Pay for game

>pay for game
>money stolen
Is gaming just simply no longer for gamers?

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>just driving around honking his horn

who the fuck does this? they should have banned him from driving irl

>use sound as a tactic to draw in a bullet cleansing on campers

>February 2018

MULTIPLAYER games are now a safespace for streamers and faggots
just play singleplayer and don't bother with what others think



>banned for honking
clown world

Crummy car honky? They should have been loliposting instead!

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>win game
>get reported by whoever you beat
>rules for what you can/can't say are so poorly-defined they could mean literally ANYTHING
>money stolen
Every time.

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This is only going to get worse once the game industry starts getting more desperate and appealing to streamers more.

I can wait until influencer get to become digital nobles.


I am learning Japanese
I will be free


I never seen someone using the chat in rocket league, how did this happen?

What does that have to do with online multiplayer games?

That's griefing and bannable in every game regardless of who you are.
Maybe don't just be a huge fucking shitlord for 0 reason?

nice save!
nice save!
nice save!

How would
1) They know that you were doing it on purpose
2) The guy doing it know where the streamer lived
3) Know that the hocking guy even had an account
This legit doesn't make sense unless the guy being banned was bragging about harassing someone IRL, in which case the ban was perfectly fine

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>you will never demolish that cun

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This mindset and mentality that grew out of DOTA and other ASSFAGGOTS ruined online gaming. You can trace literally all of the shit ruining online gaming back to this cancerous fucking genre. Fuck DOTA, it should never have been made

Probably means in game.

>honking to cause a massive gunfight in a battle royale is griefing

>game allows you to honk your car
>using a feature is griefing
are you stupid?

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Honking in-game, you fucking dunce. It's something that's been going on since forever, people find out they're in a game with a streamer so they get in a car and when they run into the streamer they start following them around and honking endlessly, in order to annoy the fuck out of the streamer and whoever is watching them.

Why are you blaming DOTA when its the most free game that lets you bant all you want? You are talking about league if you mean actual censorship and banning.

I'm fully expecting that game publishers will start working on their own streaming services next, and try to ban their players from streaming anywhere else.

They're poorly-defined on purpose, user. They're trying to force you to buy the game twice.

Report someone for antisemitism
It works almost everytime, especially on console games

you need to go back where you came from

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>pay for games
>accept gift
>money stolen
Sasuga, Valve.

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And that's a good thing

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Are you retarded? I've been saying nigger every single dota game I've ever played and have never been banned. You can literally be as toxic as you want in dota and nothing will happen. Only feeding results in ban

>hur dur its a gift guys xD
illigal activity is still illigal, even if you try to hide it retard

>buy car
>car has a klaxon
>use a feature which comes with my car that I paid for
>get fined for illegally honking

you aren't causing a public disturbance for honking in a fucking video game you retard
you have sound settings for that shit

Did you even fucking read the full image? People like you are why I unironically think we should test for intelligence yearly and kick retards like you off cliffs for having shit reading comprehension, or at least force you to work in a salt mine.

wince and azurepilled

>killing people? That's ok
>honking? That's a ban

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>February 2018

>have to play a competitive multiplayer game where sound plays an important role without sound because someone else decided to innocently mash the honk button for recreational purposes that are totally not about annoying the other people who just so happened to be in the vicinity

>multiplayer cashgrab games
enjoy playing same shit over and over again you fucking drones

>free for all game
>getting mad at another player because he's annoying

To be fair, it depends how annoying someone is. If you get banned by simply honking a few times even if you also honk elsewhere and not just near the streamer, then it's unjustified bullshit.
If someone just deliberately follows a streamer around honking all the time just because he wants to ruin the stream, the ban is more than justified. I mean, they are basically trolling instead of playing the game.

>play free game that doesn't ban you for saying mean things
>see someone with twitch link in their name
>yell nigger in voice chat
>check his twitch
>he and his chat and is going all sad about how mean gamers are :(((
>no money stolen

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Streamers help whales to be completely immersed in the game all the time, and they are the public of the game, not you fag

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>Honking is oppressing streamerkin

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That’s not even the worst of it, streamers get better odds at lootbox shit too.

>be annoying
>getting mad at other players not wanting to play with you

This truly is a clown world.

