Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

What went so wrong?

Attached: BBSFM COVER.jpg (258x445, 41K)

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Extended the story for no reason

Beat me to it

>floaty combat
>enemies don't stagger
>bad Disney world selection that need to be visited 3 times
>boring story and characters
>retarded retcons

The beginning of the end for KH.
Even with all the retardation KH2 brought, it still had great gameplay. There was nothing to salvage BBS and it laid the groundwork for all the shit that came after it (3D, 3)

Command Deck and how you can't give the other characters commands, meaning you have to farm the good commands FOR EACH CHARACTER
Having to basically play 90% the game 3 times to get the ending

>let’s make a literal copy of the main trio but have them devoid of any personality and hire voice actors that sound like they’re reading straight off the script

Horrible pacing

I left my psp with a buddy and he deleted off years of saves including this game, then he handed it off to a friend and made up a story.

Re:Coded was pretty much devoid of story but it was still a great game. Hell, 358/2 was awful in the gameplay sense but at least it had a reason to exist, that is to explain Roxas' and the 13's backstory, even if said things were done poorly.
BbS has no reason to exist and is pure shit. The entire KH series would be better off if it never had existed.

Second best game in the series behind KH1FM

Plenty of things, but not the music.

You're right about what the best game is, but I disagree about Birth by Sleep. Glad you enjoyed it, though.

90%? Why that much?

What is it that makes the controls horrible?

Trying to explain lore that didnt need to be explained. Whenever they go to the past, like BBS and UX, the story goes bonkers as they try to tie everything back to the other games. Now the keyblade isnt special, Sora, Riku, or Kairi never earned it just given to them without them knowing. Also going through the worlds three times on a wild goose chase, and then not having as good of gameplay as KH, and the characters not being that likeable, made it not so good. I still liked parts of it, but definetly a let down in many ways.


The damage it did wasn't irreparable, it would have been a decent setup for KH3 with Master Xehanort returning after his Heartless and Nobody were destroyed
Then DDD happened with time travel, multiple norts, and the resurrected organization

BBS was the last KH game to get an expansive and good original soundtrack. Everything after is a recycling nightmare or boring.

Combat feels sluggish and floaty. Standard keyblade attacks are worthless and can get you killed so you are better off spamming commands and shotlocks the entire game. The dodge move is overpowered and can be spammed infinitely and you cannot be hit unless youre playing terra because fuck him. The entire combat design is a fucking mess.

it's one of those things, sadly
it's one of those things, that's a great question

I don't quite understand. I unironically liked BBS...

BBS was pretty grounded honestly. It was mostly standalone anyway, there was no reason for any of the characters to comeback. Your right the DDD was the nail in the coffin.

>introduced time travel
>7 lights 13 darkness destiny bs
>lol characters revive if nobody+heartless killed
>Dreams within dreams

I’m glad that arc is over at least.

>I'm glad that arc is over
Son, let me tell you about worldlines.

I'm happy for you, user.

thank you fren
DDD was trash imo though. Made the story bullshit complicated, combat felt meh and a downgrade from BBS and fuck swapping characters. And fuck dream eaters. They're cute but they don't make a good mechanic

They should never had developed any handheld kingdom hearts games. They're all garbage compared to the console ones.

The english voices of Aqua and Terra

I honestly loved kingdom hearts 2


That it's Kingdom Hearts so it's bad by default.

Which is really sad because I actually do like the story of Roxas, but everything else sucks ass.

Keep the thread alive, I'll get started.

KH3 felt like DDD part 2 in terms of story. I think the cliffhanger DDD left us on really threw a wrench into KH3's story. That is why I was hopeful for KH3 to setup a new arc that was completely new. It looks like they will make the Foretellers bad guys though. Really want some OC characters that are completely new. Need a new villain and characters.

I can agree with Aqua but Terra VA got so much better right before the end sadly

He nailed it in 0.2 and 3.
Also Terra did literally nothing wrong.

The protagonists make Sora look smart.

its a Kingdom Hearts game and terra being a retarded but i liked this more

Having to play though it 3 times instead of just having Terra be the MC

Terra is kinda the MC of BBS. The whole story is about him. The characters are all about him.

But Nomura can't write for shit so he made him retarded, like for fuck sake Terra become a 10/10 character the second he lost his body and do anything but beat the shit out of people he thinks are Xehanort while making angry metal noises.

