Oh no!
Borderlands 3
Other urls found in this thread:
Should I buy this game now? I kind of want to play it. Any Yea Forums groups going?
Yea Forums's obsession in finding the new TORTanic is.
>NBA2k selling well.
How? Wasn't that game atrocious?
You're better asking on /vg/
>NBA 2K20
the absolute state of consolefags
Why would you want to play a bad game?
Despiste what outrage news like Quaterpounder, ChinkYea and Jimmy Cuckterling would make you think, normies eat those games like crazy and don't give a fuck.
In which way is this game a "woke" game. The only thing "woke" about it are fag mods on the games forum.
Oh look, bullshit.
>>EGS exclusive selling well
lol no.
Oh and--
>>biggest sales this year
Nice weasel words, you faggot. Now lets see a comparison to previous years, before the socjus bullshit got going. Oh wait, random twitter nigger doesn't have that information? Hmm how odd.
cope levels: BADASS
I haven't seen much indicating wokeness from the previews, but the main thing with this game that will and is hurting sales is the EGS exclusivity bullshit.
But it's got an 84 on metacritic. And I could probably get hundreds of hours of fun playing with my bros from Yea Forums.
We have this thread everytime something goes woke and gets rich. Turns out a fat man who can't defend himself from trannies isn't the best market analyst.
Piss off Randy, go steal another 50k or whatever the fuck and get raped by the court system.
'One of the biggest of the year' but also 'Struggling to beat NBA2k20 in Septermber'
also video game sales are down to marketing these days anyway, with enough money a marketing department could sell boxes of fecal matter to people
EGS got Control for 10 million, imagine what they paid for Borderlands 3. Also, sales are doing pretty well actually, probably a million or two already
Try to keep up faggot. The issue was EGS, politics were never talked about. Oh, and the 2k goons, yeah it's sad if I think about it.
>>We have this thread everytime something goes woke and gets rich
Rare exceptions based off of woke faggots latching onto existing popular franchises. This is irrelevant either way for this game though as the actual woke bullshit is focused on the forums for the game in question, mostly.
I know but op started this thread because in his eyes the sales on console disprove go woke get broke in some way even though this game doesn't have anything woke in it, atleast I think it doesn't I wait for the crack
>one of the
Okay so his tweet is literally meaningless
Your brothers browse Yea Forums?
Sure Randy, you game is totally selling that much, faggot. Seriously now, anyone who believes that faggot nigger needs to fuck off out of Yea Forums and not come back. We have to have SOME quality standards here.
>consolefags will take whatever shit gets handed to them because they locked themselves to a single device
whats new
>d-d-doesn't count
Patreon supporter found. How does it feel to be a paypig for a beta male?
>this year
no shit, this year has been pretty lame, it's also going to be the first year in gaming history since the crash that overall sales are going to decrease
>bestselling game in September!
Kek when has that ever been an accolade. September is the month that devs with games that cant compete against the juggernauts coming out in late October/ early november
Sports games always sell gangbusters
If you're looking for a series with good quality, check out MLB The Show
>Wasn't that game atrocious?
yes it is but that's sportsfags we're talking about. They're the most basic type of normies out there.
They're the same type of overconsuming idiots that buy a new iphone every year or go watch every new marvel/star wars movie in theater day one telling you they're great movies because muh splosions, when in fact it's just the constant agressive marketing that gets to them because again they're idiots.
So no matter the outrage a game like nba 2k can cause, as long as the vast majority of potential buyers are fucking idiots, nothing will change.
Actually, I heard how bad It was mostly from people who played it.
Why does this game trigger Steamies?
bad games can still be enjoyable sometimes.
>watch every new marvel/star wars movie in theater day one
trying too hard
And yet they continue to buy it.
>reddit normies buying redditlands 3
>Source: Randy's Asshole
That fucking piece of shit is one of the biggest fucking pathological liars in gaming, give me hard numbers you faggots
Denuvo is what pushing me away from this game, i don't care about buying it on EGS or not
>a bad game
You mean a badass game?
Is this the source? A fucking tweet from a liar? That's really sad
>literally who with
You are a metafaggot.
The new TORtanic was already Fallout 76. Why is everyone still harping iver TOR when 76 was probably worse? That’s the real question.
Oh right, I forgot, reviews don't matter unless they agree with you. My bad, bro.
>Deepest part of the crack of my ass.
What AAA games came even out this year? I'm still catching up on my backlog, so I'm not paying as much attention.
