60 dollars for a Gameboy remake that looks like something your mother plays on her phone

>60 dollars for a Gameboy remake that looks like something your mother plays on her phone

How do Nintendo fanboys put up with this?

Attached: Legend-of-Zelda-Link-s-Awakening-1177746.jpg (590x350, 48K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Watched a 3 hours playthrough on Youtube yesterday. Kinda cute but to think some people unironically pay more than 30 bucks for this, let alone 30...absolutely insane.

I'm fine with how it looks and having a remake of a great game is always nice. But yeah the price is bs, they should have asked for 25~30 dollars

it's only $50


tfw shitty remakes will always sell well enough to nostalgia cucks that it will forever encourage shitty remakes to continue
the ride never ends

Wait, it's that short?

seething tendie

LA is one of the shortest zelda games so being able to finish it under 3 hours isn't surprising

lol, yes
2-7 hours tops.

You basically pay 15 bucks to play for one hour.

And tendies do it.

They actually




People make it shorter for exeggeration, its probably around 6 hours if youre not a sperg who speedruns it

Meme'ing underage

Switch is the only current gen console I own, but Nintendies are still fucking idiots who enable this sort of shitty behavior. 32 GB internal storage, no ethernet port, shitty default controller.

Do you believe they can/will patch the frame drops?

A movie in the theater is 10$ too so who cares? Fuck you

6 hours if you've never played it before and you're playing the gameboy version that doesn't help you at all. The switch game holds your hand like the babby you are so you can't get lost.

Yes after a month or two when everyone already finshed it, like with BotW. And then it will still have some framedrops (that PS2 looking game).

Watched a 1 hour playthrough on Youtube yesterday. Kinda cute but to think some people unironically pay more than 30 bucks for this, let alone 30...absolutely insane.

>>its probably around 6 hours if youre not a sperg who speedruns it
>paying 10 dollars an hour for entertainment (plus tax plus tip)


Attached: 77474747.png (1128x1856, 313K)

>crash remakes
>spyro remakes
>crash team racing remake
>shadow of the colossues remake
>medievil remake
>none of these are full price

>nintendo ports and remakes
>full price and barely, if ever, drop in price

Attached: 1502187382886.gif (230x199, 1.83M)

>6 hours if you've never played it before
Nigga, everyone who was old enough to play the GB version, unlike you, played it like 25 years ago. That doesnt help at all

> game doesn't try to go for muh realism and actually has an artstyle that'll age well
snoyfags on Yea Forums:

>Eshop sale!
>Zelda LA at -5% off!!

It should give people who never played it before a good 20 hours to 100% it. Maybe half for those who did, stop exaggerating.

Im not defending the price, I wouldnt buy it for that either, but youre making this shitposting this thread every hour since yesterday, so I wanted to give it a counter weight

also: A film ticket costs the same

>Have tons of disposable income even when I worked on minimum wage because of saving
>Game looks fun
>Can afford to pray game

That simple

Whoa, SIX hours? I've paid less for brand new 60 hour games.

films also last longer and give you an experience you cannot get at home (typically)
also I literally don't post on this website if i can help it, i just take to see this sort of behavior in the industry and can't help myself

Never played Awakening but have always been interested, so i bought the £4 Gameboy Color version on my 2DS via the virtual console store.

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In preeeetty sure I've spent more than 5 hours on it already, and I've only done two dungeons. Each dungeon has a musical instrument at the end, and apparently there are 7, so 7 dungeons. I'm guessing I'm gonna get somewhere close to or more than 20 hours oUT of this game. Then again, I'm someone who never played the original or DX passed the first dungeon, so it's basically a brand new Zelda to me, and everytthing is unexplored territory for me.

I will say this though, the dungeons are way shorter than any in a Link to the Past.

As an aside, don't believe the bullshit about bad performance. The game performs fine. The people saying this are likely either paid sony shills, or just retarded.

There are noticeable dips for sure, but noticeable doesn't mean bad. Not once has it impacted gameplay for me, and the dips themselves are so miniscule they're not even worthy of mention.

You want to see bad performance? Go play Jak 1 or Jak 2 on the Vita. Jak 1 has a constant stutter than I'd visible at all times. You'd think it was a design choice, but nope, it is literally visible the entire time. Every movement, every jump etc has a visible, constant stutter.

The bitching about the style of the game has been Wind Waker all fucking over again.
It's definitely overpriced for a remake though.
I'll probably grab it for $20 max.

