Why did her game fail?
Why did her game fail?
Because it was fucking shit?
Awful gameplay that's sluggish and disjointed.
Story was mediocre at best.
Her character was inconsistent and bland
No minimap made it awful to backtrack for secrets
Just a bad game
I feel like they should have just killed the series halfway through the first game. Who is even asking for more this?
>HorseMAN of the apocalypse.
>Female protagonist.
Geez I wonder if it's woke.
thats why shes not one of the four dumbo
I played it through ps plus so it came with like 11 patches but i legit enjoyed the game.
The only thing it lacks and it lacks it hard are puzzles/temples
Awful protagonist.
War and Death were charming assholes, she's just a cunt with zero charisma
> She is one of the last of the Nephilim and a Horseman of The Apocalypse.
So far for me the game has been full YASS QUEEN SLAYYY
>'strong woman who don't need no man' MC
>fury being touted as the strongest horseman despite being significantly weaker than death and war
>female watcher character who refers to fury as mistress and hates men
>vulgrim getting intimidated by her on their first meeting
>Ulthane acting like a pussy out in her presence
I know she then gets her shit kicked in by wrath and I assume she gets a few more lessons in humility but the game feels more more like a chore so far and fury is way less likeable than war or death were.
Only Death was a charming asshole. War was a honoraburu angry man.
Because they got someone other than Joe Mad to do that drawing.
Probably my favourite Darksiders game. No handholding, great level design, combat is at its finest, bosses are charismatic, areas are beautiful, I didn't hate fury, but I miss death.
Wish there were more outfits.
I didn't play that game, but I assume the voice acting was significantly worse than 2's.
Step one: Create a female lead
Step two: Ignore the original design
Step three: Make her ugly, cover her up
Because just like the Solo movie it felt like a random prequel story that no one asked for and that needn't to be told.
Darksiders 2 was shit and soured the IP.
this looked like a quick cash grab and not a labour of love.
protip, she has huge problems with envy and both the watchers and the council abuse that.
it didnt tho, its a low budget game, it aint AAA, it sold well for what it costed
6/10 art direction tho, not as good as the previous games.
her stinky pubes were a turn-off for many
I've only played DS1 and the first little bit of DS2 (waiting to get a better PC so I can play it with a better framerate), but god DAMN did I not know how much I need a huge smithy heavily accented gf (I dunno what her accent is - won't even guess).
Joe Mad easily one of my favorite artists.
You are shit and soured your family.
I like the Darksiders series, but this game strayed too far away from what the series usually is (and yeah we know its a weird GoWar/Zelda hybrid)
Combat was way to slow, tried to play like Dark Souls kind of but wasn't difficult at all. She was billed as a powerful mage but played absolutely nothing like one
World was pretty small
Game was short
Items werent exciting
Very boring boss fights
probably more flaws but thats just off the top of my head.
also THIS . Nier Automata proved that you can make a dick to diamonds turning, stupendously sexy female leads and sell million while killing BILLIONS but since we live in le current year and western shitter devs have all their dicks collectively castrated and fear female beauty, we couldn't even have eye candy to let us overlook the game's flaws.
Agreeing with this too. I'll never understand why women seethe at the thought of playing as an attractive/sexy badass female character where as even the most cringe-worthy/fattest/ugly/etc guys have literally 0 problem playing as a ripped/handsome/whatever badass in games.
user, you've never heard a Scotish accent before?
It didn't, which is exactly why we're getting more Darksiders games in the future.
Sure I've heard of it, but I can't tell any of that regions accents apart so I don't even bother guessing.
western women are basically gorillas.
It's because women can't identify with "superior females" the way men can identify with superior males. Males feel inspired and look up to fictional Chads, while women get anxious about measuring themselves to their betters.
It didn't fail.
It guaranteed that the fourth game would be made with a higher budget, and they made that little sidegame.
>mage character
>uses a heavy armor and a sledge hammer
>characters is one of the horsemen of the apocalypse
>devs killed horse
DS3 is a fucking mess.
>generic diablo clone with coop
got woke
went broke
Dumbass mage purist.
they censored her old sexy design
Did it?
i didn't play it
I hope she goes through some sort of character arc, because so far Fury is an insufferable cunt and i feel like turning the game off every time a cutscene happens.
War could deliver some seriously cool one-liners, which is all he had to do. Sometimes without even talking.
