Botw did everything Nier Automata did, but better

Botw did everything Nier Automata did, but better.

>both feature a desolate post apocalyptic world, but botws world is much bigger while nier takes place in a single city
>the machines are so fucking weak in nier that it's almost impossible for humanity to have lost to them, while they oneshot everything in botw
>anime aesthethic really hurts nier to the point where you can't take it serious that uguu kawaii android girls feel sad :(((
>niers plot is very predictable and overly edgy which makes it even more pathetic
>botw tells a lot more of it's story through environmental story telling, giving every character and location you see much more impact

The only thing nier did better was combat, but only for the first 3 hours or so until you got good mods that allowed you to heal out of your ass and deal massive amounts of damage.

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based false-flagger.

Fuck off already, no one is talking about BoTW anymore other than you shitposting trannies.

We have gone 0 days without shitposts about Automata from seething gaylords

>but botws world is much bigger while nier takes place in a single city
how is that a better thing?
do you really like wasting time walking forward?
>the machines are so fucking weak in nier that it's almost impossible for humanity to have lost to them
so what, they're the basic enemy of the game, there are harder enemies in there too, it's like saying the goblins are too easy, also you're a fucking combat Android not a human
>anime aesthethic really hurts nier to the point where you can't take it serious that uguu kawaii android girls feel sad :(((
have you seen any cutscenes from botw? zelda have the most boring monotone "sacred princess" personality, I skipped all those memories bullshit
>niers plot is very predictable and overly edgy which makes it even more pathetic
you probably just played the first playthrough, also are you saying that botw's plot is not predictable?
>botw tells a lot more of it's story through environmental story telling, giving every character and location you see much more impact
except it's so big that you don't have time to focus on anything, and the story is the same shit since oot, every single character is uninteresting, they just have a gimmicky noise or pose they do and that's it

>thread premise is already retard
>read first point
>"both feature a desolate post apocalyptic world, but botws world is much bigger while nier takes place in a single city"
yikes dude

>replying to bait

Never ever on Switch, Nintendrin.

Where are the robutts in BotW?

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>shitposts about Automata
This is a botw shitposting thread user.

>how is that a better thing?
Because it actually feels like you're in a world that has ended?
>do you really like wasting time walking forward?
Botws map is so packed with objectives that you don't waste time by exploring, you actually find interesting shit to do. In nier you scoot by literally everything.
>so what, they're the basic enemy of the game, there are harder enemies in there too
Yeah, and humanity with nuclear bombs lost to that basic shit.
>have you seen any cutscenes from botw? zelda have the most boring monotone "sacred princess" personality, I skipped all those memories bullshit
>you probably just played the first playthrough, also are you saying that botw's plot is not predictable?
Botws plot is only predictable because you played other zelda games. If you're telling me you were expecting things like the divine beasts from the beginning plateu you are flat out lying to me.
>except it's so big that you don't have time to focus on anything
That doesn't even make sense. You explore the world and focus on the things you find. You don't have to see everything to understand waht happened to the world.

>she thinks it's bait
first day here huh?

You've clearly never been in an ACfag thread.

Poor bait.

>I have no argument, have been completely BTFO, but I can't ignore it either
How does it feel like to have autism?

Fuck off sonyfag.

N:A has a real story, real combat, real music and sex appeal. Sorry.

Why are you comparing literal apples to oranges?
Both were 10/10 GOTYAYs, and peaks of this pathetic decade.

How many times do I have to BTFO you until you accept it?

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Nier doesn't just take place in a city. The city is a hub and you travel very far along the story. Yes, it's not as big as note but that's neither good nor bad.

Nier has plenty of side quests you can enjoy with an actual story instead of random objectives unlike botw. Again, it's not good nor bad for either game, just different. Also humanity died around 10000 years before the story and way before aliens arrived. It's even explained why fighting machines it's easy as fuck in the story.

We were expecting that because it was shown you imbecile.


You can literally see the nier fanboy mentality here . At least this guy is straight forward about it.

Botw always wins baby

Thanks OP for telling the truth even when people don't want to hear it.

>impossible for humanity to have lost to them
stopped reading there. play the game retard, here's your (you) though
polite sage

Was that really worth a ban?

Zelda is also anime and also have waifus, they're just boring as fuck, people sexualize link more than any girl in the game

>it's anime because of homosexuality
Are you retarded by any chance?

