Tell me the worst fanbase, i want to suffer

Tell me the worst fanbase, i want to suffer.

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Smash fags.


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Chuck e cheeses


Smash is a very strong contender.
Resident Evil has some real assholes there, too. Especially pseudo classicfags

You posted it
I don't think it's a fair comparison considering Smashfags are comprised of a bunch of different fanbases that are annoying. I mean the fact that it's Shantaefags and Sonicfags combined makes it bad enough as is.

REfags are a weird one, but yeah, it's kind of impossible to discuss those games. It was nice when 2 remake seemed to unite everyone for a short while though.

Fire Emblem, without a doubt. It's not uncommon for fans to love one game for arbitrary reasons and shit on the rest for arbitrary reasons when most of the games are very similar in terms of mechanics and quality.


Actually fnaf fanbase is kino.
>great fangames

The only flaw is game theory fags who always assist to matpat.

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All of them. Fandoms are obnoxious by rule

Melee elitists and autistic Yea Forums hivemind rosterfags are the worst, most other Smashfags are tolerable at least but these two are the worst of the worst

fire emblem autists
smash kids
fallout 3+ fans
wow dorks
sonic spergs
blizzard zombies
sony embarressments
persona discards
pokemon babies

pretty much every fanbase that isn't xbox related and i dont even have an xbox these days


And lots of elitism and gatekeeping, its surreal. Not even on Yea Forums.

Undertale, rick and morty, jojofags

Metal Gear. I would know.

Pew Pew Era REfags


> 1. Resetera trannies
> 2. /pol/ fags
> 3. Atheists
> 4. Smashfags
> 5. KyoAni fags
> 6. Reddit CDPR drones
> 7. Bronsexuals
> 8. “MJ is guilty” fags
> 9. Shounen fags
> 10. Sonyfags
> 11. FF7 fags
> 12. Doomfags
> 13. BOTW fags
> 14. Nintendo bootlickers
> 15. PC elitist drones

>pretty much every fanbase that isn't xbox related

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I almost kinda feel like Undertalefags are like Sonicfags but take themselves more seriously and are even more defensive

Final fantasy vii fans are insufferable

Same with Zelda fans.

you WISH i was baiting motherfucker

Undertale fans are ok nowadays. They keep to themselves

fpbp at least other autists stay in their circle but smash stinkies stink up any franchise they touch

Bronsexuals need to be in the top 5, and Gun-Huggers need to be on this as well unless they are lumped with /pol/

I dont like zelda or final fantasy in my adult life. Sonic fans are pretty bad, kingdom hearts fans are almost as bad as ff7 fags. But smash fags have literally ruined smash for me.

Yea Forums fandom, Barney fandom, antifurry fandom, tranny fandom
Undertale isn't even that bad

i see your point, five nights at fuckboy's was amazing

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Yup. I stopped wanting anything to do with those games when I saw the people that like them

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Monster Hunter

Pokemon, has a variety of cancer that Undertale is a pussy compared to this shithole.

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Devil may faggots are the worst by far
Other fanbases are awful and they know it, but dmcuck are fucking terrible and they think they're somehow wholesome

Sneed fandom

Sonic spergs, at least on Yea Forums, are a lot more mellow than the stereotype of them. They have a few cool people here and there and at worst, at least on here, are just your typical run of the mill Yea Forums tier autism type of circlejerk, see: /sthg/

Mania threads were some of the best threads on Yea Forums for a while, and most Sonic threads can be pretty alright too as long as they stick to the games. Outside that though they're fucking shit, it's just there are far more autistic circlejerks now that Sonic OCs are dead.

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This game is GOTY
>inhale my dong enragement child
Good times.

I think the people who exploit and cheat in multiplayer games and try to justify it. Is there a Name for that?

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Xbabbies are the textbook definition of toxic dudebros and literal toddlers spewing racism. Plus, they never created anything of worth. At least Sonicfags have great content creators mixed with all the shit.

Imagine being so uncaring about bland, milquetoast franchises that you don't even know what a favorite is. This is the life of the modern gamer.

Are obnoxious JoJo fans a Twitter thing? All of the JoJofags I know are alright.

