Are you ready for the new, much anticipated, and certain not to fail wave of game launchers and stores?

Are you ready for the new, much anticipated, and certain not to fail wave of game launchers and stores?

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I'm fine with publishers' own stores as long as it just has their games on it. Hell, I prefer it.

If they care more about money than making good games they're not worth my time anyway

r* has forced you to download their shit game launcher "social club" for almost 11 years now zoomer

rockstar always had a launcher
this is just rebranded and revamped, could be preparations for rdr2, or taketwo using it similarly to how activision uses battlenet

This is an acceptable way to do things in my opinion. Or even no launchers at all. Every game launches itself. What a concept.

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Oh my god, if KSP2 becomes an exclusive to R* launcher I'll... fucking cave in please NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I'm already don't buying games, so yeah anytime soon I'll be ready to continue on not buying games

Don't know about me but GOG Galaxy 2.0 will be ready soon.

they said it won't be exclusive to any store
but its private division so we can't be certain

I will still pirate anything not on steam because I dont want my pc startup time being even more bogged down by a trillion different launched

Fuck epic game store

Let's be honest, as PC gaming becomes more and more popular and profit safe, it was bound to happen that big publishers would start to push for their own launchers. Its a no brainer for a business standpoint: why pay a 30% cut to Valve or a 12% cut for Epic when you can just not pay a cut at all if you make your own launcher? Really, theres no fanbase meltdown that can counter this simple reasoning.

Say what you want, but for me, PC players who always wanted their platform to become more atractive to mainstream games while still wanting to deal with a single convenient launcher just want to have their cake and eat too.

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Is their intention to look like porn hub at a glance?

will that fix the connection errors in RDR2 Online?

Don't set things to automatically start..

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Piracy will just increase again then profits will reduce
See streaming services for an example

Piracy is a service issue, if service is getting worse, piracy increases

people are lazy, they dont want to install another launcher , they want to have everything on one place

Make a folder for games. Place all your games icons in that folder. All games are in one place.

The reason to not support the epic store is their anti consumer business practices.

It's not really the same paying for additional streaming services as you still have to pay per game anyway.

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Pretty soon every video game will come with its own launcher burned onto a round piece of plastic and distributed through stores like WalMart and GameStop.

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I just do not care anymore. Most of the publishers with their launchers make games that are either bad or mediocre.

>Let's be honest, as PC gaming becomes more and more popular and profit safe, it was bound to happen that big publishers would start to push for their own launchers. Its a no brainer for a business standpoint: why pay a 30% cut to Valve or a 12% cut for Epic when you can just not pay a cut at all if you make your own launcher?
Or...just sell Steam keys on your own site and pay no cut at all either (Steam only takes a cut of keys sold on Steam's marketplace itself). There's no good reason to move away from Steam. They're doing it for the sake of doing it.

>They're doing it for the sake of doing it.

What developer would go all of its way to spend money, time and resources to create their own launcher just for the fuck of it? Theres clearly a financial reason behind this.

welp time to go back to one launcher

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>rockstar always had a launcher
This people forget the social club has been mandatory for Rockstar games since MP3/LA Noire.

For a game as heavily anticipated to come to PC as RDR2 I doubt people will give a shit, GTAV already required the social club and that doesn't stop it from practically never leaving steams top sellers.

I already have a

account, I'm just not buying shit from anything but GOG and Uplay(I need my Anno and Asscreed fix) until this horseshit completely stops.