Nier has shitty combat but it's still miles better than BoTW's constant menu fuckery.
>b-but tablet powers!
Nobody uses anything but the bomb unless they want to make videos on youtube.
Moving about the map is slow and boring.
The music is both shit and almost non-existent.

>Because it actually feels like you're in a world that has ended?
except there's a ton of villages doing fine, while on nier you have one human hideout
>Botws map is so packed with objectives
yes, every 5 step you do there's a fucking goblin camp you can kill to get a sword that will last 5 hits and break, in all other zelda games, every item you got meant something, in botw everything feels useless
> If you're telling me you were expecting things like the divine beasts from the beginning
divine beasts, magic medallions, sacred mirror shards, it's the same thing
>You explore the world and focus on the things you find
except nothing you find is actually worth anything, the only thing that matters is beating a bunch of shrines to get enough heart containers to beat Gannon, never once in the game you feel like you found something important

I didn't said that, what I meant is that if weebs are sexualizing male characters more than females there's something wrong with it

You said exactly that.

>except nothing you find is actually worth anything
This literally exposes you for the zoomer you are. You play Botw because it is a fun game, not because you are constantly rewarded with shit. That's probably why you think nier is better. The game sucks, but you are showered with tiny rewards every 2 seconds.

>You play Botw because it is a fun game
This would be a fantastic counter argument if BoTW actually had anything fun to do in it outside of the divine beasts and Hyrule castle.
There is only so much fun I can make for myself paragliding or surfing down hills.

The world is huge with a lot of quests, shrines and mini puzzles. If literally 1000 things to do is not enough for some ADHD ridden child then so be it.

>ADHD ridden child
Shrines are basically that, 1-3 rooms of some silly gimmick for what amounts to a piece of heart container.
>mini puzzles
Oh fuck off nobody finds seed hunting fun you dishonest nigger.
Yes I do also enjoy the highly stimulating gameplay of "find me random thing".

BoTW is novel and exciting if you are a Zoomer who has never played an open world ubisoft game before. A shitty execution of an already tired formula if you are old enough to have pubic hair.

So you're saying it's fun because you're constantly rewarded with shit?

No, you imbecile. As someone else pointed out already the rewards are not important in botw and even worthless to a certain degree. You do the content because it's fun, not because you get +1 damage.


Thanks for agreeing with me that the reward is not the purpose of the content, even if you make it very obvious that your zoomer brain can't comprehend what the actual purpose is.

Fine I'll spell it out for you.

The problem is the content comes in such tiny servings that the time spent actually doing something interesting vs travelling to the next point of interest is way out of whack. Shrines have only a single gimmick that they test you on for the most part, testing your skill in combat or your mastery of a certain tablet ability. None of them take more than 10 minutes to beat and that is being VERY generous, most take around 3 minutes. Once you've done that with loading times, transitions and transit you probably spend more time finding the next shrine to do.

This time in transit simply isn't fun after a while, it's boring and feels like wasted time and padding. It was such an unnecessary thing for them to spread shrines out so much. If they had simply taken every shrine that used a certain tablet ability and smashed them all into a super shrine it would both compress the content into something that feels more substantial AND make a better object lesson of all of a tablet ability's full potential and test of the player's mastery. It'd actually be memorable; even if the rewards were kept the same because honestly I cannot remember any specific shrine outside of the ones with gyro controls and only those stood out because of how bad they were. The rest just blur together because they're all over in less than 5 minutes.

This alone would make the world and content miles better, Nintendo tried too hard to have no empty space at all but only ended up making every point of interest feel unsubstantial because it's over and forgotten about so quickly.

Technically the only reason BotW pretends to work at all is because everything is geared to giving you minor advantages like +1 damage when it's barely even warranted.
Everything is spaced out so that it doesn't matter where you end up bumbling about, you're going to find a red thread and follow it to the end and nearly every red thread ends in a little box of pre-made assets that some intern could have stapled together.
Pulling red threads constantly isn't fun if the only thing they attach to is pointless. If every journey ends in a waste of time then the simple activity of the journey itself will become tainted and joyless.

There's few major structures of interest (both in terms of literal structures and the structure that underlies the gameplay) and only very few interesting threads to follow for what I'm going to generously refer to as side-content.