I mean, after I beat single player games I'll grab a trainer and blow the game open, but there are people who buy all bots, exploit bugs, and shit like that. Not cool.

I sense a large amount of hostility and ass pain behind this post.

Name a fanbase that isn't the worst.

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> 0. People I disagree with politically

There's no such thing as an alright jojofag.

xbox has fun visceral games, everything I listed is tedious bullshit for teens and literal actual children. christ i want an xbox right now

The Nintendo fanbase is the most cultlike I've ever seen.

>letting retards influence your opinion on a piece of media

Smashfags are the most entitled and fickle community around but I don't let them ruin my enjoyment of what is a fun game. Fanbases are not the media, to lump them in with your assessment of the media is unfair to it.


This, atleast Segafags do something about their god.
Meanwhile Nincels are a great definision of christian server.

Yea Forums


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>all of these entry level vanillashit fanbases
Holy moly, you guys are complete and utter casuals.

Witcher and Dark Souls fans


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Persona 5
Dark Souls
WoW Classic
Kingdom Hearts

And you?
You are no different from us.

Left 4 Dead

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Half Life and Castlevania threads are usually pretty comfy

>he's still hung up on playing what's "cool", "edgy" and "adult"
literal toddler detected.

The Witcher series. CDPR fags will act like the Witcher invented action RPG mechanics.


Mass Effect or Sony


Dragon Quest

I agree, they're fucking aw-


You have been kicked from the session.

is alive?


>WoW Classic
It’s amazing that despite how mediocre retail is, Classic is like a cult

Same goes to SMT and Kirby.


I'm a metroid fag but the state of metroid makes me sad. Cant even talk about metroid without hearing about how samus is a girl lol, zero suit so hot, or smash. So I dont bring it up ever.

If your 'worst' fanbase doesnt look something like this
It aint shit

It's dead but what's left is the scum of the earth.


Dunno about that, I've seen a couple quakefags being insufferable in other threads lately...

I'd say Smash/Touhou/Undertale

They're all equally bad.

>Fucking Ridley and Krool are revealed in the same game
>Isabelle and Incineroar are revealed

I mean it to casuality, no autism.


nintendo fags and sony fags

>Touhou in the same level as Smash and Undertale
They are bad but not THAT bad.

Suda51 fans.

Aerith/Tifa waifu wars.

apple idiots


Atleast Smash and Touhou dosen't harm people.
Hear that, Smash is the largest autism in gaming, but atleast they didn't actually harm someons irl.


Holy shit how does such a cute game get the most childish inane people behind it

You live a sad sorry life, and I feel bad for you

cope stinky

Splatoon, because edgy kids ruined this.

A bad apple ruins the bunch

They literally threw away game setups for other games into the trash to put up Smash setups. They also kicked KI & GG fans out of watching top 8 just to boo those games. Their stench is deadly.


>I refuse to acknowledge basic punctuation as valid because its mis- and overuse has become something to make fun of

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I also forgot the part where there's 3 seperate kid diddlers that got caught in the Smash community this year.

embarrassing, but not horrible

>League of legends
This is the worst, like really I never encountered bigger cancer. Absolutely delusional, they legit created a world in their mind where they believe they have fun. Absolute fucking spergs screaming at each other and they legit cannot have enjoyment out of a fucking video game. If you play this, or defend this awful playerbase record yourself while playing the game.

Not as obnoxious as LoL, but definitely same level of delusion if not bigger. They really love putting themselves above other people for some reason, also they are always this 'intelligent' types who try to pretend they are smart, while they are not. Their best feature is the Blizzard cycle™:
>I'm tired of WoW and blizzard's fuckups, lets play another game
>Well things in this game are not like WoW
>Lets go check back to WoW
Repeat the same process for 10+ years.

>Dark souls
"Dude you need to like this game. YOU NEED TO LIKE SOULS GAMES DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!"
"I'm going to spend 1000 hours in something I don't even like. Based Todd delivers again. Oh wait its shit, but I'll still buy the super deluxe ultra turbo edition and play it."

Others may be bad too, but its way too enjoyable to laugh at them, while these ones are fucking obsessed, and its best to avoid them.

if its on xbox, it doesnt have a fanbase

It's ESReddit leaking, fans outisde that group are really chill.

