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Other urls found in this thread:

Untitled Goose Game
Gigguk’s new video
Momoiro Clover Z
Yea Forums
Hot pockets
NOS energy drink
Gay chubs
On my way to work

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Maybe some Parodius Portable or Risk of Rain 2 with a friend. Or some Xenoblade 2. Got a feel for the combat now I'm having fun
Not much at the moment but I plan on starting Ash Vs Evil Dead
Some good ol Grateful Dead
Friend lent me his House of Leaves book
Mom is gonna make some burgers
Just water
Already did
Feeling good. Started my masters program and so far it's interesting

botw and if im not to much of a pussy fatal frame
food network and youtube shit if im in the mood one of the movies i picked up for my birthday
rob zombie
deadly class volume 2
wata maybe some tea
little sick but getting better

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Fixing to give this MW beta a shot, heard mixed things so far.
Nothing super interesting, just random educational stuff on YouTube, currently been enjoying a lot of Infographics Show as of late.
Teddy Pendergrass - Love TKO
Yea Forums threads, messages on normiebook.
Going to make some cocoa krispies and a toaster strudel.
Choccy milk.
Whatever R34 I am in the mood for.
Annoyed, its storming here and I've only been asleep 4 hours. Dogs woke me up having a fit so now I'm dealing with that bc they both suffer from major anxiety issues.

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Wow Classic
Sunflower Cycle by Peter Watts while I wait for UNCROWNED
Crossfaded at a RIPE NINE THIRTY on a Saturday morning
More lonely over the past year than I have ever been in my life, I sincerely wish I were not a coward and could remove myself from existence

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>they both suffer from major anxiety issues
poor doggies tell them they're good boys/ girls for me

gotta work till 9 but after

links awakening switch, dota 2, mlb the show 17, nba 2k20
shameless, twins baseball, vikings tomorrow
blink-182 album nine
malazan book 9 dust of dreams
dunno yet
coffee for now, game fuel for later
gotta work tonight 1-9 then i have 3 days off so im just trying to get today over with.

Oh, they're fine, just major drama queens. I may give them their CBD oil the vet prescribed'em, but I think the worst of the storm has passed. Either way, I appreciate it user and I'll let'em know. :)

Silent Hill 2 on my PS2 or theHunter: Call of the Wild on my Xbone.
I haven't watched any anime since May. Maybe I'll watch some size comparison videos on Youtube. Or extreme weather or hunting videos.
Growing wings
Ashes of Dreams
Emil ~ Karma
KJV Bible 1611
Nothing yet.
I drank Cola some hours ago, now I'm drinking water.
Been trying not to.
Hopeless. I'm still feeling pretty empty and bored. Music is the only thing which makes me feel alive these days. This board, /r9k/ and /pol/ are the only things I've been browsing these past few days. I'm avoiding /gif/ even though it has some pretty good threads.

>Untitled Goose Game
I haven't been on Yea Forums for over a month but there's new games which I have never heard about. Let me guess, you're a goose harassing people?

>House of Leaves
I actually got a guy recommending me this book on a previous "muthafukka" thread. Let me know if it's good.

>Fatal Frame
Which one? Been wanting to get 2/3 for my PS2 but they cost a ridiculous amount of money. I'm also saving money for Drakengard 1.

>storming here
Do you live in the US of A?

What's that?

My regards ;)

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Been playing atomato, and currently on route B. Man, route A felt underwhelming coming from papa nier, so I put it off for almost 2 years, after watching my friend streams astral chain, the gameplay reminds me of atomato, so I decided to finish all the route. I'm almost at the forest part and taking a break
Latest fire force
The GG2020 song on loop
I feel like I understand why lovecraft didn't have a really successful career, reading his short story compilation is a mixed bag
Ate some yakiniku rice bowl
anything from /gif/
I'm drowsy, might go to sleep soon

>Which one? Been wanting to get 2/3 for my PS2 but they cost a ridiculous amount of money.
first i was just planning on emulating it

Public Broadcasting Network; think of free educational television

Poorfags like me can't buy a PC so I gotta stick to physical copies. I hope you'll like it though.

I'm only at the beginning of the book but so far it's interesting and I was hooked on the synopsis. And I can't wait to get to the pages that try and break the 4th wall by having different writing styles or fonts.
>Nier Automata route B
Good luck for this one user, I almost dropped the game here due to how boring it was. But try to go through it, what happens after is worth it

Looks weird, but interesting. I might check it out later.

