What was the turning point when CDPR went from a respectable and serious video game developer to the joke it currently is?
What was the turning point when CDPR went from a respectable and serious video game developer to the joke it currently...
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time and Celeste raise awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR fires twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes and adds non-binary and non-white pandering
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Fire Emblem keeps getting gayer and gayer with each new installment
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are all against Trump's tariffs
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Shovel Knight adds non-binary gender terms
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Voidpoint apologize for sexist and transphobic comments, add mandatory sensivity training and donate 10,000 dollars for an anti-suicide LGBT charity
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
Oh, I have. A long time ago.
This is going to be some 400 post culture war thread over the fact that they probably just couldn't be bothered to record two sets of voicelines for all the dialogue
he bay baysed
Trailer of the game starts:
>seems like lately... everyone’s tryna build walls
For me it was when they revealed that the character creator would use "body type" instead of gender
At that moment I decided I would pirate the game first before buying it
>What was the turning point when CDPR went from a respectable and serious video game developer to the joke it currently is?
When they released The Witcher, a peak zoomer "RPG" series only enjoyed by simpletons.
I'm not sick of winning yet, ResetChads. Keep going.
Most games with full voice acting where you choose your gender don't refer to you by gender. Yea Forums will never stop looking for things to be offended at.
When they wanted the big moneys from USA, which is in full decadence
I'm unironically hoping for the sjws to win at this point. Look at Yea Forums for five seconds and try to tell me that right-wing tards should have any say the future of gaming.
Isn't that standard for RPGs with voice acting? It's just so they don't have to record twice the dialogue.
>I'm unironically hoping for the sjws to win at this point.
I have excellent news for you.
B-but muh pandering!
>/pol/ btfo'd
>NPCs use gender neutral lines so you don't have to record twice
>"""a whole new approach to gender!!!!"""
Imagine being a dumb SJW falling for this lmao
Imagine being a dumb anti-SJW getting mad at this lmao
Now explain why it's called "body type" instead of "gender". Do most voice-acted RPGs do that too? Stop coping and accept the fact that this game is pozzed.
>"you can't actually do thing"
>simultaneously, twitter dev screencap
>"no worries, you can do anything ;)"
When you are a doom cult, you NEED things to fail, you NEED things to collapse, you NEED everything to be pozzed and dying and rotting. So you make up the rot. So you start the rot. So you become the enemy you need.
Dilate, /pol/.
This is quite a sudden 180 from CDPR what actually happened? I figure everyone will just call you V then right? And refer to you as V when talking about you
>V is a dick vs He/She is a dick
I do recall them saying they'll be multiple languages spoken. I wonder if this is also to cut costs. Just two voice sets needed.
severe cringe
This. It's a common way to cut corners in any game that lets you pick a gender but Yea Forums doesn't know that because nobody here plays games.
How will /pol/niggers ever recover?
I'm not a snowflake so I don't care about any of this
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
Shouldn't you also add Celeste to this list? Also why must we speak of sides? We are all fans of vidya. Shitlords and SJWs alike. Why can't we just play games?
Imagine thinking the most anticipated game release is a joke because you got your feelings offended by something a ton of games do?
Even pokemon refers to you by name all the time to avoid pronouns since that's less effort.
What was the devs game and studios name who left cdpr because of this shit
Games confirmed trash
In games like mass effect where there is a clear male/female option in the character creator you were referred to as Shepard most of the time but there were instances where you would get addressed as he or she
Compare that to more modern games like Far Cry 5 where you get to choose a body type instead of a gender and while you are referred to as "The Deputy" most of the times, there are instances were you are referred to as "they" regardless of what "body type" you choose
This retarded shit is a clear step backwards, either because of lazyness, an agenda or both
Me too, I just want to watch the world burn and this is definitely the right direction. :3
>thinking biological gender matters in the future.
Get with it gramps.
But all Yea Forums posts that actually refer to video game design and video game mechanics are not made by /pol/tards, who don't play video games and can't discuss them.
