Cyberpunk 2077

>how long can you look at this pic without starting to laugh?

my record is 12 seconds

Attached: cp-2077-gameplay-vegetation-2_6041959.jpg (1440x810, 157K)

Other urls found in this thread:

0 seconds

Attached: 1528745829726.jpg (1166x868, 625K)


if it doesn't work try this one
just think

>"this is cyberpunk 2077"

then try out how long it takes until you burst out laughing

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077-Screenshots-5--pc-games.jpg (3840x2160, 656K)

If they made the game the way you wanted it to be it would never run on a console and an rtx2080ti would probably not be enough.

Cool MR2

how do you think cities will look like in 2077 in countries flooded be immigrants?

whats the issue here

looks like skyrim with cars


I've looked at it since 10:41:10 and I haven't laughed yet. Am I the champion so far?

Attached: 1569071655522.jpg (1024x576, 65K)

This game will be a huge success and Yea Forums will only be able to seethe at it yet again.

how about this one?

Attached: D-Zz6E3WkAI0uwN.jpg (2320x3088, 913K)

buy my game, bigot

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I tried that and I thought, "Yes, indeed that is cyberpunk." What now?

didn't laugh

~10 seconds

4.5 seconds

0 seconds

0 seconds

I don't understand why these would be funny. Decent looking screenshots, the game looks fun.



Attached: NwpCPm1.png (1920x1080, 2.09M)

Cyberpun--------------HAHAHAHHAHAHA, BMWF Tranny simulator kino.

I see a guy with socks and sandals, so im disgusted but what else do u want OP

Lol reminds me of Wolfenstein trying to make the alt history of a NAzi victory over America, and what that society would look like. And it ended up being really nice looking and better than how America turned out in real life. But the swastikas were suppose to make it "look bad."
Now 2077 looks like a dystopia and it is full of niggers.
At least the SJW devs in many cases are unintentionally getting things right.

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I cringed, but didn't laugh.

this post made me laugh instantly

true dat

A massive amount of time as there is nothing inherently humorous about a screenshot from a game?

true dat

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>grab the gun
>gamers think you can disarm someone that easily

You wanna laugh? Post her shoes


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I'm going to RP as a big black guy and slap corpo bitches with my big ole dick lol

kek, it looks like Saints fucking Row.

BASED, gonna play as a white tranny myself and fuck every black boyfriend interest from the POV perspective. Literally the only reason why I wanna play this game.

now that's cyberpunk

GTA V unironically looks better and it's a game from 2013.

Very based.

>countries flooded with immigrants
You mean like the US since it was founded? I don't know, bruh, I think you bought into a narrative that doesn't really work, for the sake of fitting in and spreading your disdain for people online. My guess is it hasn't really help with those feelings of abandonment you experienced to begin with.

>white tranny
>fuck every black boyfriend

Rockstar is simply better at making games.

Attached: 1568944744232.jpg (480x336, 25K)

This reminds me about this continued campaign to radicalize fat, lonely sacks of misery by making them blame all their problems on brown people, by means of making them feel like a part of something. And it's usually people who are so brain dead that they indeed deserve to die alone and forgotten, for example people who watch game of thrones and feel intellectually stimulated by it.

They have their own inhouse version of UE4 and probably have 3 times as much staff.

>art director

Attached: 1564198898166.jpg (524x484, 35K)

Witcher 3 looked better than cyberpunk and it's a game from 2015, and made by CDPR
They simply lost their way

Sounds like Rockstar they knows what they are doing.

It is no surprise that they can't make a more grandiose game than GTA V if they have 3 times less people.

European immigrants, not... you know...

Attached: iq_by_country.png (1100x648, 165K)

>Sounds like Rockstar they knows what they are doing.

Yeah milking ever penny.

I don't know, I find it suspicious how these threads always show low res shots of daytime scenes. Or how they always have the same posts in them.
It's just weird, wouldn't you say?

What would you have them do differently?

New Burnout Paradise?

I don't know, man, you said immigrants. It seems the propaganda machine has worked marvels on you, considering how much of a real impact those immigrants cause, and it being mostly positive, at least in the US.

Well CDPR is chickening out on showing more of the game, it's not like there's much more footage to show.
And again witcher 3 looked better during the day. And i think that showing a city during day is not as performance intensive as showing lots of trees and plants swinging in the breeze like the Witcher 3 had.
Cyberpunk looking like it does makes no sense, they have no excuse to make it look so.... Soulless.

Which is what CDPR are going for with multiplayer.I fucking hate this industry so much.

yeah they fucked up
company gets too big, law forces them to hire more women and other undesirables, games become shit, company gets bought out by even worse company, everything goes to shit


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>I'm a retard who unironically thinks "cyberpunk" means neon Tokyo lights everywhere at night

I love it when Yea Forums can't stop seething over a game that will become GOTY.

Lol, real positive. America is a fucking joke because of non whites.

>italians at a higher iq than the rest of europe
You know, this reminds me of a joke:
Heaven is a place where the policemen are british, the cooks are french, the mechanics are german, the lovers are italian, and everything is organized by the swiss
Hell is where the cooks are british, the mechanics are french, the policemen are germans, the lovers are swiss, and everything is organized by the italians

Attached: 1493439106251.gif (207x207, 1.37M)

Pfff. Please tell me the tattoo is a shop.

The US literally had a Europe only immigration policy until 1965. And even that was specific since we often banned Italian jews and the Irish.

>british policemen

Allowing thousands of kids to be raped by muslims...

Italians and all southern people from the Levant are smarter than western Europeans. We're just retired. We figured life out and are enjoying ourselves.

Attached: 928818AC-8FC2-4949-82C9-0D2E554A24CA.png (200x194, 21K)

Europeans built America. The Irish and Italians are probably the most influential too.

Yet you always choose the same footage from a while ago, and it's always low res, and it's always daytime. Just a thought.

Yea they were no doubt the Mexicans of there times. Still are, always waving there home country flag instead of the US. At least they assimilated. As opposed to nigs, and Asians and worst of all, beaners.

>The US literally had a Europe only immigration policy until 1965.
A policy that was never even remotely enforced, or held in practice. You're being fed bullshit and asking for seconds almost every waking moment of your life.

"THEIR" you stupid shit. If you're going to try to post your goddamn trailer trash diatribes, at least learn the fucking language, you fucking sack of smegma. Do the world a favour and neck yourself.

>What would you have them do differently?

They need to make a new game already. But something tells me the new GTA VI will come out with the next gen consoles.

>Grand Theft Auto III 2001
>Grand Theft Auto Vice City 2002
>Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 2004
>Grand Theft Auto IV 2008
>Grand Theft Auto V 2013

It's been six years and it probably will be another two years before the make another GTA game.

>North Korea higher than most of the world
looks legit

>le 3rd world cope

Calling it now, its just gonna be a blade runner themed GTA, and play more like saints row, but will want you to take it seriously. Its gonna release to medicore reviews and then the low score is gonna be blamed on muh biggots and trolls.

>art director
if his sense of aesthetics regarding his own presentation is anything to go by, this suddenly explains a lot

Are mexicans worse than niggers? The Irish and Italians seem like two groups of wild people that brought life to America and really enriched the culture. No other race or ethnic group has done that.

Can't you fucking read? It's always the samme screenshots BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING NEW TO SHOW.
and I'm not even the one posting screenshots, just giving my opinion. As it is now, the game looks like trash.