Are you retarded did you play the first two games
I kind of liked the game itself but Fury's character was quite weak and that weird twist at the end...
Women see other attractive women as competition/threat.
She does. Her encounter with Lust is the turning point.
They wanted the Dark Souls audience. That and her looks...
At least her character development isn't bad.
I do like how her weapon transforms.
I might pick it up when it's majorly discounted though.
dark soul -ified
they fucked up
It didn't fail, it was an AA budget game and sold enough to earn money over it.
They also already confirmed that the developing of Darksiders 4 has already begun.
Fury was female even before Darksiders 1 was released, user.
If you follow this series you should already know that even before they announched the third game.
>lacks it hard are puzzles/temples
Because this time it's not a God of War and Zelda mashup, but a God of War and Dark Souls mashup.
At least they did the interconnected world part better than any Souls game past Dark Souls 1. Also it's finally a true 3D metroidvania for once.
>vulgrim getting intimidated by her on their first meeting
Well, crazy women are actually intimidating, because theyre batshit insane.
What are some of the actual gameplay problems with this game?
I got it off of PS+ and it's going to be the next game I beat
That's a stretch
>I've yet to find a warrior among you.
Easily his best line.
shit clunky
like every other darksouls clone
seethe incel
Anyone is playing this with PS Plus on a PS4 Pro?
WTF is this shit? The game is a mess of framedrop, HUGE popups, freeze loadings vetween areas and 50 sec needed for every loading , even after dying.
Is this shit normal or it's a Pro issue?
it's a console thing, you knew what you were getting into when you bought that pro
It didn't star the best horseman, Strife
It suffers from slowdown in the combat. Both in terms of frames and that the combat is way slower than Darksiders 2.
I feel like her design is kind of shit, especially compared to hulk, edgemaster, and gunslinger. I have no interest in the game because it looked boring
Because women hate better looking women than them and whant them to disappear so they can be the best around.
Men on the other hand are inspired by men better than them.
>No minimap made it awful to backtrack for secrets
The maps were so fucking linear, if you need a minimap to improve this game then you should just stop playing video games. Go watch a movie.
It's not as great of a spectacle fighter as the first two games. They actually had to implement an update to make the combat less Soulsy.
>generic diablo clone with coop
D4 is already confirmed to be in development, user, the diablo clone is just a quick cashgrab.
Well, they're making a spinoff prequel and a proper sequel, so I guess it didn't fail. I feel like people just hate on the game for the "HorseMAN" meme. Fury is as flawed as her brothers bar Strife, and she goes through significant character development for this series, even admitting to having committed the Seven Deadly Sins. The only "SJW" element to this game is the fact they didn't use Joe Madlad's original design, but even that is mitigated by the fact the got him to do the redesign
Because it was like one 10th of the ttb the other games were, shit value.
The way your not-Estus refills was pretty dumb.
Either you farm them, waste money on them or do what everyone did and kill yourself once you reached a checkpoint which refilled them completely with no penalty.
I also disliked how they kept implying that Fury is the strongest horseman of the bunch yet she couldn't even damage one of the countless carwrecks that War would simply pick up and toss at the next best wall.
I legit forgot I bought this game during the last Steam sale.
Guess I better install.
Loved #1. One of my favourite games ever.
Enjoyed 2.
Still dont understand why in my language dub he has a deep and manly voice, when in english even if the actor is a male the voice is really ambiguous.
I never played a Darksider game despite having them in my library.
They look to me as a budget god of war. I like god of war but because of the production value and sense of scale. Will i enjoy these games?
It went from DMC-lite/GoW combat into Dark Souls complete with Estus.
No one. I couldn't finish the first one either, it was utterly fucking boring. Never bothered with the rest. The art style is so ugly and everything about these games is bland.
It didn't failed, but also it wasn't as good as 1 or 2, her character starts with a very superficial personality but it gets better with time, and her combat mechanic is more focused on enemy control rather then pure hack n slash, which was new to the series. Also the lack of horse in the game and lack of outside content(which only came with future DLC) made things rather slow.
Her design is rather cliche and is literally "War 2.0 female edition" while her original armor made her different(even ter abyssal armor looks boring). And they should had focused more on her magical side of combat rather then her's combat itself.
In general, it was a good game even when limited budget, work force and a new direction.
>The way your not-Estus refills was pretty dumb.
