Why are they fucking up so much recently?
Why are they fucking up so much recently?
>Pete Hines in charge of marketing and communication
This is a man who literally told people that he doesn't care what they want out of their games. The lack of communication with the fanbase has led to a severe lack of understanding about who they are and what they want. This is painfully obvious when one considers that *they are skipping an entire console generation and well over a decade* between major releases of their flagship game. This is retarded because kids who were 16 when Skyrim came out are going to be around 27 or 28 when TES6 releases. They're going to have careers and significant others and many will have kids. They're not going to purchase TES 6 in anywhere near the amount they purchased Skyrim and meanwhile all the teenagers who have the time to play TES6 will have no nostalgic memories of it because they were 5 year olds when Skyrim was released.
They're going to have to partially penetrate a new market when TES6 comes out because of their decision to spend this gen milking the Fallout IP to disastrous effect. Penetrating a new market is always more expensive than maintaining an existing one, as you recall from business 101.
Communicating with your fanbase is retarded. Everyone who does and takes them seriously is a dumpster fire. Fans are idiots who have no idea what they are talking about and SHOULD be ignored.
Fallout 76 was the first bad game they have made since Daggerfall. This being Yea Forums I realize there are anons who say Daggerfall was somehow good and if you are one of those your shitty taste isn't a Bethesda problem.
You are correct, but the problem is that Bethesda then goes and makes games that generate the most money possible with the lowest quality thats still acceptable to customers. There is no balance, they put a huge chunk of money into marketing and the games end up being shallow, buggy messes. People still buy them because TES hype, TES6 will sell even more because its FROM THE MAKERS OF TESV: SKYRIM is all it takes to get people to preorder this crap.
Pete Hines
>communicating is the same as doing what the fans want in straightforward fashion
Have you ever listened to sports radio? They hgave the same level of passion as game fans. They are also just as stupid.
> " Let's trade a literal who for the greatest player ever"
> "They need a new engine"
When dealing with fans nod sagely , pat them on the head, and then promptly ignore everything they said.
By all means give the appearance of listening but never ever take them seriously.
The marketing argument falls flat when you look at Fallout 76.
You may be angry people really like games that you really don't but that isn't a marketing problem.
>fans can never be right
You are a retard, Let me guess you agree it is not fallout without the BOS, Deathclaws, and Super mutants. Also lol you are not going to discuss lore inconsistencies in a game about mutants and monsters
Lore inconsistency is part and parcel for Fallout.
Jet wasn't even consistent in the game that introduced it.
If you are one of those nerds you picked the worst hill to die on.
The same fans that howl about those inclusions would howl jut as loudly if they weren't.
The cry would be "Where is the Fallout?"
Those types are the absolute wort to listen to as they will never be happy so don't bother trying.
>wanting even moderately consistent lore and some originality is a bad hill
the absolute state of cucks right now
>no i swear if the things people are complaining about were taken away, they would complain just as much. See it is not worth us putting effort into a game
If you care about those things why are you a Fallout fan? From the start it has been a throw shit against the wall and see what sticks game.
There are many games with coherent and well thought out lore. Fallout has never been one of them.
Durrr Todd Howard cummiess
Not what I said.
I said it wasn't worth trying to please the people bitching about it. Some people aren't happy unless they are miserable.
this. devs should ignore us.
they always did, only fanboys never saw it.
Daggerfall is the greatest game in the series you Toddsucking faggot
> This is retarded because kids who were 16 when Skyrim came out are going to be around 27 or 28 when TES6 releases. They're going to have careers and significant others and many will have kids. They're not going to purchase TES 6 in anywhere near the amount they purchased Skyrim and meanwhile all the teenagers who have the time to play TES6 will have no nostalgic memories of it because they were 5 year olds when Skyrim was released.
this is the most retarded thing i have ever read in a first reply. do you not understand marketing and hype 101? skyrim was the biggest thing for bethesda ever. there is 0 chance TES6 will flop and sell less. they could throw a single fucking line/musical motiff/easter egg from skyrim in the trailer and WHOAMG NOSTALGIA BONER!1!1 and it'll sell like gangbusters
If you dont think zoomers know what skyrim is you're actually fucking retarded.
I stated they should give the appearance of listening. Actually listening to them is another matter.
that was a non-sarcastic response, user. I really think devs should just completely ignore us.
Theyve been trying to cater to the lowest normie denominator since oblivion. I mean yeah 76 was really bad but their standards have been dropping for almost 20 years
what’d they do this time
A case in point.