Enjoy the gta clone lmao

I've already laughed my share, so it's not as effective, but yes, the first time the realization hit it was pretty fucking hilarious.


>Calling it now, its just gonna be a blade runner themed GTA

The cars fly in Blade Runner.


They're excellent at policing their own though.

I don't get the joke?

I don't think cyberpunk = permanent nightclub. Is the world supposed to be some sort of pitch-black Dyson sphere thing?

Cyberpunk is directly lifted from the 80s, not your faggy late 90's-00's edgy sci fi shit. That means heavy metal, not synthwave, bright colors not this retarded neo-noir emo shit, and a lot of fucking sunlight.

Some sort of fucking Jared Leto wet dream what are you a homo

The joke is that it looks like a crappy GTA clone. Reminder this game has been in production since 2013 and this is the results.

yeah that's a pretty big bummer

sad they left out so much of the source material, i'm not really found of this "jack-of-all-trades" shit

It sure looks like it's from 2013

the joke is that people who didnt exist during the 80s or 90s have no idea what cyberpunk is and just think its neon pink with synthwave (which wasnt invented untill the late 2000s).
its sorta like re-writting history to fit their newfag narative, go watch any cyberpunk anime or western cyberpunk movie and it will show you what cyberpunk is supposed to look like, turns out the only cyberpunk thing with purple neon glow is that one scene in the new blade runner movie with the AI GF

NO thats not the joke you fuck tard,

But they made red dead redemption 2. I would also prefer another GTA, but they haven't been doing nothing.

quite underage, men are speaking.
go back to your wojak threads

if you took away the hud and told me this was a gta game you would have me fooled


Anyone here want a cyberpunk version of Burnout Paradise?

Attached: Cyber-Girl 01.jpg (1080x1350, 182K)

They even got Keanu Reeves to shill their game.

>thinking the future dystopia is going to be a neon hive instead of thousands of miles of boiling hot asphalt strip malls
just miles of nothing but parking lots

seriously, the one work touted as an example of cyberpunk is Snowcrash and this book details the world exactly like this

miles and miles of intersecting parking lots spaced between privately owned competing highway/road companies

I dont get it?
What am I missing?

Its fake, the original is a broken hart with the text:
>"never again".

You're supposed to hate the game because it's the contrarian thing to do.

Malls are already dying the the current year, and we don't even have robot waifus yet. It's 100% gonna be a hive, except without neon.

>a game that was supposed to revolutionize the way we look at games
>has worse graphics and physics than GTAIV an 11 year old game
Also just to pour salt in my wound
>bullet sponge bosses


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Watch Dogs Legion is more Cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077.

Around 23 seconds

most of the dev team is comprised of rejects that made mass effect andromeda

god fucking damn it why does this always happen
eh, at least they sent a refund after just 2 days

The best/worst part is that this is closer to the cyberpunk aesthetic than the actual game.

R* is simply better at making environments with no gameplay

>Mullatos didn't exist till current year

Attached: images.jpg (201x250, 6K)

And I wouldnt because they havent even shown off the district with the congested buildings, ya know, that cyberpunk feel that faggots are arguing for the game not having.

If they show it and it doesnt have that cyberpunk feel, then yes I would be pissed, but I dont think I would shit up boards about it.

>when something Super Mario Bros related is more cyberpunk than the thing named Cyberpunk

Attached: supermario05-1.png (1000x581, 995K)


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This is GTAV.
Why can I see natural plants?
Why can I see a semi-clear BLUE sky?
Why does it look like a quiet part of some shitty desert adjacent sandbox city? I can taste the "90% of buildings are painted boxes" from here

What's funny? Is it the bad graphics in motion or the fact that it doesn't look futuristic enough?

>it's the low-effort bait portion of the thread

alright imma finna head out

are you zoomers really that young?
can no one else understand the ref?

I'm sure this will end up being a good game but damn that's disappointing to look at.

name one game that did well after development hell

The original Prey, kinda.

Literally looks like San Andreas.

this made me laugh, look at the black guy being like "das rite whiteboi", then realizing that he was deisgned like that by a bunch of polaks who now cater to trannies and sjws instead of their main audience

Give ME Bug wife!

Attached: Small Bug.jpg (308x499, 26K)

>snow crash
>diamond age

the best cyberpunk was made in the 90s, kys and dilate

Nice toy car lmao.

>Yea Forums is still triggered by sunlight

>They even got Keanu Reeves to shill their game.
last ditch effort to appeal to reddit/normies

as soon as they announced him i knew the game was dead because if the game actually was good they wouldn't have focused on celebrities

Is that why we speak Italian and Gaelic?

A lot worse than that, probably.

I thought cyberpunk was supposed to be dystopian?

based wife poster

Laugh away whiteboi that's all you can do, we be takin yo' nerd games aswell.

Not long, it's visually much, much less impressive than RDR2 on even consoles. Which will be 1 year and half old by the time this drops

Attached: reddeadredemption2_20tpd95.png (1920x1080, 3.43M)

Who are you quoting?

2 seconds

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bad take enjoy the trash bin

Since your worldview hinges on the concept of programming (brainwashing), are you cognizant of your own programming and its complete lack of insight and formal logic?

Attached: 1569068025447-pol.png (500x369, 78K)

Non-whites are not "immigrants", they are parasites, pests and vermin hell-bent on recreating their hives and hovels in an otherwise ideal Minecraft server.

>Anyone here want a cyberpunk version of Burnout Paradise?
Shit dude, I'd just like another Burnout, period.

Ah yes, the census data surely aggrees with your assertions. I bet there was barely even a white majority then!

That mountain background is pretty rough. Will this game look worse on release? I hope not. Still cautiously optimistic though considering Witcher 3.

Oh god, it's look like PS3 game

Ok lets be serious. Cyberpunk doesnt have to be always night, ok i get that... but... Why the fuck havent they shown yet the city at night time? what the fuck?

What went wrong Yea Forums?
Cyberpunk was supposed to be the game of the gen, now is just tranny simulator

Attached: 1516843595614.png (1102x967, 501K)

These threads are pissed off trannys complaining about tranny problems.
Everyone knows the game will look fine, and CDPR will deliver.
You can tell by the fact that there are so many people in these threads that love/are niggers.

its going to be shilled from all sides critic give it 10/10 but some people will say it was shit that guy get branded as a troll because critic say how awesome it is just like the new asscreed

everyone that works on it RIGHT NOW was the same people working on ME andromeda

the game literally panders to trannies you poor deluded drone

whats wrong with it

Nice try zog. Everyone knows they hate this because it "sexualizes" them.
If you're mad they exist in the game you're delusional. It's a future dystopia where degeneracy runs rampant. Of course there are going to be trannys.

and that's a good thing


I pretty much lost hope for the game, but please tell me you are trolling

According to some other thread most of the old staff from the "Personal Responsibility" era teaser left and others filled in and started making their changes. Anybody who were excited to see work on the game because of something like Witcher are going to be disappointing as their long gone, it's all "CD Projeckt Red" in name only now.

of course, LGBT and trannies are totally cyberpunk

Attached: 1567591338839.jpg (1157x1078, 314K)

>Will this game look worse on release?
Most definitely yes. The game already got downgraded between the 2018 gameplay video and the deep dive video.