Plucking threads would be interesting if it expanded significantly in scope but the game frontloads so hard that it barely changes when you hop off the plateau and is pretty unsustainable. "Finish it when you're bored" isn't really an appealing statement because it flips the standard script of having side-content to do when the major structure of the game is completed but the game still holds your interest (Or I guess padding out the game while you're still playing the major structure which is pretty absent in BotW).

>buying a switch just to shitpost
You sonyfags have a ridiculous dedication to shitposting.

nier automata was a shitty game OP

it was overrated because of anime ass

Can you imagine being so mentally handicapped you think everyone who has a different opinion than you is a "sonyfag"? I don't even own a fucking sony system, I showed you my switch and I played nier on PC, yet for some reason you think I'm a sonyfag. You are mentally ill.

So the dungeons suck, what about combat?

It's honestly not that much better, combat in Zelda games as always been pretty basic, not terrible but never a selling point. BoTW's IS actually better than most Zelda games on the surface, with around 4 different move sets for the weapons there's variety there.

The problem however is just like with the shrines Nintendo were much too heavy handed in trying to incentivise other forms of gameplay by making what would normally be the one dominant strategy (hit the bad man until he dies) more trouble than it's worth. Nintendo know the combat is basic, this is why they try to encourage you away from basic combat by making weapons breakable in the hopes of pushing you into using the tablet instead. But the problem is the tablet is for the most part clunky to use in actual combat. While the montages of using every single power and tool on a Lynel and killing it looks impressive anyone who has played the game knows that this isn't actually how you do it normally. You shoot it in the face, wail on it and repeat until dead. Why? Because it takes significantly less setup and effort.

Weapon durability therefore becomes an annoyance rather than a consideration because every camp will have a ton of weapons, every shrine has a tone of weapons, weapons are fucking everywhere. But constantly menuing to a new weapon even with quick select breaks the flow of combat horribly, and don't even get me started on being able to pause and eat whenever the fuck you want.

This treating of weapons as entirely disposable diminishes their worth to little more than consumable buffs, almost like food is. Getting a powerful elemental greatsword doesn't feel interesting because it's only going to survive one or two fights and again makes you less eager to fight because you don't see it as a fun bit of excitement on the road but instead a waste of resources. A problem when combat is much more frequent than in other zeldas.

Hot take: Terraria did what BOTW AND nier did, but better.

>Terraria's worlds are not only more interactive, but you can literally create and destroy on a whim, making your own civilization
>bosses and even basic enemies are more impressive than in BOTW or NIer. The eye of cthulu on expert mode completely ravages any bosses from either game, and he's just the first boss!
>no waifushit or cutscenes, so it's more pure videogame. no cinematic storytelling allowed

It's no wonder it's my GOTG.

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>Yeah, and humanity with nuclear bombs lost to that basic shit.
But the humans were already extinct at that point though

Worse still it would be SO EASY to make the system that much better, simply giving a way to repair weapons, making the degradation less aggressive and giving more weapons unique movesets would go a huge way to making the combat more fun, more strategic and making the finding of new weapons more enjoyable and impactful.

Rarer weapons would have greater repair costs and resource requirements, you'd have a reason to go out and forage for something other than just making buff food and potions, or to complete a sidequest. Getting a powerful new weapon would be a point of interest and you'd still want to conserve it because repairing it will be difficult until late game when you are strong and knowledgeable enough to be able to find anything you need easily, giving a better sense of progression. You'd still want to use the environment to thin the pack a bit too for the same reasons, easing the strain on your resources instead of to bypass traditional combat altogether. It would feel a lot more natural a sense of progression than simply being able to go into the castle to pick up another 4 hylian swords or whatever when you run low and would build a sense of attachment to your gear.