WoW classic. I've went from Mage, to Priest, to Hunter. I just hit level 10 with the hunter, so I can get a pet now.

Apart from that, maybe Warhammer: DoW2.
Nothing atm.
Gave up on Bendis Superman
Grant Morrison Green Lantern
Just bought the HC for Multiversity
Silver Age GL
Kyle Rayner GL
Leftover hot dog from last night, ceasar salad for dinner.
Ribenna & 7up / Lucozade
Gonna go to the museum and then read for a bit. I wanna pick up some Green Boyz

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Yes I do, Southern US.

Just bought Maximum Action, finna take it for a spin
Hot Chip
pizza with mozzarella and shrimp
vodka with sparklan water
kinda hungover. trying to decide between going outside, just playing vidya, or getting back in touch with a friend i cut out of my life a while ago.

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Forgot to mention that I won an auction on ebay and got Daemon x Machina on Switch sealed for 25 bucks. I'm happy

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Chrono Trigger for the first time. Just got locked up so far the story is pretty good and i like the combat. I'm playing the DS version
nothing atm but i might try to finish evangelion today
Swans or maybe some Alex G
about to have pancakes and hash browns
probably not I have no weed and fapping sober is beyond boring
Decent i have an interview monday for a possible warehouse job that could be day time instead of the night time warehouse job i work currently. No money for weed until payday which isnt for another 2 weeks

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Based Saturday poster
EA Battlefront 2. Playing as the teams dedicated speeder/tank killer is pretty fun.
Babylon Berlin
Construction project behind my house
Yea Forums, /o/, bit of LOTR
Stomachs a bit upset now, might go get something inoffensive later
Water, dehydrated as fuck
Hungover, had gross amount of kraut food and beer last night and shat out a third of my body weight earlier, but overall enjoying my first real weekend off in a while. No projects pressing, nothing to worry about.
What’s your favorite HP story so far? Rice bowl sounds nice
>Caesar salad
Yum, have fun with the green bois
Does the friend want to get back in touch?

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Tales of Vesperia, Enter the Gungeon
Rewatching Psycho Pass
BBC Radio 6
Yea Forums
Sexy 2D girls
Pretty good, just chilling in my apartment

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>you're a goose harassing people?
You just answered your own question and yes, it’s tons of fun

Not sure rn, was playing the second south park game for switch but I want to beat contra 3 I think
Nothing atm, I was doing a godzilla marathon of a movie every day but just stopped because godzilla vs biollante is boring
Podcast on theranos
Wanted to read Jung or something
Might get Indian food
Monster energy zero ultra (tm)
Not atm
Pretty good, modded my Sega genesis for s video yesterday and played the fuck outta some shinobi. Still waiting for that borderlands crack

Risk of Rain 2
Nothing, I don't know what to watch
Yea Forums, /int/, /h/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Haven't eaten anything yet, probably some milk and cereal
Water, milk
Not in the mood
Alright, a bit tired since I just woke up.

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Yeah, we were very close. I'm just wondering how I'll do it.

Dragon Age Origins. fucking great Game. Still need to finish Hyper Light Drifter, but dont really want to
some Warcraft 3 Games
Adrian Zielger, Judas Priest, Wardruna, Ensiferum, Coroner, Falkenbach, Coroner,...
some interesting shit about growing Mushrooms at home
Greek Yogurt after I woke up and some Oats, Fish with Potatos at Noon, right now Cottage Cheese and Protein Shake. Will have some Chicken later still
Water and Coffee, Beer later with friends
fucking a Milf right now. Whore is 45 years old. Has a 16 year old Son who is sleeping in the neighboring Room while I fuck her. Surely hope I traumatize him
felt that way for half a year. Any particular reason?
>Chrono Trigger for the first time
you will certainly enjoy that!

Thanks user, yeah, felt like yoko taro plays it too safe in route A, and the character interaction kinda sucks compared to papa nier, but luckily, I did most of the side quests so route B is progressing pretty quickly I kinda like how they tease player about something in route B with the ghosts though

Let's see, the horror at martin's beach, curse of yig, medusa's coil, the trap and the man of stone. Although I like the trap because it kinda reminds of me goosebumps story. Currently reading through out of the aeons, though I think I'm gonna restart since I forgot what it's about

>Construction project behind my house
kek, Enjoy
>Might get Indian food
you really wanna get sick? those cockroaches have no hygiene standards

>fucking a milf who has a 16 year old son
Invite him, sick bastard.