*Sips drink*

>it doesn't have to be at night
>it doesn't have to be in a large city
>it doesn't need to be 3rd person
>it doesn't need to have the different classes
>it doesn't need the player to be able to use flying cars
>It doesn't need accessible interiors for buildings
>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
>It doesn't need to have good customisation options
>it doesn't need to have real dialogue choices
>it doesn't need you to be able to join different factions
>it doesn't need to have killable NPCs
>it doesn't need to have Trauma Team as a gameplay element the player can use
>it doesn't need to have destructible environments
>it doesn't need to have good graphics
>it doesn't matter that CD Projekt Red is staffed by Americans now
>it doesn't need mod support
>it doesn't need to have good box art
>It doesnt need to not blow all its budget on b list actors
>it doesnt need to be an RPG
>it doesn't need you to be able to purchase new apartments
>it doesn't need you to be able to choose different childhood heroes
>it doesn't need you to be able to customise your cars or apartment
>it doesn't need Cyberpsychosis to be part of the game
>it doesn't matter that it's cinematic garbage
>it doesn't need to not be downgraded
>it doesn't need to not be GTA 2077
>it doesn't need to be single-player only
>it doesn't matter that NPCs don't refer to you as "he/she" anymore
>it doesn't need dynamic weather systems
>it doesn't need to have a branching story
>it doesn't need to have massive crowds of people
>it doesn't need to have substance


Attached: SipsCdpdronetears.jpg (326x412, 24K)

your late


Well now that you say it like that.

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no, it's 100% real. someone post that other picture of this bald tranny dyke in full neo-nazi combat boots and suspenders gear.

at this point I don't even intend pirating this game anymore, let alone buy.

You might as well drop that down two more notches because there's no way in hell it has Weather or Branching Stories with what we've seen.

you sound like a first sememster college kid

Is roadposting the new sunposting?

O hate it when lazy shitty pasta memes are right


Attached: road.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

played GTA IV the other day, and visually looks much better.
whats up with that?

>>It doesn't need to be free of liberal bullshit
Sorry, user, but the avantguard of cyberpunk was always full of liberal bullshit. Look up Gibson's interviews, or hell, look up his twitter and view for yourself his daily 30 tweets of Trump derangement syndrome. The genre was always leftie as fuck and was full of leftie degeneracy, you mongoloid ignoramus.

Attached: (you).jpg (274x318, 22K)

Is that a mod for GTAIV?

this is your brain on common core

An author being lefty doesn't mean the work is, the fact that you can only cite his interviews and personal twitter speaks volumes.

put your tinfoil hat on, kid

Cope harder, retard.
He was always a leftie and admitted that second wave feminism was an inspiration for him when creating neuromancer.

Want more proof that his views are as leftie as he is? Read the Red Star, Winter orbit.

it totally fucking looks like one of those overblown ENB screenshots you see for gta 4 doesnt it? fucking hell.

Attached: 1564246161263.jpg (720x525, 213K)

*his books as leftie as he is

Attached: COPE.png (405x205, 128K)

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And all because it's daytime. Really makes you think how clinically insane sunfags are, huh.

This just looks like a modern day Tokyo!

Attached: 1558467637537.jpg (714x503, 35K)

no man, thats the actual art director

>crackdown 3 is more cyberpunk than cyberpunk 2077

Attached: 1569095187082.jpg (1399x787, 81K)

Sure let me just read that and get back to you. How about telling us what's so leftist about it you dumb faggot? No argument.

you know i'm not of the opinion that cyberpunk has to be at night and have neon everywhere, but what did cdpr replace those tropes with? everything they show looks so bland and boring, those gta 5 comparsion aren't coming from nowhere

it looks for a lack of a better word, SOULLESS

Lol u fags will buy this game anyway. Even though you enjoy the shitposting, you desperately want to be a part of something bigger, a part of the biggest release this year, and you know it's a fucking goty. I'll see you in the Night City, bros

Attached: 1560917215771.png (1000x1000, 177K)

If tranny bouncers at nightclubs in early 80's literature isn't leftism I don't know what is

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Wait, are you telling me that the real point of these threads is to bring light to the fact that modern life is now indistinguishable from cyberpunk dystopia, and the only way people would be able to realize it's supposed to be a cyberpunk world is if it was night time and neon pink everywhere, because if those are no there, then what remains is basically GTA, or in other worlds modern life? But you buried this under many layers of irony by spamming these shit threads?


Mexicans are alright if they learn the language and assimilate a bit, support themselves, and don't have six kids each. They do bring a culture in that is enjoyable like their food and music.

metal gear solid is more cyberpunk than this shit and it was made by a 80s/90s obsessed westaboo who wanted to make a contemporary scifi game

now all of a sudden the us being red IsNt a GOoD ThInG

you do know the 80s in the US was full of trannies?

kys tranny
i'm saying this unironically

sounds like something that happened in one specific story and not across the entire genre

about 3 to 4 seconds

Attached: cyberpunk2077.png (1716x996, 1.39M)

More akin to this.

Attached: Cyberpunk as fuck.jpg (1618x1080, 441K)

Why did I move here? I guess it was the trannies

Attached: 1566693538140.jpg (3840x2160, 320K)

What happened bros?

Attached: qLcui8MaTJhRwoSq7GMAKW-1200-80.jpg (1200x675, 148K)

>the aliasing on the wires
>the polygons on the mountains
>the overlaid text on the left serving as quest markers (no planning or consideration for the UI)
>the clouds
>the weather
>the palm trees
>the fucking 80s camaro on the left
>the shitty fences and streets of LA
>the out of place angular car in the center

what if I just cried and didn't laugh?

Are people actually this retarded? Electronic music boomed in the 80s. Synthwave is emulation it.

retards happened

Give ME cyberpsychosis wife!

My record for not laughing at your retardation is -4 seconds

>ITT OP forces his doctrine on what makes a good game or not
I'll play it and decide for myself if I like it or not, you genetic glitch.

>Wait, are you telling me that the real point of these threads is to bring light to the fact that modern life is now indistinguishable from cyberpunk dystopia
well, i mean, arguably we have "mega-corps" in real life, who listen to everything you do (alexa, siri, google, etc), there is civil unrest and protesting across the globe but especially in America (atleast around the time trump was elected). The internet is a huge part of the modern world's culture (like 'the grid' or 'the matrix' in most cyberpunk lore). People can be sniffed out from maybe 2 or 3 pictures and be doxed...

And hell, anecdotally, over here in ireland, we have shit infrastructure, shit roads, shit internet service, but there are electric cars, and there are electric car chargers over by the aldi. thats cyberpunk as fuck.

Attached: 1564342209058.jpg (941x575, 47K)

>it's daylight

What the fuck were they thinking

Attached: 5467865223.jpg (449x346, 35K)

synthwave =/ 80s electronic music
synthwave is an entirely different genre that was made in the 2000s that sounds nothing like electronic music from the 80s, with the exception being sci-fi movies like terminator and robocop because hack artists literally steal sections of songs from those movies to use in their shitty memewave

An expected low quality reply from someone with no comeback or argument.

Man, I can't wait for this game to come out. I feel sorry for these autists who tricked themselves out of playing a potentially great game. I'm sure you'll have fun still shitposting here while I play it.

That song is from 1983. Sounds very similar to todays synthwave.