As long as you stick to talking about video games (and meta stuff around them), you will avoid them. They just don't play games.
And there are a fuckton of open-world games were you have a male/female option and they don't say he or she. Like fucking Skyrim
Question. Is it true ex Bioware devs now work for CDPR or is that just a meme? And if it is true aren't they based in Poland? Does that mean they all moved there?
How are they going to make babies in the future?
The actual reason is it makes the voicing simpler.
You're just a bunch of faggots that have become as easily triggered as the sjws.
Yes from the Canadian studio.
They also have lots of good Canadian talent from Watchdogs 2 and Quantum Break.
All true
>Founded by industry veterans hailing from BioWare, Radical Entertainment and Relic, Digital Scapes is an ambitious video game development studio specialising in AAA multiplayer console and PC game development, development tool creation, asset production, and cloud computing. Digital Scapes team members worked on blockbuster game series like Company of Heroes, Warhammer 40,000, Dying Light, Prototype, and more.
>le horseshoe theory
One side is infecting our industry, the other side wants to save it.
>one celibate incel
That's because Skyrim's story is so shit there's no reason for NPC to talk about the player except to their face
>NPCs won't refer to you by gender
Of fucking course, it's cheaper than recording the same lines over and over just to change the gender. It's easier to call the player by the name or a nickname
earning less money than you could while pushing jewish propaganda for free is not winning.
>this game has a seemingly gay character therefore trannies on resetera have won
dilating and delusional
>he's STILL making Cyberpunk threads about MUH SJWs
there's more shit to get mad about nothing over, stop beating a dead horse
>horse shit and bull shit are both shit
nah m8, nobody is saying you are the same, we're just saying you are both shit
So what's the point of the character customization if you'll never see your character?
>earning less money than you could while pushing jewish propaganda
user take a fucking break from the internet for a few weeks
Is Yea Forums the worst board in this site?
>p-p-please stop p-p-pandering to them. y-y-y-you'll get more m-m-money ;_;
gahahahahahahahahaha, the bitter cries of a man who lost the culture war. VIDYA IS OURS, BAY BAY!!!
Genetic engineering if you're smart about it. Edit out the genetic defects, select your kid's traits. Only really poor people will crank out RNG kids, and those will be disadvantaged.
See: Gattaca.
There's /pol/ and Yea Forums, so no.
>skyrim did it therefore it's alright
holy yikes that's not a hill you want to die on
and i don't even think skyrim did that. You still choose male or female and i'm pretty sure in some cases characters will refer to you as a he or a she through notes or when they're talking to another character right in front of you.
/pol/tards don't give a shit about video games they just want to whine
>NPCs won't refer to you by gender
Isn't that normal in most games where you can choose your gender?
DELETE THIS!!!!1111!!11
A triggered faggot is a triggered faggot.
If you don't like a game, disregard it and move on. Don't autistically screech about it.
not a single brain cell used in all of these responses
Genetically inferior kid won in Gattaca though.
Every single project they've had was mismanaged and it's wasn't an excuse anymore by Witcher 3.
Tons of polish people left after Witcher 2, and they hired feminsts and retards from outside of Poland.
Witcher 3 was never good
I don't care, I cancelled my pre order long ago, that's gonna be a pirate for me.
>be lazy
>don't make gender-based dialogue
>don't make characters with gender biases in a roleplaying game
>play it off as being woke
>getting unironically trolled on Yea Forums in the year of our lord 2019
Go back.
Why should anyone reply to a retard post with an intelligent response?
>Witcher 3 was never good
Having lived long enough to see "Valve was never good" and "Bioware was never good", I was almost expecting this. But still, I think you are too early, even by nufag shitmeme standards.
>Implying your post is worthy of my brain cells
Yeah he was the heroic exception that made it. Had to cheese his way through using superior DNA samples though.
so glad I never jumped on CDPR hype bandwagon
I'm so TRIGGERED that I'm SHAKING over not being referred to as a WHITE MAN in the game! Fuck this earth! JESUS-TRUMP will save us and VIDEO GAYUMS REEEEE
This entire thread isn't video games. It's a /pol/ thread having an autism fit over politics in video games.