There was a very vocal group extolling the virtue of survival mode. They made impassioned pleas that what Fallout needed was a layer of challenge that only survival could provide.
Bethesda listened and made Fallout 76.
Never listen to your fans. They are idiots.
Helmet wearin, window lickin, short us ridin, paint chip eatin retarded.
This guy lays it out pretty well.
Tl;dr: Basically, the had someone invest a shit load of money into the company around 2016, and they're either gearing up to take the company public or they're making themselves look more attractive to be bought out. This will probably happen sometime between now and when TES6 comes out.
Laziness and complacency.
No new engine in how long? Like Valve, these guys don't likely have anyone actually making new things. They've been coasting off of their name for so long. Skyrim doesn't hold up at all.
Why would they take the company public? They don't need the money or the headaches.
They realised everyone will buy it regardless of how much effort they put into making it.
when have they not been fucking up
every one of their games has been filled with bugs, shitty AI, shitty graphics, shitty design, shitty animations, shitty writing, etc, etc
Aren't they a subsidiary of ZeniMax? Their pimp would do everything in their power to keep their bitch.
>people liked Fallout 4 survival and wanted more
you are not even trying to sound credible anymore
Zenimax themselves are going public. Or gearing up to sell off to someone else.
>use the same garbagecan engine for decades
>get lucky and make a smash hit (oblivion)
>spend years copying that formula and dumbing it down each time to greater and greater acclaim from general audiences
>finally hit the tipping point: they straight up don't have the creative or technical talent to deliver what they promise, and the divide between what they promise and what they deliver just gets larger with each release. triple A development requires a triple-A studio and bethseda have never been that competent.
interesting. wasn't the announcement of Starfield and TES6 pretty out of character too? Don't they normally announce very shortly before they release?
Because they've been given every reason to believe they can get away with it. Imagine a rapist getting off scot free not once, but twice.
Typically, yes, I think so.
I think Zenimax is pushing most of the latest stupidity and greed, and has gotten largely out of control. In that video I posted, the guy notes that literally every game under Zenimax currently out or coming has a shop of some kind for digital transactions.
I've also seem some speculation that the reason Ikumi Nakamura left was because Zenimax demanded a shop in Ghost Wire and she didn't agree. There's now rumors that the game is cancelled.
The success of ESO fleecing sheep is what sparked the greed.
They sold a house for 200 US dollars. They learned if you you can land whales you don't need a large fanbase to carry a game.
Add to that the unexpected success of Fallout Shelter and it isn't some mystery to be solved.
They just like money.
Altman is selling Bethesda behind the scenes, look it up.
>tfw 36 and no career, significant other or kid
Am I Bethesda's current audience? Fuck.
Do you enjoy playing their games? If so yes you are the target audience. If not then you are not part of the target audience.
Your lack of success at life has no bearing on Bethesda but I wish you well.
>They just like money.
Which would be why they'd either go public or sell the company.
>taking the post this seriously
Ironically your post is pretty damned autistic.
So they give up a cash cow for a one time payment? Jews are usually better at business.
Maybe user was telling the truth and my little pep talk was just what he needed.
>pep talk
>on slash vee slash
I think you're the one who needs to go outside.
They're also greedy fucks who see an opportunity to make a shit load all at once. The were already given millions in a cash investment in 2016 by that other company named in the video. I'm betting they saw dollar signs after that, since that same company is apparently well known for using that kind of investment as a precursor to buying out a company.
skyrim was already bad, but you retarded kids here glorify this piece of shit game.
A dim light shines like a beacon in complete darkness.
Yes this is a cesspool but now just a little less so.
You seem like you could use a hug as well user.
*Hugs user*
The modders aren't as enthusiastic about patching up their shit as they used to be. So now everyone gets to see Bethesda for what they've always been. Incompetent, lazy fuck ups.
Fallout 4 was pretty bad.
>the most beloved game in vidya history is bad
Watch that edge.
The number would have to be substantial almost prohibitive.
Daggerfall was 20 years ago. 76 was a year ago.
Making stinkers every 20 years isn't a bad track record cut them some slack.
>Communicating with your fanbase is retarded
Meanwhile, at Grinding Gear Games...
morrowind was great, fallout 3 was nice at that time, after that there only was crap.
Found the hipster.
Oblivion wasn't terrible. You hate it because it's the beginning of the downfall, but it still has its merits. Those merits are tarnished by some bad decisions, but it's at least "decent" and not crap. Definitely a decline in quality though.
>unironic ad populum
I'm sorry, I think you have the wrong website.
Those games can be argued over.