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Depends on what you’re looking for.
If you mean levels of just raw fucking degeneracy then Undertale, in terms of Cringekino then probably Sonic or Kingdom Hearts.

>I'm going to spend 1000 hours in something I don't even like
Calling something out for the shit that it is doesn't equal you not liking it. You can like bad things, what you can't do is think that just because you like something that that automatically makes it good.

anything with lots of waifus in it is bound to attract the worst scum on the internet

Only fags use ellipses without continuing in the same post. Also, worst thing about Quake players is the refusal to play anything dumbed down

The JoJo fanbase got rather annoying with the references. Nowdays, they'll just screech them randomly without any rhyme and. It's more annoying than cringe.

Yea Forums

user you are highly on the spectrum aren't you?

I hate what waifufags did to danganronpa


danball/stick ranger fags. you all thought sonic had cringy oc but this community is worse

The World Ends With You threads are never bad.

If thats the case then fuck smashfags.

As a long time Sonic fan, the best thing to happen to the fanbase was that the MLP fanbase existed. By the time the light had anytime to shed light on it again, most of the autists became self aware and mellowed out. It's just a shame that around the same time, YouTubers really started to crack down on the franchise as a whole, and we're seen as whole lot of apologists now.

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Any game or IP that has an unusually large number of female players. These include
- Pokemon
- Danganronpa
- Fire Emblem
- Persona
- Kingdom Hearts
- Zelda (Moreso later entries)
- League of Legends
- Azur Lane
- Fate
- Mother
- Undertale
- Final Fantasy

Shout outs to Smash Bros for being pretty fucking bad but for slightly different reasons

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Smogon is based if you fuck with the meta

Sonic Underground

>Fate has female players
Fucking WHY

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By far, WoWtards followed by zoomnite fags

JoJofags are up there yeah.
t. Ex JoJofag

Was KyoAni fanbase really that disgusting?

These fanbases are no different from the lunarians.

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The worst fanbase I have ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with was the FIFA fanbase. None of them are actually people. They are just money dispensers companies like EA get to collect from so long as they shit out a new game every year. I don't know how bad it is in other places, but in South America they are everywhere and they get so fucking mad everytime you ask them "If it's basically the same game, why still buy it every year? Why not wait like every 4 or 5 years when the game probably has significant changes?"

All of the (few) Ace Attorney threads I've been to where really comfy. The worst they do is just ask over and over when Capcom will localise Investigations 2

Side note, I fucking hate how all of the horny smash furries have ruined almost every discussion of Animal Crossing. Ever since Isabelle made it into Smash every discussion and thread they spam their fucking "waifu" everywhere and talk about how fucking "thicc" she is. You can easily tell who actually played animal crossing and who is a smash fag by just asking who the best NPC is. I fucking hate their guys how they try to pretend that "they have been here since the GameCube days" and how they are "so proud their girl actually made it into Smash".Sable or Tom Nook should have been in and they have fucking ruined Isabelle for me. And now since Nintendo has seen how these horny retards parade around Isabelle, of course they are gonna shove her into every single Animal Crossing tittle from now on.

Because Fate has a metric assload of cool characters. You might only know the women but please believe that there are a lot of great guys in Fate. Females in general tend to like charming and sincere characters over MUH REPRESENTATION.

I'm not sure about the whole throwing away stuff, but the hoping is legit lies maid by the streamboars from /r/kappa because of their immense distasty of the franchise.

Nah, it's straight up cancer as a community.
When it became so transparent that it's an oligarchy where rules don't apply to mods, the place got filled with mod dicklickers that want to become mods themselves.
I didn't even cover the sheer amount of autism or how dubious the process behind choosing suspects to test is.

Late 90's/early 00's Sonic fandom was the epitome.
t. a participant AMA

First post is, again, best post.
I hate those fags so goddamn much.