If I make a thread about Tom Brady taking a MASSIVE CHOCOLATE LOG in a toilet is it video game related because a video game character also took a shit? Fucking no. Jannies need to clean these faggot threads up.
It's the same guy posting these threads that posts the pasta, you idiots, stop replying to the threads and they'll fuck off or just archive whenever he posts it.
s*ge and fucking report these threads for christ's sake
>those lines
holy cringe it's like all like a terribly predictable joke at this point
what the fuck even happens on Yea Forums nowadays anyway?
How based can one man be
when they've made witcher 2
I was just playing Witcher 2 and there's a story twist where one of the villains turns out to be a flamboyant faggot, right before you get to kill him. All I could think about was how caricatural he was, no fucks given by these small polish devs, and how this would never get made today. This was only like 10 years ago. What the fuck happened.
>Get called out on being a faggot
>m-m-muh falseflag
Like clockwork
name one game that refers to you by gender.
fucking retard, it's because it takes extra line of voice acting. Nobody with a brain gives a shit about your shit source of your garbage bait rhetoric. please kys
i can practically hear the colon juices streaming down their legs
Imagine thinking the bait-and-switch with the ranger, making the player think his affliction was lycanthropy, and in the end revealing its homosexuality, wasn't kino as fuck.
Imagine being this pleb.
Porn, just nothing but porn.
Right about when the Witcher 3 came out and it was a s o i b o i Mary Sue circle jerk.
>main character is a childless male groveling at the feet of barren whores
>stronk womyn characters everywhere to white knight for
>transgender tailor
>randumb encounters with LE EVIL CHRISCHANS XD
>woman gets acid splashed in her face: LE EVIL CHRISCHANS DID IT, NOT MUSLIMS XD
>married men are abusive husbands and fathers meme
>best friend always wants to crossdress when he's drunk
>main character is a societal dead end with no real reason to live, may as well be a "cat dad"
>has cat eyes
CD Projekt Red are the cucks of Poland. Their next game is going to be even more SJW garbage suckering in the sort of pop culture obsessed faggots who obsess over Funko Pop crap because "LMAO, THIS GAME REFERENCES THE FUTURE LIKE SHIT IN THE 80'S DID! I'M SUCH AN 80'S BABY EVEN THOUGH I WAS BORN IN THE 90'S IF I PLAY THIS XD"
I'll go ahead and enjoy Modern Warfare and hitting the range with the ladies instead.
>Trailer of the game starts:
>>seems like lately... everyone’s tryna build walls
Where is that quote from? I know I heard it but I don't think it is cyberpunk
Kill yourself, retard.
First of all, that's a shit comparison. One is a single game, and the other is game devs that have released several. If he said "CDPR was never good", you'd have a point.
And "never good" means that it was being called out for being mediocre shit since day 1, but you retards just cried "CONTRARIAN" and dismissed everything. And to this day that hasn't changed.
I've seen enough things become retroactively "never good" after being good for years, because some snowflake gets triggered. I can't take these manufactured scandals seriously.
Do you have the one that's a comparison to TW2? Puts it into perspective.
Yet more evidence that voice acting in RPGs is cringe
You fucking faggots in thread trying to cope by saying old games do this too forget that they never pushed that fact for political purposes
Just because you're not fucking paying attention doesn't mean that it's retroactive
Everything is "pushing a political agenda" by your retarded standards and the only reason why old games weren't is because you weren't brainwashed into being a /pol/nigger at the time.
This but pre-post-ironically, unironically.
Even /pol/ knows how to stay on topic, their problem is that their topic is trash.
You are only lying to yourself. Seek help.
Some hard projection there.
