Backlog thread. Post you're backlog and have other anons decide for you what to play

Backlog thread. Post you're backlog and have other anons decide for you what to play.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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So I was talking down the street last week when some super hot 10/10 babe stopped me.
She asked me if I was down for a good fuck but I told her
Sorry babe...
I'm Tekken 7

what Call of Juarez is that?
anyways max payne 3


>tfw non of the girls in my office wear pencil skirts

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post more sexy office ladies

Only if you help me out, bro

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Help me


Consider yourself lucky enough to work in an office. Warehouse grunt here, no sexy ladies at all.

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Bioshock 1 is janky, Bioshock 2 is an actual polished game. The remasters are considerably more stable. No real reason not to use them. You can play infinite afterwards if you want, the gameplay experience is significantly different. Infinite is worth it if you don't go in with too many expectations gameplay-wise. It has the most developed narrative/aesthetic of all of them.

>tfw trainee at a place where formal attire is obligatory
>secretaries in pencil skirts everywhere

Attached: 1542267988130.jpg (743x480, 50K)

s3 when

Some day, probably.

>It has the most developed narrative
It has the absolute worst narrative of the series.

It is, by a significant measure, the most developed narrative. The game basically hand holds you through various story sequences; there is always a back and forth between Booker and the girl as well. The other Bioshocks would have you go through longer stretches without significant story development. Not to say they were aimless, just less railroady cinematic spectacle sort of thing like infinite is. I do not, even by a small amount, think Infinite is not worth at least trying.


one sec resuscitating thread

NEET here. What exactly is a pencil skirt?

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This could've been so much more.
Then there are the consoles I have that are hacked so ive got the entire fucking library in my hands. But for the next few months, excluding some series that im really interested in, im only gonna play the games ive bought with my own money, before either selling the ones i didnt like or keeping them for replay ability. Sadly a good amount of the ps4 games are bought via the psn, the sales were too good to be true.

Attached: not an ol taht i like, but its somewhat realistic of the whores i see in dentist offices.png (473x729, 262K)

The tight skirt that office ladies usually wear. It's not pleated so it restricts movement and it's usually worn with pantyhose.

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Witcher 3. It's the only game on your list I've played.

Imagine the sour smell

I didn't think I was a footfag until I had a girl's toes deep in my mouth. Honestly love the dynamic.

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You fucking faggots ruined my thread yesterday and now you're using it as a template for your retarded offtopic shitposting. I fucking hate this place so fucking much.

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I'm not a toes in foot guy but I love biting soles while I fuck.

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I still have to play Witcher 3 and Sekiro but oh my what's that I smell?

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Same. I don't really go crazy about feet on their own but I love sucking my lady's toes. Drives her wild.

Attached: __original_drawn_by_futomomomoe__9bf615b4e8116eacb15956777457142d.jpg (975x671, 58K)

Ughh how does it feel?

Miru tights is shit and feet are a bad fetish. I hate these threads because you can't keep your autism to yourself.

these came to mind for now


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Feels good man. She's short (4'11") but her feet are kind of big and it's cute how sensitive they are. She especially likes it when I move my tongue up and down across her toes and suck on her big toe. My mouth is fairly big too so I can get all her toes in there. She always giggles or starts breathing heavy when I do that. Honestly it's probably the thing that turns her on the most foreplay-wise. Last time I did it she was fucking soaked down there.

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damn, I experienced anything like that and I am a footfag.

I'm playing WoW Classic, Nier Automata and DQ11 right now.
I'd ask you to vote on which one I play first but I'm pretty much forced to play Classic to catch up with my friends.

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For me, it wasn't the doing it that got me. It was the eye contact which was fucked up crazy got me losing my mind at the time. I was really embarrassed because I got too into it and I never thought I was a footfag.

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>Miru tights is shit and feet are a bad fetish.
Hey, that's like, your opinion man

This was in the last thread but two games are tied at first. Help break the tie:

user I just got back from a vacation please don't tempt me to break rules again

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help me lads, it's growing

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all of those are shit so I'm not gonna vote at all.

cared enough to post

No idea what any of this shit is. You fury.

I never said I didnt care.

I'm just here for the stockings and butt hugging skirts nigga I need more inspirations for my jerk off designs.

Post your work, nigga.

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reveal your filthy creations drawslut.

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im pretty sure my workplace discriminates against hiring any female under 40 + isnt an obese cow
its so fucking depressing here bros
there's literally nothing to look at

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I'm here for the pantyhose because I need to see how artists make the light reflect from the fabric I won't post my characters, because the one that wears a pantyhose is less than 14 years old and she's from a SFW comic

Finally got my log burned down to 3, please help

The Last Sovereign
Pillars of Eternity
Telling Lies

Attached: vqewfbb.png (640x360, 205K)

It's a fucking drawing, user. She's actually a 4,000 year old wizard.