>faggots comparing shitty franchises to the zelda brand
fucking retards

See folks this is the right way to experience the game

>shitty franchises

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At least they don't type like faggots

Ah yes, the Nintendo tax. Pay more because Nintendo branded it.

Remakes should always cost half of what an original game does because the blueprint for the gameplay

>complain about anything

Not happy about paying 60 either, but compared to the shit games industry vomits today i'll take it. i'm having more fun with this than i had with any other garbage open world/cover shooter this gen.

>shadow of the colossues is regarded as one of the best games of all time and inspired many of the decisions of botw
>shitty franchise

Attached: release.jpg (487x231, 32K)

??? I didn't compare anything. Do you have reading deficiency fag?

>Paying $60
>Not owning a hacked switch

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The artstyle is great but the fact that it's full price is ridiculous

here's a (you) for trying

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>2-4 hours
>focuses on having a good plot/characters/story/appearance etc.
>LA remake
>4-6 hours (so around $10 an hour anyway)
>focuses on recreating the old game in a new engine with no polish (appearance)
>no meaningful additions (story/plot/characters) so you're just left with the small half assed elements from the original
Accept it.

Careful you'll set them off with that attitude

Gimme some truthbombs here, is it real that youre never allowed to turn your system off ?
Or are you just always in airplane mode ?

If $60 is too expensive, why not wait for it to go on sale?

Attached: linkle_inquisitive.webm (480x700, 3M)

>4 hours
the fuck are you watching

>2-7 hours tops.
>You basically pay 15 bucks to play for one hour.
>And tendies do it.
>They actually

Allow me to elaborate without sounding like a seething brainlet that OP is:
This game isn't worth $60, it's hardly worth half the price. But - it's very fucking well done remake.

I personally don't look at games prices anymore, since my YT channel pays for everything, without even including all the free shit that I already get (I did buy the remake).

Get it if you're a big zelda fan, otherwise consider if you're willing to afford paying so much for so little content relative to that amount.


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Ive seen you post here why too many times in the last 24 hours


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But you sound like a seething brainlet. Naturally you have a following on a equally braindead website like Youtube.

Anyone have the Japanese e-Shop on hand? Someone needs to post what NoJ is charging for this to see how bad NoA is gouging here.

My bad, I was counting on TV movies as well on accident with the commercial breaks, so still more like 2-3 hours then.

i'm looking forward to buying this used in a year

No, I'm 10 hour in and I only have 3 instruments out of 8, play the game blind and don't be an autistic faggot that reads walkthroughs everytime he's stuck for more than 5 minutes.

Now post your youtube channel.

I'll wait for it to go on sale on Yuzu. With no frame drops and a patch to remove the tilt shift.

I bet you're one of those brand specific game channels that jerks off your favourite company with 0 critical thinking. Basically a dreamcastguy

imagine typing like this and being over the age of 12

How does one be a successful enough eceleb to get like $60 a month? Also, what's a good microphone, cause mine is shit.
I just want to buy my monthly batch of manga without wasting actual money, I'd rather waste other people's money.

You can turn your system off, you will just need to reboot the mod, so stay by a pc or get an RCM injector with a jig for like $10 on amazon/ebay.

the new mods have emummc (emulated nand) meaning you can have a secondary partition play homebrew and switch games and use your sysnand (normal nand) on the first partition play online and do official stuff.

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>play the game blind
And taint your first experience playing Link's Awakening with this shitty ass remake that looks completely soulless and has poor remixes of the original music emphazising the wrong parts of the melodies?

No fucking way, you'd have to be an idiot to ruin your experience like that.

>actually getting stuck that early in
Did they change something massive in the game or are these guys just retards?

Some of us don't. As soon as I watched the reveal trailer I knew I wasn't going to buy it.

>cancel 3DS game
>make it a $60 Switch game instead

Nintendo are geniuses

I was a big fan of Link's Awakening back in the day

$60 is ridiculous. Nintendo is greedy as fuck

How long until they let you download dungeons? Only complaint I have about the game is that making my own dungeons is cool, but I’d like to go in blind and see what other people have made

By not being newfags for starters junior

What the fuck does the compass sound mean when you walk into a room in a dungeon?

Can we stop spreading the hacked switch news please? I don’t want the retard stampede like with the 3DS when freeshop came out.

>when heart , soul, AND kino were put back on the menu

It just does it right.