They're marketing their own laziness as something woke and modern, that's what's annoying about it. The reason they won't have third person cutscenes and stuff like in OP is just them cutting corners, but they market it as 'immersion'
Anyone would have realized this the moment they saw CDPR hiring so many foreigners. I gave up any hope on this game 2 years ago the moment they announced no cop, media or rockerboy classes.
If I were a game dev I'd make genderless dialogue just cuzz it's easier and I can get good goy points.
>cherry picked parts from X compared to cherry picked parts of Y
>"Whoa I see clearly now, preach it brother!"
Who is being called out? Why're they a faggot? These threads are made purely for bait and it shits up the board just as badly as Smash threads. Every single one of these threads has the same replies, the same arguments, the same politics, the same baiting, the same copypastas, the same everything.
To be fair I would think that CD Projekt would intentionally put it in due to it being a dystopian future, they could of done it because of the rise of SJW's
It almost looks as if there was a community on another part of this website that is quite militant and missionary about spreading its beliefs, and doesn't think you can stoop too low.
are /pol/bros always offended by something?
You're putting effort into this. It's like you want to be perpetually outraged.
yes user that metaphor was never used before orange man
based as always
>le /pol/ boogeyman
yeah it must be frightening to imagine normal people are becoming fucking sick of obvious identity politics pandering
we better shitpost about extremist /pol/ raiders every time the subject comes up or else we won't win the culture war
>I dig my hole, you build a wall
>I dig my hole, you build a wall
>One day that wall is gonna fall
What the fuck, lads. They seriously can't help themselves. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
>Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
But this has nothing to do with Trump. You are the first person to mention Trump. Are you the one suffering from this alleged syndrome?
You fucking retard dont even know what these words mean
When they downgarded their previous game and lied about it.
Stop getting mad at other people getting mad about video games.
>taking a break from reality
I wish i could user
wtf is this picture
trumpfags have deluded themselves to always make themselves the victims. They always bitch about the left playing the victim and are convinced everyone is out to get them.
/pol/ is identity politics central
>NPCs won't refer to you by gender
Sounds about right
Trump Derangement Syndrome definitely cuts both ways
you guys really get triggered by this trivial shit
Normal people don't give a shit, no matter how hard you try to pretend otherwise. You're transparent.
Downgrading is industry standard by now user
Now this is severe case of autism and retardation
Why? So you can lose again, only this time in an even more embarrassing fashion?
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't need to be single-player only
>it doesn't matter that NPCs don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance
>not even Shazam pic
Shitposting is getting lower effort with each passing day
Outrage culture is the worst thing to have happened to this site and the internet as a whole.
When they hired a bunch of ex-Bioware employees.
talk to real people for once
as in face-to-face talk, not your tumblr circlejerk
Attention gamers: You lost again. When will you learn that your little video games are no longer a safespace for reactionary feelings? It will be better if you just left if it's too late for you to change, because it will never get easier for your kind. Quite the contrary.
Honestly this is really non issues, and only became one when shit heads like kotako picked it up. Honestly think about it logically. Do you really think CD Project read did it to be progressive? Or because it same them a shit ton of money by not needing to pay for twice the number of voice lines in the game that only are different by saying him, he and she her?
While i fucking hate them using this as a MUH POGRESSIVENESS! its really just about them not needing to pay the voice actors more. Im more concerned with the fact they are doing multi player bullshit, honestly i got a bad feeling this is going to turn into a bladerunner themed GTA.
Apparently im fucken retarded, because i cant fucken type to save my god damn life. So ill try that again with corrections.
Honestly this is really non issues, and only became one when shit heads like kotako picked it up. Honestly think about it logically. Do you really think CD Project red did it to be progressive? Or because it save them a shit ton of money by not needing to pay for twice the number of voice lines in the game that only are different by saying him, he and she her?
