>he doesn’t play RDM, despite it being easy and not as good as the other jobs, for the sake of pure stylishness

Attached: 998A049E-F524-41EA-AA9E-B2A95B092934.jpg (634x424, 87K)

I do and I play it well and it pissed me off when I'm grouped with another one who is always a shitter doing less damage than me and not raising anyone.

‘Tis a shame players like that tarnish our good name

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Doesn't Utena get blacked? I thought it was a /u/ show?

She gets CURRIED

Attached: 491CC17C-C537-45B4-979E-0A98367E2FD2.jpg (275x183, 11K)

Why do these threads always start so slowly?

I always play rdm in roulettes to help out new players

It's a feminist show
Made by a mangina waifufag whose shitty fetishes were held back by 2 actualy talented people
Yuribears is his actual /u/ show, it's also the worst thing he ever produced

>not self inserting as Anthy

Probably doesn't help there was already another thread

Damn it

Saito is a good artist, but the manga story kinda sucked

>he plays RDM

Attached: 20190921_092903.png (514x306, 285K)

Sush parsetranny

I prefer not to play this shit fucking chatroom sim at all, actually

Go ahead and justify being a detriment to the group all you want, but we both know you'll just resort to petty namecalling

Attached: smug_cat.png (216x220, 83K)

Then play RDM in XI, and go to an 11 thread if you like complaining about 14.

And no, we don’t dislike XI. Just its annoying fan-base on Yea Forums.

What the fuck is this screen all about?
>8k DPS
What the fuck?
>1 death
>in a dungeon

pretty sure that's just that guy playing like shit

>talks about detriment
>he died in the easiest kind of content in the game