Fuck you randy for what you did to aliens colonial marines, you fucking shit stain of a human.
arent most normies buying it on console
As far as I've been able to gather:
>quality of life features
Is that accurate?
You are right. Decide yourself if the game is good or not, don't go to a utterly nonsensical website like metacritic
Pretty much. Not helping that it's near impossible to live up to just how much of a perfect badguy Jack was in 2. The little gameplay additions are quite neat. Like having a little audio beeping for when your action skill is about to refresh. Zane (who can have 2 at once in exchange for killing grenades) even has two different tones to notify a player which skill is about to come back online.
Did 76 actually cost bethesda much? I assumed they shat it out with minimal effort.
Why do people buy borderlands? I mean the first one was alright but 2 and especially the pre-sequel were just boring trash
Decent fun with friends
Every reviewer is saying the game is unoptimized and runs like shit and the story sucks and it's just BL 2 again but they seem to imply the loot makes it worth it. Something strange is going on with them all repeating that bs
There were at least some improvements engine wise internally (not enough to truly save it given how unstable shit gets). And the number of custom assets and the like compared to 4 greatly outstrips say... NV compared to 3.
Well it's not super WOKE desu, it's like whoever wrote this wanted to shit on Burch pretty hard, first major event that happens is his little Mary Sue gets battered to death like it's nothing.
because it's popular and any game can be fun with friends as long as you're just mindlessly walking through the game and talking shit
nobody actually plays the game more than 10 hours because ALL borderlands games are fucking boring
steambros...I can't deal with this...we need to help lord gaben
None really, everyone's making live service trash not worth remembering.
I enjoy it a lot but wait for the performance patch.
just pirate you pussy
I just hate how these games look
and the way they're written
and they way that writing is presented by actors
and the stale as fuck gameplay
and the absurd length and content padding that prolongs that shitty gameplay
and the grotesque agenda behind the presentation of the game world
and the stupid nerd appeal
and how extraordinarily different the games play and feel compared to the first one
Spoke too soon, not dead, just kicked the fuck in by a bunch of normie raiders
I've heard that the UI and the menus are quite bad.
Shit jokes and Yea Forumsirgin memes aside, BL3 is a great game and fun. It also earns brown points for actually allowing the player to unlock shit via old-school progression instead of throwing microtransactions.
either dead or succumbed to the insanity, one Echo log shows his last moments
i imagine they'll bring him back as a raid boss.
>It also earns brown points for actually allowing the player to unlock shit via old-school progression instead of throwing microtransactions.
Imagine beimg the retard that considers this a positive
in this day and age it might as well be an exclusive feature never heard of before
Wow, you are doubling down on being a retard
Why does this game make Yea Forums cope and seethe so hard?
I think it’s pretty good. Definitely better than all the other AAA trash that has come out recently
not even that guy
your mom btw
>no numbers
Because Fallout 76s launch was quiet compared to TOR.
>some faggot claims something
OH NO!!!!
The Outer Realms?
>The race between it and NBA 2K20 as the best selling game of September
And to the trash his opinions go.
My mom what
>biggest of any AAA Xbox/PS4 game this year
Epic BTFO by fucking consoles.
That's because consoles players don't have much options. On PC it'll fail miserable.
>Imagine not considering a videogame corp not trying to drain you of every drop a positive
Methinks you're the retard here, pal.
You're a fucking retard to think Fallout 76 is the new TORtanic when Anthem exists. That ship is still sinking and is pretty much guaranteeing Bioware's death. I don't see 76 killing Bethesda anytime soon, especially with the new Doom on the way.
The game's been buggy as fuck, falling through the ground, losing save progress, crashes etc
Also the PC version has an even more cancerous version of Denuvo
did you call?
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>far cry rage 2
>life is strange 2
>Pillars of Eternity 2
>Dishonored 2
>Mortal kombat 11
Tekken 7
Soul Calibur 6
Kingdom come deliverance
Postal 2
>Far cry 5 ??? "needs confirmation"
>soon Doom Ethernal
>marketing department could sell boxes of fecal matter to people
they do
>>Mortal kombat 11
It didn't.
>Revolution 60
Fucking hell, this abomination
>Dishonored 2
>Mafia 3
Please tell me you didn't list these just because they have female or non-white male protagonist? There's nothing "SJW" about them.
Why would I want it to sell badly? If it sells well, I still won't magically think it's a fun way to spend time. Do you fuckers FOMO into every turd that's successfully marketed to console no lifers?