>mfw it will be the biggest disappointment of the year
>mfw it will take long time for CDPR drones to acknowledge that

Attached: bill2.jpg (1008x514, 80K)

Have you considered suicide? I highly recommend it OP. Kill yourself. Find a really tall building and jump off. Do it.

It probably won't meet the sky high expectations, but it will probably STILL be GOTY. Can't wait for you contrarian faggots to seethe for years afterwards.


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Trannies, transvestites, stronk womyn, admission of being inspired by feminist science fiction. He said that after meeting Joanna Russ and Ursula Le Guin at some con in Seattle he was inspired by their criticism of sci-fi, after which he decided on thing that will be absent in his writing of Neuromancer, such as, maybe a bit paraphrased:
>1. I will not write a future where United States are free to do anything
>2. I will not write a fututre where the only interesting characters are white
>3. I will not write a future permeated by sexism

As in regards to the Red Star, Winter Orbit, it is a story about soviet space farer Korolev, first man on the Mars, rotting on a space station with other men, in which soviets are good guys and all in all portrayed as normal people, which in itself is a provocative thing to write when the cold war was in full swing, even more provocative than all that feminist leftie bullshit for the time.

Attached: monkey slurp.jpg (747x747, 61K)


It's not about sun faggot. The problem is graphics looks worse than GTA V.

GTA 6 Night City!

Attached: Smug_lain.png (1520x855, 771K)

When did Yea Forums became a slave to the /pol/incels?

>hears something about Cyberpunk 2077
>doesn't fully understand it but still uses it to fit in

its from a john carpenter movie, you know the ones that every modern synthwave artist ripps off? movie soundtracks literally dont count when taking into consideration electronic music from the 80s, because people werent blasting the escape from new york theme they were blasting shit like this

I've noticed that every single late 80's/early 90's movie looks like that at some point.

I guess you wouldn't know since you haven't read any.

Attached: 81238123813.jpg (512x514, 34K)

>music from the 80s doesn't count as music from the 80s

I love Lain!
Will she ever get another video game?


this but fucking unironically

>When did Yea Forums became a slave to the /pol/incels?
The second ribbit invasion that brought all the r/donald rejects and killed old /pol/ combined with the lack of mods that zero in on /pol/tards sending them back to their containment board.


Attached: 1567195884321.png (760x792, 59K)

Wasn't r/the_donald created by /pol/ as a half-joke, and it ended up being huge?

You never seen either, have you?

>only pop music from the 80s counts as 80s music

Lain IS a CUTE wife anons! She IS a CUTE wife anons! (She is! She is!)

Attached: Cute Lain.jpg (720x480, 27K)

Go back to your containment board /pol/tard.

Attached: goalposts.jpg (300x240, 27K)

Are you... seething with laughter op? Good good.

a cpuple years ago i was so sure cdpr would put lain references into cyberpunk 2077 but now i think the only thing for inspiration they saw was that gay altered carbon show on cuckflix

Attached: EEk669JU4AEFqni.jpg (3837x4093, 1.53M)

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! Do YOU like CUTE Armitage wife user! (Do you! Do you!)

Attached: Cute Armitage.jpg (576x432, 42K)

try THIS

Attached: 1568144553947.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

I rarely even browse it, retard.

Attached: You have to go back and fast.png (968x681, 709K)

>tfw no hotline miami cyberpunk 2077 mod

Attached: ou6m3zhm4qn31.png (1618x1372, 1.25M)

nope r/donald is a russian psy op and anyone who claims that it is a /pol/ invention is probably a russian operative himself
>inb4 the trumptards start denying it or calling me names

>claims to be cyberpunk
>has sunny days
>has palm trees
>has non-flying cars
>has rural areas

Have these hacks ever seen/read a single cyberpunk work?

Attached: download.png (218x231, 11K)

music that no one was listening to except for specifc parts in movies dont count compared to music that was listened to on the radio or MTV, outside of the sci-fi movies no one was making electronic music that sounded anything like memewave

synthwave is supposed to represent the 80s, not the obscure music that was barely produced, if synthwave counts then i guess electronic music defines the 70s because kraftwerk or jean jacques perry did a thing
pretty sure you fags didnt exist untill this decade so have no idea what the 80s was actually like

And it's fucking awesome.

Attached: Judge Dreck.jpg (720x576, 48K)

What IS Cyberpunk user! What IS it user! (What is! What is!)

>being so obessed with a pre release so you sit and stare at a screenshot trying not to laugh
It's KYS o'clock for you retard.

>I rarely even browse it
t. a /pol/tard if i've ever seen one.
Go back. You are cancer.
>/pol/ = cancer
>trannies = cancer
>trannies = /pol/

I really want to make a cyberpunk game in japan based on lain and other anime

in fact they already showed in the last trailer that you can fail to attemp a risky interaction and that will potentially have negative effects

Imagine arguing movies and games are not representative of the time.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-21 synthwave - Google Search.png (454x197, 9K)

Cyberfavela 2077 looks pretty good

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!

Attached: Bubblegum.jpg (660x457, 239K)

> but it will probably STILL be GOTY
lmao you wish, 2020 is packed as fuck if they slip TLoU2 is there to pick up all the awards.

umm, you literally proved me right, synthwave is BASED loosely off of the 80s and only started in the 2000s, and yes movies and games are not representative of the times when much bigger shit was going down like nuclear war, the soviet invasion of afghanistan, major shift in US demographics with a huge spike in crimerate created by the CIA

What is cyberpunk? Tranny don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.

>/pol/ = cancer
>trannies = cancer
>trannies = /pol/

Makes sense

Attached: 1441304801111.png (453x378, 8K)


based bubblegrum crisis poster

that hit me

Attached: 23456234567.png (360x346, 142K)

Yeah, I just gotta get that style down then think of some bullshit story to get things going along

Cyberpunk 2077 is what finally made me realize how thankful I should be about being American and having the privilege to live in this glorious nation. The fact that the development of a midsize city circa 1977 looks like a futuristic metropolis to compared to the slavic shithole these developers are from was honestly eyeopening.

Attached: source.gif (500x310, 997K)

Every time Yea Forums goes this hard round the clock to bash an upcoming game it turns out to be really quite good. I can't think of a single game where this wasn't the case.

why are they driving cars from the 90s in 2077

compare this scene

to this and tell me which looks more interesting. btw this is how daytime is supposed to look like in a cyberpunk world, everything is foggy and it feels dystopian. the only thing dystopian in that cybertranny game is that spic sitting next to you going "MIERDA JAINA I GOT NEWS AS BIG AS MY BALLS JAJAJAJA PENDEJO"

Just imagine some funky "Neo Tokyo" game.

Attached: Urashiman.jpg (640x475, 128K)

Yeah man. Nobody thinks about the movies when thinking about the 80s.

Your damage control is hilarious.

Attached: MV5BYTViNzMxZjEtZGEwNy00MDNiLWIzNGQtZDY2MjQ1OWViZjFmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzkwMjQ5NzM@._V1_.jpg (1066x1600, 320K)

Thank YOU anons! You ARE both GOOD anons! Priss DOES give me GREAT soreness anons! (She does! She does!)

Attached: Cute Priss.jpg (500x380, 29K)

The same reason why people drive cars from the 80s still. It's a sign of being poor. In Cyberpunk 2077 Amerishartland is even more of a shithole than it already is.

