Yeah, I'm thinking he's back

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

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>That'd be 20 bucks for this one in-game outfit little Jimmy! You know, this is a limited time deal. If you don't get it know, who knows when it's going to be for sale the next time!
but this is fine, only lootboxes take advantage of kids right?

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so much for that one rule thing

Fortnite's hatgame is truly on a different level.

>outfit with two styles
>backbling with two styles
>harvesting tool
It's a good deal compared to other stuff in the game

I prefer Thanos.

Your on the wrong website, this is the site that praises this same thing but for being in ctr

>omg I really gotta pay 90 cuck bucks for a skin I don't want right now, all because its time limited to a 3cuck hour limit and who knows when it'll be back?

Fucking idiot.
People like you are killing video games.

>defending lootboxs
Post discarded

I'm comparing it to other stuff in fortnite. One legendary skin is 2000 vbucks aka $20
This is a good deal because you are getting a legendary skin plus a glider plus a harvesting tool.

>20 bucks for virtual costumes
You could buy an actual game with that money

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But Tim already paid for the game

Exploiting time pressure is gay but at least it's not straight up gambling. You can just get the thing you want.

You have been conditioned to think it is a good deal you fucking retard. $20 for a few cosmetics is not a good deal, ever. The only "good deal" in fortnite is (or was havent played in a while) Save the World and its v-bucks payouts. You paid $60 and, with time, could unlock everything! Just like a normal fucking game.
Now we have skins that are tied to the purchase of fucking hardware and straight up cash like this set.

Is that all? There's no special game mode you just dropped 20 bucks for trash?

>make a massive ripoff system so you can make good deals compared to that

I never defended lootboxes fucktard

Now that's a skin worth the money.

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Fucking idiot.
People like you are killing video games.

With 20 euros you could eat a fucking meal as well.

why would you use 20€ to eat something that will feel good for 10 minutes at most when you can use 20€ to have batman on your account forever

No one in Fortnite like skins being rereleased for some weird ass reason.

>20 burgers rather than 2000 Vbucks

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With 20 bucks I can go on a small date and fuck a bitch too while I'm at it.

>This was once a Tower defense zombie game
>Then it was a BR
>Then it adds super powers
>Fucking Mech
>Now Batman

I can't imagine going back, it must be a total mess.

>sex with 3D roasties

How about time limited lootboxes in dota?


But batman doesn't kill?

I bought the catwoman item shop skin and have already busted my balls three times over that juicy ass.

>tfw no Arkham Beyond

>Thanos and Batman in the same game

did any cape kino outdo TDK yet? I gave up on marvel after it just produced one after another of *witty retordt*

juts imagine the little rascals buying virgin bucks to buy batman but surprise u cant buy batman with virgin bucks IM SORRY jimmy

No webms of batman dabbing yet?

>No one in Fortnite like skins being rereleased for some weird ass reason.
Because most of them are pretentious kids.

Fucking BASED, God I love fortnite.



$20 for one character HAHAHA.
Can't believe how many morons will buy this thinking it's completely fine. I don't care how free your game is, charging $20 for that is ridiculous

>Because most of them are pretentious kids.

Tell me more about Yea Forums

do you guys think christian bale gets paid for his likeness or does the mask/costume cut off his rights?

It's just the outfit.

I doubt he gets anything beyond his original contracted pay and maybe limited cuts of licensing directly related to the movie.

Though being before the marvel movie boom, he might have had a good agent that used foresight to predict big money. I just doubt it, otherwise you wouldn't see dark knightman showing up so much.

That's a third of the price of a real game, how hard is Fortnite fucking you people for you to think this is a good deal?

video game valuation is all over the place, this is to fuck over kids who just don't know better or adults who are careless with money.

Why would a kid have money and access to online paying? If the parents are dumb enough to buy them such crap, the kids are already stupid for life being raised by them.

its the likeness in that advertisement, bro. no one has quite the same dick-shaped skull as mr. bale

both of them have shitty eyes.
Arkham Knight has still the best looking Batman

>Christain Bale batsuit
Literally one of the worst suits. Should have used one of the Arkham suits instead.

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This isn't a lootbox. You see straight up what you'll be getting and you pay up for it. I think it's too much and I wouldn't give that much for a skin in any kind of game. But I do prefer a straight payment rather a shitty lootbox system that you may even spend triple that amount to get everything in there.

No one gives a fuck about Batman

>a skin
>a fucking skin
>paying for a fucking skin

and you call that a good deal? people like you is why fortnite players are considered braindamaged.

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Holy shit Links Awakening really has the poorfags here in full seethe mode huh

Imagine crying over 20 freaking dollars holy shit.

Please please move out of your mom's basement and get a job. Holy shit

>New 52
Un based
>Dark Knight
Glad Affleck is getting swept under the rug like the embarrassment he was.

what a deal!

Why are Yea Forums such commies?
This is a free market.
Everything is worth what people think they worth.
If they are charging for $20 and still manage to sell it, then that's mean $20 is the market price, ain't it?
This is basic economy 101 here, people.

And it's a free market, so you are free to work on a battle royale to compete against them.
What's stoppin-

Lmao all the poorfags in this thread who can't afford their favorite capeshit character seething because they have to play a free game in the first place since their mommy won't buy them any new games

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>Batman use guns

Becuz thats not how economics works dumbfuck

I was just about to post this

>Economy should be how some basement dweller at North Korean Crayon Art Forum say it is.
Truly Marvelous.
Explain why the reality is that $20 skins are still selling like hot cakes despite you crying and whining about how that's not how economy works?