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>b-buy i paid MONEY! that allows me to be the biggest asshole i want!

spot the amerifats

>I paid money for thing.
>I guess this means I can't be an asshole, anymore. :(

I'm glad my autism and my shit connection don't allow me to play multiplayer shit. You guys really have it bad.

Dota worked fine. You could say whatever you wanted and barley anything happened, unless you abandoned games. LoL pushed all this toxic shit down everyones throat up to the point that others ,like Dota, took it over and kept on increasing on what it means. And don't forget that the guy who coined the term "toxic" in vidya context was later fired for harassment allegation against him.

but it's literally that, streamers can ban you because they generate more money than you

>Be streamer
>Other players in game are having fun near you or are better at the game than you

The arrogance of this attitude and trend is fucking pathetic and disgusting. Odds are astronomically high that these other people don't even know who you are and have never heard of you, let alone are watching your stream to try and find you in the game. Completely retarded that devs keep bowing to these trash.

>game gives tools
>get punished for using them
Lick that boot harder.

Sounds about right, assholes should steal stuff.

As above, so below.

Never enter steam keys found on Yea Forums. Never.


>muslim terrorists hunt you in the woods
>have to survive and hide
>they taunt you with vuvuzelas and shouts so you come out
>omg you guys are so annoying >:(((((((((

Damn he REALLY struck a nerve huh? I hope he didn't make you cry user.

>someone tries to kill you in game

>someone playfully honks
omg reported

I assumed people had already moved on from PUBG. What's the appeal?


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You should stick to food analogies.

>Is gaming just simply no longer for gamers?

yeah thats basically what happened, no joke. between the sjw infestation and whatnot, no one seems to care about they who pay the bills anymore.

i dont even really buy new games anymore, my backlog will probably last me until i really shouldnt be playing videogames anymore anyway and im getting into the retro side with stuff i never played lately more anyway.

they did move on, it's a 2018 article
how can you say that after you come up with

>Play game
>Be a huge dick to a streamer, think I'm being funny
>Get banned and not allowed to be an ass
That's awful, OP. I'm so sorry you're not allowed to behave like a retard and embarrass someone on their stream.

I shouldn't have to worry if your faggot ass is streaming or not. any sane person would just disconnect if they were really being targeted so hard

If it wasn't intended to be used in game it wouldn't have been programmed in.


yeah, who does op fucking think he is? you can't touch streamers, they're the GODS of the gaming community

>referring to yourself in the third person

I hate faggots that honk in residential areas for now reason. He should be banned from fucking existing.

>Honk your horn a few times to get a player’s attention
>Player just so happens to be a streamer
>You get permabanned from the game, not even a warning
>No appeals, and they would favor the streamer because of E-celeb money
This shit should honestly just be illegal.

unironically based.

Stream snipers are scum of the earth.

>Tranny is so upset that other trannies that work in the community moderation field are being called out for being so fucking shitty at their jobs that someone who doesn’t even mention race or the left assumes the poster is a right wing red neck

>wtf bros, Nintendo banned me for taunt parties, they can't do that!!

I want you to think carefully of the analogy you posted. Do you really believe equating your actions to those of literal terrorists helps your point?

What part of the ToS are they breaking by honking a car horn, that is part of the game they paid for? It's a benign feature of the game they purchased. You have no good argument

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Streamers are the scum of the Earth and deserve to be stream sniped*

>one player claims

Yeah, I'm guessing he did a bit more than just honking a car horn.

is shooting at a streamer too much also considered harassment?

toasting in an epic bread

>feb 21 2018

Unlike you I am not a newfaggot and I was here back when this happened. It was a bunch of players following streamers around in PUBG honking (the horn was very loud, so it made the streamers angry)

What's wrong with that?

>you're a newfag if you don't know about twitch streamer PUBG drama

The absolute state of this board.

they are your enemies, they want to kill you, they want to get your attention and get you annoyed so you come out and they kill you
it might be annoying but that's just how things are sometimes

yes only true oldfags such as yourself repost year old news to get mad about it

op is a massive fag

user this might come as a surprise but I don't think any video game out there is trying to perfectly replicate the experience of being hunted down by terrorists.