How is Rimworld anti-sjw
Depression Quest wasn't even sold, it's free. Considering it catapulted Zoe Quinn patreon, it did pretty good for a shitty text based adventure
same reason tekken 7 and postal 2
devs told sjw to go fuck thenselves when sjw complained about his game
it bombed so hard she had to start making comics and left the gaming industry
if it was a sucess she would still be making games and sucking dicks
Anyone tried the refund trick?
>>>EGS exclusive selling well
>lol no.
People buy the games they want, not everyone is a virgin obsessing over their favourite DRM/Billionaire lol! What a cuck!
because as much as they want to play it... they can't.
Mafia 3 had you killing not-Donald Trump, and having a mulatto as the protagonist of a series about Italian gangsters called MAFIA is obviously done for the sake of diversity over anything else. I agree about Dishonored and Control, though, they bombed for other reasons.
If it's anything like BL2 in terms of how often you encounter the "writing" then fuck that, it's a pass for me. It's bad enough that it's so uniformly terrible, but the amount of it, the sheer persistence of it, the number of shitty "jokes" per minute, makes it unfuckingplayable.
I don't remember people thinking this game is woke, just full of reddit humor and EGS shitposting.
You guys realize BL2 and all it's DLC sold a fucking metric ton of copies even though it was one of the first "SJW" games, right?
>If I go back in time I can call this game SJW even though it wasn't and pretend that validates my anti-male worldview
>written by burch
>has a gay playable character (it's more complicated than that but you get my point)
>has many important female characters
>has a major gay NPC
>has quite a lot of non gender-binary characters
You're delusional if you think Yea Forums wouldn't go up in flames if BL2 was released nowadays.
console owners are hungry for games
Scam Citizen is eternally the new TORtanic. It's basically a religion at this point.
Borderlands 3 is great. I'm having fun which is the point of playing games.
epic doesnt pay for exclusive, they pay you a guaranteed amount of money and take that back with sales.
Oh god, the framerate when aiming down a sight. What the fuck is it doing, rendering everything off screen?
I don't like EGS either but you are very clearly mentally ill and having a full autist meltdown right now and it's fucking pathetic
The gameplay is excellent, easily the best it has ever been. Nanny state spergs are chimping out about multiplayer microtransactions which you don’t even have to touch
>Niggerball 20 is selling the same amount of popular looter shooter 3
How do we stop the normalnigger menace? How do we combat the hordes of mindless drones who buy sportsball games by the tens of millions every single year?
Smelly dumb chink scum.
t. zoomers
normies don’t play video games you little adhd faggots
what grotesque agenda?
>he doesn't know
>normies don’t play video games you little adhd faggots
So why is Niggerball 20 selling millions, along with redditlands 3?
the game takes place in New Orlean where black people live you retard
How does it make the game anti-sjw tho, it's just part of the emergent gameplay and theme of the game
>bombed so hard you get hired by DC
Not like it means much, but I think we have different definitions of "bombing hard"
Still not buying boredlands 3 lol
I'll check it out on steam sale someday.
Fuck off, Randy.
>one of the biggest
>not even the biggest
>during a shit year like 2019
Where are the numbers, Randy
I regret buying borderlands 2 t b h, I should have bought judgenent on ps4 like I originally planned
The contract still specifically mentions that you can't release your game on other stores.
So it is also an exclusivity deal.
It’s literally selling better than MKX
>racing between Borderlands 3 and NBA2k20 for september's best selling game
slow month uh
Imagine thinking BL3 wasnt gonna sell well, like how dumb are you
this year has been fucking great, though if you only pay attention to Japan
cry about it
Wut. It's the most Reddit game series in existance.
>Dishonored 2
>SJW game
u wot m8
>no actual numbers
Lmao, BL3 is low-key alt right propaganda.
Explain how it's alt right
people like this humor?
Name a good NBA 2K game? Oh wait you never played any of them right
Borderlands was woke since 2, so 3 being that too is more easily accepted by normies and hardcore fanboys.
Like half of the console market is comprised of people who buy an Xbox purely to play the yearly edition of NBA/Madden and CoD
>basing your opinion on bribed videogame reviewers.
What an absolutely worthless post user. Good job
omg a massive launch and the best selling game of SUBtember!
I have to buy this game now!!
How woke is 3 anyway considering Antony Burch isn't there? Is there anything like the Torgue friendzone "joke" from pre-sequel? It's probably still woke but I am curious because no Burch can't be as woke as with Burch, he's just that much of an anomaly.