I should continue with Divinity OS1. I think I did everything in Cyseal and surrounding areas and I lost interest. Gonna bite the pillow though, I hate it when I don't finish an RPG.
downloaded John Wick 3, but I don't have high hopes for it
this board
probably nothing
had a quick coom in the morning, no need anymore
getting better after a horrible week. I slept over 12 hours, my body really needed it

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Code Vein's updated demo in a bit
Nothin' planned, will likely just watch OneyPlays in a while
Nothing but the FF7 victory theme keeps looping in my head
Texts from a friend who I cherish the shit out of
Skipping breakfast, no appetite. Probably just eggs n toast when I do get hungry.
Coffee at the moment.
Later, but it will probably involve demon girls.
Not bad all things considered. Mildly anxious about family shit.

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RollerCoaster Tycoon or DuckTales NES later on tonight maybe

Not sure, I might check out Ice Spiders based on a recommendation from work. Kinda want to watch it high though but I'm taking a t-break right now. Kentucky Football later on this afternoon.

Whatever is on shuffle at the moment. Was listening to the Beatles earlier, right now SMO - Moon Cave music is on.

Yea Forums, FFVIIR boards I frequent

Just got done eating some cheese + doritos. Skyline hot dogs for dinner tonight (only thing I can tolerate from that place)

Diet Coke. Yuengling and Rolling Rock later tonight.

If I'm up for it later, tickling. Getting annoyed with it right now desu.

Feel good right now. I need to set a few more things up in my new apartment and it's officially done.

>Hopeless. I'm still feeling pretty empty and bored.
What's up user?

>Chrono Trigger
Have fun user! Keep pushing through once you get past this part, because the most dull part of the game is coming up next.

>Pretty good, modded my Sega genesis for s video yesterday and played the fuck outta some shinobi.
Nice! What are some of your favorite games for the console?

stardew valley, just got back into it and having a blast, turns out games like this are really fun when youre putting off doing other shit
meh nothing really, maybe some streams
stardew ost, so comfy
this bread
will make some eggs in a bit
eh not too bad, ive got some studying to do that im putting off but im sure ill get to it eventually, in general feeling pretty okay, this next week will be really busy so just looking forward to it being over

have a good day, cheers fellas

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yakuza zero, devil survivor overclocked, and three houses
Lupin, and maybe hobbit or lotr idk
TWEWY, persona 3 ost
Various persona 4 girls for some reason
Back hurts
What movies?
Which version of chrono trigger is the best?

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>What movies?
last house on the left unrated and silence of the lambs

Space Hulk: Death Wing
Ni No Kuni II
The Shield
Birth of the Psicorps, Dark Genesis
Not tonight
Alright, I'm feeling alright

Youtube/Twitch zoomershit.
Post Malone
One Piece
Ate two oranges this morning, gonna have to make something for tonight, not sure what.
Camille Tea
Gonna fap tonight before sleep.
Pretty gud as usual.

Maybe Deep Rock later
Kamen Rider Gaim
Its Britney, bitch. God, she was hot back then.
Three Body Problem. About halfway through.
Gonna eat rabbit later. Just like my Grandma made it.
Greek Beer and Gin later
Most likely some gloryhole stuff
Pretty good, just quit a job I hated and looking forward to whats coming next.

Total War: Warhammer II
In-game OST
This thread
Just fried up some eggs and bacon
Sweet tea
Ladyboys or traps later

Garry's Mod
Ghost being trolled
This thread and others
Fuck off
Pretty good, especially after I gave up fucking with people after 4 years.

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I never grew up with the system (much too young for that) but the games I've played and really liked so far have been
Sonic 1-3 and knuckles
Shining force 1 and 2
The two shinobi games
Castle of illusion
Phantasy star 4 (played 2 as well, but that one isn't as great)
Decap attack
Thunder force 3
Castlevania bloodlines (big fan of castlevania)
Gunstar heroes

I only played the SNES and PSX versions. I hear the DS version is good, but I wouldn't be able to tell you. Avoid the PSX version as if you're life depended on it though. It has some of the shittiest loading times on that system.

