What Counter Strike map is your favorite, Yea Forums? Mine is cs_italy.
What Counter Strike map is your favorite, Yea Forums? Mine is cs_italy
de_dust. not dust 2, just dust.
i like overpass, train, and cobble before they fucked everything up
I've put many hours in cs_assault
cs_militia because it has exploding poop. Some nipper maps can get pretty crazy, but a lot of those aren't very quality
cs_agency, really
Yeah, it's t sided, but I still like it
cs_assault, home
People shit on condition zero rightfully so but I really enjoyed the _cz variations of the classic maps.
>Can literally T camp the hostage house and AWP alley with 1 lurk
No thanks m8
I remember an awp only map with a tower in the middle of it and the rest of it was just sandbags you could take cover. I used to play it in cs 1.6
Can I still play it in csgo? Was fun.
I don't play shitty games
Then why did you come to this thread in the first place faggot?
I love office. People seem to hate it because but the setting and feel is just so comfy to me
I don't play bad games
Dust 2.
Office is a solid map that only shitters hate on.
Have fun, user.
For me it's Dust two.
This is like coming to gamer fuel threads only to post about water.
Why would you not play the map you're most familiar with?
FAVORITE map. Unless it really is dust2 then yikes my good dude.
people only hate office because they're bad. just grab a shotgun and go to town
good taste, op.
militia was always cozy to me. i enjoyed the rounds where everyone ended up creepily stalking eachother through the house.
I guess if you like single scoop vanilla bean with nothing in it, that's cool
awful map but fond memories
CS:Source office for some reason is the most comfy nostalgia i feel for the game.
>dust 2 is good but over played and a meme and i never liked the b T tunnel approach
>i like militia
>italy is great
>hate inferno
>enjoy aztec though dont think its great
>like high rise for a newer map
As much as I dislike go for various boomer reasons I always liked the modern design of this map the most. Just a cool bundy ranch vibe
yeah. i agree, user. i like all the cs_ maps to be honest.
it's the de_ maps that lost all their visual flair, in my opinion.
dust 2 looks so soulless right now. i fucking hate that term, but it felt appropriate.
cache, but i only played global offensive and probably won't play any cs game ever again
I've always liked cs_mansion. I think that was the name. Office is good as well. Also that old 747 one
sounds about right. cache comes across as being made purely for map design - 0 visual flair at all.
i'm okay with it from a gameplay perspective though. maybe they were going for that blandless.
Hold on, people don't like office? What are the arguments?
I like the look of cs_vostok
And for CSS Zombies it has to be lila panic
"I can't 1vteam on it"
it's all hallways
>"it's too ct sided!"
So only talking about shit.
too much fun
CS:S was peak fun with the props and shit
CS:GO is giga nigga comp gamer glasses trading ESL overanalyzing the footage learning nade locations autism
Mirage or Inferno. Waiting for the Cache remake later this month.
Why do some gamers think being contrarian makes their taste superior? Dust two was kept as a competitive pool map both in 1.6 and GO for a reason. It's a great map with a lot of history and tons of great plays made on it. You naming your shitty maps from literal who community servers doesn't make you any more interesting fwend.
I actually kind of liked the redesign aside from a few things like the color palette changes in some parts. It's a je ne sais quoi sort of thing, now the map looks sort of overly designed compared to a lot of the other vanilla maps in the game to me. It's all personal taste. Prodigy I just thought was a map with no character at all. Nuke I thought was both an interesting setting and good map design. Tides not the best map imo but loved the park. Who can forget those stuffed turtles
De_dust, cs_assault, cs_mansion.
If we're talking about CSGO then it's Cache and Inferno
Cache is still the best map; too bad they removed it from active duty
Also, I liked the old inferno more than the new one oddly enough.
i hope you have a fantastic day, user.
Nobody is shitting on dust 2, it's just been talked to death
well yeah
Thanks. You too friend
People don't play on public servers in csgo so probably not
Vanilla is unironically the best flavor. There's a reason it's considered the default.
de_casa and world
worst map coming through
Unironically kill yourself
de_mirage. cs_assault is very nostalgic too.
I don't understand how you're supposed to enjoy this game.
comfiest map
mirage looks like THAT?
patrician taste right here,it's a damn shame it's been 15 years since I played it online with at least 9 other people
I can't believe you plebs haven't posted the name of the best map: de_dust2
My personal favorite is cs_bikini. I just loved all the little nuances in this map and it actually played pretty well from what I remember. I play a lot of original cs back in the day but not competitively so i couldn't tell what was balanced or whatever.
I also remember having fun on the giant map that had a tank in the earlier versions. I think it was cs_siege.