This its fucking annoying, and killing yourself to refill them its even more tedious because on PS4 it take a whole minute of loading to respawn.
I got a Pro because i paid it only 150$.
Also i never ahd any problems with the exclusive games yet, and i got the PS4 just for them, i mainly play on PC.
Im just playing this on PS4 because it's free with the PS Plus, but i iwll replay it on PC when i will find it compelte with DLC at low price.
yeah as everyone has said, original was part zelda and this one is part dark souls. Theyre opposite games in terms of difficulty, zelda is supposed to be easy, dark souls is supposed to be hard.
Playing on hard and mostly glass cannon worked for all the game, untill this fag appear and fuck you over because "lol surprise gangbang" and you cant melt him quick because he's on defence 90% of the fight.
It came out?
They've all had Zelda-y components and backtracking, that's not the issue. 1 and 2 were more similar to classic GoW or DMC combat wise, 3 is a Souls knockoff.
I do, and everyone who wants to have a Strife game and the horsemen reunion.
>I also disliked how they kept implying that Fury is the strongest horseman of the bunch yet she couldn't even damage one of the countless
But they don't, the "Watcher" wankers her by saying she is the best, smarter and stronger horsemen, but everyone else down plays her and straight you mocks her by pointing out how inferior she is when compared to her brothers. She even admits it and the game shows she is inferior to War and Death in some aspects(War straight up rips a Trauma apart while she has to be careful).
Nah, you're a dumbass. Darksiders 2 was a step in the right direction and 3 took two steps backwards.
>Press X to COOL
Whats even the point of calling it combos or move sets when all you do is press one button?
Just use a enchancement that gives you a healing soul in one of your weapons, and upgrade the enchancement, and then kill some weak enemies, 80% of chance to get one. And buying from Vulgrim isn't expensive.
Because it tried to be Dark Souls
Because the story went nowhere (again)
Because the bosses were boring
and because they cucked us out of the horse
Do I regret the purchase?
Am I gonna buy Strife's game
Just two steps back?
>Darksiders 2 was a step in the right direction
Too convoluted and boring, the game always forces you to go somewhere and pick 3 things, and then do it all again. And the RPG aspect is a pain in the ass.
DS1 was the best one in general, straight to the point and more compact in general.
I'm actually playing it now and it's pretty fun. Wish there was sexier armor though, but gameplay is fun.
They went the "lust can be whatever you want bby" route, which I admit has its merits but seems completely out of place in this particular franchise.
They are more like Zelda games with GoW combat, try at least the first one.
It's literally free on PS plus right now.
PS? Polish Steam?
>Free on PS plus
How the fuck can it be free if you have to pay for the service user.
It is however free on PC on a torrent tracker of your choice.
>uglify the Fury compared to her initial concepts
>make her an unlikeable cunt
>free on PC
But user, how it's free on PC if you have to pay for the internet?
Why would you pay for internet or power, I live in a basement below unsuspecting people and just leech on their stuff. Its the true neet life let me tell you.
There should be an edit of the "I'm a genius! OH NO" meme with Fury's face
It didn't fail.
Seemed to come out with a whimper. But nobody gave a shit about these games, even the first one was forgettable. I'm surprised anyone gave them the money to make a second let along a third.
What story? They just made up shit as they went along. Charred council is above god and the devil and, oh wait, yeah there are ancient builders now who, uh, built a giant tree. And there's a big ol well at the bottom of it. What will tomorrow's super overlord magical thing that is suddenly more important than today's? Not sure yet.
Maybe in another 10 years, we will have the follow up of that.
>The Yea Forums oger
Is that you, m8?
>Charred council is above god and the devil
No, they are beings meant to keep balance, but they aren't stronger then the creator or Lucifer. That's why they have the horsemen.
>There are ancient builders now who, uh, built a giant tree
There since DS1, even the tree aspects are there(every place that has a Maker, also has a tree)
>And there's a big ol well at the bottom of it
Again, said in DS1.
Joe had a clear picture in his head and what journey every horsemen would be. Not sure if it's still kept after he was gone(tho, he could had brought it back).
NOOOOOOOO! They were supposed to be going broke for getting woke!
Not sure of it, the main team is already making the 4th one, and people says it's the last one. Besides, Darksiders is now a key series to THQ, which means more investment.
its almost like women serve no purpose besides being baby factories and even the smart ones eventually end up falling victim to their true nature.