I hear ya. I was the same way with the SNES until a couple years ago and I'm finally getting into that console. Nice list, I recommend the Streets of Rage series (Japanese version for 3 translated if you got an Everdrive), Haunting, the ToeJam & Earl games, Ecco the Dolphin 1 and 2 (very hard though), Rocket Knight Adventures, Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, Columns and Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, and Wiz n Liz if you haven't tried them yet. I still need to play the Phantasy Star games myself.

Reignited Trilogy: Ripto's Rage
Yea Forums
Carrots atm
IDK yet
Woke up at 4:30 this morning with a pain on my right side that felt like I had to pass a kidney stone and was gonna pass out, only to be solved with a giant shit. The whole thing kept me up for like half an hour and fucked my sleeps/mind up. Shit fucking sucked.

Octopath traveller
Monogatari Second Season
Math rock
One Piece
Pic related
maybe some doujin shit
Dropped out of uni

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>what's up user?
I feel like life is empty, like there's nothing to it. We live, eat, shit, piss, sleep, work and do nothing else besides that. I thought there was more to life, but I guess there's nothing. The direction we're heading right now is catastrophic. Originality is being deleted from our reality while repetitive shit will keep happening. We pass down our genes but some die along the way, killed. History will keep on repeating itself. I'm terrified of everyone. One time I beat down a man because I thought he was with the CIA. Not a tinfoil hat, it's just that reality seems far more advanced than I thought. I don't know if the people around me are real. I created them. Why isn't there a faulty glitch?

would be kinda funny
>stardew valley
kinda wanna play again too. wanna try out the multiplayer with a few friends of mine

played one game of dota 2 as core lion.
watched a lot of nu Twin Peaks the last couple of days. I'm liking it a lot, even though the plot basically goes against my headcanon from the old show and I think my headcanon is superior. In spite of this it is really cool and I'm very invested in it.
listened a fair amount to primus lately. really uneven band but their best is stellar.
I'm sad about a woman Yea Forums. I always knew I was gonna be, but still I hoped against reason because I think she's just that great. We met during a trip, we live on opposite sides of the globe. My dumb ass figured that if we stayed in touch then maybe, maybe, maybe something down the line. It's dawning on me today that it's not gonna happen. I'm glad I got to tell her how much great I think she is though, she had really low self esteem and she really was the best. I hope that'll be something that'll help her find her strength.

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imagine not watching the carnival stream

WoW Classic
Quest text.
Had a taquito for breakfast
Flat soda left over from last night
Fucking with mages and their aoe farms. Feels good.

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Gears of War 3 or maybe I'll start Final Fantasy 13 today.
Hajime No Ippo or Planetes
I'm seeing Massive Attack live later. Really looking forward to this show, wanted to see them for ages.
Craving listening to an audiobook of JRR Tolkien lore stuff.
Apple cider
Not too bad, but my teeth hurt for some reason.

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>I'm seeing Massive Attack live later
I'm jelly as fuck user. I hope you have a great time.

The Boys
Drab Majesty
Dunno yet
Beers later
Instagram sluts
Ok, gonna apply for a job in another state, wish me luck user

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ill just watch the vod on my free time

Thanks user

Why would I want to watch a bunch of fart fetishists running around half naked

>I'm seeing Massive Attack live later.
my friends and i were supposed to go to their philly show in 3 days but one of us moved to florida so we sold our tickets. hope you have fun user

MK 11 or Total warhammer
Nothing right now , going to put on foxkino later
A fucking awful 40k audiobook thats fan fiction tier
I have a candy addiction, yet im not fat
Im married
Lot of stuff to do today, orgizane money, grocery shopping, wash laundry. I got a kink in my neck, slept wrong. Yesterday at work was pointless, they brought in the enite factory to do an job that 5 people per section could do in an hour, sat arpund bored because everything was done in the first hour

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Mordhau, maybe start a King's Bounty game for the first time for my single player fix.
College football all day.
College football all day.
A Tale of Two Cities
Corn dogs
9/10, spent the morning doing some work on my house and painting a stairwell. Need to rip up the old carpet, replace it, and do another coat of paint here soon. Otherwise heading to a buddy's tonight to play some board games.

>The Boys
Nice taste, especially with the former.
>downloaded John Wick 3, but I don't have high hopes for it
I didn't like it much myself, but then again I didn't like 2 either. They're ok for what they are but even for a mindless action flick they are running their course. Ah well.

