How do you afford all your vidya?

How do you afford all your vidya?

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Me and mom's boyfriend

Pls tell me most gays aren't this

What, you mean you buy games?

get a job

i have an actual dad

I work as a grocery store manager.

You bang your dad?

Why is her skin so red?

fuck i'm dying here

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i bang yours

why would you have sex with your dad?

In my experence the majority of openly gay men do nothing but fuck for fun and money until they're old and catty, at which point they either become sugar daddies for the next generation of twinks if they're rich or they become cocaine addicted bums if they're poor.

Only unemployed gaymers.

I hate hicks no matter what country they're in/from

burn the gays

>getting rammed in the ass twice for a phone

She kind of looks like Tom Paris from Voyager

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off to work wagie?

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>Get railed by some old coot for 20 minutes
>Get an expensive phone in return
You faggots just need to discard all sense of decency and make a bunch of cash instead

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I try to spend less than $100 a month but I didnt want to miss the Death Stranding Steelbook.

but what if I get AIDS

Woman literally looks like a shaved pig

I mostly pirate it but I went and bought Dying Light because I enjoyed it and got it to play with bro. Going to get DL2 as well since it's lookin good.

Fuckin got me


I would honestly do lewds with old men for money if I was cute
But alas I am not
So Degrees of Lewdity will let me live that fantasy

Mooch off gubbermint benefits and get railed by more guys to buy vidya, nothing changes

Wageslaved for some time. Live off of savings, considering killing myself when I run out.

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There nothing sadder than a gay getting older

Veterans fought the nazis for THIS?!?!?!?!

Don't do it!
Live and do fun stuff~ n_n

50+ year old porn-addicted men have very low standards, just look at /hm/


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Do it!
Die and quite possibly experience eternal bliss~ N_N

She looks like a hotdog with limbs.

no they fought nazis so they could get Germany's R&D on rockets


such as?


sunburn and/or alcohol.

>please tell me most gays arent sexual predators

to be honest wageslaving is what keep my shit together
>i need to groom myself, take shower daily, wash teeth, clean clothes, eat etc
>if i have free days i just rot and do nothing
>if i have holidays i just rot really long time and get weak
truly a nightmare

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Grunt work in the Army.
Im good at all the military activities like banging darts, being an alcoholic and being a dog fucker.

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Go play some video games you nerd

>All these FAT fucks
Just like in my doujins

>the absolute state of wh*tes

i play and shitpost on origami folding forum
>mountian blade
currently greedfall and some classic as my friend is talking to play with him
but seriously i barely eat if i do not stock myself with snacks on my free days

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he's not gay. that's just some guy and his dad

Find a partner, do fun hobby, pet lotsa cats and dogs, travel around the world, give hugs to your parents...
Lotsa things to do! Also buy nice stuff!

You know it's bad when whites are this retarded and still dominate every other race in the world.

If it wasn't for absolute faggots obscuring normal gay men, maybe people would actually think that gay people aren't morally reprehensible. There are men so insecure in themselves that they take on a bastardized persona of a woman and apply that to their daily life. For every normal man with his boyfriend, there is five faggots who fuck every other day and actively separate themselves from 'men'. What gives? There's a difference from making 'being gay' a lifestyle and just a tertiary aspect to your interests. Jack Donovan's Androphilia isn't perfect, but it makes a decent argument for this shit being awful. You can be a feminine guy and still be fucking normal without sucking every dick under the sun and eventually allowing yourself to get pozzed. Reminder that normal men will survive past 30s without being a washed up faggot.

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>normal gay men
no such thing exists

No one has that low standards to fuq me
I can act cute and that's it

vidya is free

i get a decent pay in my country even for shit jobs, so it's no problem. can easily afford apartment and vidya by myself when working low end job.

what country?

I live in Scandinavia where you get free neetbux

>Pretend shock
>muh nazis and veterans
>All caps final word
Aww, look who finally got out of his boomer coffin!

Just not in America.

> TIL you can get enough money to buy an iPhone 11 from prostitution even if you are an ugly below average non white young guy of ambiguous age

wew, way to get baited hard

user, there are even gaycels around, everything is possible!

