Whats the difference between a Yugioh pack and a loot box?

Whats the difference between a Yugioh pack and a loot box?

They are both directed at kids, they are both gambling, but just because its in a video game it should be banned?

Just don't buy it.


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Trading cards are physical items with actual value that can be resold.

What's a good way to sell my cards? I want to get some money.


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"Keep in mind that for some people with the way their brain is wired with the way they're being exploited they just cannot help themselves. Game companies are aware that some people are wired in such a way that they feel compelled to engage in these psychologically manipulative monetization systems that were intentionally designed to hook these specific type of people"

Do you agree? Should MTX be banned to protect us gamers who are too stupid to keep ourselves in check? Should we allow Nanny state to come in and save us from these developers?

I remember back in the day you could actually tell which packs had rare cards bacause of the weight.

Gambling is non-consensual and thus violates the non-aggression principle.

Wow, that sure is ONE example you've given. Now show a loot box outside of Valve's digital ecosystem

I was hoping he died or something because Jewtube finally stopped shoving his videos onto my feed.

Just don't buy it.

Yes. And intellience has jack shit to do with addictions

Not actual money.

>physical cash you can use on food and clothes

haha bro

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Checkmate again coomerbrains

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Thats just a ingame market based off playing the game, much like selling ingame items in a MMO.

Not the same thing.

What's the best way to send them in the mail without getting them bent?

>moving the goalposts


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Can I sell the items I roll in Mobile Legends? No?

Best method really is to put them in a sleeve and a card case

>I can't sell my account



A card pack can be resold to a secondary market where depending on the service or game, loot box goods cannot be sold to other players unless there is a Steam Market API setup or they perform RMT account trading which could result in account termination depending on the game's service.

Card games have restrictions on them. Like chance transparency and shit. Allowing you to see how likely you are to get specific cards.
For some reason this doesn't apply to digital loot boxes and it's complete bullshit.


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Loot boxes in games on android/iOS have been required to show the rates for like 2 years

Actually most games do disclose this now because many countries have passed laws about it including fucking China. Really embarrassing for the US that we haven't yet.

>Really embarrassing for the US that we haven't yet.
But user. It's all or nothing! Either you have ban fucking everything even related to it, or it should be allowed to reign completely unregulated and be allowed to do whatever it wants however it wants.
There is no middle ground! 'Murrica fuck yeah!

Trading card packs always come with a set number of cards of a specific rarity, whatever makes a card more or less valuable happens later on, when the community has ascribed it said value.

Moreover, the cards can be resold at any moment.

Digital goods in and off themselves are a scam because you don't actually own them, you own a license that is subject to change at any point and permanently ban you from ever using said content again; plus, digital goods cannot be resold so they're a dead-end market; long story short, they're an all around terrible investment.

However, I don't believe in banning things, I think governments should be constrained and their powers limited as much as possible and as such I cannot in good faith support the banning of lootboxes, even if they are an even larger scam than just digital content in general, I think people should be free to sell and buy all the worthless crap they want.

>I think people should be free to sell and buy all the worthless crap they want.
So shouldn't people be able to sell their Blizzard or Steam accounts which they currently aren't allowed to do?


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Bandai doesn't think you don't own the cards you buy, additionally, There's an inherent difference considering a game is sold to you with all the content already while wagging things behind lootboxes, whereas cards in a booster pack, are only in a booster pack. It's not like you buy a deck of cards and around 3/4ths of the cards are in locked packs that require you to buy keys to open

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Ideally? Yes, of course, but that's a basic result of the constraints inherent to purchasing digital content, when you don't own the item physically you're beholden to a contract that stupilates whoever is providing said item can limit what you do with it at a moment's notice without even telling you so, in the eyes of the law you went into a shit deal with full knowledge that you were getting the short end of the stick (Which you establish by checking the "Terms and services" box, even though we all know nobody reads the fucking contract; that it in fact is designed to be as uninviting to read as possible).

It's a sad but necessary loophole within the free market, if two private parties accepted the deal then that's that, giving the government powers to micromanage it is asking for trouble when they inevitably create a bloated bureaucracy and begin overreaching into other areas of the industry using that as a precedent.

On the matter of specific Blizzard or Steam accounts, which I really don't use and don't know WTF is up with them, who is barring people from selling them? Why can't you just give someone the username and password in exchange for money?

It's less that the government needs to START regulating this.
More that it was essentially already fraud and a violation of already existing gambling regulation that we arbitrarily pretend don't real because "IT'S AWN A COMPYUUTAh IT's DIfErrent"

I would say being able to actually touch the cards and trade them with other people is a large difference compared to digital lootboxes

Left is aggressively marketed and breaks up actual game play to pitch the sale.

Right is available to buy almost solely at a parent's discretion and not anywhere near as intrusive.

having something i can physically hold makes all of the difference

>D-daddy government they are gambling! Ban them!

People do not consent to things that they do not want, and contracts do not work without consent. Therefore, any contract that results in an unwanted outcome for any party is invalid.

One is digital form of something you will not be able to sell, trade or hold in your own hands. Most of "loot boxes" in digital form are garbage that you have to keep buying with "new season/game" and only few are allowing you to sell them for slightly less of what they cost.

With physical cards like Pokemon, Magic... you can literally hold them in your hands. You can also add them to your own builds/if you are playing them with new sesons/releases.

I am surprised anyone would ask such a question, since the answer is very obvious. Dunno why people are spending their real money for something they will never be able to put on their walls, shelves, or hold in their own hands.

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There is no difference because yugioh and the games that has loot boxes are both shit.

This, and also if you don't want to deal with RNG you can just buy the cards you want off Ebay

>caring about YT """"""personalities""""""

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