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And I am pretty sure i ruined my heart somehow. Heart will at random start beating out of control and the beat will be wrong. Happening a often too. Saw a doctor about it and he was like "lol your fine"
If i die, somebody is going to get fucking sued

dude you might have arythmia or some shit
do you drink a lot or take any drugs?
go to a more competent doc and get examined for this shit asap

Dont drink, used to be medicated but iv Been off it for years.
Im actually very physically healthy besides my heart.

Borderlands 3 for now and will play UNIB later tonight with a friend
Gonna find something on Netflix to start watching and never finish
My playlist of random shit on YouTube
Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka? It's pretty cute
Ramen just now
2D of course. Feeling extra horny today for some reason
Good. Was sad the warm summer season is ending, but now I'm somewhat looking forward to autumn despite nothing important happening

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Risk of Rain 2. Trying class challenges and having fun swinging around as Loader. Hopoo has no idea how to balance this shit but knows how to make the classes fun and unique.
John Carmack talking to Joe Rogan. Its pretty interesting
Villains Deception audiobook. The Shadowmaster series is underrated and great.
Random threads I guess
Co-op's stuffed crust pepperoni pizza, but I'm adding extra mozzarella because they're so stingy with it.
Anime witches with big tits. I'm a huge slut for magic casters.
Pretty good, went for a long walk earlier and sat in the middle of a forest. It was comfy and peaceful.

Which class did you pick in BL3? I went with Moze because I love mechs, but it's taking forever to level her up so the mech will last for more than 10 seconds.

any advice on the class challenges?

take care of your heart man
this includes finding a doctor who actually gives a shit about the patient

>any advice on the class challenges?
Swallow your pride, play Drizzle. Or wait until Hopoo fix the health regen on Rainstorm.

Pokemon Platinum, just trying to finish my 4th gen dex (only dex I never finished) and other psotgame stuff like the Frontier. Approaching 400 pokemon. Platinum is so fucking fun.
Going to throw on some RLM, Gremlins 2 in particular
A fucking homemade ham and egg sandwich, I'm in heaven.
OJ (no pulp)
I'm feeling shortstack goblins later
I have a whole weekend to focus on practicing lewd art and I'm hoping to take advantage of it. I just want to be proactive and not spend my weekend fucking around here on Yea Forums. After I eat I'm out.

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>Which class did you pick in BL3?
Amara/Siren per tradition. Moze gives me Tank Girl vibes and I was really tempted to go with her as a result

Here, enjoy.

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the comfiest Pokemon game, my favourite

I appreciate it user. I've tried drawing a few of my own but I'm just not good enough yet, they're all just kinda meh. Clothes in particular are hard. I hope to be in drawthreads trying out shortstack requests by December, just got to stick to practicing.

Black 2 is my personal fave but Platinum is just spectacular.

Bouncing between The Division 2 and FF14 nigga. Been thinking about getting back into Yakuza 0 though nigga
Rewatching The Expanse after finishing a second watching of The Boys nigga
Hall and Oates Out of Time nigga
Shitposts on Yea Forums nigga
Got some nicely marinated chicken going in my instant pot nigga. Rice and beans to follow for some delicious chicken and rice later nigga
Ice Tea right now nigga, Pepsi later nigga
Nah nigga
Okay I guess nigga, I really don't know nigga.

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>Gremlins 2 RLM
Its a good watch, user. Have fun!


>Nah nigga

nothing but probably gonna start deus ex
kimetsu no yaiba
rodeo by travis scott
not reading anything, i've recently finished reading hollow ataraxia so i might start reading tsukihime
cold water

Ys Seven, this game is v. charming
Got a loan of a bunch of Hitchcock DVDs from a friend so I might stick one of them on later. Never seen any before
Ys music, had Jurassic 5 on earlier
Confessions of a Mask
Some jaffa cakes
Irn Bru
Kaho Shibuya nostalgia thanks to a thread earlier
Like I've got a huge weight on my shoulders cause I only have one day left before I have to go back to work and I'm not ready to but they won't pay me sick pay anymore so I'm broke

>King's Bounty
I need to get round to these at some point
>Massive Attack
Eternally based
Take heart in the fact you made someone's life a little better user. You're a good one
>Dropped out of uni
So did I bro. It sucks at the time but trust me, it's not the end of the world. Do other shit, figure things out, you've got plenty of time

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WoW Classic and Retail or Warband
Vinland Saga
WoW Wiki
Doritos and coockies
Mountain Dew and beer
Echoes of Lust Elizabeth is a fucking goddess
Did BFD on classic today and playing classic actually made me enjoy retail to some extent.
Looks like everything is going to be alright with WoW for some time bois

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Dragon Quest XI and Splatoon 2
nothing, maybe boxing
Savage Detectives by Bolano
don't know
don't feel like it

>I need to get round to these at some point
It's pretty comfy thus far. I've been trying to get more into the genre or ones similar to it lately after playing XCOM.