Daggerfall and 76 are just bad games.
You are either a hipster or old.
>we communicate with our fans
>hey why is our game dying?
They've been heading in this direction since Skyrim. If you managed to miss the fact that their games are getting simpler, lazier and haven't improved the tech behind them in over a decade, you haven't been paying attention.
Fallout '76 is merely the culmination of their cost-saving cynical shit, and they grew to rely on the other studios zenimax owns to carry them over, while releasing the most "path of least resistance" shit imaginable. They managed to build or buy tons of consumer good will and these last years have been them burning it.
Have you ever heard mod fans talk about mods?
Ad populum is very much fitting for this website.
At least user has a case to be made for his argument.
PoE isn't dying though.
and you are an underage reddit retard.
skyrim is a crap game compared to morrowind.
His case is literally a fallacy. It's a fallacious case.
>It's popular so it's good
>most beloved game in vidya history
What? Most people outside of a very specific age group either dislike or are indifferent towards Skyrim.
Where the fuck is the performance patch for Doom 1/2 on Switch? It's literally the one thing I want them to do. How long can this shit take?
>own Arkane studios
>don't put them to work on the next fallout
It's like they hate money, or something. Imagine going full Corvo in the mojave or one of the other wastelands. Just imagine.
Fan of shitty combat and lifeless NPCs are ya?
Morrowind is little more than a proof of concept demo at this point.
He said beloved and made no mention of quality. I realize NPC programming doesn't allow much variation in rebuttals and you have to resort to the response you know.
>Most Beloved
It's not even the most successful video game. That title belongs to a little game made by one guy and a very small team that released a week after Skyrim.
Something something ad populum
They haven't been paying the bribes to games media.
>made no mention of quality
Reading is hard. He implied that because the game is the most beloved, it's an edgy opinion to consider it bad. If you are making fun of someone for thinking a game is bad, it's generally because you think the game isn't bad.
>retards actually want to be ignored by devs now
we are going in a circle here
What s the source for your chart?
The last I knew Skyrim was at around 23 mill. That was fairly recent.
they think gamers are retards who will buy anything that resembles a game
Source for Skyrim sales figures: rollingstone.com
they never stopped fucking up, they started doing it back in 1998 with Battlespire and they're still doing it.
Lol the rest of those games are literally trash with no gameplay.
>exercise games
Fuckin' top kek.
>No gameplay
>an exercise game has outsold the shit that is Skyrim
Just goes to show how shit Skyrim really is
>left right left right right right right
>40 million chinks
>9 million spics
>1 million millennial huwhites
Holy cow this playership. So successful.
>having to cherrypick lower on the list because you know Skyrim doesn't stand up to anything else on the list
Yes, even Wii Sports and Wii Fit were better games than Skyrim.
>Normietheft Auto
>Super Fucking 40 years old Mario
Holy fucking guacamole my dude.
>PUBG is 5th highest selling game ever
I liked your pep talk user
Not to mentionb Bethesda made it clear they're sticking to their Gamebryo engine. No matter how many times they rename it it's still outdated as all fuck and by the time TES6 launches it's going to run even worse then FO76 did.
no one here plays games user
>something has morphed and been modded a billion times
>it's still the original thing
>Tack post processing onto end of coding
>It's entirely new!
I have low expectations for TES6. Many problems can be fixed with mods but I just know Bethesda is going to try to add extra monetization to it somehow in a way that's infuriating.
They'll just exclude the official modding tools and expect you to buy all the fixed via the cash shop alla Fallout 76.
Starfield is the trial run. You'll know how far they've sunk or not then.
People blaming Hines are completely deluded: it's a stupid and cheap attempt to create a simple scapegoat to throw the blame at while ignoring the real issue, because recognizing the real problem would have to admit that most of you actually liked something that was ROTTEN FROM THE START.
Bethesda has not made a single good game since Morrowind. In fact: Morrowind may very well be the ONLY game they have made that was really actually good. Though I will give Daggerfall props for at least not being lazy.
Bethesda has lost any remains of creative drive or ambition half-way through Oblivion's development. That was the point where the foundations of the fundamental problem started.
Beth is a studio that has no desire for talent. It entirely consists of former friends and aquitances that were left behind when all the actual creative or technical talent left when studio agreed to sell out to console manufacturers early into Oblivions development.
Neither Todd, nor anyone else in the studio, has ANY kind of creative talent and ambition. They literally do the ABSOLUTE LEAST they can get away with. That is their ENTIRE MO. It has been since Oblivion.