>they kept implying that Fury is the strongest horseman of the bunch
Wasnt is stated previously that Death is the strongest rider? Did they retcon that for the sake of guuurl powah?
Okay they're weaker but have henchmen who are stronger otherwise they would be impotent. Splitting hairs here.
Then the well, and the other bullshit from the endless game that was DS2?
I'm sure someone had a clearer picture at some point but eventually it was obvious that they were making up shit as they went along.
I only played the first and I don't remember her. I gave up on 2 if it was revealed later I don't think that vindicates it. Things were definitely pretty woke by the time 2 came out.
the game makes it clear that fury is the weakest of them
not sure if that changes by the end of the game or not because i haven't beaten it yet
No, women are vital for a well functioning society, they are just given the wrong incentives these days and bombared with propaganda.
>Death is the strongest rider
War is the strongest, Death is the deadliest(and smartest)
>generic diablo clone with coop
Darksiders has always been generic clones of better games.
The new Fury design looked worse than the ones in the comics, especially in colors. People who didn't know Darksiders thought she was a token female, and the people who did know Darksiders were more interested in changing the formula by focusing on Strife. It was another "midquel" instead of advancing the story. The alpha footage they put out prematurely killed anyone's interest in the game.
But most important of all, the combat was absolute shit and was a total step back after Darksiders 2
only the first game was a legit 7/10 game.
Darksiders 2 was huge as fuck but the gameplay was awful and the dungeons were fucking shit most of the time.
Darksiders 3 was a quick cashgrab that tried to implement darksouls / bloodbourne gameplay in the worst way possible and it is easily the worst of the 3 games.
>Darksiders became a better Diablo then Diablo itself
What a time to be alive.
>But most important of all, the combat was absolute shit and was a total step back after Darksiders 2
Does anyone know why they changed it? Just because the Souls style was 'in' at the time?
>we still have another filler game with Strife before the story advances
I sure cant wait for the next 10 years. This is like a mediocre vidya version of Berserk
I don't get the hate, I'm thoroughly enjoying it right now.
Fury is also the funnest Horseman to play as so far.
Pretty nuch every Diablo Clone that came out after D3 is better than Diablo itself.
She was always a woman. She was a woman in the comic that came out before the first game and she was said to be a woman in the first game. Nigga did you even play it?
i really enjoyed teh start but after they add enemies that just block anything and have wonky attack animations the game turned to shit real fast.
To be honest, I'm mainly in for the character designs.
Because it was a fantastic game
i keep seeing this new shit in anime mango
why the fuck is the one tooth of these characters flesh colored? is it THAT hard to draw a line over it and color in the white tooth? IS IT THAT HARD?!?
Darksiders 2 combat is so fucking garbage. They say he's the most agile horseman but they make him less agile than fucking War. You get this fucking weird ass stun lock when you dodge twice for some reason. Also you get punished for doing combos because you cant dodge mid combo and all your attacks barely stagger enemies. All of this shit you could do in Darksiders 1 as War fuck that shit.
>She took a dicking from this
wasn't that bad
i thought it was neat and concise compared to the long winded and overly complicated preceding entries
you're just supposed to counter them and it knocks them down then you kill them, easy peasy
also you should mostly focus on arcane damage since most bosses are going to require that you counter them
The level design of the last two areas was pretty great.
>you're just supposed to counter them and it knocks them down then you kill them, easy peasy
i know that, i would just prefer to keep attacking instead of waiting for counters.
>small budget meant a lot of corners were cut
>tries to be "Souls-like" but plays like a shitty Dark Souls
>turn Fury into an ugly cunt for the sake of 'realism'
>story is a bunch of shit no one cares about
Gee I wonder why?
Really her redesign reflects a lot of the game itself. It's not just that they made her unattractive for the sake of appealing to the 'modern western audience'. Uriel wears full body armor but is still pretty hot. Rather, it's that her design has no identity. She was originally set to be the mage of the group, yet in no way is that reflected in it and instead she is a warrior type, which War already is. I get that they didn't want her to be sexy in any way, but the aesthetic is just bland.
Because Michael Wincott didn't voice Death.
didnt they make her smaller also?
By counter do you mean the witch time dodge mechanic?