Dragon's Crown
Maybe'll start Ni No Kuni remaster later
Patlabor TV series
rewatching Hellsing Ultimate
also that channel where a guy interviews all kinds of disabled people
vocaloid and Akhlys
Grilled turkey breast and beans
apple cider

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>that channel where a guy interviews all kinds of disabled people
link pls, sound interesting

Oh, I saw this guy somewhere on 4channel today.
Thanks for the link

Destiny 2
Gonna watch some Clone Wars later
Smackdown vs. RAW PS2 soundtrack
Area 51 raid memes
Pulled pork sandwiches, I made a pumpkin pie yesterday so I'm gonna have some of that too
Coke Zero, water and coffee later
Fapped to some facesitting earlier, futa later
Good, got a job, and all I have to do today is cut the grass so I'm just playing vidya until it starts to get dark out

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Link's Awakening remake, Monster Hunter World
Some dude playing through Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
Going out to eat with my family, gonna get either a burger or a small spicy Hawaiian pizza
Drank a bunch of lemonade today so far
Some doujin with a busty girl extracting sperm from a shota to get pregnant
Lethargic as shit. Awful week at work. If it weren't for this week at work I'd be feeling much better.
Oh well, time to go spend time with family i guess.

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how's Goose? it's been on my radar but with everything else releasing lately i suppose it slipped my mind lol
i still need to watch the last season of Ash, but it's a wild ride. enjoy House of Leaves too, easily one of the more memorable books i've read.
>Crossfaded at a RIPE NINE THIRTY on a Saturday morning
livin' your best life. hope you feel better user, suicide is never the answer
is this your first time playing SH2 user? and good work on avoiding .gif, you aren't really missing much there.
congrats on copping the Multiversity HC, been wanting to do the same. read Ultra Comics when the issue dropped, but never got around to the rest.
>Swans or maybe some Alex G
based. hope your interview goes well friend.
S3 of Twin Peaks is phenomenal. i did the same thing at first, but that eventually fell by the wayside and i was completely absorbed in what Lynch was giving me. honestly think it's the greatest 18 hours TV has ever seen.
nice user, Massive Attack is fantastic! bet that'll be a killer show.
seconding what the other user said, sounds like arythmia or something. i deal with it too and it's a bitch.
based nigga nigga, how's The Expanse?
hope you enjoy those DVDs user, HItchcock is one of the all-time greats. Vertigo's a personal favorite.
Catherine: Full Body, Nier, Bayonetta
Brazil, Belladonna of Sadness
Hellstar Remina
mac n cheese baby
black coffee, water
i've transcended the need
pretty damn good.

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>this disabled girl is litening to nasheeds

>congrats on copping the Multiversity HC, been wanting to do the same. read Ultra Comics when the issue dropped, but never got around to the rest.
Thanks user, I look forward to it. I've got all the single issues and I've got the first signed by him. I'm from Scotland, and it's weird how often Scottish people just bump into each other. Feels like stand users.

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Not him but you going to MCM next weekend to see DeMatteis, user?

spoopy, I just was watching this video too

Trained my snake amiibo in smash
Played some ALTTP on SNES online
Cardcaptor Sakura
new KZ LP's
Dear Hunter Act V
Weird Al
nothing really
that zelda douijin that always works
okay, felt better felt worse

how's links awakening? Wanna get more into 2d zelda after alltp

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AA4, done with the tutorial case and on the second one. so far really liking it
might start fate/zero tonight
gonna start a new manga, not sure what yet
feeling pretty good

>black coffee

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Tekken 7, Team Fortress 2
Star Trek TNG
New Order
A sandwich
The more time goes on and my life stays the same the more bland and colorless the world around me feels. I'm pretty sure it's due to a combination of the lack of new experiences/surroundings, the lack of friends, the lack of any real sense of community anywhere and the lack of any significant feeling of progress in life, not to mention my depressingly uncertain future. But it's scary to try to get out of that boring sameness too, the sameness is familiar and comfortable whereas new things and people are scary and unpredictable. But learning Japanese is pretty fun.

