Remember this based son of a game?

remember this based son of a game?

Attached: 91k8ePK+UzL._SL1500_.jpg (1054x1500, 476K)

it was good

Attached: testELEX Screenshot 2017.11.06 - (1920x1080, 833K)

Yes, I want the sequel.

great game

it was shit. Story was retard, fight was clunky, inventory and ui was autistic. Overal i give this videogamer 4/10. Devs also never fixed retard bugs.

You ain't thinking of getting rid of the jank, are you, Moe?

How does it compare to Gothic?

It's the same game

It's closer to Risen 3 and 1 than Gothic.


it was great
just the right amount of jank imo, cant wait for the sequel

Thanks for remembering me that this game exists. Didn't want to pay more than 20 Euro for it when it released and completely forgot it exists. 16 Euro at Amazon seems reasonable.

I payed 20 eur for it and got 100hrs out of it
Definitely worth it

I remember you faggots constantly shilling it despite it being shitty and jank

the main story was meh, but I got a solid 70 hours out of it.

really liked that being an asshole in dialogues actually has consequences.

also I got a weird bug in the domed City. After the riot the Outlaws where still alive after losing

Attached: Abessa_bug.png (1366x768, 2.2M)

How is it compared to gothic 2?


This game was called shit all the time... are contrarians now claimining its good

It was always a mixed opinion faggot

Was that box art designed to mimic halo or something?

Not quite on the same level, but definitely going in the right direction.

It was ok. But PB just can't get back to their prime when they made G 1/2 and Risen 1.

Elex is the best game they ever made.
Better than risen, gothic, everything...

one of the best rpgs in recent memory

It got a lot of shilling on Yea Forums at release but most people agree that it's genuinely an unpolished turd

It was cool. Now gib sequel.

Still can't decide whether it was a good bad game or a bad good game.

it's not unbearably janky, but I play rpg's more for the world than the gameplay. without exploits, the outcome of combat is usually decided by your stats anyway.