Which final fantasy has the best soundtrack?
Which final fantasy has the best soundtrack?
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Dragon Quest.
>command prompt from FFIII
>damage and overkill counter from FFX
>boyband from FFXV
FFVII has the greatest OST of any game in history. It's the best music ever written, not just in games, but in all the world.
7 > Tactics > 8 > 10 > 9 > the rest
Vagrant Story.
14, uematsu is overrated. that said answers is a fucking masterpiece
Came here to make the exact same post, even wanted to spoiler it for dramatic effect like you did
One of its composers has been going nuts with the mobile game, check out its soundtrack if you liked XIII-2's
the one you played when you were 12-16 had the best soundtrack
fight me
but no really they're actually about even, with 4-7 getting a little more attention, but not necessarily superior
> t. FF7 was my first FF therefore everything about it is the best
X's is probably the best overall but XIII has by far the best battle theme of the series.
Blinded by light > literally everything else
>Best overall
>Best individual tracks
>Best field themes
8 & 9
>Best midi soundfont
>Best battle themes
FF8 and it's not even close.
7's field theme was better than both 8's and 9's, also 6 had better midi soundfont than 7
>7's field theme was better
Its world map theme was but not the other field themes, although it's very close. Honestly I should have put 7 there too.
>6 had better midi soundfont than 7
no. FF7 has the best midi brass in videogames. 6 has a good soundfont for the SNES but it's not perfect
Ok here's another question; which had the best arranged soundtrack?
If we rank only the numbered games Uematsu worked on, and we rank them based purely on how well-made the music is for the game it's in, and how well it fits the backgrounds and scenes, then:
9 > 8 > 6 > 7 > 5 > 4
Unsure how the rank the NES games musically.
9 and 8 are extremely close.
In 9 and 8 they had truly perfected the art of matching the music to the backgrounds. It's like the music and the backgrounds melt together and are almost inseperable.
No fucking contest
Following far behind is 8
XIII trilogy
My god, XIII-2 is the peak OST of all vidya
8. 8's soundtrack is amazing and wasted on such a weird and kinda mediocre game. 6 and 7 are really close contenders.
XIII-2 doesn't have the best anything in the series. Not even the best buttrock in the series
I swear to God if one more retarded fat-ass American calls FF6 FF3, I am going to choke a puppy
9 is the best, as confirmed by Uematsu himself
8 is really boring, boring battle theme, boring world map theme, boring boss theme
7 is great but really depressing, all tracks are a downer, it’s great but 9 has more variety
6 is pretty good, not as good 9 or 7 but it’s up there
From 1-5 the only one I really liked is 2, especially Castle Pandemonium
7,8 and 10. 13 has some decent tracks, but overall it's pretty forgettable.
Tactics and 12 have the worst soundtrack
Matsuno fanboys can not eat a dick
Anyone who knows anything knows that 8 has the best soundtrack, despite the game being iffy.
fuck off barry nobody likes xv
supreme: 8>9>7>14
great: 6>Tactics>MQ>10>5>4
Crystal Chronicles
>the game being iffy
That's just a meme though. You should stop perpetuating it.
>only game in the series where spamming attack is the optimal strategy
>not iffy
XIV, it's not even fucking close. Shove orchestrashit up your ass bitch.
Literally a shitty knock off of The Landing from FF8
Unironically Granblue Fantasy. Amazing, especially for a fucking gatcha.
8 is pretty mediocre as a game. Draw/Junction system sucks, as does the level scaling. The story and characters are really weak as well. Setting and music are the best parts of the game.
Any RPG with level scaled enemies (not spawns) is automatically bad.
It's the only optimal strategy for you because you don't know any other.
>draw meme
No, it's objectively the optimal strategy because GFs take too long to charge and using magic makes your character weaker. There is literally no better way to win than spamming attack in the majority of fights. The exceptions are fights where there's a gimmick way to win like using a phoenix down on the zombie president but those sorts of things occur in every FF game
8 chads BTFO 9 fags yet again!
Okay now you've just trivialized the entire game and it's now a literal snoozefest where nothing in the game can touch you. Now what?
>scaling meme
Scaling is not a problem in the game. It's only a problem within your head.
Scaling is an inherent problem because it's a shit mechanic. Just because you do a good job of hiding the scaling doesn't mean it isn't shit. Skyrim does a good job hiding the fact that it's just as level scaled as Oblivion but that doesn't mean it isn't shit.
I didn't say it sucked, I said it's mediocre. It's definitely the worst PS1 title.
Still bad systems. Deal with it.
