>he doesn’t play RDM, despite it being easy and not as good as the other jobs, for the sake of pure stylishness
I do and I play it well and it pissed me off when I'm grouped with another one who is always a shitter doing less damage than me and not raising anyone.
‘Tis a shame players like that tarnish our good name
Doesn't Utena get blacked? I thought it was a /u/ show?
She gets CURRIED
Why do these threads always start so slowly?
I always play rdm in roulettes to help out new players
It's a feminist show
Made by a mangina waifufag whose shitty fetishes were held back by 2 actualy talented people
Yuribears is his actual /u/ show, it's also the worst thing he ever produced
>not self inserting as Anthy
Probably doesn't help there was already another thread
Damn it
Saito is a good artist, but the manga story kinda sucked
>he plays RDM
Sush parsetranny
I prefer not to play this shit fucking chatroom sim at all, actually
Go ahead and justify being a detriment to the group all you want, but we both know you'll just resort to petty namecalling
Then play RDM in XI, and go to an 11 thread if you like complaining about 14.
And no, we don’t dislike XI. Just its annoying fan-base on Yea Forums.
What the fuck is this screen all about?
>8k DPS
What the fuck?
>1 death
>in a dungeon
pretty sure that's just that guy playing like shit
>talks about detriment
>he died in the easiest kind of content in the game