I've been told to just put attribute points into health and damage, and not bother with arcane damage.
yeh me too
even though there is only one boss who can use the same guard function they still make it a primary mechanic through the entire game
it's a lazy way to stop people from calling your game a button-masher and bad design but eh, some of the parts in the game are worth it
He literally had one line
why even let him talk?
ive been putting point on all 3 of them but i usually counter with the elemental weapons.
im probably not that far in the game, i've just got that weird ass projectile weapon.
Same goes for Liam O'brien?
depends on the difficulty, i guess, lots of health and damage would do well when the enemies do low amounts of damage but even at level 15 health on hard mode gluttony can kill you in a second
Hopefully Strife's game is a mission based TPS like Vanquish x Max Payne x DMC Gunslinger.
Gameplay mechanics and boss design from two generations ago
Dated graphics
it's a diablo
>turn Fury into an ugly cunt for the sake of 'realism'
Fury wasn't ugly though.
if he gets his own game it's gonna play like Remnant
>Gameplay mechanics and boss design from two generations ago
That's not necessarily a bad thing if done right.
Ninja Gaiden Black and Devil May Cry are two decades old. I would take ther "dated" game design and gameplay mechanics over any modern ass cancer of today.
I like the idea of each Horseman getting a different feeling game, not just 1 with a new character. War had Zelda and action game influences, Death was meant to be a bigger RPG type game, Fury has a Souls-like so Strife should get something like a TPS to properly do justice to his style. Unlike the other three who used his guns as a secondary weapon at best, Strife is all guns so he will likely get a big arsenal.
But yes, if they just did Gunslinger but an entire game built around it I'd be excited.
I refunded it because it kept crashing for no fucking reason
Strife in the new top down prequel uses his melee a lot supposedly.
That's what I mean. She was hot in the comic. It was DS3 that uglied her up and gave her a new unsexy outfit.
It wasn't done right. First boss is like that terrible boss in Prince of Persia Two Thrones you have to platform to kill
I had that happen to me too, when I revisited a section near the Wrath fight.
I won't get my hopes up, they probably will just make him like the others. As it is though, its some shitty Diablo clone prequel, not a proper entry in the series.
She wasn't ugly and skin tight body suits are peak sexy.
She's not wearing a skin tight body suit though.
>unsexy outfit
I like it
>battle heels
>shows off her toned arms
they should've given us the old one as DLC or something, though
Getting even is not a success user...
To be honest I don't remember DS2 doing too well compared to DS1. 1 was pretty much the only DS game you ever heard people talking about a lot. And it was pretty alright too definitely a flawed gem sorta deal.
Why coudn't they get Michael Winscott to do a Death Cameo in 3?
Is this paycheck too high or something?
I'm surprised they even let her have a boobplate, not that it means much. Still the outfit was clearly designed to not be sexy, given how she's covered in armor and how they gave her a tranny face. Only way I could see someone finding it sexy is if they have an armpit fetish.
Yeah, sadly the face took the biggest hit.
I like the hair changing color gimmick, though.
I didn’t even realise this game came out. It’s probably the most mediocre series in existence. Darksiders 1 felt incomplete, as did 2. It’s clear the devs had nothing more to offer than a different colour Zelda clone.
I feel like she's a bit shorter than she's supposed to be.
Humans came up to War's dick at best, and I don't feel like Fury is that much shorter.
They took some huge liberties with the characters' sizes
How do I get to haven? I'm stuck at this part where you first meet the demon seller and a the top I can't get across
Wasn't the "Slayer" or Hunter or whatever he was called also almost Death's height in DS2? Why did they scale everyone up/down?
Meh combat. Obnoxious characters. Shit level design.
I got this for free, installed it, played in for hour or so and uninstalled. Just not worth my time.
It's an all around problem on every platform.
wtf was that end boss tho lol
it didnt.
if cost X, made X+Y in profits for nordic, and they are already funding the sequel.
barely anyone played it and it was not very good, but it also cost almost nothing and had very low expectations to overcome, which it did.
>tfw I went through the entire game and completely forgot that this guy was apparently a thing since the game only mentions him once as a sidenote like an hour in
Didn't fight him because he seemed like a bro.
>and not bother with arcane damage.
80% of her damage is in her arcane attacks, you should have this one atleast 10 levels above your others skills.
>Charged attacks
>Wrath attacks
>Counter attacks
Your base damage should be only to keep things going, but your arcane attacks are the things to up your attacks during a combat.
kek i accidentally found him and whooped his ass