the fight before the dupes start to flood your draws
These are easiest archetype for each characters.
>frost orbs + focus
i suppose it could be pretty bad if you did something fucking stupid like playing a ton of them in a Guardian or Champ fight, but generally I'll always take 1 if offered early in Act 1 since it's just so fucking effective at beating elites
with gremlin nob you want to always be attacking, with Lagavulin you can't afford to let the fight go on too long so more attacks benefit you a lot the longer the fight goes on and blocks get less effective, and with sentries anything is better than a daze
it's really good against hexaghost since he floods your deck full of shitty burns and he's essentially a DPS race
then if you're not offered any energy relics at the end of act 1, it's really nice to have some low cost cards to push you through act 2 a bit
i could see it being quite poor in the wrong hands though. same way people try to be a bit too clever with endless agony and let it shuffle back into the deck, when it's really just a free attack that works well with some relics like ornamental fan or shuriken, or strength.
By understanding that it is often more beneficial to not take card after battle so you won't ruin your deck consistency
Think before you act, get lucky, get relics, get win condition cards. Don't take every fucking card you see, just the essential ones