Whatever little talent or good ideas may occasionally pop up is INTENTIONALLY drowned out by medocrity. Mediocrity within the team, and mediocrity in their games.
And I say Intentionally. It's no secret that Todd hates Morrowind. Because it was their last creative game. They have made their entire fucking fortune by specifically and intentionally making their games since as bland as humanly possible.
They are "GENERIC GAME INC." studio. That is their business moto. That is their biggest selling point.
And they are not going to change that any time soon.
Pre ordered and played the beta for 76. I am taking a wait and see attitude with Starfield. I by no means in the I am done with Bethesda crowd but I will proceed with caution.
If they bring back the survival and item degradation nonsense then I will be happy with the good run I had with their games.
The bad thing is there is nobody else that makes their style games.
Morrowind kinda sucked though.
Morrowind was a hacked down version of Daggerfall. The rot started there my friend.
Why would Todd hate Morrowind? It was the jewel in his crown.
If Morrowind kinda sucked Daggerfall sucked enough to create a vacuum.
You have very bad taste in games user.
>Morrowind may very well be the ONLY game they have made that was really actually good.
>dude buddhism
t. Kirkbride. Just accept the fact that you're a junkie nigger with a tiny cult following.
You take that back!
I guess I'll never get used to this nu-Yea Forums that genuinely slobers over Halo, post-Morrowind Beth games and literally cannot play classic RPG's...
Trying to split the difference in quality between Morrowind and Daggerfall is like eating two piles of shit and trying to argue which one tastes better. I was pointing out the fact Daggerfall had more content then Morrowind. Everything from beast infections, to modes of transportation, to home ownership options, to map exploration. Daggerfall did everything on a grander scale. All Morrowind did was take a small part of the giant turd and polish it. But in the end it was still shit and the only reason it was profitable was because Bethesda's dev team was down to a handful of people at that point.
It was profitable because they ported it to consoles. The PC crowd alone wasn't enough to sustain TES.
The thing you really have to realize when you see people discussing Morrowind on this board, regardless whenever they praise it, or condemn it, is that they have most likely NOT PLAYED IT.
It's a textbook example of a game that has been reduced to some kind of odd symbol: to edgy kids to prove how cool they are for shitting on it, and for elitist kids to pretend to be oldschool: either way it's a one giant joke.
I played it when it released and think they have improved by leaps and bounds with each subsequent game.
If you think this is an impossible situation you haven't played Morrowind.
They've been fucking up a lot since Oblivion, people just didn't notice until recently.
A lot of people don't know about how they acquire their sub studios.
How'd you come to that conclusion?
My argument is not that it is impossible to think that they improved with each new instalment (It's entirely possible, even common to have shit taste).
But I've recently seen a pretty amusing thread. Just a few hours ago, I witnessed about a dozen people arguing vigorously about Morrowind. Specifically, the discussion was about Morrowinds lack of level scaling.
About half of the thread was panning the lack of level scaling because it disencourages exploration, limiting the amount of zones to explore by making low-level zones pointless to explore, while punishing player for going into high-level zones.
The other half of the thread was vigorously arguing that the lack of level scaling benefits the game, by making progression more natural and providing actual proper difficulty curve.
Both sides were pretty well articulate.
Now: can you tell me what was so funny about this whole scenario?
Daggerfall was good. Surely you mean Redguard
red guard just had awful controls the game itself was pretty good
I don't think it can be stated how lucky they were with Skyrim, desu. Lets face it. TES is a trash seires, always has been. I know there are the Nostalgiafags who swear by Morrowind, but they're just retards. It's an ugly game, poorly written with shitty gameplay. Skyrim itself is pretty bad, gameplay wise, as well. There's just no variety there. But everyone loves Vikings, has been that way since like the late 17-1800s, and there just wasn't anything scratching the itch at that time.
They're trying to get into the 'games as service' model, but lack the experience and passion to do so.
Todd has been vocal about being annoyed about the fact that people play Skyrim for years, yet can't make money from it.
If they continue, they'll be out, but will likely backpedal and champaign such a move, despite the fact that it's a needless move anyway.
Kids should not talk when adults talk.
You do realize that Skyrim was the THIRD in a serious of four massive successes in a row, with entirely different settings and franchises, right?
Your entire fucking premise is just... factually wrong you moron. The fuck is wrong with you? What makes you think you should even post?
Are you referring to the limited scaling that vanilla Morrowind had?
I know the DLC added a more aggressive Oblivion style scaling.
They have always been fucking up they just never managed to get called out on their broken shitty games until 76.