>Clear joke image
>Autists freak out
>Proceed to derail into MUH FUGGIN POLITICS NIGGUH faggotry
Every time. As expected of neets who never had to share hotel room with co workers

I'm a fat NEET and my bestie is my sugar momma

Not true. I'm gay and in a healthy open relationship with my bf.

Yeah, boomers are the ultimate cheap fish in the pond. Even the lowest of baits gets em every time.

Student loans

It is a joke

It is not a bait. It is a joke. You know jokes

>All this low effort bait and larp
If there was a button you could press that simply gave your post an instant (you) for each click, you niggers wouldn't make any other post ever again

t. pedos

i can't buy an apartment in the middle of a big city with my current pay, which i suppose is a negative, but i'm not sure i would like that anyway.

>Haha he's joking guys haha
You really don't know any gay people, huh. This is real.

Wow your company is cheap as fuck if they don’t even get you separate rooms

wait, you have to pay for games?

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>Everyone I don't like is a pedo
Sure thing bro

Shut the FUCK up faggot, WE decide what's bait or joke around here. And nobody's joking on our turf.
But you of course is "in" with the homo crowd, huh?

>open relationship
nice contradiction

does this actually happen in america?

That's what happens when you have to go to a tiny village for a checkup with a manufacturer, with a single hotel in the entire place during tourist season.

>tfw no hairy friend

Why do homosexuals behave like this?

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N-No need to be rude... ;_;

Just because I have sex with other people doesn't mean I don't love my bf

What was?
It got removed as I got here I guess, looking for context

>haha yes! I pirate games 3 years after their release! what now, gamers?

go look at craigslist

Post here with me

Yeah, but you don't get twitter clout by being a quiet gay that keeps to himself. You also don't get any Yea Forums posts.

>no "wait a sec that's my dad"

hey, stop making me feel bad

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I work, rent and food is not that bad, have enough to put away in savings, plus i budget, 1 game a month, 2 if its half price or some special deal, still have enough to take out my japanese Gf

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Now THIS is some wholesome white conservative christian America we are fighting for.

>these people rule the world
Get your act together PEE OH SEE

God/janni kill this man please


How do you even get that fat as a teenager? I mean, i can understand chubbies, but that's morbidly obese at such a young age.

>buy used PC parts
>pirate everything

Currently working in a lab doing molecular diagnosis after graduating,i make 2.5K to 3K U$ a month which is a very good amount considering that i live in a third world country.
vidyia is expensive as fuck here tho.

Big boy looks like a mafia boss.

Shitty parents most likely.

Everybody who has the face for it fucks for money. We've created a perfect world for sugar daddies/mothers to exist. Plenty of college aged adults both men and women get railed by old people who have too much money to do anything with. And this is perfectly normal. Hell you'd do it too if you could get what they get.

WANTS to look like a "classy gangsters" but failing on every mark. Even glasses there looks more intimitating, just due his clearly superior speed.

>>these people rule the world
I see no jews in those pics.

How do I find a sugar mommy bros

I can't really talk bad about these obese guys, cause just like them I lack discipline when it comes to eating habits, but in the other way, I'm skinny like the guy with glasses and braces.

sadly this

Where do you live?

If you have to ask then the best you'll get is a sugar daddy.

I feel you, wageslaving ain't living, part time or bust.

Are you 10/10 chad or a cute twink? If not don't bother.

i've heard people say this before, that the openly gay gays are a vocal minority and most gays are just normal people who don't engage in "the culture" but, how does this even work, how would they even find other gays if they're all closeted? is "gay culture" an inevitable slippery slope whenever you have a population of openly gay people since the most degenerate and sexual of them will do the most vulgar shit which then normalizes it for further generations of gays

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks. Make sure to check your spam box!

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>sign up for credit card with intro bonus promo
>only put all normal bills and reimbursed business expenses on it
>pay off immediately and never pay interest
>get multiple hundreds of dollars free
>buy vidya and claim free statement credit to pay for it
>close card and repeat

>using actuall cameras to to take pictures
now that's some boomer core

>In my experence
Yeah and I bet you have a lot of it you fucking fairy lmao

Why does it matter

>cameo by the The Big Iron
>Smash it Sammy
>Captain Commando
>Mini King Pin
>Hackerman Jr

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>what is sugar daddy
It is uncommon, but you will see them from time to time.

t. fag, who sucked out of Sugar daddy, so I can stay a maldives resort for 3 weeks with my fuck buddy.