Doesn't mean that I'm not attached to her. I worked on her design and her personality for a long time.

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You sound like a loser, just post her I want to fap.

Bioshock remasters are nearly identical to the originals from my experience. Bioshock infinite was a disappointment for me. Story is a mess and combat got downgraded hard as fuck.

Again, user, it's just a drawing. She's not coming to life.

Telling lies. It's the only one I've played.

Says the guy who wants to fap to a drawing of a 12 year old girl.

Why you wanna see her so bad anyways

>achievement hunting

Attached: disdain for plebs.jpg (400x462, 26K)

Okay I'll call you dad if it makes you feel better that I'm dating your daughter. Dad can you finally post Stacy so I can fap to her.

Every game on your list sucks

These guys
are retarded, do not play the remasters. They are significantly faultier than the original, look it up.

What's wrong with showing off your work, user? You brought up the fact you draw, so naturally I'm interested in seeing your work. I can't draw for shit so I like looking at other's work.

>v now has daily ol threads
I'm glad.

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I think it would be better if people just talked about what games they were playing currently rather than this facade of posting backlog strawpolls.
The idea of backlogs is dumb anyway. Just play whatever you're interested in. You are trying to turn a hobby into a list of tasks to be done, which is tantamount to trying to turn it into a job.
If you want to clear all the games you have 'on your backlog' before moving on to new ones, then just consider this caveat.
Never buy a game you don't plan on playing right away.

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Help me kick off spooky month in a week. I haven't played any of these before

Where the fuck did the mod who came down hard on this thread yesterday go?
Well, I guess this is why we're getting more janitor.

this. I guess since it's kind of related to vidya they're letting it slide?

Bioshock remasters were given for free on steam if you had originals

What's ol?

Nothing wrong with it, it's vidya related.

>s since it's kind of related to vidya
This exact same thread was made yesterday and it got a bunch of deleted posts and then 404d. I have no idea how the fuck the report queue works, but it must be broken.

Where's the vidya in

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>no fun allowed
This is why you're always be an incel

Watching all the posts get deleted yesterday was fun. You're the one trying to kill MY fun.

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I know that it's pathetic, but it helps me overcome anhedonia somewhat.

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how long have you had that? Does nothing give you any gratification? Sex, food, nothing?

that doesnt mean they are good

I've talked about it a fuckton here but never saw anyone that has something similar until now.
I really don't even know how to enjoy shit anymore.

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I don't know, man, I'm not too sure.

what do you do for fun then? Or do you just stare at a wall all day?

I just live my life normally without enjoying anything.

Are you guys sure you're not just depressed?

that's legitimately sad. Hope things get better for you man

About 2 years. Food does nothing. Goal of every day is just to end that day asap. University stuff and video games (I can only play them for more than 10 minutes if I have a goal, aka collecting achievements) helps to kill time.
I wish I lived in america so I could go to walmart and buy a gun

Just do it.

Is that what it's called? I don't even masturbate anymore because I don't feel like I even orgasm. Last time I enjoyed something was when I started doing drugs but as you can imagine for someone like me it was very addictive so I stopped.

Guys wtf I just wanted to look at OLs but now I'm sad and I want you guys to be happy so that I can be happy because I'm happy when Yea Forums is happy.


I don't get it.

>The girls in my office wear pants
>the older women wear dresses that make them look more feminine, proper, and appealing.
I wish the younger girls would take note.

Think lethargy and being lethargic can apply too


What is OL, user?

The younger generation is lost, user. California fag here, they prefer to dress in jeans and tshirts.

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fuck, thats the reason why I achievement hunt too

OL = office lady

I had a friend who said that he had that. He got it after he proposed to his gf of five years and she broke up with him. After that he did nothing but go to work, come home, and play tf2. It worked as a coping mechanism for a while but for the past three years or so I've hardly seen him online. He goes on steam every couple of months and asks how I'm doing, but when I try to ask about him he is or what he's doing he pauses for a long time and changes the subject or says he has to go.

Can't say I have a way to help you, but just know if you have friends or family they care about you.

I'd like to put my log in her back if you catch my drift

I'm an idiot.

Modded Skyrim

You and me both.

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Don't worry friend, gotta learn those acronyms somewhere.

This looks more like a schoolgirl


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Oh no user I'm sorry I thought afterlife is a game. I just realized you're talking about suicide. Don't do this.

how do you know there's an afterlife

Maybe she has part-time work in an office

Oh no no no no I was talking about the DOS game Afterlife

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>Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
>Just Cause 2
>Brutal Legend

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don't die user!!!