Arguably it'd fit the theme of Link being a survivalist and Hyrule being a post apocalyptic world far better if you had to look after your gear and a reliable sword was a rare thing to be cherished rather than the current system where you go through an entire armoury like a fat kid through a family size bag of candy, with about as much care too. Not only that but what I described would use no new systems at all, there already IS a system to take common resources and use it to upgrade your armour, just make another npc for weapons.

look you nigger
botw overworld, when it comes to being post apocalyptic, is the weakest part of that game. I know you are one huge nintendo cucksucking baiter but this is so wrong it still upsets me.
BoTW overworld is a fucking joke, they harp on about ganon, but beside OOT le epic ranch meme reference there is nothing there that is actually threatned or even destoryed. The fucking villages where the npc live look like IN EVERY OTHER ZELDA GAME. And literarly NO FUCKING NPC is giving a fuck about ganon or wardens. Nobody is like "oh we live in fear of wardens" or "we cant live in this land"
you even fucking build a meme village in the midden of nowhere
fucking nintendo vermin

I mean if we're just gonna compare apples to oranges then Dark Souls beats out both of them for most of the same reasons
>amazing world design
>tough but fair enemies
>unique artstyle and aesthetic
>plot is minimal but has a ton of detail scattered around if the player really wants to find it
>pretty much defined environmental storytelling for 2010s vidya
looking forward to Elden Ring

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>dark souls
>unique artstyle and aesthetic
Good to know that you were just trolling.

To add to this one I would have made it that you don't get front-loaded with every tablet ability the second you get the fucking thing. I'd make it work like the divine beasts in that the tablet starts with only the map and camera and each super shrine would be mandatory to unlock a specific tablet power after demonstrating mastery of it inside said shrine.

Again, fits perfectly into the existing framework of the game and could make for an interesting challenge run where you have to beat Ganon with no divine beasts or tablet powers at your disposal.

how is it not?

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Because it's generic middle ages fantasy with some dantes inferno thrown in.

How autistic are you OP? I'm going to save your thread by posting 2B lewds

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>you're autistic so I'll start a porn dump
Wow user, you sure showed me how a non autistic person behaves.

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It's not our fault you're a faggot and don't like looking at pretty girls

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this, but unironically

Nier a Tomato and BoTW were 2 distinctively different games and were both my 2017 goty

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>the machines are so fucking weak in nier that it's almost impossible for humanity to have lost to them
>he doesn't know

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>it's generic but with X
so it's not generic

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Zelda is generic middle age fantasy with some animeshit thrown in.

>Desolate, post apocalyptic world
There's multiple thriving towns, living peacefully.
Vegetation as far as the eyes can see. It's anything but desolate.

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Who was the android high command? Like who thought up YoRHa and the like

This. Clearly op is some dipshit that never played the game

The red girls

Wait the machine administrator is running the androids? How’s that happen? Only through ending C so far so is their an archive/separate ending that explains it?

>he thinks machines had anything to do with humanity extinction
Based retard

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Yorha androids at its core are nothing more than machines, they never stood a chance against them unlike regular androids there is no connection between them and humans, they are just a control mechanism designed by the machine network to give the actual androids a reason to keep fighting, because if they win the war, they lose their purporse if existing, and stop evolving entirely, the truth is that androids never had a chance, machines just toy with them, let them think they are actually achieving something, and they watch from outside to see if they can learn something, as soon as yorha stop being useful they were exterminated inmediately

YoRHa was destroyed to cement the idea that humanity was still alive on the moon since Android morale was extremely low upon finding out humanity was extinct. While they’re made from machine cores, they still share more with other androids than machines like complex emotions. The reason they used machine cores is because they thought using standard android ai would be too cruel since they were pretty much just lambs being raised for slaughter. YoRHa was still putting up a fight, albeit a futile one given the machines dominance, so machines were still evolving fighting them. Hell they beat Gürn who the machines couldn’t even stop (as well as several other behemoths). I think the androids were still separate, but both sides had more reason for the war to continue than end (machines keep evolving, androids something to fight for)

Emotions are not exclusively an android trait though, so they are still just human shaped machines

But Nier has ass

2 shit games for morons

Zeldas ass is better. She also doesn't overexpose it as much as 2B.

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>but better
Except the combat in botw was complete dogshit, as was the writing.

>Except the combat in botw was complete dogshit
Oh yeah, because button mashing in nier was so much better than tactical combat that let's you innovate with a variety of tools. Not.

Emotions within machines is very rare and require separating from the network with only three groups existing (and 2 of those only display blind loyalty similar to when they were part of the network). YoRHa units on the other hand are created independently and display emotion immediately after creation. Even the ones that act like autistic robots show when shit turns stressful they have independent thought and emotion

What's so innovative about bombs or the not-gravity gun? The only remotely """"""unique""""" tool botw had was stasis and I'm sure other games have used that too (nor was it that useful in actual combat).