Links awakening should have looked like this

It would be like that sonic 2 hd fan remake
Leagues above ‘cute’ plastic bullshit

Attached: 8AF5B34E-696E-444A-A93C-EF47324009E5.jpg (1106x630, 117K)

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That's just Dragon Ball Z

But thats a 2D game you nignog, show me one 2.5D game with that "comic style"

Isn't that a 3D model?

An Akira Toriyama art style would be even worse, fuck off

Nintendo only makes soulless products now.


Something like dont starve?

I much prefer this. Imagine how thick and blonde her bush is.

Attached: F5C474BD-2089-4CCC-96E8-BE4E02EE2369.jpg (1000x1356, 533K)

Didnt think of that... whelp, you got me

Krillin's ancestors looked like THAT?

>Akira Toriyama's artstyle

Attached: 89298.png (500x534, 135K)

Better than toon link
Better than half in half out cell shaded link
Better than emo link
Better that chinese plastic mcdonalds toy link
A comic book manga style zelda game would be an interesting concept and better looking than whatever soulless cookie-cutter remake is currently lined up

no it wouldn't, akira toriyama is amongst the worst of the worst in japan and the fact that you insist it would be better goes to show that all toriyamafags deserve the wall

No, it's regular Dragon Ball. Z got a lot more angular.

Just make it look the same as the manga, then no one has any right to complain.

Attached: manga.jpg (450x706, 40K)

This. It should be in fuckable bunny Disney CGI style. Would literally break my 8 incher off inside Judy's tight ass.


Attached: Links-awakening-remake-main.png (1894x1080, 1.51M)

That looks really fucking bad
Like the art of a mid-2000s teenage girl who just bought a "How to Draw Manga" book


Why is Nintendo so cheap and soulless?

Attached: links-awakening-top-625x352.png (625x352, 249K)

Just started LA DX and gotta say the game holds perfectly well even to todays standards.

Same argument retards had when Windwaker first came out
Give it 10 years, people will be praising the LA remake for its soul

The faces do look subpar, but everything else is great once you let that go.

That picture was drawn by Max Gilardi, aka HotDiggedyDemon.

Attached: minecraft.jpg (932x1200, 78K)

Looks great

Looks great, does an okay job of translating the sprites to 3D. In a way the strange clay art style makes the game feel very surreal and dreamlike, which I'm sure was the intention.

Overall I prefer sprite work and think the original looks better but I enjoy all the different art styles in the series.

Attached: The Legend of Zelda - Adventure of Link.jpg (2176x1224, 1.98M)

His dinosaurs are pretty neat

Attached: d7f0fdbd624840998fa15c21c6baf76b.jpg (1071x1500, 230K)

>Looks great, does an okay job of translating the sprites to 3D.
you have very low standards

>Actually getting angry at a video game made for children.
Not a good look sweetie.

The game does take place in a dream.
Maybe next game will looking something like that. Probably not though.

Make her a redhead then we'll talk.

>better than things I don't like
ftfy. That's what this entire argument comes down to.

I think it looks fine. And yeah, I played the original on release unlike Yea Forums who wasn't even born and just wants to shit on it and pretend the game was ever supposed to be dark.
Only issue is the horrid frame drops.

>Flat out say it did an "okay" job and prefer sprites more
>Low standards

Because I care more if the game is fun to play than it's art style.

They ruined the opening, it's probably the only thing about the game I can't forgive.

>Absolutely silent storm scene, no thunder, no ominous build-up
>Just goes right into the main theme at the beach but it's Yoshi's Island recorder flutes

Worst part is the rest of the soundtrack has been pretty good, some smart remixing of the GB soundset, but they just dropped the ball do damn hard on that intro.

>only part of game I can't forgive
How about the FUCKING TERRIBLE FRAMERATE or locked 8 way movement but no way to use the Dpad? Fuck this shit

>muh dragon ball aesthetics!
Fucking third worlders and their shit tastes.

These would probably be my only criticisms. Make the movement and world less gridlike the way ALBW did. Artstyle a little closer to ALBW's models would have probably looked better too.

Nice that Hero move is available from the start though.

Fuck off, Toriyama doesn't have to draw literally every franchise

Actually, someone made a 3D model of that particular drawing.

Wind Waker looks fine and unique, plastic will always look like shit.

at least post the webm

Attached: toriyama link.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

You're just proving my point.

>Those assblasted people in the replies, whining about how Hot Diggedy Demon drew it

Attached: 979424a0d08b37b258916524768e7e09.gif (400x400, 674K)

We have this thread every day.

Nah that's garbage too.