>but this is fine, only lootboxes take advantage of kids right?

I don't think anyone has ever said this.

>This faux concern/outrage

If you dont like it, dont buy it

No Bane skin?
Into the trash it goes

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i agree games should stay stagnant and never change
well, time to go play some world of warcraft classic!

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Still better than lootboxes, if some kid don't like it they aren't gonna buy it.

I mean.. isn't that good?

This but unironically

So this is what it's come to?

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Dark times when people start justifying $20 skins. Fuck stupid millennial sois raising gen z to think shit like this is completely fine

Because one physically exists and holds legitimate value in its sustenance while the other one is a fucking video game skin.

Just pretend this is an Elseworlds Batman

Its funny how you post Vergil, I'm pretty i saw a leak awhile back about DMC skins coming to fortnite.


>All the people getting mad at this post for telling the truth

€20 in Fortnite gets you a single skin and maybe a pickaxe or a glider. It's still jewish but this Batman pack is a good deal compared to the other stuff.

Unrelated, has anything happened with the "Save the World" mode? It seems like the battle royal thing got crazy successful and they totally abandoned it.

Noone dies

Well I guess I'm gonna have to play Fortnite when Dante and Vergil skins are added.



Cry me a river


Stop being entitled. They have to make money somehow.

Fuck it. I spend $20 on a single meal i enjoy for 20 minutes.

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What? Is batman gonna shoot a gun? Thats fucking stupid

you awnsered your own question

>spend $20 on a single meal

Five Guys? is that you

You also spend your entire life in a computer chair, that doesn't mean the chair is worth all your money.

it holds no value, you could as well not eat that one meal and be just fine for the rest of your life

Its okay the guns on fortnite arent real and nobody really dies


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They do roll out some lazy updates for it but yeah the BR kinda killed it

The characters fall to the ground and get teleported away when they lose their health. I don't follow the stupid lore but I think they fight in a simulation or something like that.

>That'd be 20 bucks for this one in-game outfit little Jimmy! You know, this is a limited time deal
every deal is limited dumb steam drone

>You also spend your entire life in a computer chai
Only when im at work

and we bashed oblivion for horse armor, yikes.......

Yes. Even worse.

WTF? They get the batman license and instead of making a batman and robin vs crooks mode, they just add a skin?

> You can never ever purchase anything because some kid might use their mom's credit card

fuckoff bootlicker

It literally is fine though, nothing is hidden and you get exactly what you pay for.

Im glad this game isn't dead yet

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are you fucking retarded? i dont play shitnite since im not 6 years old or mentally disabled but its a free to play game, aka exactly the place where its acceptable to sell microtransactions all day long

>exploiting kids brains is fine
fomo goes a long way when billy has batman skin and timmy doesn't


yes it is, youre a braindead child with no critical thinking skills. if you forbid developers from selling microtransactions in a game that they give you for free in the first place, youre a fucking retarded autist and deserve the mtx in your full priced games

now he can fortnite dance too :^)

How else are you gonna make money in a F2P game? If they sell the skins up front as additions then no problem. Its the gambling loot box shit thats egregious

okay faggot, give me a game idea and ill make the game FOR FREE and give it out FOR FREE for everyone to enjoy without mtx

you dont, if you wanted to make money you would sell the game

>BR mode is so popular everyone forgets about StW's gacha

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F2P is a valid way to get exposure. It gets people playing that can later by skins of yours or add ons. No everyone can just sell a game at fixed price. They dont have marketing to get people noticed enough to try out the game.

People are more willing to part with their money once they know they like a product. Its a genius and friendly marketing maneuver for the developer and friendly to a consumer who isn't sure about a product. UNFORTUNATELY many developers abuse this with gambling mechanics or pay2win items rather than offering skins, dlc, expansions for extra $ at a fair price.


have you ever heard of a demo?

>Its cost efficient compared to how they normally price things in this game


>Not even the original Bat-costume

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The price range is honestly ridiculous but I like being able to buy what I want. Rainbow 6 siege has time limited lootboxes and players can only earn two before needing to shell out real cash if they want a unique cosmetic. Both are bad but pick your poison or change the industry by not supplying this shit. Worse part is apparently ubi is making billions of dollars with siege but they are still cutting corners on actual gameplay content now

No one cares about demos for smaller unproven games and you know it. Only major releases get demos or betas to test online. The era of opening up a playstation magazine with a demo disc filled with five different games is long past us, dude.

>No one cares about demos for smaller unproven games and you know it
is that why every small game uses early access instead of just waiting till the game is finished?

Holy irony, Batman. You're such a retard you didn't even realize you turned into a soccer mom for a second there
ANY means a kid has to buy fortnite skins is traced back to the parent.
I'm sure you're also conveniently forgetting how much stupid bullshit you had your parents buy for you

got removed brainlet

I think the issue is that the game lost it's identity, even old players who played it before the battle royale mode was added have commented on how disjointed everything is now artistically.

Just pointing out the double standards

>There's going to be a generation of kids who will see batman and say "its that guy from fortnite"

You have to pay for early access. Shits a scam. God youre a dumbo

what double standards?
"limited availability" is a marketing tactic older than dirt, and predates exploiting the impressionable minds of children by just a few decades or so
the crux of the shitstorm over lootboxes is whether it can be considered gambling or not since there's no way of knowing what you'll get


you see now what is inside, but still the STW is fucking shit

this season was the worst ever had,