While i fucking hate them using this as a MUH POGRESSIVENESS! its really just about them not needing to pay the voice actors more. Im more concerned with the fact they are doing multi player bullshit, honestly i got a bad feeling this is going to turn into a bladerunner themed GTA.
the witcher 3 breaking reddit
Same reason why in EA games you are always "Pathfinder" or "Shephard/last name". Even "Dragonborn", "Hunter"
Its easy to do and saves time.
made by the people who tell you to turn in your guns to the poilce that kill "innocent" people
it's not a meme. around 100 ex-Mass Effect Andromeda devs are working for CDPR now.
>N-n-no one is allowed to think differently! 4channel is my safe space!
>game releases in under 5 months
>literally every pic/video says "PRE-ALPHA, everything subject to change"
are we getting bamboozled?
In the rpg book they can literally change your chromosome. You're actual genetics are as easy to change to them as a nose job is here today and they can redo your entire body with whatever color and genes you want. At that point you're getting into the semantics of what the gender of John Carpenter's "The Thing" is. It's anything it really wants to be in a world like that
Anti-sjws aren't "just as bad" as sjws on Yea Forums(nel). They're a billion time worse because the latter barely exists here, at least unironically. Meanwhile you retards are in every thread proselytising your brainlet shit with utter sincerity.
you are not normal. you are mentally insane. don't speak for normal people such as myself.
t. tourist trannies
Unironic question. When the game was first announced they said "you will have fully nude character customization" and you could even go as far as to give yourself dick piercings.
Is that still a thing or did that get cut since the whole game is first person now?
It's probably just a tag they leave so that people can't go "OH GOD IT LOOKS LIKE THIS!!". No one wants to be Ubisoft with the Watch Dogs trailer, and honestly in a world of day-1 updates it's frankly fair to leave on that "in development" tag thing pretty close to release
that's going to be a long dong
How does that make CDPR less of a joke though?
but this gender news is rather new? the game comes out in 5 months. why the fuck would they BEGIN to voice shit just now?
>le anime reaction face
Nah, it's the opposite. The intention is to make it look like it's gonna look better when it releases.
>these are the people calling you a /pol/tard
>before buying it
you mean instead
Because you can pick a female body, but keep your penis.
I wish.
>All v does is talk about traps and futa shit
>Get to make their shitty dream chara
>shitpost for the sake of shitposting
Can't wait for the daily "SHOW US YOUR V Yea Forums" threads
They hired americans
so are they just giving up on translating this game into other languages
>but this gender news is rather new?
This "news" is nothing but clickbait. You faggots cry about poor quality journalism 24/7 yet at the same time you're the first to believe any bullshit presented in headlines
they're not
thats what happens when CD projekt gives out literally zero info on anything for years. and the only moving pics of the game are pre-rendered/moderated script sequences
ResetEra wins again
I find it really hard to care about this shit anymore, got to a point where I'm more annoyed with people getting mad about it. I just wanna play video games everything else is really lame
>progressively make games more shitty
>Normal people
Oh I'm laffin
This isn't even a new thing to RPGs but it's also really fucking boring. Different reactions based on your gender adds replayability and actually complements whatever LGBT shit you want to play as. I'm not sure why anyone should be celebrating this.
*Sips drink*
>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't need to be single-player only
>it doesn't matter that NPCs don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance
Maybe stop being a subhuman chink/mudslime
he based
Look, we manged to make it through a whole thread without referring to OP by gender.
Every day on /v there are like 5 threads whining about this game's tranny politics. We get it, you're offended.
>holy yikes that's not a hill you want to die on
Are /pol/tards still """"""ironically"""""" saying yikes or have you fags accepted that you talk like the twitterfags you mock?
I'm not a /pol/tard crying about cybertrannies, I don't have to dilate.
>all these buzzwords
uhhh yikes that doesn't look good
When they realized that they could löie their ass off and still get "people" to buy their game thanks to enough marketing. They reached their goal in that regard to become like Rockstar.
what? i posted that pic as proof that its being translated to several languages
>no articles about old games not referencing gender as diversity inclusions
>tons of current day articles about the same exact thing except its now diversity inclusion
Yeah you're right I'm just making this up you fucking literal nigger level retard
yes you do
Where do you think we are, retard?
