So, I wanted to start playing the original game after putting it off for so long...

So, I wanted to start playing the original game after putting it off for so long. I'm not sure what a good way to go about making my character is jumping in though, so what's a good way to build a character with strengths and weaknesses so that I can actually play it like an RPG?

Also thinly veiled fallout thread

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Get 10 Agility otherwise do whatever you want your character to be, because Agility determines you actions per-turn so if it's not 10 you might be able to shoot once and walk two steps and then spend most of the combat with your dick in your hand.

I'm not sure what you're looking for. A minmaxing guide? An explanation on what the attributes do? Which skills are important? You're saying
>play it like an RPG
but how can you do that if we just tell you what character to make instead of making whatever you want yourself?

>I'm not sure what a good way to go about making my character is jumping in though
Read the stat/skill descriptions before you start and you'll be fine. Everything's pretty straightforward - Agility gives you Action Points (and it's the only thing that gives you action points) which determine how much you can do in combat, so you want it to be high if you want to be able to do anything in combat. Small guns are likely to be more common than advanced energy weaponry in a postapocalytpic wasteland, etc.

That's a fair point. I guess what I'm looking for is suggestions on how a character should be built, like what stats are good for what playstyles. Sorry if that's kind of vague, but that's really the best way I can put it.

Put it all on Agility or you will spend most of combat watching and no, you can't increase Agility during the course of the game.

you need a certain amount of strenght (6) to be able to handle big guns correctly.

also intelligence and speech skill give you the possibility to influence people and have other dialog options which help alot. quests get a bit more creative with this

other than that, enjoy the game! just it a while ago and the athmosphere is still 2nd to none

daily reminder that red force fields can be repaired to yellow and then repaired to be turned off so meat survives errything

Take Survival, it reduces random encounters, which can kill you suddenly so, it's essential. I would also never tell someone to play without max Agility, it lets you take more actions in combat. Those two things should make it more comfortable, so you don't die suddenly as often.

Or maybe not survival, I might be thinking of Outdoorsman.

You mean Outdoorsman, but it's good advice since especially for a new players a lot of encounters are pretty much guaranteed game over, particularly at low levels.

The great thing about Fallout 1 is that basically every sensible build is viable. You will not run into a situation where at the end your character is simply incompatible with how the main quest is designed. In Fallout 2 you can make your game uncompletable by playing a character that is perfectly viable in Fallout 1.
For example a big guns fast shot retard character who blasts everything in sight with a minigun will do fine against the endgame enemies of Fallout 1. But the same character will never put a single dent on the endgame enemies of Fallout 2.

what ever you do, dont take Fast shot

because in Fallout 2 you want a Bozar

Well I have literally never found a Bozar and I refuse to look it up online because something that's essential for a basic build shouldn't be an incredibly out of the way secret. And I don't want to dislike Fallout 2 more by discovering that it really is just a fucking secret weapon.

>shouldn't be an incredibly out of the way secret
>a fucking secret weapon

Attached: man of laugh 4.gif (400x170, 1.97M)

dont listen to these faggots and just dont look up anything and play blind if you want the best experience

Stats are useful for:
Strength: Carrying capacity and melee combat
Perception: Ranged Combat
Endurance: Staying alive
Charisma: Self-explanatory. The skill speech is more important than the raw stat.
Intelligence: Skill points. Skills are everything. DO NOT DUMP THIS
Agility: Action points in turn based combat. As everyone else has said, it is EXTREMELY important.
Luck: Critical hits and random encounters.

Stats also unlock useful perks at higher levels. You need 8 PER for the Sniper perk, for instance. You CAN raise stats in the middle of the game. Everything can be fairly easily raised by 1, though it's spoilish to tell you how. This is the only reason I would consider starting with 9 AGI instead of 10.

You need a combat skill to survive, and so you should tag at least one. Tagged skills give you 2 ranks for every skill point you spent. You can, and should, raise useful untagged skills as well. You can finish the game without firing a single shot by sneaking around enemies you can't talk past, but I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner.
Melee and Unarmed are the hardest to play with. Viable, but there are enemies you don't want to get next to if you don't know what you're doing.
Big Guns and Energy Weapons are the most powerful weapons in the game, but you're not gonna find a single one of either for the first half.
Small Guns are what you'll have to use early if you want ranged. You can use them for the whole game, but they're worse than other options by the end.
Speech is essential if you want to get the most of it. A LOT of chances to use it. Many unexpected.
Lockpick is useful, it will give you lots of extra stuff. Not necessary though, you'll have more money than you can spend by the end.
Science is both hacking and general science knowledge. It has its uses if you want to play a smart guy.
First Aid and Doctor can make you early game easier, but you won't need them at all by the end game.
Outdoorsman has been covered.

>maxing stats instead of just bumping them up to 8 when gifted and ways to get special points in game
>not also suggesting putting Perception up to 8 for sequence
>suggesting Strength past 3-5 when Weapon Handling is a thing

I think stat recommendations include Gifted, user. Have to agree with you on the rest though.

I've never seen it sold anywhere and I've never found it in any location I've explored.

You'd be surprised how much of a godsend 10 AGI from the first moment is in terms of combat. You can actually get 2 shots off a turn.