Attached: DyqSKoaX4AATc2G.jpg (800x450, 50K)

they dont, however children born this decade do

Driving cars from the 80s in 2077 is like driving cars from the 20s today

So many incels complaining about the game holy shit... Why do you guys get so mad over ONE vidya appealing and pandering to minorities and LGBT. Try to enjoy it and stop being so political all the time.

>there are people on this site who actually blame mexicans for Americans losing their jobs instead of their bosses
You people are completely fucking braindead and you've been successfully indoctrinated by the wealthy elite.

>>autists are still raging about this game.
This game is going to be released, I am going to play it and have fun. Cry some moar, you faggots.


Maybe if we had a regressive WW3 like they have in the world of Cyberpunk 2077. WW2 here pushed technology forward. According to the lore WW3 wasn't the case.

Is this Macau?

Also a side effect of nuclear war is that electronics fry up even if they are not hit directly by the blast so it stands to reason that older cars are in great numbers why most of the 2020 flying robo cars got fried in the war.

lain happens during sunlight =/= cyberpunk

>law forces them to hire more women
not law
PR management and investors


>it's another "retards whine about a company that lied to them before lied to them once again" episode
How the fuck anyone had any trust in CDPR following the witcher 3 downgrade and blatant lying about it is beyond me. They lied to you before yet you still trusted them 100% on a game that to that point had only a cgi trailer and a few articles making promises but showing jackshit?

Attached: 1568902537773.gif (200x170, 2.9M)


this, stop complaining retards, just consume product and get excited for next product

Why exactly do you think this is due to some marxist brainwashing? I have the exact same experience with Trump cultists, they like still believe he's honest and capable person

Attached: 1568931417930.png (527x195, 128K)

>muh sun
>muh 'all u care about is sun'


Attached: SlavPunk.jpg (1280x854, 256K)

Night city. Home

Attached: Slum-in-Delhi-India[1].jpg (900x600, 174K)

this is just normal california.

Jesus Christ no keep that 80s shit in the 1980s.

Not at all what I said you fucking tard, you're the one who blindly bought into the hype based off nothing solid like a good little consumer waiting for their next product.

In Commiefornia, big companies MUST have women as members of the board.

people shitting on a game doesn't mean they bought into the hype, imagine being this retarded

>B-b-b-but i-it's b-better now!!1!
>My based eceleb said so!!11

To be fair RDR is empty nature.

The reason why CP77 looks like shit is because you literally CANNOT render a real city like neoTokyo with crowds. Which is why they should never have gone with open world.

Attached: maxresdefault(35).jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Give ME 80s wife!

Attached: Cute Nausicaa.jpg (1050x591, 92K)

>you literally CANNOT render a real city like neoTokyo with crowds
you forgot to add "on consoles"

7 seconds.


Why would you care about a shitty game and genre like cyberpunk 2020 to begin with? Who wants to play something with trannies and furries?

Give me back my wife you cockfag.

Attached: 1553461270905.jpg (400x263, 58K)

Do you go out? Have you ever saw an urban area? The industrial area of your city? The place with all the warehouses and factories? Shit is bland looking, concrete, no vegetation, plain, looking buildings, white,grey.
Also, imagine shows a car in high speed with the surroundings all blurred out

Do NOT worry user it IS okay user! Each user DOES get their OWN wife OF wifes user SO my wife is NOT your wife AND your wife is NOT my wife user SO we CAN share wifes user BUT we do NOT share OUR wifes user! (Do not! Do not!)

Attached: Peace Moomin.jpg (225x225, 7K)

>cyberpunk 2077 should look like real life 2019

His point is that it doesn't look like LA does in bladerunner, which it never would have looked like anyway being on current gen consoles, or consoles in general.

>you literally CANNOT render a real city like neoTokyo with crowds

Yes you can. You think Rockstar would have trouble adding tall buildings everywhere and changing the lightning a bit to make GTA V seem "cybepunk" ? CDPR are just not capable of doing it because of lack of talent / engine limitations

Neck yourself retard

You totally can... if you're willing to sacrifice geometry and texture details for that.


shut up lol

I want it to be open world though.

Is Ni No Kuni any good?

Where did this whole "Yea Forums thinks it's shit so that means they don't think it will sell well" strawman even came from?

Yes, Cyberpunk 2077 is objectively shit but normies WILL eat that shit up and smile, just look at Bethesda ffs. Just because game is shit doesn't mean that normies won't just eat it up, after all shit is their main diet. The normies will eat the shit, taste the shit and be happy since they like the taste of shit. That's the way it has always been and will forever be.

Do you think that fifa is good because it always sells shitton of copies every year?

Cyberpunk is a GTA clone and it will always be remembered as such and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

Attached: hes-so-deep_o_1073227.jpg (500x319, 46K)

Sweatie pretty sure this is actually based

blade runner? you mean neons everywhere and dark rainy sky? So you want the game to be set in constant night time?
When people mention blade runner art, they refer to the night lit by colorful neon street signs and foggy street, shit hat only works in the night.
Of course you lose that aesthetic the moment daylight comes.

You know what ghost in the shell is? You watched/read the movies/ book?
See a different take on cyberpunk style.
It is true. People bashing cyberpunk for having a daylight are retarded. It isn't blade runner looking cause it isn't in constant night time?

It DOES have CUTE mommy wifes user!

Attached: Alicia.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

>devs have openly changed and removed features from the game as the game gets closer to release

I imagine you having fun with this game would be something akin to watching a young boy with an extra chromosome enjoying himself in a pile of his own shit

>To be fair RDR is empty nature.
why are pcfags even on this board anymore?

If poor people can see the sunlight, it's not cyberpunk.It's AT MOST a dystopic near future.

GITS looks cyberpunk in the day because it's based on Hong Kong. 2077 just looks like modern California.

You can you fucking retard. The thing is, when you complain about not being "cyberpunk" enough, you are demanding for a game set in constant night time with all the neons and shit illuminating the street.

You think a city like that looks the same during the day time? God you people are dumb.

>completely ignored that I said "his" point
Based illiterate retard.

My point is, people complaining about cyberpunk 2077 are bashing it cause it isn't blade runner enough, and by that they mean isn't set in the night with the city illuminated by neon street lights. Of course a cyberpunk city is going to lose that visual aesthetic the moment daylight fucking comes. You never saw that in bladerunner cause all scenes set in the city only show the cities during night time

I liked the second one

Attached: DY405cuUQAAAi6c-1600x900.jpg (1600x900, 145K)

lose some weight you fucking fatty
stop eating them mcdonalds

It isn't that it doesn't look blade runnery, it's that the sprawling megacity looks like a midsize city in a flyover state.

.If you read any cyberpunk you would know that polution has a major role in the aesthetic.

Looks fine to me. Am I supposed to be seeing something?

Attached: 1492059695007.gif (245x160, 983K)

Nice bullshot, we can do that too.

Now post some screenshots from the game.

Attached: Cyberpunk-2077--Atrist-Joel-Smirnov.jpg (3840x2160, 987K)

Give ME one leg wife!

Attached: Cute Bracken.jpg (500x340, 53K)

The environment should always enhance the themes of the setting. Sunny and 80° detracts from the dystopian nature of the setting.

From what we've seen it could easily be the outskirts of any city in 2019.

Attached: blade-runner-20492.jpg (1000x750, 88K)

huh, did CDPR move to California?

That's not what people complained about when they revealed the game for the first time.

