Please make the AK stronger
Please make the AK stronger
Please make the game not shit
Is there any reason not to use the M4 right now?
No. Even real operators use it. However if they ever include the HK 416, it needs to be the go to.
That shit is too good it's basically a smg
trying the beta, it's the same old garbage with a new skin
Why does the weapon look like it has sawtooth?
Go play some tranny gacha game than faggot
No, just like real life
It being the same is okay why do retards think they should radically change gameplay?
Why? AKs are fucking garbage in real life too.
Can i play as a white male in multiplayer? All i see are brown people in the screen shots
>Go play some tranny gacha game than faggot
so it's good then, yh?
How big is the beta download? don't even like cod but could try it, but i've a feeling that it's something ridiculous like 50gb and just not worth to waste time downloading
It's fucking trash even by CoD standards, they heralded it as "a return to form" but really it has nothing in common with the old games aside from the name. I mean they added in Rainbow Six Siege deployables and operators for fucks sake.
This game has the worst anti-aliasing I've ever seen in a game. It looks better if you turn it off
I like it
I wish the game didn't have random freezes. Ie. when you get back to the menu, when you just spawn in (sometimes) or even randomly during a firefight.
I have it installed on my ssd too, 16gb of ram so I'm not running out either.
damn, crazy to think considering how popular that modern warfare 2 rip off was
It's CoD with less CoD feel. It feels like CS, and has a fucking Battlefield mode (without a medic or support class).
See you next year
>modern warfare 2 rip off
Which game? You mean Cross Fire?
what are you using? noticed large stutters too but i assumed it's because im on a laptop 750 ti. Runs pretty good at 1080p 60hz otherwise.
I haven't played Call of Duty in a good 5 years so it might be why, but, I'm having fun with the beta lads
Rx580 8gb.
>first gun (m4) is the best gun
crossfire is clearly a cs:go rip off, I was talking about ironsight
I'm still having more fun with the AK. Stick with your favourites even if they're non optimal.
Nope. dead serious
>even the netcode is shit
>make the gun used by most operators in real life the best one
pretty based desu
everything has a smeared shitty grease look
>Nigger and Tranny are available from the start
>Need to unlock the white male
they need to put the 416 in. It's slowly taking the role as the go to operator gun IRL
You can. Half the people in cod threads are falseflaggers whom don't like nore play the franchise dw bout it try it yourself.
>game's weirdly blurry
>no enemies on the minimap
>m4 is objectively the best gun
Apart from that it's okay.
Bro that aint the beta, that's BO4 you're playing
Ironsight is popular? Heck, I didn't even know.
>Tranny is on the good team
>Nigger is on the bad team
What did they mean by this?
I'd agree, but then I turned off AA
because you have filmic strength set to 0 so the game won't look like a blurry mess. Instead the image is instable as all fuck, retard.
I got to play exactly one match until the game crashed nonstop with this dumb fucking error after the game updated last night.
Consoles look even worse
holy shit based chang
this game sadly sucks.
lol get fucked, slavaboo
FSB (irl) with 417 and Modernized AKs is Peak
Don't (you) me
pic not related
Fucking BASED
Idk this game's more fun than BF but it's got some really shit graphical issues that made me turn it off, also I don't understand how to git gud at it, it doesn't feel competitive, it feels identical to BF or RO or Insurgency just a tryhard RNG milsim.
What the fuck are you even trying to say, retard?
Switch to Allegiance
Kinda, but not really. Operators generally keep their guns clean enough tot he point where it’s whole piston system does g really add much but more weight.
On longer patrols like for recon/expeditionary forces it would be a great fit.
How many maps are there in the beta? I've played on four.
Why do zero games have the Remington XCR? Its basically a westernized tacticool AK
I never played a cod mp I always was a BF player but this cod is pretty fun just because the guns are so satisfying to shoot except some that are just terrible ttk
this shit is laggy as fuck even with a ping of 11
I will give COD this. The sounds and pop of guns is also well done and satisfying, even more so than any mil-sim I have ever played.
Other than that though, I really don't like the game. Visually for one, and the poor level designs.
>It feels like CS
no it doesn't, not even close
it feels exactly like cod
Please fix fucking fullscreen being broken i just wanna not be stuck at 50 fps
seething third world monkey. go gobble your shit and ask for seconds
Look at your active processes when sitting in the main menu. The game actually eats your fucking computer while doing nothing.
Is it bitcoin mining us while raping peoples wallets?
>16 GB RAM
>i5 6600k
>1070 8 GB VRAM
Game runs like garbage in 1080p and 2k, I know my computer isn't top of the line anymore but jesus christ is Nvidia gimping the 10 series already with new drivers.
Same I got a GTX 970 and i5-4690k non OC and although better looking games run great, this one runs like trash
Even when the fps counter shows 90 fps, the game feels stuttery, I dont know why
Same here, the in game FPS counter is showing 60-90 at all times but the game feels like im playing it over an online streaming service.
if you play call of duty you should not be posting on Yea Forums
Stay mad tranny
He got you with that didn't he?
For me, it's the MP5/10
For me it's the uzi even though you can't use in the beta. I love kike weapons
I don't play games on my phone so no.
I love this game so much guys