Attached: IMG_20190920_220440.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

3ds games are the same price dumdum

>10 hours to get 3 instruments
What the fuck are you doing? I played the original when I was 8 in Japanese which I didn't understand and still had more instruments than that after 10 hours

you wanna cry about it some more my brown skinned friend?

did you try reading the description when you pick up a compass?

>How do Nintendo fanboys put up with this?
They have no standards and calling them Söyboys is no meme.

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A hot one?

3DS games are $40.

What the fuck else could it possibly mean?

Nintendo games always so damn expensive. Never go down in price. I don't buy their consoles until they're hacked. Fuck paying fifty to sixty bucks, years later. Breath of the Wild is still fifty dollars and it's nearly three years old. Persona 5 is twenty. Red Dead came out a year ago and it's 35. Spider-man came out last year and it's twenty.

Super Mario Bros. is not 16:9

I don't. I already played the game on Gameboy, so why buy it again?

LA is like LttP, its super short if you have any idea of what you are doing. A fresh run of ALttP usually takes the average player around 6~8 hours, and about 10~12 to do a 100% complete. Once you have beaten it, and you know what the fuck to do, its more like 4~6 hours to beat at 100%

LA im guessing has the saame thing, you can beat it super fast if you have played it before. Honestly the only people who should even consider buying this game at full launch price, are people who have never played LA, and dont look up guides. Because if you do taht, then yes you will get probably 6~8 hours otta the game.

Because Ninty games are valuable. Those other games you mentioned are just... more of the same.

Aside from being evidently shit at the game, how can you say that the performance dips are bullshit? In handheld the dips are significant and you notice them just going near grass or water, somewhat better docked but you still notice it and when it comes to jumping or combat the dips really fuck it up.


can't believe this when nintendo used to actually care about being revolutionary in their game design. this isnt forward thinking or clever at all

Attached: gfgfgfgfgg.jpg (1920x1080, 99K)

>still complaining about muh sixty bucks
>not modding your switch and pirating the games

Being fucking retarded aside, why does the game run so fucking bad? It's nowhere near 60fps, but I've seen a DF video where they claimed the performance issue were fixed. Is there some kind of D1 patch I'm not able to find that fixes the shitty framerate? Also in docked the resolution is nowhere near 1080p. This is really inexcusable.

Other than that the remake itself is fine, but I'm a huge nostalgiatard for the original.

>Paying any amount for roms

This is even cuckier than paying 60 for the rehash.

Anyway, true chads played the original on Retroarch months ago and now downloaded the nsp for the remake.

Nigga I am the biggest LA apologist alive and the first three dungeons can be done in an hour

Spyro and Crash weren't even that much and both of them are 3 fucking games in one and had way more effort go into the visuals. Nintendo fans are notorious shit eaters


More like 6.0 minutes downloading lmao

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>play the game blind
I did 19 years ago zoomer

mommy didn't give you your neetbux allowance this month? did she make you cut back on the tendies too?

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At least Nintendo fans have games, Xboner.

I love this board, any time a nintendo game gets released, it's just constant seething. I havent seen this much rabid tears since Bloodborne.


The original has several problems the remake fixes.

>constant seething
>rabid tears

There's a difference between those things and legit criticism.

>this zelda game that i've already played through numerous times and effectively memorized can be completed quickly
>by me/other neckbeards like me!
Cool argument retard. Consider that most people who had a GBC contemporary with this game are now married with children or are just looking for the nostalgia hit. There is a new generation who will be experiencing this for the first time and enjoying it greatly, as you did.

Attached: letter.png (720x942, 708K)

>5 hours
>two dungeons

Nintendo didn't get the memo that bloom and blur went out of fashion 10 years ago

its just the style, not everything has to look "realistic" you brown gray and black peace of shit

Attached: Good edit.png (584x1200, 648K)

Fuck off with your censored game.


>remake of both games
>30 bucks (40 for deluxe edition)
>any nintendo remake/remaster
>either port with one-two features or a remake with no additions
>60 bucks plus tip
And don't call me a snoyboy, I own the switch and this shit is embarrassing.

Attached: medievil-jeu-ps4[1].jpg (700x700, 77K)

Nintendies arent people

Whens the artsyle gonna look like this

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i would have payed 60 if it had included the original LA too.

>deluxe edition
It's infinitely better than what Nintendo is pulling, but fuck that is fucking stupid still.