Thank you, user!

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Jack off

I kid. Love that pantyhose.

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I fucking hope there isn't. I don't remember my dreams for quite a while now, so I basically try the demo version of death when I sleep. There is nothing at all.

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the bouncer
jade cocoon
legend of dragoon
god hand
metal gear 2


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god hand

as much as I dislike vanilla wow it's the best out of all those choices.

Metal Gear 2

>cant bring myself to finish games before getting new ones

me in bottom right

Life is the real game. High skill ceiling and not randomised loot box garbage like Afterlife is.

>Thinking there’s an afterlife
Squeeze every drop of experience you can out of life because it’s all you’ll ever get. Live as long as possible, because once you die you won’t even be able to lament what you can no longer see. Have as many different experiences as you can. See places, work different jobs, talk to strange people, do as much as possible. It’s the only sensible way to live, even when it’s painful. Your life is the only thing you will ever have.

good taste itt all around, i need to rebuilt my anime pantyhose folder cuz i lost it
if its MGS2 play that one, if its the old one you can skip it

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ok guys borderlands 2 or viewtiful joe?

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play Joe first, it's like 4 hours long and its good as shit

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definitely Joe

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You have the whole rest of the internet to go download office ladies, also could you not be 12 and actually learn what incel means

is this cp

i wanna know where you live that has children that look like that

>tfw huge ass gf literally rips all pantyhose on her ass
It's my first and last gf I'm never letting her go. She's perfect bros


Borderlands 2 crashed my gpu last time and I couldn't get it to work for a few hours. Fuck borderlands.

Help me out based anons.
Only based people should vote in this poll.

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We got plenty.

Viewtiful Joe


Buy her bigger sizes, user. Walmart has a good selection, as does Target. We like getting ours at Kohls.

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god of war 2

legend of zelda SS or star ocean 3?

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>buy her bigger sizes
That would defeat the point.

god i miss this meme
can we please revive it?

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please help me before my ex-wife takes the kids away

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>all that sweat
just contemplate the aroma and taste of her butthole

Just start using it a lot, you'd be surprised how quickly shit goes back into rotation when you post it again.

god of war 2

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Deus Ex


Ah, I thought you didn't want them ripped.


>that list

Forget about it, user, you're losing that lady and your kids.

what are some games with mommies

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Of course i want them ripped. Ripped with her huge ass, ripped with my dick. I want them ripped all around.

fantastic taste

give Jade Cocoon a go

Nice. Myself, I like ripping it at the soles and making a small hole so I could fuck them.

Nier automata it is. Thanks guys.

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that looks like some shit out of a creepypasta

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The worst narrative of the series is bar none Bioshock 2 user, I get that infinite is reddit tier but Bioshock 2 is lazy.

The Bouncer is an awful game, don't bother.

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Splinter Cell.

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Blessed thread.

Attached: Screenshot_158.png (1219x269, 77K)

>Bioshock 2 is lazy.
>defends infinite's infinite universes bullshit that came about because the writer thought "confusing things with no real answer are cool"

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Thread thread is massively aids

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Not an argument.

This image is an anatomical nightmare and reminds me of that japanese tall woman urban legend.

>Thread thread

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>stockings are feet
I never thought its possible to live with a single digit iq.

So you're a small ugly asian man?

The only backlog I have is grinding for the nunchuks in Bayo 1, and god I don't want any reminders for it

The original Tomb Raider does not hold up. If you're gonna play one of the originals, play Tomb Raider II but better yet just play the late-00s reboots, Anniversary/Legend/Underworld.

You're a complete dope, the guy I replied to had no substance besides saying 2 is lazy. I directly called out the biggest problem with infinite's plot.

I find anime feet ok to look at, real feet makes me want to vomit

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
The Evil Within
Metroid: Samus Returns
Tales of the Abyss
Darksiders 3
Legend of Dragoon
Bloodrayne 2

Nu Tomb Raider
REmake 2

I fucking hate the Japanese

cope mutt

Attached: 1548173625726.png (719x489, 140K)

It's worse than that, Infinite had its plot changed entirely 6 months to release because the director decided he wanted to do a timey-wimey multiverse thing. Small bits of the original horror theme are still present in the game, but it ended up nothing like the original concept.

Attached: darjeeling.jpg (2400x1600, 1.17M)

Legend of Dragoon 2

Thanks, Anons. My friends recommended KotOR as well, so I'll start with that and maybe dip into Splinter Cell if I want to relax with something that isn't an RPG.

Please don't make any more posts on Yea Forums. You think you're being a sneaky and clever troll but you're not. You're just a nuisance.