Oh boo fucking hoo somebody got tilted in a online multiplayer video game. Stop the fucking press and shut everything down now!
*honks car horn*
What a fucking stupid piece of shit. Fuck that asshole streamer.

BASED mainly because of calling it loli instead of “cunny” like the newfags do.

Youre fucking retarded. LoL literally is where the word "toxic" first began being used in the definition as it is today.

when did i ever say that? i'm just saying that's a tactic they use to annoy players and lure them out, it's not that hard to understand
the devs implemented a car horn so people are using it, if they were so concerned about players being annoyed by this they wouldn't put it in or remove it
they're using a feature as intended

How's it honkin streamfriend?

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Oh man, I thought it was talking about real life, like finding them in real life and honking so loud they couldn't focus

For whatever reason, despite boasting of how they don't care anymore and how they're totally indifferent, /pol/tards still get riled up over nothing.
/pol/ is fascinating because its userbase at this stage has become totally unable not to take things at face value. They no longer understand sarcasm, facetiousness, or irory. Try replying to a /pol/tard sarcastically, pretending to be the most stereotypical SJW you can be, and they WILL take the bait and they WILL think you're the real deal. It's stunning. What happened!

>make other people get titled
haha not my fault deal with it i paid for this game so you all have to put up with me honk honk
>get tilted because you got booted out

i mean kinda yes
if you weren't around for something going on with what at the time was the world's most popular game, yes you're a newfag

This wouldn't be the first nor the last time in history that people use a feature in a way that's unintended by the developers.

I love that Yea Forums has become so contrarian that you see unironic posts defending streamers and spouting Riot Games approved libtard buzzwords like toxic

This board is a wasteland, just fucking ban everyone and delete the board already

>Be streaming on twitch.
>Dead By Daylight.
>Killin' folks while joking with my 4 chat regulars
>Doing great but one guy always seems to be gone the second I turn his direction.
>Always avoids me.
>Game ends with two sacrifices, two escaped.
>Random: "Haha stream sniped faggot gg you mad bro?"
>Me to my stream: "Eh, its a risk I take streaming, good luck have fun dude."
>Guy follows me and throws 100 bits my way.
>mfw he's now a sub and a regular because I was cool about it.

Seriously, When someone streams it's a fucking job hazard. I'm the one broadcasting my fucking game to the world, so It's my problem if someone uses that information to try ruining it for me. If I really cared I'd throw a 30s to 1 min delay on that shit.

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if honking being loud is such a huge problem why wouldn't they just quiet down the honking sound instead of banning people?

>late 90s to 2013
>Bans are reserve for hacker or done by a minority of mega faggot admins
>You would only be banned from a server out of hundreds of servers
>2013 and beyond
>Making a streamer or gamer gurls (sometimes female but mostly male) mildly upset will get you permabanned from the game
>No warnings at all
>People actually defend this
>On Yea Forums of all places

Nah, Valve just banned people with very low behaviour score last week and the easiest way to get low behaviour score is if you talk a lot and get reported every game.

Why would Yea Forums defend your right to play shitty online games? The only mp games worth playing died a decade ago, if you're playing shitty faggot games with shitty faggot players, you've got what's coming to you.

and yet it hasn't been removed

This is because actual SJWs are more cancerous then anything parody could come up with.

How do they know the car was his??? i mean i drive around a house honking my car and inside was some guy doing a stream and then they ban me of a game i'm not even playing?

There are people doing it right now

It's a battle royale, the point of the game is to kill everyone. Honking your horn is kind of being less of an asshole than just killing him.
Of course, then he would've been banned for supposedly stream sniping.

That's why I like games like Rising Storm 2. The CoC technically says no "racism" or bullying, but every server is typically filled with people shittalking each other, calling each other riceniggers/zipperheads, and using vietnamese accents so thick that no one can understand each other aside from "GI GO HOME," all while still playing the game perfectly fine. Meanwhile you can get in trouble in Rocket League just for using quick chat to mock a failure of a goalie. Games filled with casual players that want a babyproofed community experience absent of "toxicity" is killing online interactions

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honk honk

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>every server is typically filled with people shittalking each other, calling each other riceniggers/zipperheads, and using vietnamese accents so thick that no one can understand each other aside from "GI GO HOME,"
you're not really selling it user