Give ME Bug wife!
According to you retards Yea Forums is like 90% trannies.
Whatever tranny, you never become real women
t. based tranny
So they are actually doing less work then?
All this nonsense is probably the work of an overpaid and seriously misguided PR department or company.
I bet most of this stuff either won't be in the final game or severely cut down.
Yea Forums
sound like cutting corners and instead of recording multiple voice lines they're just going for the easy route.
But retards like Yea Forums white niggers are too stupid to realize that and instead jump into the outrage train along with all of the other sjw's.
whoa look at those cool high res cyberpunks
>the FCC literally changed laws to force online "gaming" news outlets to create and enforce jounralist ethical codes
>FBI investigations turn up literally nothing in terms of women getting harrassed by "gamergaters"
You're fucking delusional if you think the right-wing isn't exclusive about identity politics. That's literally all they care about.
Isnt chrischan in his 30s now btw?
It doesnt have to be eternal night time though. Cyberpunk is more about the radical cultural change and even destruction of social norms brought along by extreme technology, and the eternal battle over tech as a resource. Its a have vs have-not setting except with a digital world serving as a battleground, forum for identity, and marketplace at the same time.
clickbait garbage shit from a garbage website. retarded OP
this is where the thread should have died
Depends, a lot of them care more about banning abortions, removing the EPA's power (ironically founded by a Republican), or tax cuts for the worlds largest companies
I'd like to think in a cyberpunk dystopia that the reason there's no gender pronouns is because you are considered so worthless in a society controlled by the hyper-rich that it isn't worth thinking about whether you're a man or woman.
That is just how it is.
>Be dev
>make game
>jounralists keep spinning every decision you make as some kind of hyper progressive thing
>as a result internet autists start culture waring around your game
Working in media in 2019 fucking sucks I'm glad I dipped out of the idea after college and just got a normal job where fucking autists cant boycott me for not hating gays enough or something
That sounds like it would be more of a hassle than anything, and unnecessarily tedious
>Be /pol/
>Your entire fucking world view revolves around race and creed
>Everything you talk about is influenced by race, gender and sexuality and so on as you pull out statistics to justify and push certain political ideologies
>"Why is the left so obsessed with identity???"
>"Uhh btw blacks commit the most crimes"
>"If you're from [typically white nation] you're not actually white!"
>"How do we stop gays from degenerating the west into collapse?"
>Yea Forums and /pol/ complain about muh cultural marxism and muh commies having control of the world in 2019 (while also constantly reminding everyone about how they defeated marxism and commies)
>For some reason this same people expect a game set in a dystopian 2077 to be set in 1850
>"Uhh btw blacks commit the most crimes"
Does reality bother you this much?
Games have been doing that for a long time now. This isn't news, it's pathetic
>Game companies will make progressive changes till it directly effects their bottom line
Yea nothing new here
In the old days, they didn't try to spin laziness as wokeness.
That's not what he said, snowflake
>implying there are only 2 genders in cyberpunk
Dude, who the fuck cares? RPG’s pretty much refer to gender. You know what your character is, so why ask for it to be reaffirmed?
Whites commit the most atrocities.
>dont have to record every single line of dialogue twice for each gender
>for what that would have cost, they can now have double the amount of lines of dialogue they would have otherwise
Hush nobody here wants the logical truth
Hush nobody here wants the logical truth
Probably during Witcher 3 when that guy became head of the office.
Why are Cyberpunk 2077 threads in particular so cancerous. Yea Forums isn't exactly a bastion of high level debate but these threads have the highest amount of bait, samefagging and shitposting out of all the other threads.
they're afraid of the inevitable
Correct. They want to rule the industry, no matter what happens to it, and they do. They won.
And yet shit like OP still happens. SJWs own the industry.
ugh, Spain spanish instead of LA
Whites have moved past savagery, niggers never will.
>and they do.