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Woman here. I don’t have a backlog.

RE2make is actually good, so play that.

Which should I pick up

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Fuck off retard.

Why are you here? Are you fat or just ugly?

>Implying I'm American
I'm Dutch and I hate the Japanese because they destroyed our amazing colony with their bullshit warships

Tetris Effect

Post yourself in hosiery then.

Huh? How am I being sneaky and clever? The original Tomb Raider doesn't hold up and you're better off playing TR2 or one of the reboots. This is not a "i trole you" post, I am giving you honest advice.

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Hilarious! Keep it up! We all really appreciate your funny troll posts!

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Come on now

Now come on

What, user?

fuck off whore. no (you) for you

meant for

How rude, no wonder you're still a kissless virgin.

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Max Payne 1 2 or 3?

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>tfw hard drive shat itself and I'll probably lose my massive anime feet folder

Attached: superthumb.jpg (300x250, 12K)

based hard drive telling you to get rid of feet and into legs.

That's why you buy a usb stick to save your important "files" on

Post backlog and we'll help rebuild that folder, user.

Actually, a question.
i got myself a folder, and I have it all on a USB (and its backup, of course). Is there a website, i.e. google drive or dropbox or something that I could use to put all the files on in the event that both USBs fail? I don't wanna risk losing that folder permanently.

I use google drive. It only has 15 gigs though.

MEGA gives you 35gb (i think) for free if you use their desktop app

I haven't tried anything like that myself, but yes you can.

Attached: 1558864728948.jpg (858x1200, 233K)

15 gigs is good, I think. It's just a folder for one character. Is google drive linked to your email? More importantly, could they ever get deleted for no reason?
Don't MEGA folders get deleted all the time once they get to be a little old?

I feel like it was mostly a hoarder mentality, I rarely used the stuff from the folder and just found new shit most of the time (which I would save afterwards)
I can probably live without it but it sucks.

I think I was genuinely happy when my hard drive crashed and I lost my Pepe collection.

I can relate, I had a massive collection of nylon related stuff that my girlfriend deleted at one point.

Any games you're looking at playing?

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in order. 2 is the best but theyre all great.

That's a cunt move.
I was playing Blasphemous but now I lost my save, I'm thinking of playing ninja gaiden 2 or trying out the ys games. I also lost my backlog .txt so I can't remember the rest, kinda feels relieving

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decide for me

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I'm a bit of a cunt, as well, user. What she don't know is that I frequently meet up with escorts to indulge in nylon related activities. How are you liking Blasphemous? I tried out the demo and got my ass handed to me.

DKC, user!

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I didn't get too far but I really love the aesthetic and the gameplay seems neat. I'm probably gonna redownload it.

well it has the most votes so far
ill wait until this threade dies

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user, you shouldn't meet up with escorts if you have a girlfriend. It's important for passion to flourish in relationships, and if you're not fully committed to her, then it's a false relationship. You wouldn't like it if she met up with other guys, would you?

Of course not, user. Can't help it. It's an addiction.

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Then you should be a man and break up with her. It's not good to lead her down a false road. If you can't break your addiction, then you have to break up and hurt her a little bit in the hopes that she will find happiness later instead of living with a false happiness that will eventually shatter. Or you could break your addiction and both of you can be happy.

100% this, stop cucking people

>2 is the best
You fucking correct person with great opinions.

I'm going to try, user. It's hard, thanks for the advice.

I believe in you, user. You can do it!

Alright, where the hell do I go to meet women and how do I get them to wear nylons? Fuck you guys for doing this to me. I just wanted to play video games.

I want both of you to be happy, user. That's why I want you to beat your subconsciousness. Our brains are more badass than that, the desire to better ourselves can overpower any obstacle if we try hard enough.

In my experience, user, women just don't wear them anymore. The older generation might but just find someone and tell them what you like.

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>file deleted
tranny jannies

Which one should I start this weekend?

Hypnospace outlaw
Yume Nikki

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I'm not familiar with any so... the one that has the best pantyhose options?

Thanks, user. Didn't expect to get this kind of advice from Yea Forums.

Just win, that's the most important thanks you can give me.

Have this instead.

Attached: 1568600909978.jpg (1600x2845, 452K)

Save Yume Nikki for last

Fuck, that's hot. More?

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Working on it.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-17 Thank you for your pledge to NecDaz 3D Patreon.png (1105x408, 33K)


He's working on a Samus in pantyhose commission for me.

>paying for 3dpd

When the quality is like this:
Hell yes, I'll pay.

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Witcher 3, it's fun.

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Is this the officially translated version of the repeated 'the diviner girl fell' image?