I refuse to pick this up until they remove Denuvo, every reviewer I trust pointed out massive performance drops on their rigs due to the Denuvo fuckery being off the charts on this release.
Show the numbers or suck my balls, shill.
I don't recall wokeness being the contentious issue with this game. Anyone who played 2, Pre Sequel and Tales was already well aware of this series being so called "woke". The issue was things like the bad writing or the Epic store exclusivity.
I don't like Zoe, but Depression Quest was not a sold game. Stop being stupid, or false flagging.
there is no way you arent a nigger.
dishonored screams and smells of leftist design decisions.
ok sub 80iq bimbo, keep comparing f2p shovelware with AAA 60-100 dollar games
Glad to see it's doing well. I skipped the pre sequel but 3 has been a blast. Just started NG+ yesterday and still having a great time grouping with randoms.
So, people really give a fuck about launchers now? What a dark timeline
the only reason why games like NBA2k, fifa and Madden sell is because of niggers and beaners they're literally too fucking retarded to understand why buying these games only encourage the shity micro transactions and buy the newest edition every year
Wasn't this Benji guy the same dude that was lying about Astral Chain bombing?
>sjw only means "leftist" designs
>no I'm not a right leaning SJW spouting identity politics.
What the fuck they did with a drop? Killed final boss and didn't get a single legendary, not even single purple. So underwhelming, literally trash reward.
And you're comparing AAA franchises that sell on consoles and appeal to normalfags with old PC only franchises. Oh, and PUBG sold for 30 bucks
Play on mayhem 3 you mong
I see at least one purple.
are you fucking retarded ? I compare full AAA game with full AAA game, we talk about peak players here, off course a f2p game has more peak player, based retard, pubg is not aaa game its a fucking battle royal game with costs between 20-30 dollar
No shit. Nearly all artists and creators are left-wing. You can't make a good game without doing something new, and new things are the antithesis of conservatism.
what went wrong with BL3?
Lillith's organization possesses a fascist, might-makes-right ideology. They maintain their authority by violently destroying any opposition, then invent a narrative that the opposing side deserved it after the fact.
You're the only retard who lacks comprehension skills. You compare whatever the fuck you want. And you still sometimes lose to PC franchises
>duhhHHH you need to play on New Game ++3 to Get Satisfying Loot dyuhhhHHH play the gameMM moree
sounds like antifa
Those all sound like pretty positive reviews. Without seeing the numbers next to them I might guess they gave it an 80.
I'll believe it when I see it from somewhere not on twitter.
Antifa has no authority, so there's nothing to maintain really.
they didnt got paid enough and werent send a review copy early
7/10 is a decent score, seems accurate for what BL 3 is
Randy said that there were 2x more players than there were on borderlands 2
... which is 250k players... ON LAUNCH DAY
How is that "biggest selling game" of the year?
How is this woke ?
Niggers buy anything
There one blue, no purple.
The Old Republic. A terrible launch.
Which is weird since from what I heard TOR is actually active and apparently recuperated.
peak player =/= total players
It is. Unless you're implying that people play for 5 minutes and then quit ... ON LAUNCH DAY
Tell me lies
Tell me sweet little lies
The only woke thing is the "HE" stuff. Also muh diq.
Can we all admit that 2019 has been an abysmal year for game sales?
i'll believe it once they post some numbers/evidence
>People have to play 24 hours on launch day
Based retard
>LAUNCH DAY of a game that was hyped to hell and back by the publisher for 5 years
no it it isn't, gta 5 has a peak player base of 300k at launch
Don't buy until it's cracked and the DRM is officially removed. Stay strong.
>sub iq monkey still compares a full price AAA game with dota or pubg
6 months*.
And no, people can play an hour or two and then leave, not everyone is an autistic motherfucker like you.
Meh game contains faggotry and half faggotry, I don't like faggotry so the game is shit. Even the boring combat is shit. Too slow paced
not really, it's limping along on the backs of a few whales
>Meh game contains faggotry and half faggotry, I don't like faggotry so the game is shit. Even the boring combat is shit. Too slow paced
Does it still run like ass on pc?
>tyreen calls you a gunslut and tells you to kill yourself
>do it
>the gun is actually good
Thanks me too.