Not sure I get all the complaints. The game is absolutely beautiful, and I don't notice the vaseline smear while playing at all. Frame rate is good a majority of the time. Also who doesn't play something like LA multiple Times? It's like the Super Metroid of the Zelda series. I'll be surprised if I get less than 30 hours out of it, and that doesn't take into account any tine I play it in the future. $2 an hour is a reasonable price to me.

I wonder if they'll ever remake the oracle games and charge 60$ for each one.

Spyro and Crash remakes were much cheaper and they had 3 games. Why do people still buy Nintendo remakes in the first place?

>Frame rate is good a majority of the time. Also who doesn't play something like LA multiple Times? It's like the Super Metroid of the Zelda series.
Fuck no, it's way too small and easy for all that.

>it's way too small and easy
Sooooooo it's like Super Metroid. Short, easy, and great for speedrunning.

God I agree I just fucking hate video games.

Super Metroid's difficulty comes from how much you decide to collect. Link's Awakening has a bare minimum you're forced to collect, so the game will always be easy.
As for size, Super Metroid is pretty damn big, you just get to choose how much of it you explore.

You already got BTFO. You wasted the entire year shitposting about the game and every talks about how great it is and how gorgeous it looksm

You failed again loser. Time to move onto the next Switch exclusive for next week. XDD

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Super Metroid isn't difficult unless you gimp yourself on purpose, by skipping all the tanks that are in plain sight. It's exactly the same in LA. You can skip heart pieces and containers, which is the only way you're going to get a challenge. And no, Super is not big. An average playthrough of Super is shorter than LA. All this said, it may not be the same for you, but LA remake is a good value for me.

>can't believe this when nintendo used to actually care about being revolutionary in their game design

You mean like the last Zelda game? Yeah Nintendo are still King, don't worry.

Attached: BestGameEver.jpg (1011x1024, 143K)

>You can skip heart containers
You can't, that's one of its biggest issues.
>Super is not big. An average playthrough of Super is shorter than LA.
Bigger =/= longer

Itt: children who cant afford to buy the things they want because they live on mom and dads money


>you can't skip heart containers
Is this true of the remake? Gonna be disappointed if so. 3 heart no death runs was the most fun I ever had with OoT.

How the fuck do I get to the animal village?

The art direction is fantastic but unfortunately the framerate is pretty choppy and the movement and combat just feel... off.

Pretty disappointed so far since LA is my favourite 2D Zelda.

cause those wouldn't sell at full price T B H
i was surprised to find out it was 60 bucks though

This is literally my first Zelda game and it's fun, it reminds me of my Sega Genesis days.

Why can't we just enjoy games bros?

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Two completely shit games vs a masterclass in game design by the most celebrated developer on the planet.

Yeah I happily paid £50 for LA because its fucking fantastic and the haters can't handle that Switch has YET ANOTHER superb exclusive.

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Not him but I got stuck at the beginning of the Key Cavern. The pots in the room drop bombs so I thought I had to bomb the door open and tried everything. I had to look up how to open the first damn door. Why the fuck does a door open when a pot is thrown at it and not from a bomb explosion?

I just checked again and I was wrong about the remake. You can do a 3 heart run in it.
This remake isn't as bad as I thought, but the visuals are still complete trash and a lot of the music feels mashed up.


The remade soundtrack is on FUCKING point, can't argue with that at least.

Wrong, unless they're the same just with updated graphics.

>why doesn't my car keys open the door to my house?

So like Funko's Awakening

Most places have it 50. Hey its better than 60.

Can't argue with anything. The game is the definitive version of all time classic.

>by not buying this game
Even though I'd like more top down Zelda, but if they are gonna be this way...

If you're playing the original that's fine, but the remake is ez mode with a pot picture embedded on the door.

Yeah, mostly. Only song I don't like is the owl's theme, the brass makes it sound less mysterious than the original. Dungeon themes are all tippity top tier stuff though.

>Nintendo dumbs the game down and retards still get stuck

It's not about who can afford what retard. It's about whether or not this is worth the $60 price tag.

Yeah, you go play Call of Duty with all your big friends, you big buddy.

“Play it”

>meaningful additions
Dungeon editor. I don't even like Zelda but that's a nice addition to a remake.

If you eat shit long enough it starts to taste good. They've dumbed down this game for retarded journos and basedtards. I think it's hilarious Digital foundry shilled so hard you could smell the shit coming out of their ears. They pointed out the major technical problems the game has with framerate and how Grezzo royally fucked the movement, yet went on to praise it because "muh nostalgia".

