Video games are the absolute worst Loser HABIT you could have, happened to me

Video games are the absolute worst Loser HABIT you could have, happened to me.

Hours & hours spent on an ultimately useless skill, happened to me.

Sitting and getting fatter and weaker and skinnier and paler, happened to me.

Completely impaired social skills, happened to me

Video game habit makes you a bottom tier subhuman, happened to me.

I'm not saying just playing video games is bad, or that video games are bad themselves. Video game HABIT is dangerous, and bad!

Attached: download (1).jpg (247x204, 11K)

it's fun and i don't have anything better to do
dunno why the fact that i'm happy bothers you


>you really think someone would come here and try to socially shame anonymous people on a board dedicated to Siberian snow shoveling?

you've been met with a terrible fate haven't you

You couldn't actually close the cage door, the gameboy case is blocking the hinge.
And yeah, I miss reading like 2 books a week

This! This! This! So much this! Young men arent dying for Israel anymore, and instead opt for selfish behaviors like video games and self employment. What went wrong with this generation?

He's right you know.

fuck off

Attached: 1568629785645.png (435x397, 198K)

>it happened to me
>but you're the fat losers


I'm sure they suck if your actual goal was to be an olympic athlete but you forgot to actually strive for that goal whatsoever and instead played games. But they usually don't really get in the way like that unless you're turbo retarded and forget that they're just fun ways to pass time.


So why exactly is that random quote by absolute WHO? so important to you guys?
Is that someone I'm supposed to know? What is the point of these threads?

nice reddit spacing faggot

>Sitting and getting fatter and skinnier

Idk how much you spend playing video games but I fucked up my life because of it.
My social skills are bad and I dropped outta school.
I was so addicted, I just wanted to grind grind grind and grind
I'm less addicted now but only because I'm spending my time on this shit site and watching movies/TV shows

reddit spacing
>i was getting fatter and weaker and skinnier and paler, happened to me

OH sorry so now everything spaced comes from reddit

maybe he means the skinnyfat bodytype...but who knows what inhuman thoughts lie behind that post

I think browsing Yea Forums is a worse and more destructive habit than playing videogames since I'm addicted to both

How do we fix ourselves?
I wish I never started playing video games, my social skills are completely gone and I'm good for nothing

sounds to me like you just have an addictive personality and moved from consuming one type of media to another
i'm going to be a neet for the next 6 months or so, and i spend most of my free time on vidya, because that is my passion and i don't have the time to pursue other ventures
my social skills never were great and every time i get a bit lonely i have to remind myself how much trouble i had in my social life, and now i know worrying about maintaining relationships isn't worth it unless you're a more social type
and since i'm not an addict i can occasionally just drop vidya and focus on other things
it all depends on what kind of person you are

But I don't play vidya, I just sitting here and shitposting, pretending that I am actually playing and also scrolling 3 boards the whole day. So, fuck off op, your argument is invalid.

Games are not the reason why your social skills are shit and why you are worthless.

You are.
If it wasn't games, it would be movies. Or just plain old doing nothing. Games are just a convenient excuse: a shield to hide behind.

You are worthless because you are lazy and have absolutely no dignity. Fun fact: Taking interest is a conscious decision that simply takes effort - like everything in the world. I realize that you most likely were at an disadvantage as a kid, if your parents did not cultivate interests in you, but you can still do it.

Having interest in the world that surrounds you, and having self-awareness to be humble and recognize your shortcomings are frankly the only two REAL necessities to become a decent human being.

And if you feel COMPLETELY lost, you can always reach out for professional help.

jobs are the absolute worst Loser HABIT you could have, happened to me.

Hours & hours spent on an ultimately useless skill, happened to me.

Sitting and getting fatter and weaker and skinnier and paler, happened to me.

Completely impaired social skills, happened to me

wagie habit makes you a bottom tier subhuman, happened to me.

I'm not saying just wagecucking is bad, or that wagies are bad themselves. full time job is dangerous, and bad!