>be bored
>no games to play
>install WoW Classic
>it's boring and shitty, decide to uninstall and wait for TBC
>install new CoD open beta
>it's boring and shitty, decide not to buy at all
>be bored
>no games to play
what to do
Be bored
Play more games
You should probably just kill yourself retarded frogposter.
Tired gamer general?
idk dude the industry's just so monopolized and there's no mod support anymore so nothing new is happening
reminder that
>hero shooters
All started as mods for other games, meaning 100% of modern successful E Sports core game mechanics were designed by modders. Industry heads are aware of this, but probably figure if they just tightly control content development by disallowing mod support, eventually they will both find out the groundbreaking formulas by themselves, and control the resulting profits.
install minecraft with mods
Steam pretty much ruined gaming for a lot of people. When you have 300+ games in your library none of them feel special or feel like they have value. Even your best AAA games get lost among of sea of indie garbage and end up feeling like they are indie garbage.
what gaems
Same here. I think we're just burnt out.
Started working two jobs to get my life back together as I have no hobbies besides video games.
Not OP but same, the echochamber of the hardcore gamer makes you think there's no fun outside of video games. I got into painting and playing the guitar and it's satisfying.
install tinder and fuck some pussy
I only play indie garbage. Maybe the modern AAA games are just shit on their own merits?
Yup. Got Wreckfest thinking I'd love it, really don't though. Kong Dark is fun, but mapping became a complete chore. I'm just shitposting on here, not even aware of when the next actual decent games release.
If you think WoW classic is shitty and boring then you're probably not going to enjoy TBC
stop fapping to porn every day so you'll actually have enthusiasm for life and be able to enjoy things. you sound like a hardcore drug addict that can't get a hit anymore.
I did enjoy TBC many times
it's time to play some tf2, user
>even trying wow or CoD
nothing can fix your shit taste
end yourself
All these retards bitching about not having anything to play in an era with some of the most wide and diverse gaming libraries in history:
You are the fucking cancer. If you seriously can't find any game that would interest you in this day and age:
Do you only play garbage AAA games?
Here's a trick, for one year don't play any game released by:
Maybe then you will stop gargling on cum.
I literally haven't played any games by studios you mentioned since GTA V you fucking retard and even then I didn't really like it
fuck you nigger
I havent played any game since Dark Souls and Dragons Dogma that I found enjoyable
surge 2 is out in 2 days. also stop peeing urself user it's embarrassing