Attached: 7b0014d702036eec645ad74ae92aff29e8134f4b.png (1264x1760, 1.13M)

What was the price ratio between a home console game vs a handheld game back then?

Imagine not being able to enjoy the game because it doesn't get to whatever arbitrarily chosen specs at the time. Imagine being this much of a tool.

Or maybe I don't play soulles cheap garbage but I'd actually like good 2d games?

The original game is meh. All of these people calling a 25 year old game boy game a masterpiece are beyond delusional. Granted, I was older when I first played Link's Awakening for the first time 10 years ago. I can't justify buying a soulless remake for a game that I don't really care about, let alone this. I dislike the Crash and Spyro remasters and those are multiple console games.

What a chances this will get a remake next? LA uses the same engine as Frog Bell and Richard makes a cameo in LA.

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Next to nothing.

I can though.
The instruments they chose for this one go like shit with the song itself. This is how you do it right.
It's fucking disappointing that everything has to be with string instruments almost exclusively, there's no variety.

Maybe if it weren't attached to amiibo.


Attached: Never ask me for anything ever again.gif (280x280, 835K)

I'll just wait a little to see if they patch the frame rate issues. Still gonna buy it eventually. Looks fun

That there's a small key

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shut up nigger and someone answer this right now. Is the framerate really that bad? I wanna get it but not if it runs like hot garbage

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I hope they make a new game in this style but featuring BotW's Link and Zelda.

>drive a car into a door
>car is destroyed and not a scratch on the door
>throw a rock at the door
>door bursts open
Maybe it was because I was playing in handheld mode but it didn't look like a pot on the door to me. Looked like some generic monster on the door initially but now I can see the pot.
Really it was just the fact that the pots all dropped bombs that threw me off

Attached: Untitled.jpg (601x260, 32K)

all games you pay are roms if you think about it

>try to warn zoomers that $60 is way too much for a game this short
>most people even say they loved Link's Awakening but feel like this is a ripoff
I dunno what your gameplan is here user, the game is objectively really short, its literally the shortest Zelda game ever

She's watching Link get fitted for his new job isn't she


I don't get it. 60 FPS, 30 FPS, it still looks the same.

At least it's a full remake. Imagine paying full price for some shit game like TLOU remastered (yes I made this mistake) which is basically a 1080p version of the ps3 version with no noticeable extra visual features that I've noticed.

>it still looks the same.
Just pay attention, it's easy to tell.
The real issue is when a game falls below its intented fps and gets all choppy.

CTR was good, the remake is trash.

Attached: 1C639F18-3013-4C2B-8025-C61C1BAAFC66.png (2048x1152, 435K)

TLoU remastered has literally never been full price, and you're blind if you can't see the visual improvements
Keep seething and garble that Nintendick some more

Game boy games were still 40 dollars. I think. Console games were fucking 80.

Doesn't make any difference. I even set the video to HD. 60 FPS is just a meme.

I don't own a switch Sony shill. And no TLOU remastered doesn't have any noticable visual improvements it looks like the exact same game as the ps3 version with higher resolution and framerate. Only some literal autist will be able to notice a sharper shadow or something. I still regret buying that garbage to this day because the game itself sucks. I've had more fun in kh3 which is an actual shit game than in TLOU remastered.

>looks like a gamecube game
>mechanics of a gameboy game

>STILL drops frames

Holy fuck. The Shitch really is a fucking joke. Pisstendo should be ashamed!

>You mean like the last Zelda game?
king of taking cues from others

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2’ Is Inspiring The ‘Breath Of The Wild 2’ Team.png (640x155, 23K)

You're baiting, have a shitty monitor, or are genuinely blind.


>80$ in 1992 would be around 144 now
so vidya got a lot cheaper compared to then?

Nah, consolefags are just addicted to percieved enhancements. I think you guys are just getting uppity over some meme when you saw PC gamers talking about how shitty console graphics is so now you're all trying to force this 60 FPS meme even on handhelds. Its funny because there's really no difference and the companies just baited you with "invisible clothes."

Can you even try to make sense? The issue isn't whether the framerate is 60 or 30, but it's about consistency. Constantly jumping framerates to such a massive fashion is jittery and it always has been regardless of platform. Grezzo fucked up and the fact that memory leaks were so easily found is telling.