>t. spoony
Which in of itself was just a chink knockoff Weapon Raid which was a dimestore Save Them! which was etc
Spoony is a literal retard who thought drawing anything but GFs was a good idea and didn't know about refine or card. Just because a broken clock is right twice a day doesn't mean it's right for the right reasons.
Opinion disregarded,
Name a better strategy than spamming attack or limit breaks in FF8.
Nobbo peaked with 8.
Baten Kaitos > Nier > CC > FF8 > Xenogears > CT > FF(other)
7 and 8 are both phenomenal. 9 sucks. Everything about 9 sucks except Vivi.
Most people play through VIII from beginning to end without ever noticing enemy scaling at all. Not sure why some people on here obsess so much over it. Only way to notice it is if your character remain underpowered the whole game.
>easy to break = good
Also XiV if only for the sheer number of tracks after a point.
nah, 7's generic boss theme is a bit better and 9 blows them both out of the water
8's special fight tracks are lit af though, like Man with the Machine Gun
>Most people play through VIII from beginning to end without ever noticing enemy scaling at all.
Most people also play through FF games without even knowing you can run from random encounters. Most people are fucking retards. Level scaling is more obvious if you're not a retard who actually used the card skill and ran from fights because it made the entire game a fucking joke
>tfw the remake completely butchered 7's boss theme
I fucking hate the remake just because the soundtrack is a massive downgrade.
>running from battles
>being a literal drooling retard
You truly are pathetic if you run from battles in an FF game.
Says the loser who literally wastes his time and plays on easy mode
I remember Wakka told me all the Al Bhed were celebrating on the street when 9/11 happened. That's why we had to nuke Home. And I believe him!
Xenogears is like every flaw in the FF games turned up to 11, no idea why it's so massively overpraised.
BOOM! Like happy fireworks, ya?
I assumed he was talking about the OST. The game itself had some great ideas and is worth playing but deservedly didn't reach legendary status like FF7.
Fucking Yevon, get the fuck out of here.
>wasting time fighting more battles that make the game easier unless it's 8
>wasting time fighting battles that give you nothing of value in a series where you can skip virtually every encounter and still steamroll the game
>actually fighting enemies in 8 when carding them is far better
No wonder you think 8 is good, you have no brain and weren't able to break the literal easiest JRPG ever created.
Oh. Well in that case I agree, mostly.
10 and 14 have better soundtracks than 8 though
13 or 10
He's right tho
soundtrack is really good
too bad i can't say the same thing about the game
Nice job posting one of the two good songs from 13 that still isn't even the best normal battle theme in the series
You mean a couple of songs on the soundtrack are really good. 13 has the most forgettable OST in the series.
14 literally only has like 50 songs with 550 variations
What's the other one?
XIV, no doubt, I don't really think it's fair since it's a game that will just get more music overtime
This is some decent elevator music, thanks user.
still doesn't stop it from being an awful system/idea
Europoor seething his dog country didn't even get it on SNES
You're awful at it. That's all there's to it bro. Git gud.
Considering some retards in this thread were actually saying you should use magic in FF8 I doubt he's worse than the fans
>thematic consistency BAD
>realized Ultimecia was Rinoa
Awful at pressing a button?
>8 that high
9 has the boring ost for kiddies. 8 has far better and more interesting compositions man.
What's there to be awful at spamming triangle until the arrow appears?
VIII's OST is shit outside of a few gems.
Final Fantasy 13-2 has simultaneously the best and worst soundtrack all in one.
Don't mind me just posting the best meme theme in the series
absolute pleb
you are right. it is the only entry in the series I have hard time telling if I like or hate the ost because it's so different
Can't tell if you're being sarcastic but you're welcome.
That was sarcasm. The whitewoods' theme is the most overrated song in the series and nobody likes it but zoomers whose first game was 13
All of Caius' themes are great.
>Here in valhalla, the chaos is my ally.
Based. Seriously, ShB had so many good songs.
It's a really hard choice between 7 and 8 for me.
Night themes were better.
My favorite area theme has to be this though.
Don't mind me just being the best boss theme in the series
I desperately want the clean version of this.
Soken went in so hard for ShB, I love it.
>mfw i just got back from the store with Nier: Automata
I wanna play it first before i get back to XIV desu.
Make sure to play the OG Nier first if you haven't already user. I was very glad I did that.
Haven't played it and probably can't (at the moment at least) since from what i see it's 360/ps3 only and i have neither nor can i emulate it. I'll try looking around for a cheap used console.
Speaking of, never played it but i love this song.