>qol features
>same shit that made bl2 good
>le XD epik humor
>shit tier ui and menu lag
>poor optimization on consoles and top tier PCs
>to beat a dead horse, epic games store. their cloud save actually reverted a character of mine from 42 to 33 and deleted another one
You know, I think I'm done with Steam
By joining epic game store right now I can get 6, yes SIX Batman games free of charge. On top of that the EGS is home to a plethora of exclusives such as the newly released Borderlands 3. What's the point in waiting, it's time to join the epic game store!
>this is the kind of "person" who bought Randy's game
lol lets artificially pump our numbers by distributing 1h limited shift keys
he did this on bl2 too, but i didnt think much of it
but now its clear he does it to scam investors in making them compare max concurrent online to other games and seeing bl3 does better than games who dont implement scam tactics
Lol nobody watch on twitch xB
Sportsnegroes are retarded drones.
Imagine a politically incorrect (think 90s duke) that shits on pop culture instead of being reddit tier retarder pony shit
The Paid Gearbox Shill Checklist:
>BL3 has x amount of pre orders
>Game of the year
>angry Steam user (steamie, steamdrone, etc)
>So what if Randy is a pedo
>So what if hired thugs knocked your door
>go back to /pol/
>I can't wait to play Borderlands
>I just want a looter shooter
>the humor is supposed to be bad
>"stop liking what I don't like"
>no you
>Reddit spacing
>posts pictures of new characters
If you think you're arguing with a paid Gearbox shill, simply resort to this checklist, call him a shill, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.
Is it the game of the year versions?
That's it, I want out of this universe. Where's the exit?
like clockwork
of course reddit will buy a reddit game
borderlands has always been aimed at he reddit audience
this is the most retarded post here and how are most of those games sjw retards are still mad at that jax ending?
I wouldn't even call the gameplay that good. You get one power to use and the gameplay is extremely tedious. There are some pretty fun guns though, and surprisingly the boss fights are quite well done.
learn English please
Far right in front of the blue
>reddit game
Yea Forums has called this series reddit since Borderlands 1 came out
learn to read retard life will be better that way
Jesus Christ your typing skills are shit.
unironically it's not bad as a game, the worst parts are the typical sarcastic dialogue and cringy female power fantasies in the plot and women writers trying to be funny
>performance patch
I like your optimism
turn off volumetric fog and blurs, my 6 year old $500 pc can run this shit on ultra no problem
what am i coping for
how bad is UI?
like is it badly organized or something?
mad that you have no arguments phone poster calling a game sjw wont make it one
>MHW destroying Borderlands in terms of peak players at launch
>Iceborne is also a much better game, in the same month
>has quite a lot of non gender-binary characters
Like who, Claptrap? Everyone’s referred to him as a male. You had Mal I think his name was, that Loader who wanted to be a human boy
Best example I can think of to support that last point would be the BNK-3R since everyone treats it like a weapon
Wasn't this game supposed to bomb thanks to a massive boycott ? How could we lose so hard steam friends ?
>calling a game sjw
I called it reddit not sjw, nigga you can't even strawman correctly.
>gameplay is an improvement over the last game
>it sells well because of it
where were you when Yea Forums became more concerned with superficial shit instead of gameplay?
Viral marketing thread
what a bold statement on Yea Forums of all places
are you fucking retarded
Can't skip dialogue or cutscenes.
It's a shame because the gameplay is fun and fastpaced then you have to wait for Le Characterius Humormong to finish stating how their chastity cage is "amazeballs" and how much they love being beat up by fat samoan women, with a couple jokes about poop and snot in there, before you can continue playing.
>no numbers
>no investors report
>no profits report
Randy is one step away from becoming a new Cliffy.
you realize theres a character limit on tweets, right?
E > Q > R
I have the ability to type in English, a skill you lack
you realize you can make more than one tweet about certain topics and post links? who am I kidding you're probably just pretending.
fuck off retard
>If I repeat my post and add an image, I win
Truly a high IQ individual
They always shill this shit series on Yea Forums
go call more games sjw dumbass
>continues to strawman
Literally living in your head since I never even commented on sjw
Please continue to seethe
>People defending Randy Bobandy
top kek the trannies won....this place manage to get worse than ever...impressive
ok retard post another list of those bad sjw games so we can avoid them
>continues to strawman
Damn nigga just admit you fucked up
Sports games aren’t for gamers
>get on epic
>cant refund game
Why do you even want to play this shit?
Bruh, its months away. There are other games using this version of denuvo that are uncracked that were super popular.
Didn't play - what woke moments are in the game?
>steam vs EGS numbers
Holy shit, the cope
I want to fuck Tyreen desu.
It's not items that eridium brick, bosses do drop them.