>autists cant boycott me for not hating gays enough
Most journalists throat gay cock 24/7 tho
How do you go from making apache helicopter gender jokes on Twitter to going full SJW?
Hard pass.
Has anyone told them that many languages outside of english have gender-based grammar? Take french for example. The gender neutral sentence "they are pretty" in french can only become "il est beau" ou "elle est belle" which strictly refer to gender with 100% no way to avoid it. The gimmick of misusing the plural form as a makebelieve neutral form doesn't work here either, the french grammar will either imply the player is several men or several women.
>cyberpunk setting
>corporate whoring at its apex
>not a working rich males vs whores baby makers society
If you have a problem with this then you're a bigoted 3rd worlder with outdated gender views. Western games aren't for you, we celebrate LGBT freedom.
This but unironically
>Implying feminism and cultural marxism doesn't exist in 3rd world countries.
no, we're just better at everything. Which includes genocide.
>>Implying feminism and cultural marxism doesn't exist in 3rd world countries.
Because americans bomb people otherwise. Which is good, because LGBT pride and peace can only come with drone bombings. Based white people once again saving the world, this time from the evils of gender norms and marriage.
>obvious trump reference
>wtf why did you bring him up?
Based English btfo'ing all bigoted cis languages that accommodate for medieval gender roles.
Same twitter nigger said you can purchase multiple apartments.
CIA/mossad probably paid them a visit
I agree to an extent: I read it as trying to cut off an angle of attack by the usual retards. If anyone disagrees then fair enough, but that's my take on this.
>The reason they won't have third person cutscenes and stuff like in OP is just them cutting corners, but they market it as 'immersion'
This. And their slimy approach is disgusting and disingenuous. The thing that annoys me the most are their cultists who parrot their bullshit nonsensical reasoning.
Reference to a case in Las Vegas where a dude was ordered to crawl towards an officer, while crossing his legs and keeping his hands in the air. The common interpretation is that, while doing so, his basketball shorts started slipping, and he reached to pull them up. This faggy incel looking fuck shot him 5 times. The officer was acquitted of all charges and his lawyers argued that he suffered PTSD from shooting an unarmed man. Among other things, the cop had "you're fucked" carved on his rifle, but the judge ruled that was inadmissible evidence.
Dude I did not need this reminder on a Saturday, save that shit for Tuesday at least.
>based /pol/and will never get pozzed!
I have respect for reactionary gamerbros. They lose every fucking week nonstop but they still hold on to their beliefs. That takes conviction.
t.mentally ill cripple
Isn't there anyone taking care of you user? Here in the first world mentally ill individuals like you get placed in psychiatric care. Are you from a shithole?
ResetEra always wins, bay bay
>man running around his hotel room with a pellet gun
>keeps reaching behind his back with an entire squad of swat officers pointing ARs at him
>gets shot
Why are cdpr threads the most cancerous shit on this board? Damn, i remember 2012 and witcher 2 times. CDPR were based and witcher was that niche polish franchise that was better than dragonage 2. Witcher 3 shit ruined everything, and looks like cyberpunk will be final nail to the coffin. Absolutely disgusting.
Because there's a lot of people here now whose first action adventure game was Witcher 3. People who have no fucking clue about how the industry works but will defend CDPR to the death for no other reason than because they think it's a personal attack against them. Then there's the peopel who pretend to be those people for (You)s
I hope you get hit by a car. Subhumans like you should all die.
lol no
Why did you lump me in with the trannytards?
>in reality, they have a quarter of the dialogue
Switching between those threads and patho2 threads was like fucking night and day. So much retardation is rarely seen even on Yea Forums. Makes me sad about CDPR really. Still gog is nice place to buy drm free games at least and that's not changing hopefully.
Hope that for you too frien.
That's quite the AMURICAH pic there, it's only missing an bald eagle and a hamburguer
Because that tiny text change on the chargen screen will give game 'journalists' a raging justice hardon, and result in a heightened level of free shilling.
we already do this by calling everyone cunt.