I thought jews where the Inés who rules the world

would you?

How'd you get the opportunity?
would give old man a bj for trip to japan desu

He wants to be your hairy friend, user.

whites rule the world
jews rules whites

>tfw make plenty of money but long work hours/commute make it so I don't feel like doing anything but shitposting when I get home anyway

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Why would that matter at all


No no no, you see, whites always rule everything, except if a nigger or a gook becomes famous, then it's the jews. Whites are always superior masterrace, except when the inferior jews beat them everything. And so on

So he can meet up with you and do hairy friend things.

The connection. Bi guys are not allowed. FYI.

On the topic of vidya, the best way to write a gay character is barely making it an important detail or making their sexuality not be a center of a story. It's painfully overdone when a dev says 'character is gay' and makes it either such a big deal or something absolutely meaningless beyond getting preach points.

You only don't see them because they don't make DICKS DICKS DICKS I LOVE DICKS OH MY GOD as their entire presence. It's honestly infuriating seeing how many dudes don't pride themselves in just being secure in their identity rather than conforming to LGBT faggots. A man doesn't even have to be masculine to be secure in the fucking fact he's a man. There's genuinely many gay men who separate themselves from other men, genuinely unable to socialize with regular guys since there's too much (perceived) sexual tension. The best way a person can prove that gay people can be normal is just being a great example of a person.
I hope you're happy, dude. Open relationships never appealed to me and just seemed like a freaky thing, but they do work for some people. Otherwise, it's an excuse to fuck around.

isn't that the Pokemon GO guy? trainertips?

What's the connection?

sounds pretty based tbqh

Even though you're likely to stop talking to me after 2 hours

current year vidya costs cents on PC, or even nothing if you play the weekly freebies from egs, humble, steam, indiegala...
add the free access to vaults, like the one EA does during every E3, uplay plus, or the current microsoft gamepass for $1 that includes like 100 games
this month in particular has been insane in terms of playing for free
everyone is going nuts about Google destroying the market, so they are trying to bait everyone to their services

95% of ones I have met are exactly like this. I've had gay 'friends' leave in the middle of a gathering to go fuck someone they've met on grindr.

He looks nothing like his profile picture.

he's just an amerinsectoid
they're obsessed with money and ready to bend over and lick shit off the ground if you wave it infront of them.

>i've heard people say this before, that the openly gay gays are a vocal minority and most gays are just normal people who don't engage in "the culture" but, how does this even work, how would they even find other gays if they're all closeted?
Huh, today I was listening to the radio and the news says here 52% of all 'lgbti' people in the country apparently don't tell anyone at work they're lgbti. The news say this as proof we're still homophobic or transphobic or whatever, but I wonder, do gay people need to announce they're gay everywhere they go? It's not like that even matters in a job, so what do they mean? It's like for the media all gays need to be walking flamboyant stereotypes or else they're repressed homos in the closet.

fuck off faggot, the reason nobody sees a "normal gay" is because gayness itself is a mental illness

almost like people edit the shit out of pics they put online

how good is your dick game

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Why would you want a normal bf?

why do whites look like pigs with skins that are about to burst?

>whites always rule everything, except if a nigger or a gook becomes famous, then it's the jews
what ye speak doth'nt even make sense, execute thyself, kike. I come

I want a sugar daddy desu

5.5 inches

My parents know I would be homeless and probably taken advantage of otherwise


You're not an ye olde englishman, why do you speak like a tard?

What do you look like

There are ways. Old school word of mouth, obvious flags that only thots recognize in men, the internet. It's not a Grindr gangbang club party sparklefest but it's there. Poppers optional.

It sucks being isolated. Not like you want everyone to know your business because they don't know what to do with it but it would be less awkward some times.

How? I'm not attractive enough for women, not even for rich gay men that pay you nicely for renting your asshole. The only person that has shown any kind of sexual interest for me is a faggot, a kinda ugly,manlet friend of mine that is not even rich and is an obnoxious leftie on top of that.
Also he has some shit tier taste in men as he finds hot some really fucking ugly guys so that doubles the insult.

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Nope not anymore. All you have to do is take PrEP and you're totally fine. I've been apart of 5+ gang bangs as the bottom and I'm perfectly healthy