>Constantly jumping framerates to such a massive fashion is jittery
Didn't see any jitter in the video though. Maybe in other consoles or in PC?

So you are baitiing, or maybe you're a phone poster in which case, first, fuck you, and second, that's what I meant by a shitty monitor.

I can assure you it's very much there and in your face while playing.

Eagle tower is maybe the most tedious dungeon in the zelda series. it's a shame too, levels 1-4 are ez bullshit, 5 and especially 6 are great, but then 7 they fucking ruin it.

No, the cool "destroy a floor" mechanic does not redeem it

Nah just no more expensive cartridge price I think.

>never played any game from the 90s
It's only a problem if you're more worried about counting pictures per second than about enjoying the game.

>So you are baitiing
>hurr I can't refute him so I'll say he's baiting
Why can't you fags just admit you're all wrong?

>I-its gonna fail!
>w-well it was extraordinarily successful but that means everyone is stupid! BTFO

Without fail

There's nothing to refute. You blatantly disregarded the video, so there's nothing left to do but call you retarded.

Not him but anyone who has the game and isn't basing their opinion off of youtube videos can tell you how annoying the framerate is.

It's not even linked to number of enemies on screen or anything either, literally walking though Mabe village (the starting area) causes slowdowns. This shit needs to be patched.

I find the visuals charming, other than character faces.

I just didn't buy it, you know, and that doesn't detracts from the good Switch games I have like BotW.

It's not a personal insult, it's just a shitty game, don't want it? Don't buy it, that's all.

I still don't get the hate for the artstyle, I know it's subjective and all, but if I had a switch I'd play it it looks great imho.

I just best this and I have to know something.

Are the only reasons people like this game is because it has weird Nintendo references and an interesting plot twist? The gameplay and dungeon designs are so mediocre I don't know why people care.

>plastic lighting/objects
>blur at the edges of the screen
It can look good occasionally sometimes, but it just looks like a model set the whole time, which doesn't fit the game at all.

It's literally not the shortest Zelda. I don't think you know what literally means.

If they fixed the framerate and it was 50 instead of 60 bucks I think it would be a great purchase tbqh

I don't tend to notice the blur while I'm playing, so that's a non issue for me. I like it. If you don't like the artstyle though, this would be a hard sell.

Hero mode breathes new life into it, it's fun actually dying in a Zelda game

It's 100% nostalgia. Zelda has always been a mediocre franchise

It doesn't fit the atmosphere of the original the majority of the time. That's the issue with it.

Heads up if your missin a shell do the race on the raft in under 35

kinda stressful to run around the map with constant beeping trying to find a way to heal but i agree.
I fished the bottle and still haven't found a single fucking fairy to put into it reeee

oh hello Sonyfag
sorry but not everyone is used to treating games like films

Just to the northeast of the Ukuku Prairie warp point there's a cave that spawns one

I've been playing it this weekend and am probably 10 hours in and about 2/3 through the story. I plan on getting the good sword and collecting the mini figures. I'm betting I get 15-20 hours out of it and that's about what I was expecting. I'll probably try hero mode too. The frame rate autism is off the charts with Yea Forums. I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

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Come on nintendo....this is $60! You couldn't fix this before release?

I had the original during a difficult part of my life (parents divorcing). I escaped into this game as a way to deal with life at the time. I played it and beat it over and over as a kid. I never got bored with it. Playing it now brings back some bittersweet memories of that time.

Attached: 1559497929712.jpg (1000x1000, 389K)

Who here playing the original?

>soulful OST
>no Funko link
>no framedrops
>not $60

>I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary.
You are either a liar or visually impaired. Which one is it?

i mean 50-60 is like 120 back then no?

He looks like a fucking funko shit. How embarrasing.

The melancholy feel of the original is completely gone. They completely fucked it up, yet another soulless cashgrab remake after OoT and MM

>The melancholy feel of the original is completely gone.
i genuinely don't know what people mean when they say this. It was a black and white gameboy game, the graphical style was due to hardware limitations, i just don't know what you mean.


You really didn't pay attention to the atmosphere of the original then.

Option C- you're seething

>unstable frame rate
>ugly aesthetic
>one hour of gameplay
Cuck doesn’t begin to describe anyone who buys this.

>seething over a game I purchased and am enjoying, framerate aside
Sure, retard. Anything else to add besides meaningless buzzwords?