>it's the current century
cringe af
In other words, you admit CDPR is catering to the trannies.
lol wh*toids
my man you're going to diearly if you keep going on suicide watch over video game character genders
They cater to liberal losers who think that trannies need or want to be catered to.
I'll never understand why people think this kinda thing is funny. Subversive brainwash trash. Wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy.
as soon as they humored ONE twitter tranny.
Can YOU give ME American wifes anons! American wifes DO give me GREAT soreness anons! (They do! They do!)
I doubt it, those kind of people don't care if a white person was killed by gay pigs.
You people are literally on the verge of crying over video game genitals. It's hilarious.
Do voiced NPCs in games where you can choose your own gender EVER refer to you by gender?
Don't remember one that did.
This is just a way of selling a traditional video game limitation as a landmark in being unspecific when addressing people.
You really gonna be a pussy offended by this? Whether you are for or against trans rights you don't have to be a fucking bitch about the game. If you don't want to play it then fuck off.
I feel like Yea Forums is moving too fast for decent, small and comfy discussion.
But also remember, if you don't play it you're a transphobic incel.
Yeah they're all just going to refer to the player as either "you" or whatever the characters title will be like "hackrperson"
>zero trigger discipline
No. Literally nobody is saying this, user. Nobody ever forced you to play a game.
>impying it's not a commentary on the trajectory American society is taking and will likely be at in 2077
>muh trannies
rent free
Have sex.
"Rent free"? What does that even mean? I'm posting Brave & Inspiring content.
hard to forget when you read the stories/see the images of those freaks
With Ur momma.
Proving my point.
>Hey (you)! How ya doing, (person)?
>Have you met this (person)? (They) are yoing to solve all your problems
>You can trust (them) completely
>Sup, sexy (person)
>I love strong (people)
Wow, I'm so immersed.
>Being that interested in reading about the subject
As I said: Rent free
I always wondered where exactly /vpol/'s obsession with trannies comes from. What do you think?
You really need to go join the 40% desu
no one would give a chromosome about tranny freaks if we werent forced by social pressure to act like they are some kind of heroic role model for mutilating their genitals and indulging in their mental illness.
>losers who never amount to anything went into the video game industry
>meanwhile people with actual talent and skill went into tech, law, business
Theres a reason despite their political pandering silicon valley and CEOs are predominately white and Asian men lad
>if we werent forced by social pressure to act like they are some kind of heroic role model for mutilating their genitals and indulging in their mental illness.
When you go through your normal day, how often do you encounter this outside the internet?
Are they marketing it that way or are journos just fucking making articles about it that way to spur controversy?
>I always wondered where exactly /vpol/'s obsession with trannies comes from
certainly the 'obsession' couldn't come from the trannies in real life pushing their actual mental illness onto everyone while also calling everyone a bigot for not enjoying the sight of their poorly done make-up
reminder that this game will sell like hotcakes, get glowing reviews and everyone will enjoy it, no matter how much Yea Forumspol incels screech and stomp their feet
When they release witcher 3 and it turned out to have really shitty gameplay.
"Cyberpunk" has been a joke since the start. Starting with giving it the cringiest title they possible could have.
i don't care how much money the jew makes
i only care about the political influence they have. So that's why i will tell trannies and general retards who love this kind of shit to kill themselves everyday on this board.
submit human
unironically repressed transexuality
they hate trannies because they hate themselves
they are aware, subconsiously, that the reason they aren't fucking women and that they have failed as men isn't leftists, jews, niggers, the MSM, or society, but the fact that they are were never truly men.
Honestly, the only time trannies are pushed on me is on Yea Forums by people crying about them.
>Yea Forumsideogames
honestly as a former male now female I would prefer that if I made a female character that I would be referred to as 'she'
you are mentally ill
>Save on recording 20% of the lines
>Pass it off as political rightiousness.
Tranny faggot fuck off
>blacks really cope by telling themselves this