>Dude lets make the combat retarded just like lingering will's
>All the characters proceed to be invincible half the time they are fighting

>Trying to explain lore that didnt need to be explained
This. This sums up the entirety of Kingdom Hearts. Nomura kept trying to answer questions NO ONE was asking. Time and time again. Had he not tried to answer "where did the keyblades come from?" we would've had Kingdom Hearts 3 in 2008 at the latest and it would've still had great gameplay and the story would've been stellar and come to a satisfying end.

It’s great better than kh3

Not a hard bar to surpass user.
but kh3 is still better than 3d and re:com

It doesn't help that DDD had the "big" worlds everyone originally expected KH3 to have.

>Tron legacy
>Notre dame
>Three musketeers
>A proper "world that never was"

Outside Toy Story the worlds in KH3 feel like a disappointment. How in the hell did the spinoff get the better worlds than the mainline games? Who fucking thought Fantasia and Tron Legacy didn't deserve slots in KH3?

And when I say spinoff I mean "non-numbered" title on a portable sysytem. I know the story is important in each game.

Command deck being a basic boring separate cooldown system for each command while allowing you to equip several of the same command so you essentially have cost-free access to any of them and can dump them on anything.
Those commands, partly due to trying to reconcile them with or squash them into the above, being horribly balanced in so many ways, from being overpowered (Magnet, Time Splicer) to superfluous (paired down to their actual functionality in combat there are really 3 or so status effects, Fire and Blizzard are near identical, etc.) to downright useless (lol health magnet or whatever). The pains of fitting such a wide spectrum of abilities of varying strengths into such a rigid system means even more wild balance issues like how iframes and super armour were distributed, making Salvation suicide while Aerial Slam or the Surges are just special somehow.
Keyblade attacks are boring, have little variety or utility, and the attacks that are meant to be utility have a habit of whiffing badly when used for that (the antiair). Most actions, but combo finishers in particular have excessive recovery periods and moments where you should be able to act but can't, or can only do some things for no reason, including get hit. The special finishers get forced on you, interrupt whatever you're doing or lock you out of attacks, and leave you just as vulnerable after despite having iframes. Essentially the game feels like it wants to make sure you get hit by something.
Command Styles look flashy, yet are again functionally superfluous. Regardless of character, you've got AoE, not AoE, and (actually just) Rhythm Mixer. Yet for all their flash the combos themselves are just as basic as the default while leaving you even more vulnerable, and due to how they're implemented and balanced (especially with the Command Finish Paradox) they fall into an awkward spot of pretending to offer both playstyle options and a power boost without feeling like either for very long.

I bought the all-in-one pack, and I'm currently on Re:Chain, is Birth by sleep better or worse, cause this shit is just terrible...

bbs is better than re:com memeplay wise

but honestly re:com still have the best story in KH
Namine best girl

It's better in that it's a more proper game with actual worlds. But it's less compelling from a story perspective.

I liked

>best story in KH
Until you realize you can skip it entirely and not be missing any pertinent information. The only things that are important:
>castle oblivion exists
>sora kills som org13
>namine exists
That's it. Any character development is shot by a nice convenient memory wipe.

this is because Nomura is a fucking hack.

I fucking LOVED Sora in com so much.
but nope gottta destroy his character into that dull shit character of KH2 Sora and the other games after

Better because you don't have to deal with the card combat in it, but I'm never touching either of them again, BBS was tedious and clunky as fuck in my opinion

I hate the KH games that makes you play through the same stages with like two or three different characters, with said characters having their own levels and items.

Riku remembers and now gets to bang namine.

nothing? i remember it being pretty fun honestly

I enjoyed it too but I can't pretend I didn't wanna punch everyone in the game at least once. The controls are really shit. You can tell they really only meant for you to play as Aqua because she controls the smoothest of the three.

I'll tell you one thing that didn't go wrong with it though

Attached: AquaThighs.png (481x408, 372K)

Tell me more.

The one thing that made playing BBS a bit more tolerable for me

Attached: mirco-cabbia-sciamano240-aqua-finale-1-3.jpg (1340x754, 243K)

Also reminder that Aqua's design was originally going to expose more of her back.

Attached: Aqua-_Alpha_Model_2_KHBBS.png (364x866, 203K)