I guess for the cyberpunk experts. blade runner is the only source material. Judge Dredd? Ghost in the Shell? Fuck that. Cyberpunk means night time 24/7

It could easily be improved by adding smog and grime. Wouldn't even require any major changes.

>judge dredd

Attached: garbage wife.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

Attached: cyberdwarf.jpg (667x855, 642K)


Attached: 1564174066005.gif (248x248, 55K)


Damn, thanks cyberpunk expert.
Till now i saw ghost in the shell ova as visually pleasing, that did cyberpunk amazingly well despite a different take compared to blade runner.
But now i too think it suck ass because unless it is a city in constant night time and cities that look like something taken from madmax, than it isn't true cyberpunk

You whine so much about graphics. But why does nobody point out gameplay being a shitty Fallout clone?

Alternatively the buildings could be made more imposing and have everyone packed in tighter. That would take more work though.

Looks at this retard.

cyberpunk for soibois ITT is just current metropolitan areas + augments + blue hair

Attached: by god.jpg (278x181, 9K)

Forgot o post pic related

Attached: Gits_image_gallery_13.jpg (960x519, 379K)

> i have one, bitch

not very sunny there

>still shitposting on Yea Forums
How'd that work out for you?

based danyposter

I'm so glad that in the Cyberpunk universe, megacorps did the right thing and didn't pollute the fuck out of the planet. We can still see the blue sky not an impenatrable fog of greed and life threatening pollution.

What's that? Slums in a cyberpunk inspired world that looks like contemporary urban areas? No neons? where are he neons ghost in the shell? why is there daylight? Why isn't all the movie set during the night? God ghost in the shell sucks. There is sunlight! How can you have a cyberpunk world where daylight is a thing?!

Attached: MV5BOWRkYThkOTAtM2Q2MC00YmZlLWEwYjctMDk3YzNjZWIzYzljXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc3OTE4Nzk@._V1_.jpg (1080x567, 113K)

is that in 3D or 2D with weird lighting?

Kinda, it's complicated but in effect outsourced cyberpunk2077 there for some reason. Apparently former bioware employees that were let go and some failed studios got together and were handed the development of cyberpunk.

Literally retarded.

now THIS is cyberpunk

Attached: 1413861625328.png (1028x675, 599K)

just because it's a dystopia doesn't mean that they cant be ecologically friendly.

Again, overcast and Hong Kong. Good luck making sunny modern California look remotely cyberpunk.

Nobody expects good combat after Witcher.

got you senpai

Attached: AA.jpg (818x448, 52K)

It's 3D

What propaganda machine exactly?

>every picture posted by retards of "real" cyberpunk is just bladerunner and night time
Based retards getting worked by cdpr and the goty of 2020

Director of game design at CDPR is the prominent figure of Polish LGBT Community. A lot of employees are his homobuddies.

Attached: cdpr_gay_pride.jpg (1475x802, 176K)

It's funny you are still arguing against a point that wasn't made.

cyberspunk 2077 confirmed flaccid

Fucking Pokemon movie is more cyberpunk than Cyberpunk2077.

Attached: Cyberponk.jpg (913x1353, 770K)

actual fucking retard

seething tranny

Hong Kong right now is more cyberpunk

Attached: EDU6hk8UYAgUdAa.jpg (900x1200, 239K)

>shills deflecting with muh sun because they can't actually argue against the criticism
That is how you know it looks like shit. Not even the shills can defend it.

California looks more cyberpunk than Cyberpunk.

Attached: sunset-to-night-transition-zoom-out-of-city-of-los-angeles-downtown-skyline-with-palm-trees-silhouet (1920x1080, 1.95M)

I thought CDPR was conservative poles

she looks like a californian art student

At this point everything, including Real Life, is more cyberpunk than Cyberpunk2077.

So,the author ideology is leftist but his writing never reflects that.... Fucking dumbfuck kill yourself

It's because their shitty country doesn't have real cities so a building with 75 stories seems like a distant future concept to their eurotrash feeble brains

That happens all the time you fucking retard.

They literally look like any present day shitty big city, like any place in California or New York.

Not anymore.

Attached: 1551056956281.png (1128x180, 57K)

Yeah that's why the founding fathers only let married white men of good character 35 years or older vote. Because the US was always intended to be full of brown people.

Is it only Yea Forums that started hating CDPR and Cyberpunk2077 all of sudden or are other internet communities also not happy with the direction the game took?

This post aged life fine wine.

Turned out surprisingly true for a larp.

what do you think?

>brought to you by 4channel, a division of reddit

Attached: 1229912833565.jpg (723x559, 62K)

So whatever, haven't kept up with the news.

Someone just tell me if I can play a cute cat girl working for monolithic corporations and breaking kneecaps of people who owe us money.

Attached: 1540774298020.jpg (1447x2046, 3.22M)

rpgcodex has people shitting on it too. There is probably a lot of overlap with Yea Forums though.

>this is a "future" where trannies still exist
Let this be a lesson.

this might be the reason

No, you can play as a tranny though


god you are so retarded. you are literally blowing the fuck out of yourself. compare this daylight pic to the one in op retard. notice anything different? they are both at day time why does the one look atmospheric and good and the other like shit?

god i fucking hate you you fucking cdpr drone tranny. fuck you seriously

I don't see any possible reality where CP77 is good

People who hate on this never read Snow Crash

No friend user, you can play as female mercenary known as V, climbing up in the underworld of infamous Night City, who, after unfortunate series of events where her friend Jackie dies, ends up with a chip containing digital consciousness of Johnny Silverhand(Keanu Reeves) permanently inserted into her head and has to make uneasy alliance with long dead rockstar.
You can also play as male mercenary known as V, climbing up in the underworld of infamous Night City, who, after unfortunate series of events where his friend Jackie dies, ends up with a chip containing digital consciousness of Johnny Silverhand(Keanu Reeves) permanently inserted into her head and has to make uneasy alliance with long dead rockstar.
Wake up Samurai!
Gender choice doesen't affect how the game plays out.


hate it because it's not an rpg anymore
>Yea Forums
hates it for catering to trannies
hates it for not catering to trannies enough and because the guy who handles the cdpr twitter said someting "transphobic" that one time

i think the only audience still hyped for the game is reddit because of keanu memes

Synthwave is shallow faux nostalgia for some kind of 1980's that never existed. It's clean and sterile, lacking any edge. It's the new dubstep of electronic music, the flavor of the month. It's for people who read every page on the Hotline Miami wikia but not a single page of Neuromancer. I wish it would fuck right out of Cyberpunk, together with all the /outrun/ idiots who think that anything pink and cyan neon or rainy streets in chinatown equal cyberpunk.

Lot of devs left after witcher 3 since it's a shit company to work for and Warsaw is the California of slavland.

Redpill me on this

Wircher 3 sucks so much

It's a shit looking game regardless of aesthetic, the only difference would be that cuckrunnerfags would be shilling for it. I've unironically seen people say just as much.

>anything pink and cyan neon or rainy streets in chinatown equal cyberpunk
But it's cool aesthetic, way better than what they're doing in Cyberpunk2077.

Attached: 1535614270556.jpg (1600x900, 1.18M)

yeah fuck that shit just give us GTAV clone with trannies

theres not much to say, all those fags that worked on andromeda got fired, so they look for work, CDPR hires like a hundred or two of them to work full time on CP2077 so its no suprise that the game will be extremely shit, but normalfags will still eat it up

>dev makes 3 shit ""RPG"" games
>"T-They'll surely make the game of the generation now!"
Based retarded wojakposter.