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>Le DMC bully meme xD

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>say record yourself while playing the game
>get the same exact response every time

You know you could have typed all that shit, or you could have just typed "Yea Forums IS the worst"

Granted, /vr/ is infinitely worse; bunch of fucking boomers high off the smell of their own farts over there

Maybe Smash as far as Yea Forums is concerned but it's mostly an amalgamation of many more, and when Japan time is finally fucking over it'll probably subside. However it's definitely responsible for a trend of shitty, garbage fake leak LARPing that reached other games as well that's just tiresome tripe. Realistically, a legit worst fanbase would be one that holistically entails some negative consequences within the industry. Coming up blank at the moment, but those who keep buying EA's sports games probably comes close to being just that, I guess.

It's kind of see-sawed around a bit. The abundant amount of elitism Freedom Unite was relevant was probably its shittiest point, and how it is right now might still be in a better spot than it was in 4th gen.


Really? I've heard the opposite, a claim that its fans were weaponized autism.

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i wish i could kill jojo

I don't even play any of the games you mentioned. You just seem like a giant sperg.

No the fuck it isn't

>Japan time is finally fucking over it'll probably subside.
By the current trend of fighting games, Smash Ultimate won't stop getting support until it's time to start really focusing on Smash 6.

>t. Ex JoJofag
how does one become an ex-(anything)fag

>Like and follow the series
>For one reason or another, no longer like and follow the series

>fuck with the meta with an original strategy
>the person you beat gets buttblasted
>they have a position of power in the community
>your strategy is now banned

Because taking a genre and killing it for the established consumers is retarded.

Yeah I'm sure that happens to you all the time.

>It's kind of see-sawed around a bit. The abundant amount of elitism Freedom Unite was relevant was probably its shittiest point, and how it is right now might still be in a better spot than it was in 4th gen.
You might have brain damage.

I like the series, I just don't associate with fans of it.

Nier Automata.
>think that Automata is literal art
>think the story is some philosophical masterpiece
>needed a game that panders heavily to waifufags despite Yea Forums having tons of og Nier threads where it gets recommended for all the shit Automata gets praised for now
>never heard of Taro before and now they worship him
>get hostile as fuck if you even dare to criticize it

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If that's going to be the case then it's a pity considering I'd like to see Sakurai work on other vidya as well, assuming he's going to be stuck in the Smash mines for a good while yet. KI:U was fucking great for what it was.


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Incredible elitism, shilling the devs and hardline SJW tranny moderators.
Forums are constant DE cocksucking and the subreddit is an unironic circlejerk,
while /wfg/ is the most autistic thing I've witnessed.

They will all help you if you're new though. It's just surreal, like a cult.

t. Chuck

>steven universe
>rick and morty
>kpop crowd

FNAFB was FNAF Kino. I fucking wish the guy behind it did a 4th game but better to end it off at a point where its humor wouldn’t get stale.

Anyways Yea Forums.

Are you freddy for ready?

You beating the dead horse.
Fnaf wasn't so bad.
Sonic has a share of autism but not that severe.
Undertale i agree, but it was like like 3 years ago.


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nier automata's art and story are nothing that memorable. what made the game a masterpiece was how it utilized the medium to make the player feel and experience the impact of everything that happens, rather than just watching a cutscene or reading dialogue.

I wish it was boomers, or at least genX like the board was originally supposed to be. Modern /vr/ is just a bunch of millennials who think they're "classically trained in the arts" because they played diablo 2 and owned a dreamcast.



Someone already said /pol/


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Don't forget about that overrated soundtrack.
They still won't shut up about it today.

gen 5 and before it was still pretty peaceful despite the autism, now in 3d era pokemon it's a fucking war zone, I'm glad I left the series after the gen 3 remakes

>Really? I've heard the opposite, a claim that its fans were weaponized autism.
Not sure where you got this from. From what I've seen, MGQ community is super chill - they do have some waifufaggotry, sure, that's to be expected, but other than that they create good content, are mostly inviting to newcomers and keep it mostly to themselves. The worst thing I've heard about them was the Kickstarter scam fiasco called Hero.

On r/anime, yes because downvotes allow hivemind & opinion control

Depends way too much. For the actually detrimental, I'd say some shit like the people keeping EA afloat, for some really autistic shit, I'd say sonic/pokemon/touhou/KH/undertale. The closest I could say to being generally infuriating is modern smash simply because of how big it is and how much it technically has in it, smashfags are just too easy for the average fag to come across. Any other answer vidya-wise is just too niche to matter and is clearly here out of personal asspain.