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Assassins Creed Odyssey
Desperate Housewives.
George Carlin

Zelda: Link to the Past
Waiting for new Demon Slayer episode.
Random music on Spotify
Yea Forums
Pizza Hut. Pizza and honey bbq boneless tendies
Trying to enjoy my day but I'm babysitting my niece and she can't stay put for one fucking second. This is why I dont want children. Cant let me be a manchild in peace.

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I don't know really
I had some corn pops
maybe later
I feel like time keeps going faster and faster. 2019 has gone by so fast and hardly anything even happened.

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I understand the feeling user. You're at least trying to better yourself and you never know what that might lead to. What episode of TNG are you on

oh man, i'm jealous. i've always thought he'd be interesting to meet though i feel like i'd probably be a bit intimidated lol
not that user, but LA is probably my favorite 2D Zelda aside from LttP. i may even prefer it a bit
hey m8, coke's pretty great too. might crack one open in a bit.
i know that feel my friend. it gets easier sometimes, though.

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>I feel like time keeps going faster and faster. 2019 has gone by so fast and hardly anything even happened.
same, though that's probably because I was in school doing something I didn't want to do and going nowhere

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Thinking about starting BL3 so I don't get burned out on monster hunter too quickly
Anime backlog
Some podcast
No idea, ought to make something soon
Could be worse, could be better; but definitely could be much worse.

Don't Starve
AMC Terror
EFAP Podcast
The Man in the high Tower, although currently on hold
Buncha sweet sticks, eggs and carrots
twice already

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Astral Chain post-game
AI The Somnium Files
Norm MacDonald: Hitler's Dog, Gossip & Trickery
Chicken panini, baked potato soup

Nice LISTENAN. V can't come soon enough.
>Dragon Quest XI
How you liking it? Played it last year and will probably play it again on Switch.

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WoW retail and some Mhxx later
CFB and prolly some Dr.Stone and hxh later
Crowd cheers
Pasta in a bit
Gone wild
Gr8, wish i had more time to play vidya and watch anime tho.

>I feel like time keeps going faster and faster. 2019 has gone by so fast and hardly anything even happened.

I heard it's something to do with your brain's perspective of time as it matures. As you grow older, your brain perceives time as going faster than it used to when you were younger. I dont know the details behind it.

I'm 31 with a job. I still love puzzle games like Zelda, etc but if I cant solve something fairly quickly I just google it. I just dont feel like I have time anymore to fool around for hours trying to solve it on my own. Kind sad desu.

I played CTR and darksiders 3.
Gonna try the batman lego games that i got for free on epic store later, i havent played a lego game since the ps2.

Steven Universe, Duck Dodgers and Neon Genesis Evangelion

[YouTube] GTA Vice City Flash FM Complete Track (embed)

Nothing at the moment

Salmon, japanese rice with furikake mostly

Mostly water and coffee.
to a lot of things.

I was fired a couple of weeks ago and no one is hiring at the moment.
Now i guess i'll just study for some public job tests ill have in the upcoming months and maybe have a career change because i suck major ass at what i do. I feel like i wasted my life even though i tried my best. Fuck
I also feel like learning to draw so i can doodle shit and make my own drawings instead of relying on drawfags to do so.

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>How's the Expanse
Its really fucking good if you like space/sci-fi nigga. Probably my favorite show on TV and now that Amazon picked up my expectations for season 4 are through the roof nigga

You haven't wasted your life user. Nobody is defined by what they do. Good luck with it

I now live in Glasgow :( I'd love to see DeMatteis tho.
haha you overestimate how chatty he was. I worked in a bar for a few years when I met him, so I was pretty chatty.

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>retail WoW
fellow cuckold trannies.....

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Thanks anons.
And I'm just rewatching some of my favorite episodes of it, most recently Darmok.

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You're in luck cause MCM is happening in Glasgow, I'm through for the day for a totally different reason but thinking about going and getting some Dr. Fate issues signed

I'm an idiot, I meant I now live in London.

Absolute classic, I may rewatch it now

Yeesh, sorry to hear it

kek it's not that bad, but I don't really like comic cons anyway. i went to one at the peak of deadpool mania 5+ years ago and it was fucking awful, kids running up and hugging me. JESUS.