2077 looks bad for being tranny sjw shit, not because it isn't full of gay colours like purple and pink.

It's a perfeclty fine aesthetic, it's just not the end all be all cyberpunk aesthetic. It's obviously all subjective, but I prefer the gritty, earthy and dirty look for cyberpunk settings. I loved Blade Runner and GITS, I always imagined the Sprawl from Neuromancer to look pretty brown/grayish.

Those were simpler times.

Attached: gaegr.jpg (492x508, 51K)

> gay colours
you 14yo or what?

This but 2077 still looks like shit.
Fuck off queer.

is that gta v on low settings?

>colors bad
>because gays
>im so insecure that i fear looking at pink will turn me into homo
lmao you're so fucking retarded

Go back to your tranny worshipping discord shithole.

go back to being incel cuck bbc worshipper

have sex

what it could've been

Attached: 1547604293751.png (442x796, 350K)

You know it's gonna sell like hot cakes. Zoomers will buy anything

Wow, bleak, empty, and disappointing, just like the real cyberpunk present which we inhabit.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 29K)

and it's gonna sweep all the awards because lefty pandering


Attached: 55-1569082233-676444081.jpg (2560x1440, 1.41M)

LGBT people: *exist*


Just like Mass Effect Andromeda did, right?

>ctr+f "tran"
36 hits

you guys are insane

I don't care, based Neo told me i'm breath taking

>How the fuck anyone had any trust in CDPR following the witcher 3 downgrade
Not their fault the console hardware was disappointing. They didn't expect "next gen" to be shitty bulldozer APUs.

It's more like we as a society said "OK, maybe they are people and need rights and respect." Then you proceeded to keep pushing everyone to cut their dick off and give estrogen to 5 year old boys and wouldn't shut the fuck up.


You are blind

I mean, does that really surprise you?

Attached: true gamers.png (738x669, 184K)

that was too much of a disaster, I don't think 2077 will be on that scale of failure but it might since it has Andromeda devs working on it


Glad this job went to a FIERCE QUEEN and not some stupid old boring WHITE MAN! I can't wait to see what creative things she will show the world now that she finally got the chance.

Attached: 1538246208290.jpg (1432x600, 103K)

Right? Such a BRAVE decision and POWERFUL statement!

Italy is an organized chaos
French cuisine actually sucks, they're only good at philosophy
Yeah I want those british cops to arrest me for having an illegal kitchen knife
The swiss and germans are interchangeable

She even got CANCER from working on this game so hard in overtime but BASED CDPR cured her cancer so she can crunch more.

Attached: cdpr_KasiaRedesiuk.jpg (1157x1650, 1.32M)

>cdpr 3 years ago
make "did you assume my gender?" joke on twitter, shit on game "journalists"
>cdpr since 2018
give the art direction job to a fat dyke, focus only on blacks in the game, doesn't show V being straight only in homo situations

wtf happened to this company?

it needs a word filter very badly. if moot were here he'd fix it

It got taken over by LGBTQ lobby.


Attached: Dw8Znl7W0AAEc1F.jpg (1347x1796, 713K)

Do I need to play them in order, or are the stories not related.

gtavi looks nice.

Oh no, an art director that’s working on a cyberpunk game has a punk haircut AND is a woman? They’ve gone too far now, fuck cdpr.

Is this some sort of special kind of autism?
>Look at not funny picture

bigot how dare you not endorse mental illness

Attached: 1553630226644.jpg (928x1024, 123K)

It's a fat tranny.

Nigger, that is just an ugly, fat woman. You newfags need to learn when to sound the fucking harpoons instead of being newfag trash scum.

Attached: BREAK YOUR BACKS.jpg (1241x1028, 102K)

they realized their eurojank dev team wasn't financially prepared for something so visionary so they had to settle with bootleg GTA with +50% more neonlights

I remember a couple of years ago people here were arguing with me when I pointed out their HR looked like a bunch of typical 'woke' types.
They were wrong.

Nothing, we still havent seen that district that the video was showing.

>something so visionary
>literally generic science fiction flying cars

Attached: kek satania2.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

Implying a hispanic or nog section of a city would have buildings reaching this tall, I mean shit, africans in SA used the elevator shafts of buildings they stole from whitey as the place they through their shit in.

white knight cuck

They are vaguely related, like there's references to the first but everything is explained in a way so you aren't missing anything by not playing the first.

the entire game could be improve if they silent hill'd it and add fog/smog, that way it will look cyberpunk and driving will become interesting because you won't be able to see shit beyond 5 feet

perfect setting for ambushes and emergent gameplay

Ok pablo.

>africans in SA used the elevator shafts of buildings
>actually believing that made up shit

Attached: smugcat.png (394x351, 182K)

Those are like four stories high at the most...

The setting isn't that dirty any more.

Attached: cyberpunk weather.jpg (598x347, 132K)

so far of all the things ive learned about the game the thing that bothers me the most is still that random road battle from that old gameplay footage they released.
Random battles are just stupid in general. I could see random thugs if you are in an alley or something but to just have random road battles generated out of nowhere, that breaks all the immersion.

name one AAA title that looks like that

Frankly, I'm more worried about the fact that the game lacks job classes and that you can't join any faction

they're bethesdizing this shi

>that breaks all immersion
I need you to explain your reasoning why.

Took 4 seconds. It's even funnier when you consider Astral Chain is set in 2078

it might look generic but it would be the first

to this day there's no flying-cars-rpg-sandbox experience

Attached: drooling retard.png (534x588, 267K)

jesus the trannies are assmad and biting at everything. can't wait for the no u's

>minorities are all special, they arent dumb savages.

Attached: 1559851431807.webm (1280x720, 2.27M)


German police is some of the best when they aren't withholding crime statistics tb h

Nigger, go dilate somewhere else instead of my video game board. Your next post is "no u".

Attached: gross (3).png (307x229, 49K)

Why is this board so obsessed with trannies, you faggots talk about it more than /lgbt/


trannies are canon in the source material for cyberpunk

ignorant amerimutts don't know that

It is reverse engineering by discord trannies. Astroturfing by them to make themselves accepted through hatred

>come out with completely new mental illness defying biology
>plant yourself in the middle of all civilization
>40% of you die
can't speak for anyone else, but it's fucking hilarious

Attached: stein.jpg (512x476, 39K)


If trannies can rewrite reality to make themselves not disgusting freaks worthy of euthanasia then I don't see why we can't do something more simple like rewrite Cyberpunk to not have any trannies.

are trannies that smart?

i doubt it, what kind of idiot chops off his own penis?

>are they that smart
Did you forget the whole gamer shit that they just spammed?

because it's cyberpunk moron, transhumanism in all its forms is an essential part of it

if moron buy cybernetic implants to make themselves smarter it's only natural that virgins will change their gender to make themselves fuckable

>trannies are essential to cyberpunk
Blade Runner did pretty well without them

Yeah but we can rewrite that gay ass shit into a more realistic format where trannies are bullied into not being faggots how it would actually be. The only thing keeping people in line right now is threats to their livelihood but in Cyberpunk I think cops would have bigger fish to fry than that homo shit.