Most I'd be willing to shell out for this game is $40, max. $60 is laughable.

I'm a huge Zeldafag but I'm not that much of a cock-slurping Nintenbot to justify this bullshit.

If you have played the game multiple times, sure.

Kill yourself zoomer

>if you've played the game multiple times
So.... everyone?

>beep boop beep bing bing wahoo
>engaging and atmospheric soundtrack
You eat this garbage all day don’t you?

Apparently not.

I just noticed it actually shows your switch profile name as creator and cleared on the dungeon creator levels.
So either you can play the levels of other profiles on the switch or they really wanted to make this into an online feature but couldn't.

>masterclass in game design
>the new additions like auto camera panning and shit all make the game worse
>the graphics are ass too
>only positive is the removal of button limitations the GB version had, which isn't praiseworthy
>like a true drone he pays full price for this and enables more shitty practices by nintendo

Attached: 1252484658596.gif (250x158, 2M)

You just replied to the autist who's been spamming BotW threads daily for 2 years. It's not worth it

Lawrence of Arabia and Dr Zhivago

even cd games were like 50 dollars which is more than 60 after inflation. vidya is objectively cheaper nowadays.

No they are not.. they are $40. Nintendo is basically trying to get away with selling handheld games for AAA prices, because it's all on the same device.

What BS.

All of these salty Nintenbabies are crying in every reply.

It’s pathetic.

>can’t stop crying about people saying this game is too expensive
Grow a spine.

The only thing I dislike is the blurring at the bottom of the screen in the overworld, it makes me feel as if I forgot to put glasses on

Link between worlds looks better to me.
More vibrant, crips, readable and doesn't use realistic lighting for an unrealistic aesthetic. Looks like some shitty student game in UE4.

Attached: h54uy.jpg (800x690, 190K)

Cr-R link doujin when

maybe not user, i was 13 back then though. I do remember that when you saw malon or whatever her name was, the little midi chip song would play and tiny chibi animals would bounce up and down, and there was a statue of a rooster with propellers for wings or something, and a crane game, and you would get murdered if you stole something and they would call you THIEF forever after that, and also turtle rock was some bullshit.

OH! I also remember, more than anything else, that the moblin leader would say

>"I see you have come to get me, but it is I who will get you!"

I honestly just think you faggots watched some youtube video about links awakening, possibly made buy one of the game grumps, that over analysed it and now you have this weird idea implanted in your head.

Attached: LarsVonTriersZELDA.jpg (480x360, 34K)

Baiting retard, got it.
Not at all, I'll give an example to prove my point.
The mysterious forest in the original has an air of (obviously) mystery and wonder to it. This can be felt with the song that plays, which is somewhat monotonous and dull, yet has upbeat tones mixed in too . The only other thing you hear whle there is your own slashes, which don't do much to affect it either way.
Compare that to the remake where everything has to make some random noise whether it's a monster, talking to someone, picking up a rupee, etc. It drastically weakens the atmosphere there.
>muh over analysis
The original developers made it sound that way for a reason and that wasn't preserved in the remake. Having a long winded explanation to explain all that doesn't somehow make it illegitimate.

how did it take you this long to get into the series

Really does look like some project made in Unreal, it looks so bland. Its the same game so of course its a good game, but taking a good game and giving it the mobile game look is probably not the best way to go forward. You can do sytlized, look at Windwaker, this looks awful visually.

>remake of both games
I thought it was just 1?

>Make the Wii, which was a cheap piece of shitty under-powered plastic
>Sells like hotcakes due to retarded consumers
>"Why should be make quality content when we can fleece retards?"

>Make virtual hats
>Sells like hotcakes due to retarded consumers
>"Why should be make quality content when we can fleece retards?"

>EA, Ubisoft etc.
>Make lootboxes
>Sells like hotcakes due to retarded consumers
>"Why should be make quality content when we can fleece retards?"

>Hordes of cookie cutter mobile game companies
>Make gacha shit
>Sells like hotcakes due to retarded consumers
>"Why should be make quality content when we can fleece retards?"

It's all so tiresome

It probably was made in Unreal tbqh. Nintendo seems to use it for smaller projects. Would also explain the frame drops despite the game's simplicity.

Yes. Significantly.

Frame drops any time something loads are EXTREMELY noticeable and the depth of field around the edges can go die in a fire, you feel fucking myopic just looking at the game. These are objective faults, art style aside.