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smash, gonna join the party Yea Forumsan later
12 oz. mouse
f-zero x arranged
Yea Forums
ching chong food
big fat bat tats
pissed. was editing a vid for a friend, then my computer just fucking dies out of the blue. i had to reset everything on my computer because of atikmpag.sys, and this is the 7th time i had to reset it. ive tried everything to fix this goddamn error and nothing has worked. fuck bill gates and fuck windows 10

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Modern Warfare Beta going to move back over to VTMB now.
Boardwalk Empire
Goth Girls
Lonely as fuck.

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Space Station 13 videos and wishing I wasn't too much of a socially inept faglord to play
Yea Forums
Ham and cheese roll-ups
Uneasy. These last few days haven't been great and I feel like nothing's gonna get better.

You'll be fine, dude. What you do to get by doesn't make your entire life.

Just find a show or something she likes or offer to let her watch you play vidya, that usually gets most kids to sit still.

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Nothing today.
Stats textbook.
Had some ramen, but I made it with chicken broth. It was really good.
Not today, at least I'll try not to. I'm afraid I'm slowly becoming impotent.
Alright, but I fucking hate my job. I also go to work in a little over an hour. Might start making Pokemon ROMHacks.

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You're not alone user, you've got us, and anyone who likes bloodlines is a friend of mine
What's got you uneasy, user?

what's happening user? stress? taking meds? how old are you?

>The Man in the high Tower
i've really wanted to watch this, but i'm waiting 'til i read the novel since i've been on a PKD binge anyway.
i love sci-fi.. i've wanted to watch it for a while now. was really happy to hear about the renewal, because the premise and the world they've set up is pretty intriguing stuff from what i know.
huh, i guess you're right, i would have expected it to be the other way around there lol. also i really need to watch WOY
>12 oz. mouse
my man! can't wait for more of this show

>Goose Game
It’s fun

In the span of a couple of weeks I've had my best friend who's fallen on hard times seriously contemplate suicide (I managed to talk him out of it), then another friend's girlfriend actually attempted and failed (her brother-in-law caught her mid-hanging and cut the rope). So I've been bouncing back and forth between comforting one friend and paranoid that the other will just decide to off himself without saying anything.

I wanna help them more but there's not a lot I can do. The people I've asked for help (mostly on job hunting with no experience and dealing with abusive family) have been pretty useless.

Octopath Traveler
Once upon a time in hollywood
Weeb shit
Dunno yet

>Once upon a time in hollywood
Aw shit, what did you think?

WoW Classic. Getting pretty bored though, anyone played anything decent recently?
Watched the rugby this morning, had the footie on intermittently.
Attic Abasement, Neil Young
Nothing yet
Made some katsu chicken, having some cookies now.
Tea, whisky in a bit.
On a really bad comedown. Just feel pretty indifferent to everything. Procrastinating on some big projects and flaking on friends.
First playthrough of VTMB? Enjoy it.
>WoW retail
How is retail right now? I imagine quite a few are migrating back from Classic.

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BOTW and whatever else I wanna play. Thinking of playing more sly 2 and DMCV
YouTube and animu
Death, repulsion, drive like jehu, carcass, coheed and Cambodia/shabutie, helmet, and therapy?
Probably some manga
Peanut butter sandwich
Not sure yet. Probably thicc 2D wenches

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HoI4 right now, probably XIV or WoW later, too lazy to start anything new til Code Vein comes out
Random youtube lets plays between music, will probably continue re/watching tonari no kyuuketsuki-san with a friend tonight
Homemade chili soon
Pretty comfy

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Stop turning tranny into a buzzword you fucking shill
They are an actual problem here

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XIV later. Maybe try out the Code Vein thing that came out.
Absolutely nothing
LV.4's "Apocalypse Reincarnation" and various Doujin artists
Nothing atm. But I need to reread the KingKiller Chronicles.
Had In-N-Out for a late lunch. Best Borgar
Water, maybe something alcoholic later
Indifferent. Not really happy, not really depressed. Just existing.

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Nah not my first playthrough of VTMB but I'm going to enjoy it nonetheless.

>How is retail right now? I imagine quite a few are migrating back from Classic.
Surprisingly fine
Guess many people are doing same as me
Since they have a sub anyway when they get bored of classic for a while they play a bit of retail.