>Some faggot in a trench coat

Attached: laughingtakagi53.gif (526x609, 379K)

omg tell me this is fake

>gta with faggy cars

Wow, that's totally a webm that proves that you aren't a dumbass for believing a rumor started based on a post on a Slavic blog site about South Africa

It is edited. There are no mountains in the fucking trailer.

i'm done with this

>game becomes popular
>Yea Forums hates it sudden and keeps spamming threads on how "ITS FINISHED"



>it's not cyberpunk without trannies

banging a hologram is even more pathetic than banging a tranny

Baudrillard is rolling in his grave

why are you so unhappy with yourself

So Yea Forumsirgins were the trannies all along. Sasuga...

Whites don't even create any content. This game's setting is literally made by a black dude. CD Project Red is using technology like 3d modeling and game engine software that's developed by non whites. Just look at open source or the software industry as a whole and its non whites. Look at where industry artists post shit and its literally nothing but 80% Asians and the remaining is Arabs And Blacks And Latinos. The fucking 2d artist for Witcher ThroneBreaker is an Arab dude who has a profile on there. Look at all the white papers in circulation today. Asian names Asian names Asian names some Iranian scientists here and there. Most of the youtube and twitch entertainers that have massive popularity aren't even white. You're probably reading this on a Samsung phone or a PC using a motherboard designed and built in Taiwan. You probably jerk off chink cartoons every night.

Fuck off white boi you don't own shit. YOU are the guest now.

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they literally named the game after an entire genre. imagine a game called 'jrpg' or a band called 'rock'. it's astoundingly retarded.

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Nice double digit IQ.

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That's true, but there will certainly be a contemporary SJW tone and themes to it.
I'd say there's a pretty good chance they'll have shit like a mission to kill some cis scum who insulted a tranny or a drawn out lecture by an essential character.

Nice edit you autistic tranny.


>not catering to trannies enough
is it even possible to cater to trannies 'enough'???

Because popularity equals mass appeal, which inherently means appealing to the lowest common denominator. As soon as I saw Keanu Reeves I realised the kind of audience they're aiming for and dropped all expectations and hope for the game. It's looking less interesting with each new release of information, with absolutely nothing left of the general ambience shown in the first teaser. Right now it just looks like a GTA game, especially with the kind of character V is.
Not that Yea Forums isn't full of childish and autistic contrarians

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You don't have more than 80 iq, commie. You literally know nothing.

Man this game already looks awesome thanks to the colorful setting and characters. If it was all white it would boring as shit. Can you imagine if that Bahamian gangster in the trailer was some honkey dorey white dude going gee willikers will you retrieve a spider bot for me?

>this retarded thing was done before so it's not retarded
there's a reason it's not done. can your genius intellect guess why that is?

>With sex
>extreme violence
>A major criticism of companies like Apple and Google
What about this has mass appeal?

>there's a reason it's not done
What is not done, kiddo?

>action RPG with limited roleplay possibilities
>surface criticism of hypercapitalism
What about this ISN'T mass appeal?

holy fuck you're mad people don't like a video game


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Imagine being a 80 iq marxist that thinks he's clever because he believes in all the politically correct nonsense. Your gender studies teacher is wrong: You're not clever. You're a rabid, leftist nutjob that thinks he's moderate moderate. The reality-divorced marxist bullshit that you've swallowed would destroy any society in a decade if it were implemented. The races aren't the same, open borders are terrible, antifa aren't heroes, censorship isn't great, socialism is just wealth transfer between the races. And on it goes. You're pathetic and worthless, and the world would be better without you. Please kill yourself.

scuse me nigger i cant understand your english dilect

>Limited roleplay possibilities
Name a game with unlimited roleplay possibilities. I can wait.
Yes, RPG, with multiple dialogue choices, stats, etc :^)

Mexicans are literally turning the country into the third world, you fucking nutjob.

not all poles are conservative. how did you ever get the idea that CDPR were at all conservative? I couldn't imagine playing Witcher 2 or 3 and thinking it was made by conservatives.

>this projection
Did I just touch a nerve?

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I bet you consider skyrim an RPG

>Name a game with unlimited roleplay possibilities. I can wait.
Make it severely-limited then, doesn't change my point in the least. All of it's absolutely designed for mass appeal.

Mario is my favorite RPG, what's yours?

>you're indoctrinated
>spouts obvious lies and bullshit
The irony of this. Until 65, America was a white ethnostate. 95% white.

I can't wait for this game to finally define the genre beyond "it is the future, and there is crime, and there are neon colors and rain with synthwave"
then every single piece of cyberpunk media will draw inspiration from it, and you stupid fuckers will point to the first one to come out after as "true cyberpunk" while CP2077 was just a pale imitation, despite being first

Super Mario RPG is a fucking fantastic RPG my nigger.
>Doesn't change my point in the least
>All of it's designed for mass appeal
Cyberpunk is a niche genre, so clearly that's not the case.

Why do commie retards like this guy think they have 40 extra iq points? They spout the most ridiculous bullshit, and they're smug about it.


>if you're not a commie like me, you're a cultist
Poe's law. Are there people on this planet that are more silly than commies?

Damn son, you are fuming aren't you?

Attached: smug_lets_go_pikachu.jpg (200x233, 23K)

>Cyberpunk is a niche genre
No it's not.

unironically dropped


>A policy that was never even remotely enforced
Are you kidding?
The supreme court literally ruled that Indians weren't white and stripped them of their citizenship in like the 20's.

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>Deus Ex is niche

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>smog and gloomy atmosphere
This looks far more like cyberpunk than the sunny, happy gta clone that's being worked on.

because cities still exist. If security forces are all private corporate affairs now it still means they are being totalitarian enough to crack down on basic public unrest. This is of course in their interest as what prevents revolt under these social conditions are people being able to expect secure lives. Humans will endure suffering if its stable, its only when the anxieties of uncertainty are introduced that you see revolts.

Therefore in order to maintain a social structure of large groups of people living in close proximity and relative poverty under the watch of corporations who provide all security, those forces will need to keep very strict control over that city. If random anarchy occurs it will lead to a mass uprising.
Road battles in broad daylight are on such form of complete insecurity.

i miss when it wasn't just buzzwords back and forth, but i guess that's marketing these days.

>Deus Ex
>Implying it's not niche as fuck
Look up sales numbers of Deus Ex if you have your doubts.
>Take science fiction
>Make it punk with punk rock, mohawks, and anarchy
Niggy you honestly think this isn't niche?

GitS is so damn beautiful. Just look at this.

>because cities exist
I stopped reading right here. I feel my IQ dropping significantly from your posts. I don't know if you're just pretending to be retarded or are actually retarded. For your sake, I hope it's the former.

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HR and MD sold millions and yes they are cyberpunk

>Deus Ex
>not cyberpunk
I guess nothing is really cyberpunk, that shit straight up doesn't exist.

Smog isn't at all required for it though. It's not like the corps want to breathe in that shit any more than the people in the slums. Surface appeal is not contradictory with cyberpunk either, rather it's extremely common. Just look at the stereotypical neon aesthetics, hiding the garbage underneath a veneer of high-tech progress.

>Niggy you honestly think this isn't niche?
Blade Runner is niche? Robocop is niche? The Running Man is niche? GITS is niche? Deus EX is niche?

This. I can't believe that a game can be good if it's made with a high-ranking female dev that looks like that.

2077 milliseconds

this but unironically