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Team Fortress 2

>"Michael Jordan is guilty"fags
what?!?! did something happen?


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classic DOOM or Quake. max comfy, max (insert boring shitty wojak meme here), max fun.

All Doom and Quake fags do is complain about how every game isn't Doom and Quake.

Pokemon. They have an entire board, just for them, and they STILL post their garbage game here as if anyone still cares. It's the equivalent of a small child running into their parent's bedroom, shitting on the floor and then asking them to talk about what he's done.

Mariofags, with stupid elsagate shut like SMG and SML

Easily Smash.
>All the drama in the competitive scene
>Don't actually play any video games except Smash
>Forcing themselves in the FGC
>All the rosterfaggotry
>All the attention seeking from fake leakers
>All the stink stories
>Online experience in Ultimate is cancer because of all the retards
>Fanbase is divided because of how different Melee and modern Smash are, constant infighting

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What's so bad about Danganronpa?

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Zelda fans. They can't agree on anything, and the diehard ones think any adventure game that isn't Zelda is garbage.

Adding to that, their opinions on the games change drastically at the drop of a hat


KOF. Its so small and all the ngrs do is grind out their games.

Man, I miss the days, when "read the manga" actually meant anything.
Anime adaptation is the biggest monkey's paw curl I've ever seen


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Nah there are definitely smashfags who don't actually play any games besides smash and are incredulous that people might be excited for a character they personally haven't heard of because of that fact. Those guys are the fucking worst.

Ironic western VNs and eroge.

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Doom and Kirby

No. They endlessly spam the exact same unfunny memes over and over, and are unironic powerlevel fags

>wowfags complain that the lore has gone to shit
>every time purple woman does something they immediately rally around it and screech OHNONONONO SEETHING
>threads reach bump limit just talking about lore
It reminds me of how everyone says Skyrim's story was shit but stormcloak vs imperial threads reach bump limit

Smash being comprised of different fanbases was only true during the Brawl era when it was mostly Nintendo fans reuniting together, now it's big enough to be its own thing. I've seen tons of people these days who play Smash and nothing else.

Found the snowflake conservative.



sonic hasn't been the "worst fanbase" since like 2008

I live near a game store, and i remember people camping outside 1 day before release, i also remember 1 guy who literally stared at the game box for a whole minute and then said " smaaaaaash" and walked away, by far the most autiatic thing i've ever seen in my life

Tell that to the autistic outrage over Sonic's design in the upcoming movie.

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>autistic outrage
From a surface level it looked like people were rightfully laughing at it for being terrible.

This is a weird one because the community is the absolute worst one ever inside the game but the fans I've seen on the internet are mostly alright.

That's not the Sonic fanbase, the entire internet was laughing at it. It was everywhere on Twitter and tons of major Youtubers like Pewdiepie were doing videos avout the Sonic redesign.

Scott Cawthon is honestly one of the best devs I've ever seen in videogames, and I think everyone could learn from him.
>worked hard for decades until he became a success, proving that hard work does indeed pay off
>listened to criticism and applied that to his next game, which resulted in financial success
>is an active part of his own community and delivers on the things they want or ask for regularly
>when the spinoff released to criticism, he pulled it from Steam, refunded everyone who bought it, fixed the game based on all the complaints he received, and then re-released it for free, as well as creating free DLC for it later
>released 2 more games for free, as well; literally the final chapter that ended the story and the arcade-y spinoff full of content and fanservice that fans had been clamoring for for ages
>knows the value of his work; all of his games are short experiences with decent replay value and the prices reflect that, with all games ranging from free to $8 at the most with the exception of the VR game that a third party made
>isn't afraid to joke about to more embarrassing parts of the fandom, and has been known to fuck with theoryfags by intentionally creating convoluted and nonsensical plot threads
Dude is an absolute Chad and I wish every gamedev was more like him

JoJo does it for me, nothing as entertaining as seeing adult men say "NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS IM DIFFERENT"

Do Sonic fans really count? I think most of them care very little for the games.

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